Monday, February 21, 2022

मनुष्य का मन सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन ! by Swami Mukundanand

मनुष्य का मन सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन ! by Swami Mukundanand

Main Points  1  रामायण कहती है सबको मानस रोग लगा है, विरला (rare) ही जो जानता है, तो फिर वह उपाय का सोचता है। लोभ व्यक्ति को शांति से बैठने नहीं देता है, वह किसी भी चीज का लोभ हो, धन का लोभ, पावर (power) का लोभ, यश (fame) का लोभ, और चाहिए, बस अंदर से जीव अशांत रहता है,  किंतु हमारा वेद कहता है कि सबसे बड़ा मानस रोग कुछ और है वह क्या है, अगर कर्म योग को सिद्ध करना है, दिन भर भगवत चिंतन में निरंतरता लानी है तो कुछ समय के लिए एकांत में जाकर भी साधना करनी होगी  2  यह एकांत की साधना कैसे होगी, देखिए इसमें मन प्रमुख है, शरीर से साधना करते तो बहुत जन्म बीत गए, कबीर जी ने कहा “माला फेरत युग फिरा, फिरा ना मन का फेर, कर का मनका डार के, मन का मनका फेर” । अगर शरीर की शरणागति से भगवत प्राप्ति हो जाती,  तो अगर एक जन्म में हमने एक बार भगवन नाम लिया, इसका मतलब अनंत जन्मों में अनंत बार भगवन नाम ले लिया, लेकिन भगवत प्राप्ति नहीं हुई, क्योंकि मन की गड़बड़ बनी रही, तो यह मन को जरा आज हम गहराई में समझें  3  तो पाश्चात्य जगत में सिगमंड फ्रॉड, फादर ऑफ साइको एनालिसिस, माने जाते हैं, उसके बाद आए काल जियूंग, एडलर, स्किनर, मैस्लो, मिक लेलैंड इत्यादि सबने ने अपने एनालिसिस बताए कि यह मन कैसे कार्य करता है, किंतु वो आप उनके सब किताबों को पढ़े और श्री कृष्ण ने गीता में क्या कहा यह पढ़े,  तो आप कहेंगे श्री कृष्ण तो मास्टर साइकोलॉजिस्ट (master psychologist) हैं तो हमारा वेद क्या कहता है साइकोलॉजी (psychology) के बारे में वेद कहता है, भई देखो यह आपका जो मन है, इसके कई रोग हैं, इन्हे मानस रोग (mental disease) कहते हैं  4  क्रोध, लोभ, काम, ईर्षा, अहंकार, अब सबको पता है कि क्रोध आता है, लेकिन लोगों को यह नहीं पता कि क्रोध एक रोग है, तो वेदिक शास्त्रों ने उसे मानस रोग की संज्ञा दी “verse”, रामायण कहती है सबको मानस रोग लगा है, विरला (rare) ही जो जानता है तो फिर वो उपाय का सोचता है  5 अब शरीर का एक रोग हो, तो पूरा दिन बेकार हो जाता है, अजी स्वामी जी मैं आपके प्रवचन में नहीं आ पाया, सर में दर्द हो रहा था, एक सर दर्द ने व्यक्ति को incapacitate (असक्षम) कर दिया और मन को इतने सारे रोग हैं, यह सब दुश्मन अंदर बैठे हुए हैं, अब इसमें एक दोष तो सबको पता है, क्रोध है  6 क्रोध में व्यक्ति क्या नहीं कर देता ? गवर्नमेंट के कानून है, फिर भी क्रोध में मार धाड़, यहां तक की हत्या भी हो जाती है, उत्तर प्रदेश का आख्यान (किस्सा) है, दो भाई थे ठाकुर परिवार के तो बाप की प्रॉपर्टी के बंटवारे को लेकर मुकदमा चल रहा था, अब वह मुकदमा छोटा भाई जीत गया, वह जब वापस आ रहा था कोर्ट से, तो बड़े भाई के घर के आंगन के सामने से निकला और  निकलते समय उसने अपनी मूंछ को यूं कर दिया, उत्तर प्रदेश में ठाकुर लोग बड़ी-बड़ी मूंछ रखते हैं, उसने ऐसे करा तो दूसरे भाई को गुस्सा आ गया, उसने डंडा लिया, उसकी पिटाई कर दी, इतनी पिटाई कर दी कि बेचारा मारा गया, जब इंक्वायरी (inquiry) हुई कि प्रोवोकेशन (provocation) क्या था ?  पता चला, इतनी सी बात थी कि उसने मूंछ को ऊपर कर दिया था लेकिन क्रोध ऐसा दुश्मन मन अंदर बैठा है कि हत्या भी कर सकता है  7  और दूसरा दुश्मन है लोभ, क्रोध तो विकसित होता है, फिर शांत हो जाता है, किंतु लोभ ऐसी चीज है कि जीवन भर वह बढ़ता ही चला जाता है, व्यक्ति लोभ को समाप्त करने के लिए भागता दौड़ता है, मगर लोभ का कहीं अंत नहीं होता  8  एक राजा अपना रास्ता खो गया, शिकार करते समय जंगल में गांव वासी ने उसको रात्रि में शरण दी, सुबह राजा ने कहा, तुम जानते हो मैं इतने बड़े देश का सम्राट हूं, कल आना मैं तुमको वरदान दूंगा, वासी पहुंचा, राजा ने कहा क्या चाहिए मुंह मांगा, पूछो गांव वासी ने कहा महाराज अपने घोड़े पर सूर्योदय से लेकर सूर्यास्त तक जितनी जमीन मैं नाप सकूं, वह मेरी हो जाए,  अब राजा चक्रवर्ती सम्राट था उसने कहा ठीक, वरदान दिया, अगले दिन वह गांव वासी निकला घोड़े पर अब एक घंटे में तो कई हेक्टेयर की जमीन हो गई, और सुबह के 10 बजे तक तो हजारों हेक्टेयर हो गई और मध्यान तक बहुत बड़ा भूखंड हो गया था ।  