Wednesday, February 2, 2022

#1 Daily Practice to Attain Shree Krishna in This Lifetime and Clear your Karma by Swami Mukundanand

#1 Daily Practice to Attain Shree Krishna in This Lifetime and Clear your Karma by Swami Mukundanand 00:00 Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism Episode 30 00:48 Benefits of Daily Spiritual Practice 01:39 Story of Lord Jagannath - Power of Bhakti 05:14 A story on How to Develop Bhakti? 07:39 How Long should we do Spiritual Practice? 08:33 What is the best time for spiritual practice? 09:32 What posture to sit in spiritual practice? 10:12 What should you do in spiritual practice? 15:42 Spirituality for Beginners 16:50 3 Fold Devotion 18:21 The Result of Spiritual Practice Main Points:   1  Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism Episode 30 Over the last 29 episodes we have thoroughly churned the knowledge of the Vedic Scriptures and the butter has now come to the top. In this episode it needs to be extracted and consumed, the final Topic in this series is ekant sadhna, practice of spirituality in isolation  2 Benefits of Daily Spiritual Practice What is the benefit of it ? Just like a sedentary (sitting most of the time) worker needs to do physical exercise to sustain their health, otherwise sitting for long hours becomes as dangerous as smoking, likewise we need to tend to the mind because all day long it is subjected to wear and as we interact with the mind so for some time, we need to shut off the external distractions go within ourselves and lift up the mind to our aspired spiritual heights  3 Story of Lord Jagannath - Power of Bhakti Imagine the heights of the siddhas. One of the greatest poet-saints in Sanskrit literature has been Jaidev Goswami. He resided for many years in the holy city of Jaganath Puri and he was an ardent (enthusiastic or passionate) devotee of Radha Krishna. Once he had a vision of Shri Krishna sitting by the stream that was flowing between the mountains whilst He played an enchanting melody on His flute and that inspired him to write one of the most epic poetries of Sanskrit, the Geet Govind which has got 12 chapters   4  a few decades after Jaidev Goswami had attained the samadhi, one malini, a gardener lady early morning while plucking vegetables from the garden used to sing the Geet Govind verses that she had memorized in an enchanting melody. Jagannath Bhagawan in his Temple would become restless and He would walk behind the lady, unknown to her, listening to that Geet Govind. Consequently, His clothes would get dirty, sometimes His shawl would get stuck in the rose bush etc. This got noticed by the priests who came to do the morning puja and the news reached the Raja of Puri, he inquired into the matter  5  Finally Lord Jagannath, as an act of grace came in the Raja's dream and informed him “I love the Geet Govind that the malani sings, so I follow her in the garden to hear it. The Raja was astounded by what he saw in the dream and he decided to write poetry himself as well  6  However, when his poetry was learned and recited by people, it did not have the impact of Jaidev Goswami and that made the Raja really miserable he decided to end his life by jumping into the sea, when Jaganath Mahaprabhu again came in his dream and said, “look don't worry 12 verses from your writing will be added and attached to the beginning of the Geet Govind”  7  but imagine the power of that poetry and the siddh saint who created it. What sadhna did the souls do to reach such levels of siddhi. Soordas, Tulsidas, Mirabai, Tukaram, Narsi Mehta, Eknath - what mantras did they recite and how did they do the intonations (संगीत का ताल) in the sat swars? None of this. It was a spontaneous love the Raganuga sadhna, which led to the Ragatmika bhakti (meaning vide  8  A story on How to Develop Bhakti? here is a humorous story. On the banks of the river Narmada, a scholar arrived but he found that very few people were interested in listening to his discourses, the majority of the people would go across the river Narmada where three sadhus stayed and they would love the association of the sadhus  9  How Long should we do Spiritual Practice? so we would like to learn