उसके अनेक आगे जेनरेशंस (generations) के लिए काफी था, किंतु उसके लोभ के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं था, अंदर जो लोभ बैठा हुआ था, कह रहा था, थोड़ा और हो जाए, थोड़ा और हो जाए, दोपहर तक वह घुड़ सवार इतना थक गया किंतु घोड़ा तो और भी थक गया, आखिर में घोड़ा collapse करा और घुड़सवार गिरा और उसका सिर पत्थर से टकराया और वही स्पॉट (spot) पर डेथ (death) हो गयी  आसपास के लोग आए उसको दफनाने के लिए और जब दफनाया उन्होंने कहा आखिर में तो यह दो गज की जमीन ही काम आई, बाकी सब जमीन बेकार चली गई, तो सबको पता है कि सब छोड़ के ही जाना है, दुनिया में खूब कमाया, क्या हीरे, क्या मोती, लेकिन क्या करें यारों, कफन में जेब नहीं होती, साथ में तो कुछ जाता नहीं है,  लेकिन लोभ व्यक्ति को शांति से बैठने नहीं देता है, वह किसी भी चीज का लोभ हो धन का लोभ, पावर (power) का लोभ, यश (fame) का लोभ, इतना यश हो गया, नहीं, अभी और चाहिए, अंदर से जीव अशांत रहता है  9  किंतु हमारा वेद कहता है कि सबसे बड़ा मानस रोग कुछ और है, वह क्या है ? यह है कामना, कामना माने किसी भी प्रकार की कामना, देखने की, सुनने की, स्पर्श करने की, रस लेने की, धन की, प्रतिष्ठा की, यह कोई भी कामना हो, यह हमारे भीतर के संसार की सबसे बड़ी बीमारी है “verse” भागवत कहती है कि अगर कोई कामना को छोड़ दे तो वह भगवत स्वरूप हो जाएगा  10  तो आप कहेंगें, साहब यह कामना में क्या है, हम तो इच्छा बनाते हैं, रस गुल्ला खाएंगे, इसमें क्या है ? क्रोध में विनाश होता है, लोभ में एनर्जी खर्च होती है, कामना बनाने में क्या है ? कामना तो कोई ऐसी खराब चीज नहीं लगती है। जी नहीं, यह कामना जो है, यही क्रोध और लोभ की जननी है, अर्थात क्रोध और लोभ दोनों की उत्पत्ति का कारण है कामना  11  क्रोध क्यों आता है ? आपने कोई कामना बनाई मगर उसकी पूर्ति में रुकावट आ गई, बस क्रोध आ गया, मान लो आपने इच्छा बनाई साहब हम तो आइसक्रीम खाएंगे, मार्केट से जाकर आप बढ़िया से बढ़िया चॉकलेट चिप इत्यादि खरीद के लाए, अपने फ्रिज में रख के और  कहा भई थोड़ा एक्सरसाइज (exercise) करके आएगें जब appetite हो जाएगा तो आइसक्रीम का और मजा आएगा, एक घंटे बाद आप वापस आए फ्रिज को खोला तो आइसक्रीम गायब थी, अब पत्नी से पूछा आइसक्रीम रखी थी कहां गई ? पत्नी ने कहा, पतिदेव आपने मेडिकल रिपोर्ट नहीं देखी ?  आपका कोलेस्ट्रॉल बढा हुआ है, मैंने आइसक्रीम को उठा के फेंक दिया, आइसक्रीम को फेंक दिया ? अब उसको गुस्सा आया क्यों गुस्सा आया ? क्योंकि उसने कामना बनाई आइसक्रीम खाएंगे तो सुख मिलेगा, अब वो बाधा आ गई कामना पूर्ति में, तो क्रोध आ गया  12  क्रोध अपने आप नहीं आता, भोले लोग कहते हैं, कोई कहता है, स्वामी जी बाकी तो सब ठीक है, बस एक गड़बड़ी है, गुस्सा बहुत आता है, बाकी सब ठीक है ? इंपॉसिबल (impossible)  अगर गुस्सा आता है तो गुस्से का कारण कामना जरूर होगी, बिना कामना के क्रोध हो ही नहीं सकता, अब यह बात अलग है कि कामना सूक्ष्म है, आपको पता नहीं चल रहा किस चीज की कामना है, या तो शरीर के सुख की कामना है, नहीं तो मन के कंफर्ट (comfort) की कामना है, जो भी है वही कामना आपको गुस्सा दिला रही है  13  अब मान लो कि वह कामना को आप पूरा कर देते, तो क्या होगा ? पत्नी ने आइसक्रीम नहीं फेंकी और एक घंटा आप पार्क में घूम के वापस आए तो आइसक्रीम एक टेबल स्पून से लिया, बहुत मजा आया, तो एक और चमच्च चाहिए अब एक और चमच्च चाहिए अब एक और चाहिए,  अरे भाई 10 चम्मच खा लिए, पेट भर गया, आज तो भर गया, लेकिन पांच दिन बाद फिर से आइसक्रीम चाहिए, क्या मतलब “verse” जहां कामना पूरी होती है एक क्षण के लिए समाप्त होती है मगर कुछ देर के बाद द्विगुणित होकर भड़क जाती है, भोले लोग सोचते हैं कि साहब कामना को पूरा कर दो वह चली जाएगी, बिमारी  14  भागवत में वेदव्यास ने कहा “verse”, भई देखो कहीं आग जल रही हो, आप उसको बुझाने के लिए घी डाल दें, एक क्षण के लिए तो आग शांत होगी तुरंत पश्चात और भड़क जाएगी। तो कामना की पूर्ति से लोभ आ जाता है, वो लोभ का कहीं अंत नहीं होता, कामना तो बढ़ती ही जाती है  15  शास्त्र कहते हैं की कामना इतनी बड़ी है कि भगवान से भी बड़ी, देखो इतना बड़ा पहाड़, पहाड़ से बड़ा समुंद्र, समुंद्र से बड़ी पृथ्वी, पृथ्वी से क्या बड़ा है, अंतरिक्ष और अंतरिक्ष से बड़ा, वो तो फिर भगवान ही हैं। तो शास्त्र कहते हैं “verse”, ये कामना भगवान से भी बड़ी है, क्यों यदि एक व्यक्ति को सारे संसार के भोग सामग्री (वस्तुएं) मिल जाएं, उसकी कामना फिर भी शांत नहीं होगी  16  अब आज मनोविज्ञान ने समझा है कि एक डोपामिन (Dopamine) नाम का केमिकल है, ब्रेन में, जो थ्रिल (thrill) करता है, फुलफिल (fulfill) नहीं करता, ब्रेन को डिजाइन करने वाले तो भगवान ही हैं, भगवान ने ही ऐसा बनाया है, आप देखिए अगर आप कामना बनाएंगे तो दो ही नतीजे हो सकते हैं या तो वह कामना पूरी होगी या पूरी नहीं होगी, पूरी होगी तो लोभ आ जाएगा और अगर रुकावट आएगी तो क्रोध आ जाएगा  17  और जब क्रोध आया “verse”, अब तो इतनी सारी बीमारियां लग गई । गीता के अनुसार बुद्धि ही नष्ट हो गई तो जीवात्मा का पतन हो गया और सब का कारण कामना और यदि मान लो कोई ऐसा जीव हो जाए जो कामना न बनाए, उसे क्रोध आ ही नहीं सकता,  आगे की सब बिमारियां नहीं आ सकती, लोभ भी नहीं आ सकता इसलिए शास्त्रों ने कहा कि “verse” जिसकी कामना चली गई वो ब्रह्म स्वरूप हो गया, कठउपनिषद कहता है “verse”, सब शास्त्र कह रहे हैं वो ब्रह्म स्वरूप हो जाएगा, इसलिए असली शांति तब मिलेगी जब कामनाएं जाएंगी  Transcript 0:00 रामायण कहती है सबको मानस रोग लगा है विरला 0:04 ही जो जानता है तो फिर वह उपाय का सोचता है 0:09 लोभ व्यक्ति को शांति से बैठने नहीं देता 0:13 है वह किसी भी चीज का लोभ हो धन का लोभ 0:20 पावर का लोभ यश का लोभ और 0:25 चाहिए बस अंदर से जीव अशांत 0:31 रहता है किंतु हमारा वेद कहता है कि सबसे 0:38 बड़ा मानस रोग कुछ और है वह क्या 0:48 है अगर कर्म योग को सिद्ध करना 0:53 है दिन भर भगवत चिंतन में निरंतरता लानी 0:58 है 1:01 तो कुछ समय के लिए एकांत में जाकर भी 1:05 साधना करनी 1:07 होगी यह एकांत की साधना कैसे 1:13 होगी देखिए इसमें मन प्रमुख है शरीर से 1:19 साधना करते तो बहुत जन्म बीत 1:23 गए कबीर जी ने कहा माला फेरत युग फिरा 1:30 फिरा ना मन का 1:31 फेर तो कर का मन का डार के मन का मनका  1:36 1:38 फेर अगर शरीर की शरणागति से भगवत प्राप्ति 1:43 हो 1:44 जाती तो अगर एक जन्म में हमने एक बार भगवन 1:49 नाम लिया इसका मतलब अनंत जन्मों में अनंत 1:53 बार भगवन नाम ले लिया लेकिन भगवत प्राप्ति 1:58 नहीं हुई क्योंकि मन की गड़बड़ बनी 2:03 रही तो यह मन को जरा आज हम गहराई में समझें 2:10 तो पाश्चात्य जगत में सिगमंड 2:14 फ्रॉड फादर ऑफ साइको एनालिसिस माने जाते 2:18 हैं उसके बाद आए काल जियूंग 2:23 एडलर स्किनर मैस्लो मिक लेलैंड 2:27 इत्यादि सबने ने अपने एनालिसिस बताए कि यह 2:33 मन कैसे कार्य करता है किंतु वो आप उनके 2:39 सब किताबों को 2:42 पढ़े और श्री कृष्ण ने गीता में क्या कहा 2:47 यह 2:48 पढ़े तो आप कहेंगे श्री कृष्ण तो मास्टर 2:52 साइकोलॉजिस्ट है तो हमारा वेद क्या कहता 2:57 है साइकोलॉजी के बारे में वेद कहता है भाई 3:01 देखो यह आपका जो मन है ना इसके कई रोग 3:07 हैं इन्हे मानस रोग कहते 3:12 हैं क्रोध 3:15 लोभ 3:17 काम 3:19 ईर्ष 3:20 अहंकार अब सबको पता है क्रोध आता 3:25 है लेकिन लोगों को यह नहीं पता कि क्रोध 3:29 एक रोग 3:30 है तो वेद ने वेदिक शास्त्रों ने उसे मानस 3:36 रोग की संज्ञा दी “verse”  रामायण कहती है सबको मानस रोग लगा है  3:54 विरला ही जानता है तो फिर वो उपाय का 3:58 सोचता है अब शरीर का एक रोग हो तो पूरा 4:04 दिन बेकार हो जाता है अजी स्वामी जी मैं 4:10 आपके प्रवचन में नहीं आ पाया सर में दर्द 4:13 हो रहा 4:14 था एक सर दर्द ने व्यक्ति को incapacitate कर 4:21 दिया और मन को इतने सारे रोग 4:25 हैं यह दुश्मन अंदर बैठे हुए हैं 4:31 अब इसमें एक दोष तो सबको पता है क्रोध है 4:36 क्रोध में व्यक्ति क्या नहीं कर देता 4:40 गवर्नमेंट के कानून है फिर भी क्रोध में 4:44 मार धाड़ यहां तक की हत्या भी हो 4:49 जाती है उत्तर प्रदेश का आख्यान (किस्सा)  4:53 है दो भाई थे ठाकुर परिवार के तो बाप की 4:58 प्रॉपर्टी के बंटवारे को लेकर मुकदमा चल 5:02 रहा था अब वह मुकदमा छोटा भाई जीत 5:07 गया वह जब वापस आ रहा था कोर्ट 5:12 से तो बड़े भाई के घर के आंगन के सामने से 5:18 निकला और निकलते समय उसने अपनी मूंछ को 5:23 यूं कर दिया उत्तर प्रदेश में ठाकुर लोग 5:27 बड़ी-बड़ी मूंछ रखते हैं ना उसने ऐसे 5:30 कर दूसरे भाई को गुस्सा आ गया उसने डंडा 5:36 लिया उसकी पिटाई कर दी इतनी पिटाई कर दी 5:40 कि बेचारा मारा 5:42 गया जब इंक्वायरी हुई कि प्रोवोकेशन क्या 5:47 था पता चला कि इतनी सी बात थी उसने मूंछ 5:52 को ऊपर कर दिया 5:54 था लेकिन 5:57 क्रोध ऐसा दुश्मन मन अंदर बैठा 6:01 है और दूसरा दुश्मन है लोभ क्रोध 6:07 तो विकसित होता है फिर शांत हो जाता किंतु 6:14 लोभ ऐसी चीज है कि जीवन भर वह बढ़ता ही 6:19 चला जाता 6:21 है व्यक्ति लोभ को समाप्त करने के लिए 6:25 भागता है कहीं अंत नहीं होता  6:30 एक राजा अपना रास्ता खो गया शिकार करते 6:34 समय जंगल में गांव वासी ने उसको रात्रि 6:40 में शरण दी सुबह राजा ने कहा तुम जानते हो 6:45 मैं इतने बड़े देश का सम्राट हूं कल आना 6:50 मैं तुमको वरदान 6:53 दूंगा वासी पहुंचा राजा ने कहा क्या चाहिए मुंह 6:58 मांगा पूछो 7:01 गांव वासी ने कहा महाराज अपने घोड़े पर 7:05 सूर्योदय से लेकर सूर्यास्त तक जितनी जमीन 7:09 मैं नाप सकूं वह मेरी हो 7:11 जाए अब राजा चक्रवर्ती सम्राट था उसने कहा 7:16 ठीक 7:17 दिया अगले दिन वह गांव वासी निकला घोड़े 7:22 पर अब एक घंटे में तो कई हेक्टेयर की जमीन 7:26 हो गई और सुबह के 10 बजे तक तो हजारों 7:30 हेक्टेयर हो गई 7:34 और मध्यान तक बहुत बड़ा