a simple powerful spiritual discipline. Let's understand it step by step. The first question is for how long should we do our daily sadhna. Well, the scriptures recommend for 2 hours every day, that is one tenth of your time, just as they recommend giving away one tenth of your earnings in charity to purify your wealth, likewise God has given you 24 hours, take out 2 hours for him but because in modern life, the demands have become so much I say all right, just take out one hour but make a resolve I will definitely do so. And if you say Swami you've said it, I've have heard it, that will not work - you need to take the practical steps  10  What is the best time for spiritual practice? so what is the best time for this sadhana? Well, the Brahma Mahurat is recommended - these are the two early morning hours before Sunrise till sunrise as a rough guideline - that morning time is ideal because the environment is calm, the atmosphere is clean, you have just woken up from Sleep, your mind is composed & it will be easy to focus it upon the supreme but if you say I am busy in the morning taking care of household chores etc, never mind, you find some other time or split it up half in the morning, half in the evening, set up your daily routine as per your needs and requirements  11  What posture to sit in spiritual practice? so in which posture should I sit for sadhna ? The sadhna that I'm going to relate does not require one particular Asana, Maharishi Patanjali himself has said, sit comfortably but sit alert so that sleep does not overwhelm you. Apart from that you could be in Sukhasana, Ardh Padmasan, Padmasan or Dhyana Veerasana, Vajrasana, if somebody has got the knee ache you could sit on a chair as well  12  What should you do in spiritual practice? now what should we do in sadhna ? The first spiritual practice cultivates self-awareness - this is the launching pad where you take stock of your shortcomings, your present state and remind yourself of the big picture of your life, where you need to be and what is the course to take you there, so practice self-awareness, for this you can even use a spiritual workbook or a journal  13  The second spiritual sadhana : cultivate dispassion or vairagya by repeatedly reminding yourself that you are not the body, you are the soul, hence your happiness is not in worldly things it is in God, besides worldly things are temporary, besides you have created desires for them so many times and fulfilled them but the thirst of the soul was not satiated (satisfied), revise this again and again  14  Third spiritual discipline: cultivate your relationship with God, remind yourself he is the Anshi I am the ansh, He is waiting for me with open arms since endless lifetimes, He is my true relative, my eternal relative and my selfless benefactor, now contemplate over this repeatedly  15  next spiritual practice: take any gem of knowledge and think about it deeply, to internalize it. As I always say, even one gem of wisdom when deeply pondered upon, has the ability to transform your life  16  next spiritual practice:  Roop dhyan  meditation, now you want to absorb your mind in the Supreme, so as we discussed in the last episode, bring His image before you and to it you can add meditation on the leelas of your Lord, plus you can also serve Him in the mind  17  next spiritual discipline : contemplate upon the numerous virtues of The Supreme beloved. Our mind is attracted to virtues, when you see qualities in someone, you say O what a simple genuine guy, o what a kindhearted person, so on so forth, now God has got innumerable qualities to enchant the mind, then why is it that our mind is reluctant to get attached to Shri Krishna ? The reason is a deficiency of contemplation on those virtues - we will need to think about that again and again and again  18  next discipline: cultivate a deep longing for your Lord, when will I see Him ? When will I hear His flute ? When will I relish the opportunity to participate in His nitya leela and serve him personally and so on. This longing is the very life of sadhna  19  Chaitanya Mahaprabhu called it param Vyakulta, Jagadguru Nimbarkacharya called it  Nishreyas, Vallabhcharya called it Sadhan Heenata, the Brajwasis call it laalsa, Jagat Guru Shankaracharya termed it as mumukshutva, Jagat Guru Ramanujacharya called it Tap, Narad ji in his Bhakti Darshan says cultivate the longing and with that yearning, shed tears crying out for His grace  20  Spirituality for Beginners : now we have just touched upon the different possible spiritual disciplines which were detailed in previous episodes. In this series, you utilize one of them, all of them, change from one to the other. These are simple disciplines yet they can still seem daunting to beginners. How do I do it so to make it easy for the masses ?  