भूखंड हो गया था 7:40 उसके अनेक 7:43 आगे जेनरेशंस के लिए किंतु उसके लोभ के 7:49 लिए पर्याप्त नहीं था अंदर जो लोभ बैठा 7:53 हुआ था कह रहा था थोड़ा और हो जाए थोड़ा 7:57 और हो जाए 7:59 दोपहर तक वह इतना थक गया घुड़ सवार किंतु 8:04 घोड़ा तो और भी थक 8:08 गया लास्ट में घोड़ा 8:27 collapse करा और घुड़सवार गिरा और उसका सिर पत्थर से टकराया और वही स्पॉट पर डेथ हो गयी आसपास के लोग आए उसको दफनाने के 8:32 लिए और जब दफनाया उन्होंने कहा भी लास्ट 8:36 में तो यह दो गज की जमीन ही काम आई बाकी 8:41 सब जमीन बेकार चली 8:44 गई तो सबको पता 8:47 है कि छोड़ के ही जाना है दुनिया में खूब 8:52 कमाया क्या हीरे क्या 8:56 मोती लेकिन क्या करें यारों कफन में जेब 9:00 नहीं 9:01 होती व कफन जो होती है उसमें जेब नहीं 9:05 होती साथ में तो कुछ जाता नहीं है लेकिन 9:09 लोभ व्यक्ति को शांति से बैठने नहीं देता 9:14 है वह किसी भी चीज का लोभ हो धन का लोभ 9:20 पावर का लोभ यश का लोभ इतना यश हो गया 9:26 नहीं और चाहिए 9:30 अंदर से जीव अशांत रहता 9:34 है किंतु हमारा वेद कहता है कि सबसे बड़ा 9:41 मानस रोग कुछ और 9:44 है वह क्या 9:47 है यह है 9:51 कामना कामना 9:53 माने किसी भी प्रकार की 9:57 कामना देखने की सुनने की स्पर्श करने की 10:01 रस लेने 10:03 की धन की प्रतिष्ठा की यह कोई भी कामना हो 10:10 यह हमारे भीतर के संसार की सबसे बड़ी 10:16 बीमारी “verse” 10:29 भागवत कहती है कि अगर कोई कामना को छोड़ 10:35 दे वह भगवत स्वरूप हो 10:42 जाएगा तो आप कहे साहब यह कामना में क्या 10:45 हम तो इच्छा बनाते हैं रस गुल्ला खाएंगे 10:48 इसमें क्या है क्रोध में विनाश होता है 10:54 लोभ में एनर्जी खर्च होती है कामना बनाने 10:58 में क्या है 11:00 कामना तो कोई ऐसी खराब चीज नहीं लगती 11:04 है जी नहीं यह कामना जो है ना क्रोध और 11:11 लोभ की जननी 11:13 है अर्थात क्रोध और लोभ की उत्पत्ति का 11:19 कारण है कामना क्रोध क्यों आता है आपने 11:24 कोई कामना 11:26 बनाई उसकी पूर्ति में रुकावट आ गई बस 11:31 क्रोध आ 11:33 गया मान लो आपने इच्छा बनाई साहब हम तो 11:38 आइसक्रीम खाएंगे 11:41 मार्केट से जाकर आप बढ़िया से बढ़िया 11:46 चॉकलेट चिप इत्यादि खरीद के लाए अपने 11:50 फ्रिज में रख के और कहा भई थोड़ा 11:53 एक्सरसाइज करके आएगें जब appetite हो जाएगा तो 11:57 आइसक्रीम का और मजा 12:00 आएगा एक घंटे बाद आप वापस आए फ्रिज को 12:04 खोला तो आइसक्रीम गायब 12:08 थी अब पत्नी से पूछा आइसक्रीम रखी थी कहां 12:13 गई पत्नी ने कहा पतिदेव आपने मेडिकल 12:17 रिपोर्ट नहीं देखी आपका कोलेस्ट्रॉल बढा 12:20 हुआ है मैंने आइसक्रीम को उठा के फेंक 12:23 दिया आइसक्रीम को फेंक 12:26 दिया अब उसको गुस्सा आया 12:30 वो क्यों गुस्सा आया उसने कामना बनाई 12:34 आइसक्रीम खाएंगे तो सुख 12:36 मिलेगा अब वो बाधा आ गई कामना में तो 12:41 क्रोध आ गया क्रोध अपने आप नहीं आता भोले 12:47 लोग कहते हैं कोई कहता है स्वामी जी बाकी 12:51 तो सब ठीक है बस एक गड़बड़ी है गुस्सा 12:54 बहुत 12:55 आता बाकी सब ठीक है बाकी सब ठीक है ? 12:59 इंपॉसिबल (impossible) 13:01 अगर गुस्सा आता है तो गुस्सा का कारण 13:06 कामना जरूर 13:08 होगी बिना कामना के क्रोध हो ही नहीं 13:13 सकता अब यह बात अलग है कि कामना सूक्ष्म 13:18 है आपको पता नहीं चल रहा भई किस चीज की 13:22 कामना शरीर के सुख की कामना है मन के 13:26 कंफर्ट की कामना है जो भी है वही आपको 13:30 गुस्सा दिला रही है अब मान लो कि वह कामना 13:36 को आप पूरा कर 13:39 देते तो क्या होगा पत्नी ने आइसक्रीम नहीं 13:43 फेंकी और एक 13:47 घंटा आप पार्क में घूम के वापस आए तो 13:52 आइसक्रीम एक टेबल स्पून से लिया मजा आया 13:57 बहुत तो एक और चमच्च चाहिए अब एक और चमच्च 14:01 चाहिए अब एक और चाहिए अरे भाई 10 चम्मच 14:06 खा लिए पेट भर 14:09 गया आज तो भर गया लेकिन पांच दिन बाद फिर 14:14 से आइसक्रीम 14:15 चाहिए क्या मतलब “verse”  जहां कामना पूरी होती है एक क्षण के 14:29 लिए समाप्त होती है कुछ देर के बाद 14:33 द्विगुणित होकर भड़क जाती 14:37 है भोले लोग सोचते हैं कि साहब कामना को 14:43 पूरा कर दो वह चली जाएगी 14:46 भागवत में वेदव्यास ने कहा “verse” भई देखो कहीं आग 15:02 जल रही हो आप उसको बुझाने के लिए घी डाल 15:07 दें एक क्षण के लिए तो आग शांत होगी तुरंत पश्चात 15:13 और भड़क 15:15 जाएगी तो कामना की पूर्ति से लोभ आ जाता 15:22 है वो लोभ का कहीं अंत नहीं 15:27 होता, कामना तो बढ़ती ही जाती है  15:44  शास्त्र कहते हैं की कामना इतनी बड़ी है कि भगवान से भी बड़ी 15:57 देखो इतना बड़ा पहाड़, पहाड़ से बड़ा 16:01 समुंद्र, समुंद्र से बड़ी पृथ्वी, पृथ्वी से 16:07 क्या बड़ा है, अंतरिक्ष अंतरिक्ष से बड़ा 16:11 वो तो फिर भगवान ही हैं तो शास्त्र कहते 16:15 हैं verse ये कामना भगवान से भी बड़ी है, क्यों   यदि एक व्यक्ति को सारे संसार के भोग सामग्री (वस्तुएं) मिल जाएं, उसकी कामना फिर भी शांत नहीं होगी  16:34  अब 16:36 आज मनोविज्ञान ने समझा है कि एक डोपामिन 16:41 नाम का केमिकल है ब्रेन में जो थ्रिल (thrill) करता 16:45 है फुलफिल (fulfill) नहीं 16:48 करता ब्रेन को डिजाइन करने वाले तो भगवान 16:51 ही हैं ना भगवान ने ही ऐसा बनाया है, आप देखिए 16:58 अगर आप कामना 17:00 बनाएंगे तो दो ही नतीजे हो सकते हैं या तो वह 17:06 कामना पूरी 17:07 होगी या पूरी नहीं 17:10 होगी पूरी होगी तो लोभ आ 17:14 जाएगा और अगर रुकावट आएगी 17:17 तो क्रोध आ 17:20 जाएगा और जब क्रोध आया “verse” अब तो इतनी सारी बीमारियां लग गई 17:42 गीता के 17:43 अनुसार बुद्धि ही नष्ट हो गई तो जीवात्मा 17:46 का पतन हो गया और सब का कारण 17:52 कामना और यदि कामना ना बनांए मान लो कोई 17:57 ऐसा जीव हो जाए जो कामना न 18:01 बनाए क्रोध आ ही नहीं 18:04 सकता आगे की सब बीमारिया नहीं आ सकती लोभ 18:08 भी नहीं आ 18:09 सकता इसलिए शास्त्रों ने कहा कि “verse” 18:20 जिसकी कामना चली गई वो ब्रह्म स्वरूप 18:25 हो गया कठउपनिषद कहता है “verse”  सब शास्त्र कह रहे हैं वो ब्रह्म 18:42 स्वरूप हो जाए इसलिए असली 18:47 शांति तब मिलेगी जब कामनाएं जाएंगी  Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): मनुष्य का मन सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन। @SwamiMukundanandaHindi.mp4

Sunday, February 20, 2022

If you Don't Choose God - Shree Krishna's Ultimate Plan for us by Swami Mukundanand

If you Don't Choose God - Shree Krishna's Ultimate Plan for us by Swami Mukundanand

Main Points:  1  Translation: Deluded by the three modes of maya People in this world are unable to know Me, the Imperishable and Eternal (BG 7.13) “Deluded by the three modes [goodness, passion and ignorance], the whole world does not know Me, who am above the modes and inexhaustible”.  2  Now somebody can say, if God is like this, then why can we not know Him ? What is the impediment ? So, Krishna is now saying that there is one energy that is creating the impediment and that energy is the Material energy, called Maya, so what is this material energy maya doing, “ma” means not, “ya” means is, so maya Means “that, which is not”. This energy is creating an Illusion which is not the reality  3  when Vedavyas writes the Srimad Bhagavatam “verse” “satyam param dheemahi”, so he is doing the Mangalacharana (beginning of the granth) Vedavyas says that Lord from Whom the whole universe have emanated and that Lord Whose Maya, consisting of the three gunas, puts everybody in illusion, to that supreme absolute truth, I offer my obeisances  4  So, if maya is putting us in illusion, then maya is a very bad thing. But we said that in Vedic philosophy, there is no Satan, but then maya seems to be a substitute for Satan becasue it is making us forget God. Actually, maya is performing two functions. Those souls, who do not wish to surrender to God, Maya is creating a playground for them, where they can continue without surrendering to God.  Those souls, who do not wish to submit, what is this Radhe Radhe Radhe, I am not interested in God, I am God, so Maya says you come in the material world and you can be God out here, everybody can take the place of God.  Taking the place of God means I am the enjoyer, I am the proprietor, this is material consciousness, I am the Lord of all that I own and I am the master of all that I see. So this material Consciousness is permitting us to play God and it is created by maya.  5  God gives us the freedom to forget Him, if we so wish. He says, alright, I am giving you a rope, you can go and hang yourself with. So maya is putting us into Illusion but at the same time it is also ensuring our corrections, so it is ensuring that vimukh (turned our back to Him, i.e., not heeding God’s instructions how to please & hence attain Him) from God We can never be happy - that guarantee maya takes  6  “verse” Tulsidas ji wrote the Ramayana & says being Vimukh from Ram with back to God, nobody can be happy. Fire may emanate from the ice, this impossible may become possible but forgetful of God, some body can be happy ? Impossible !  