21  the Saints and scriptures gave one solution, they said do kirtans (singing glories of God). Kirtan will provide an external support for your inner contemplation, reflection and meditation. The Saints have written varieties of prayers and descriptions of the Nam, Roop, Leela, Gun, Dham of God in their bajans, kirtans and padas, so when you sing it, your ears engage in hearing it, alongside the mind is used for contemplation - this becomes the Tridha Bhakti  22  3 Fold Devotion: Kirtan, Shravan and Smaran, this Tridha Bhakti is the prescribed form in this age of Kaliyuga “Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Vishnu, in Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvapara-yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra” - Vedvyas writes in Srimad Bhagavatam, 12.03.52  23  3 Fold Devotion: “In this age of Kalyug, there is no other means like yoga, yagya, chanting, penance, fasting and worship etc. One should simply remember Shree Ram, sing the praises of Shree Ram and constantly listen to the praises of Shree Ram”  (Ramacharitamanasa, Tulsidas) these varieties of sadhna will not be sufficiently effective in Kaliyug, Therefore so take the support of this Tridha Bhakti ,i.e., Remember Him, Do Kirtan, Do Shravan  ,i.e., chanting, hearing and remembering God, with the help of this you move from one spiritual discipline to the other   

Transcript Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism Episode 30 0:01 over the last 29 episodes we have 0:04 thoroughly churned the knowledge of the 0:06 Vedic Scriptures 0:07 and the butter has now come 0:10 to the top in this episode it needs to 0:14 be extracted and 0:17 consumed the final Topic in this series 0:22 is ekant sadhna, practice of 0:27 spirituality in isolation Benefits of Daily Spiritual Practice 0:48 what is the benefit of it just like a 0:51 sedentary 0:53 worker needs to do physical exercise to 0:58 sustain their health 1:00 otherwise sitting for long hours becomes 1:04 as dangerous as 1:07 smoking likewise we need to tend to the 1:11 mind because all day long it is 1:14 subjected to wear and as we interact 1:18 with the mind so for some time we need 1:21 to shut off the external distractions go 1:25 within ourselves and lift up the mind to 1:29 our aspired spiritual 1:34 heights imagine the heights of the 1:38 siddhas one of the greatest poet-saints in Story of Lord Jagannath - Power of Bhakti 1:42 Sanskrit literature has been Jaidev Goswami 1:46 he resided for many years in the 1:49 holy city of Jaganath Puri and he was an 1:54 Ardent devotee of Radha 1:57 Krishna once he had a vision of Shri 2:01 Krishna sitting by the stream that was 2:05 flowing between the mountains whilst he 2:08 played an enchanting Melody on his flute 2:12 and that inspired him to write one of 2:16 the most epic poetries of Sanskrit the Geet 2:21 Govind which has got 12 2:25 chapters a few decades after Jaidev Goswami had 2:30 attained the 2:32 Samadhi, one malini a gardener lady early 2:37 morning while plucking vegetables from 2:40 the garden used to sing the Geet Govind 2:43 verses that she had memorized in an 2:47 enchanting 2:48 melody Jagannath Bhagawan in his Temple would 2:53 become 2:54 restless and he would walk behind the 2:57 lady unknown to her listening to that 3:01 Geet Govind consequently his clothes 3:05 would get dirty sometimes his shawl would 3:09 get stuck in the rose bush 3:12 Etc this got noticed by the priests who 3:16 came to do the morning Puja and the News 3:21 reached the Raja of 3:24 Puri he inquired into the matter