7  People come and ask Swami ji why people, who do so much of bad, they are happy. I say, never allow that doubt in your mind because if you start thinking bad people are happy, then you’ll say, I should also do bad so I can also be happy. Be firmly convinced that vimukh of God, nobody will be happy. Maya devi will take care.  It seems to you this person is happy although he is doing all 420 things (fraudulent activities) because you are seeing the externals - that this is the size of his car, the size of his house and this is the brand of his watch etc. but if you look inside, you will say Ram Ram Ram, I am much better than this this politician, this film star etc.  8  so Maya devi is serving God, its service is to allow the souls to live their lives in forgetfulness of God, create that illusion, the illusive playground and also keep on jiving (deceiving) & punching them, so that slowly, slowly, they mature in their realization - that I cannot find happiness here in this temporary world of miseries  9  so Maya is a shakti. In Advaita Vedanta, Shankaracharya says maya does not exist - Brahma satyam jagan mithya jeevo Brahmaiva naprah Brahma saty rahman is the only truth, Jagat mith he world is illusory, Jeevo Brahmaiva napar here is no difference between the individual self and Brahman because if he accepts that maya exists, then there will be two entities one God and one Maya and that will disprove his Advait, so he said there is no such thing as maya.  He said, you just do “aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman (God)), “aham Brahmasmi, and maya will disappear but it is the shakti of God, it is not going to go by “aham Brahmasmi” “so dasi raghubir ki” because it is God’s Shakti - it has got the power of God.  If somebody has got TB, he punches you, nothing will happen but if some Dara Singh comes along and punches you, you will not live to tell the story. It is the power behind the punch that counts and the power behind maya is God himself  10  Shri Krishna is telling Brahma that this maya is only perceived in absence of Me, but without My presence, it cannot be Perceived. it means that maya’s energy is coming from God but you will only perceive it, when your consciousness is devoid of God (& hence maya will trouble you & give you punches), so this Maya is a servant of God  11  God has got 2 kinds of servants, one is the saints, who are explaining His personality, this is how He is and they are trying to attract the souls towards Lord & explaining how you will benefit, come on. So the saints are serving Lord this way. We are His marketing agents but hardly few listen to these saints.  Most ignorant souls say, what Swamiji, I know everything ! But he is going to tell you the science of happiness. What science of happiness, I know everything, so (in their ignorance, foolishness & due to false ego) hardly few listen to any Swamiji  12  But then the material energy, Maya does its work and it troubles the soul, so when we experience misery, whether it is through relationships, through business, through health or through the mind itself, then we say, you know, this world is all bogus & that's what swami ji was saying,  that there is a God that must be the truth so without Vairagya / renunciation / detachment you cannot develop faith and that detachment is created by maya, when it gives us miseries. So maya is also serving us. Shri Krishna says here in this verse (BG 7.14) that look, this maya is putting everybody in illusion. “This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it”.  Transcript: 1:39 Translation : deluded by the three modes of maya 1:44 People in this world are unable to know Me the 1:48 Imperishable and Eternal (BG 7.13) 1:52 Now somebody can say if God is like 1:57 This then why can we not know Him ?  2:01 What is the impediment ? 