finally 3:29 Jagannath as an act of Grace came in the 3:32 raja's dream and informed him I love the 3:36 Geet Govind that the malani sings so I follow 3:41 her in the garden to hear 3:44 it the Raja was astounded by what he saw 3:49 in the dream and he decided to write 3:52 poetry himself as 3:54 well however when his poetry was learned 3:58 and recited by people it did not have 4:02 the impact of Jaidev Goswami and that made 4:06 the Raja really miserable he decided to 4:10 end his life by jumping into the 4:13 sea when Jaganath Mahaprabhu again came in 4:17 his dream and said look don't worry 12 4:22 verses from your writing will be added 4:26 and attached to the beginning of the Geet Govind 4:30 but imagine the power of that poetry 4:36 and the Siddh Saint who created it what 4:41 sadhna did the souls do to reach such 4:45 levels of siddhi soordas tulsidas mirabai 4:50 tukaram narsi mehta 4:52 Eknath what mantras did they recite and 4:56 how did they do the intonations in the 5:01 Sat swars none of 5:03 this it was a spontaneous love the 5:08 raganuga 5:09 sadhna which led to the ragatmika bhakti 5:13 here is a humorous A story on How to Develop Bhakti? 5:16 story on the banks of the Narmada a scholar 5:21 arrived but he found that very few 5:24 people were interested in listening to 5:26 his 5:27 discourses the majority of the people 5:30 would go across the river Narmada where 5:33 three sadhus stayed and they would love 5:38 the association of the sadhus The Scholar 5:41 was intrigued by what was so attractive 5:45 about them he went over to meet them but 5:49 did not find anything impressive and 5:52 then he asked them how do you pray they 5:56 were hesitant to share but when he 5:59 insisted they said Pandit ji we don't 6:02 know any 6:03 prayers all we say is bhagavan you are 6:07 three Shankar Brahma Vishnu we are also 6:10 three please bless us and bestow Your 6:15 Grace The Scholar guffawed in laughter is 6:18 that the way to pray you are three we 6:20 are three you need to learn all these 6:24 mantras the right words to do the 6:28 renunciation etc so he taught them a 6:31 complex prayer this overwhelmed them 6:35 nevertheless they believed in the 6:37 authority of the scholar having thought 6:41 he had done their welfare he returned 6:45 while he was still crossing the Narmada he 6:48 found a storm coming towards him his 6:52 boat he said what is this there was no 6:55 storm around and then he saw that the 6:58 three sadhus were walking on the river 7:02 coming to meet him and they said Maharaj 7:07 that prayer you taught us we have 7:09 forgotten can you please repeat it once 7:13 again he said never mind just carry on 7:16 praying as you were praying he realized 7:19 that they were far ahead of anything 7:23 that he had to offer them so we would 7:28 like to learn a simple powerful 7:32 spiritual 7:34 discipline let's understand it step by 7:38 step the first question for how long How Long should we do Spiritual Practice? 7:42 should we do our daily 7:45 sadhna well the scriptures recommend for 2 7:49 hours every day that is one tenth of 7:53 your time just as they recommend giving 7:58 away one tenth of your earnings in 8:01 charity to purify your wealth likewise 8:05 God has given you 24 hours take out 2 8:09 hours for him but because in Modern Life 8:13 the demands have become so much I say 8:16 all right just take out one hour but 8:19 make a resolve I will definitely do so 8:23 and if you say Swami you've said it I've 8:25 have heard it that will not work you 8:28 need to take the Practical steps so what What is the best time for spiritual practice? 8:33 is the best time for this sadhana well 8:36 the Brahma Mahurat is 8:39 recommended these are the two early 8:42 morning hours before Sunrise till 8:47 sunrise as a rough 8:50 guideline that morning time is ideal 8:55 because the environment is calm the 8:58 atmosphere 8:59 is clean you have just woken up from 9:03 sleep your mind is composed it will be 9:08 easy to focus it upon the supreme but if 9:13 you say you know I am busy in the 9:15 morning taking care of household chores 9:18 Etc never mind you find some other time 9:21 or split it up half in the morning half 9:24 in the evening set up your daily routine 9:28 as per your needs and 9:31 requirements okay so in which posture What posture to sit in spiritual practice? 