2:03 So, He (Krishna) is now saying that there is one energy that is  2:08 Creating the impediment and that energy is the 2:13 Material energy called 2:16 Maya so what is this material energy maya 2:20 Doing ma means not ya means is so maya 2:27 Means that which is not 2:31 This energy is creating an 2:34 Illusion which is not the reality so that kind of 2:39 Illusion when Vedavyas writes the bhagwat “verse”  satyam param dheemahi 3:03 so he is doing the mangalacharana 3:06 vedavyas that Lord from Whom the whole universe 3:11 Has emanated and that Lord Whose   3:15 maya consisting of the three gunas puts everybody 3:19 in 3:21 Illusion that supreme absolute truth I offer my obeisances  3:27 so if maya is putting us in illusion then maya is a very bad thing 3:34 we said that in vedic philosophy there is no 3:37 satan but then maya is a substitute for 3:41 satan it is making us forget God 3:53 actually maya is performing two Functions 3:59 Those 4:01 Souls who do not wish to surrender to 4:05 God Maya is creating a playground for 4:09 Them where they can continue without surrendering to 4:15 God those souls who do not wish to submit what is this 4:19 Radhe Radhe Radhe, I am not interested in God 4:22 I am 4:24 God so Maya says come you come in the material 4:28 World and you can be God out here  4:31 everybody can take the place of God taking 4:35 The place of God means I am the enjoyer I am the 4:38 Proprietor this is material consciousness I am the 4:42 Lord of all that I own and I am the master of 4:45 All that I see so this material Consciousness is 4:50 Permitting us to play God and it is 4:53 Created by maya. God gives us the freedom to forget Him, if we so wish  4:59 he says Alright I am giving you a rope 5:03 You can go and hang yourself with 5:05 So maya is putting us into 5:10 Illusion but at the same time it is also ensuring 5:15 Our 5:17 Corrections so it is ensuring that vimukh from God 5:21 We Can never be 5:23 Happy that guarantee maya takes  5:27 “verse”  5:32 Tulsidas ji wrote the Ramayana & says vimukh Ram 5:38 with back to God nobody can be happy, fire may emanate from the 5:44 Ice this impossible may become possible but 5:49 Forgetful of god some body can be happy ? 5:52 Impossible 6:02 People come and ask Swami ji  6:07 Why People who do so much of bad they are 6:11 Happy I say never allow that doubt in your 6:16 Mind because if you start thinking bad 6:19 People are happy then you’ll say I should also do 6:22 Bad so I can also be 6:24 Happy be firmly convinced  6:27 That Vimukh of God nobody will be happy Maya 6:32 Devi will take care it seems to you this 6:36 Person is happy although he is doing all 420 things (fraudulent activities) 6:39 because you are seeing the externals this 6:43 Is the size of the car the size of the house and 6:47 this is the brand of the watch etc and if 6:50 you look inside you will say ram ram ram  6:53 i am much better than this this politician this 6:56 film star etc 6:59 so maya devi is serving 7:04 god its service is to allow the souls to 7:10 live their lives in forgetfulness 7:13 create that illusion the playground and 7:17 also keep on jiving (deceiving)  them so that slowly 7:23 slowly they mature in their 7:26 Realization, I cannot find happiness here  7:31 so maya is 7:34 A shakti.  in advaita vedanta Shankaracharya  7:38 says maya does not 7:41 exist brahma satyam jagan mithya Jeevo 7:44 Brahmaiva naprah  Brahma satyam: Brahman is the only truth, Jagat mithya: The world is illusory, Jivo brahmaiva naparah: There is no difference between the individual self and Brahman    because if he accepts that maya 7:47 Exists then there will be two entities one god and 7:51 One 7:52 Maya and that will disprove his Advait so he said  7:55 there is no such thing as maya 8:00 He said you just do aham brahmasmi  8:02 aham Brahmasmi and maya will 8:05 Disappear but it is the shakti of god it is not going 8:12 to go by aham Brahmasmi 8:23 “so dasi raghubir ki” because it is God’s 8:28 Shakti it has got the power of 8:33 God if somebody has got TB, he 8:38 Punches you nothing will happen punch 8:42 again