9:34 should I sit for 9:36 sadhna the sadhna that I'm going to relate 9:40 does not require one particular 9:46 asana Maharishi Patanjali himself has 9:50 said sit comfortably but sit 9:54 alert so that sleep does not overwhelm 9:59 you apart from that you could be in 10:02 sukhasana 10:06 Ardh Padmasan, Padmasan or Dhyana Veerāsana, Vajrāsana, if somebody has got the knee ache 10:10 you could sit on a chair as well What should you do in spiritual practice? 10:12 now what should we do in 10:14 sadhna the first spiritual 10:18 practice cultivates self-awareness 10:22 this is the launching 10:25 pad where you take stock of your 10:28 shortcomings your present State and 10:32 remind yourself of the big picture of 10:35 your life where you need to be and what 10:39 is the course to take you there so 10:44 practice self-awareness for this you can 10:47 even use a spiritual workbook or a 10:51 journal the second spiritual 10:55 sadhana cultivate dispassion or Vairagya by 11:01 repeatedly reminding yourself you are 11:04 not the body you are the soul hence your 11:07 happiness is not in worldly things it is 11:09 in God besides worldly things are 11:12 temporary besides you have created 11:16 desires for them so many times and 11:19 fulfilled them but the thirst of the 11:21 Soul was not 11:23 satiated revise this again and again 11:28 third spiritual 11:30 discipline cultivate your relationship 11:33 with God remind yourself he is the Anshi I 11:37 am the ansh he is waiting for me with 11:41 open arms since endless lifetimes he is 11:46 my true relative my eternal relative and 11:50 my selfless 11:53 benefactor now contemplate over this 11:57 repeatedly next spiritual 12:01 practice take any Gem of knowledge and 12:05 think about it deeply to internalize it 12:10 as I always say even one Gem of wisdom 12:15 when deeply pondered upon has the ability 12:19 to 12:20 transform your 12:23 life next spiritual 12:27 practice do 12:30 Roop dhyan  12:32 meditation now you want to absorb your 12:36 mind in the Supreme so as we discussed 12:39 in the last episode bring his image 12:43 before 12:44 you and to it you can add meditation on 12:49 the leelas of your 12:52 lord plus you can also serve him in the 12:57 mind next 12:59 spiritual 13:01 discipline 13:02 contemplate upon the numerous 13:07 Virtues Of The Supreme 13:10 beloved our mind is attracted to 13:15 virtues when you see qualities in 13:18 someone you say O what a 13:21 simple genuine 13:23 guy o what a kindhearted person so on 13:28 so forth 13:30 now God has got 13:32 innumerable 13:34 qualities to enchant the mind then why 13:38 is it that our mind is 13:40 reluctant to get attached to Shri 13:44 Krishna the reason is a deficiency of 13:48 contemplation on those virtues we will 13:52 need to think about that again and again 13:57 and again 13:59 next 14:01 discipline cultivate a deep longing for 14:06 your 14:07 lord how is that when will I see him 14:12 when will I hear his 14:15 flute when will I relish the opportunity 14:19 to participate in his nitya Leela and 14:22 serve him personally and so on this 14:27 longing is the very life of 14:32 sadhna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu called it param 14:37 vyakulta Jagadguru Nimbārkāchārya called it  14:43 Nishreyas, Vallabhcharya called it 14:47 Sadhan Heenata the Brajwasis call it 14:52 laalsa Jagat Guru 14:54 Shankaracharya termed it as mumukshutva 14:59 Jagat Guru Ramanujacharya called it Tap 15:02 Narad ji in his Bhakti Darshan 15:08 says cultivate the longing and with that 15:14 yearning shed tears crying out for his 15:19 grace now we have just touched upon the 15:24 different possible spiritual disciplines 15:28 which were detailed in previous episodes 15:32 in this 15:33 series you utilize one of them all of 15:37 them change from one to the 15:40 other these are simple Spirituality for Beginners 15:44 disciplines yet they can still seem 15:48 daunting to 15:51 beginners 15:53 oh how do I do it so to make it easy for 15:58 the masses  15:59 the Saints and scriptures gave one 16:03 solution they said do 16:14 Kirtans Kirtan will provide an external support 16:19 for your inner contemplation reflection 16:23 and 16:24 meditation the Saints have written 16:26 varieties of prayers and descriptions of 16:30 the Nam Roop Leela Gun Dham of God in 16:34 their bajans kirtans and Padas so when you 16:38 sing it your ears engage in hearing it 16:44 alongside the mind is used for 16:48 contemplation this becomes the Tridha Bhakti  3 Fold Devotion 16:51 Kirtan, Shravan and 16:55 Smaran this 16:57 Tridha Bhakti is the prescribed form in this 17:02 age of 17:13 Kali Whatever result was obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Vishnu, in Tretā-yuga by performing sacrifices, and in Dvāpara-yuga by serving the Lord's lotus feet can be obtained in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krishņa mahā-mantra. Vedvyas writes in Srimad Bhagavatam, 12.03.52 17:19 In this age of Kalyug, there is no other means like yoga, yagya, chanting, penance, fasting and worship etc. One should simply remember Shree Ram, sing the praises of Shree Ram and constantly listen to the praises of Shree Ram 17:19/23:01 3 Fold Devotion >  (Ramacharitamānasa, Tulsidas) 17:25 these varieties of sadhna 17:29 will not be sufficiently effective in Kaliyug 17:35 Then Remember Him, Do Kirtan, Do Shravan  17:46 , so take the support of this Tridha Bhakti 17:50 thisi chanting hearing and remembering 17:55 and with the help of this you move from 17:59 one spiritual discipline to the other  18:02 the aim of it all will be to deepen your 18:07 longing for the 18:10 Lord and that longing will 18:14 grow till the point the whole world 18:18 appears 18:20 void let's read about it from the The Result of Spiritual Practice 18:24 spiritual Secrets 18:26 book when we apply our 18:29 ourselves to the various spiritual 18:33 practices the yearning to meet Radha  18:36 Krishna will start 18:39 growing this will purify our mind even 18:44 further and that will increase the 18:47 longing even 18:49 more which will further cleanse the 18:54 mind this cascading effect will result 18:59 in an intense yearning for Darshan Prem and 19:07 Seva this yearning of the heart is called 19:12 virah it will grow so deep that it will 19:16 burn away all remaining 19:19 impurities a stage will arrive when the 19:23 entire world will appear void without 19:28 God 19:29 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu described this in his Shikshashtkam: In longing for Shree Krishna, a single moment is appearing an age long; tears are constantly streaming from my eyes; and the whole world is appearing void 19:44 in longing for Shri Krishna a 19:49 single moment is appearing an age long 19:52 tears are constantly streaming from my 19:56 eyes and the whole world is appearing 20:00 void that will be the state of complete 20:04 surrender “mām ekam sharaņam vraja” 20:07 it will be the ripened state of our 20:11 sadhana where the heart will be 20:14 completely cleansed it is the stage for 20:19 which God and Guru are waiting then 20:23 without asking they will bestow bhagavat 20:27 Prem Divine love when we receive it the 20:33 bonds of Maya will be cut asunder The fetters of the heart are broken, all doubts are resolved and all works cease to bear fruit, when He is beheld who is both high and low. (Mundakopanishad 2.2.8) 20:45 the ignorance will be dispelled the 20:49 The sanchit karmas of endless lifetimes will 20:52 be decimated we will see 20:56 God “tadvishnoḥ paramaṁ padmaṁ sadā pashyanti” 21:02 as long as we live we will be endowed 21:06 with the yog Maya Shakti and called Jeeevan Mukt 21:10 liberated while alive and when the prarabhda 21:14 is over and the body drops we will enter 21:19 the nitya Leela the Divine Pastimes of 21:24 the Lord in this way we now  21:28 complete the discussion on spiritual 21:32 secrets from Hinduism who am I what is 21:36 the purpose of life how can I connect 21:39 with the Divine find answers to these 21:41 profound questions and many more with 21:43 Swami Mukundananda's latest 21:45 Masterpiece spiritual secrets from 21:47 Hinduism 

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