and if some Dara Singh comes along and 8:46 punches you, you will not live to tell the story 8:49 It is the power behind the punch that counts and the 8:53 power behind maya is God himself  8:57 so that is why the Chatushloki Bhagwat, I am telling you second “verse” 9:19 again shri Krishna is telling Brahma this 9:23 maya is only 9:25 perceived in absence of me 9:31 but without my presence it cannot be 9:35 perceived now use your head this maya is only perceived 9:40 in absence of me 9:43 But without my presence it cannot be 9:46 Perceived the energy is coming from God but you will 9:52 Only perceive it when your consciousness is devoid of 9:57 God so this Maya is a servant of God, God 10:03 Has got 2 kinds Of servants one is the 10:06 Saints who are explaining 10:09 His personality this is how he is 10:13 and they are trying to attract the souls 10:17 Towards 10:18 Lord so the saints are serving this is how 10:22 10:18 Lord so the saints are serving this is how 10:22 Lord so this is how you will benefit come on.  10:25 We are His marketing 10:28 Agents but nobody will listen to these 10:32 Saints one Swamiji has come to Irvine (City in USA) 10:37 What Swamiji I know everything arey he is going to 10:40 Tell you the science of happiness. What science of happiness,  I know 10:44 Everything nobody is going to listen to any 10:47 Swamiji 10:49 but then the material energy Maya does 10:53 Its work and it troubles 10:56 The Soul so when we experience misery whether it is through 11:02 Relationships through business through health or 11:05 Through the mind itself then we say you know 11:09 this world is all bogus that's what swami ji 11:11 Was saying there is a god that must be the 11:15 truth so 11:18 without 11:19 vairaagya renunciation detachment you cannot develop 11:24 faith and that detachment is 11:29 Created by maya when it gives us 11:31 miseries so maya is also serving us shri 11:36 Krishna says here in this verse look this 11:41 maya is putting everybody in illusion

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): If you Don't Choose God - Shree Krishna's Ultimate Plan for us Swami Mukundananda.mp4

5 Reasons Why We Can't Understand God - The Divine Nature of God by Swami Mukundananda

5 Reasons Why We Can't Understand God - The Divine Nature of God by Swami Mukundananda

00:00 Ram Valmiki Samvad Episode 9 00:16 God is Beyond our Mind and Intellect 02:59 #1 Reason - The Divine Nature of God 07:27 #2 Reason - The Limits of our Mind 08:14 #3 Reason - Mind can't think of God by it's own energy 09:34 #4 Reason - The mind and intellect and upheld by God 11:31 #5 Reason - The Infinite Nature of God Main Points: 1  Ram Valmiki Samvad Episode 9, God is Beyond our Mind and Intellect. Valmiki ji Maharaj says O Shri Ram, Your personality is beyond description, beyond the reach of our senses, mind and Intellect, Bhagavan is called Adhoksaj which means not graspable by the senses, i.e., these eyes cannot see Him, these ears cannot hear Him, this skin cannot touch Him, so Valmiki ji says You are Agochar the scriptures, Vedas, have said about You “neti, neti”, You are not this, You are not that  2  in the Samved, Ken Upanishad, there's a very interesting discussion between the disciple and the guru. The disciple says, I know God, the guru responds that person who thinks I know God, has no knowledge of God.  That person who thinks God is so great, who can know God, he actually knows God. Now the disciple responds I don't say I know God but I don't say I don't know God either, the guru says in that case it's very clear from your dualistic answer that you don't have any knowledge of God.  Again he says if somebody thinks I will understand God that person's understanding is laughable, if somebody thinks nobody can understand God that person truly has a perception of God's personality  3  1st Reason - The Divine Nature of God so why can we not know God ? The Taittriya Upanishad of Yajurveda says God is not accessible by our material mind, the Kathopnishad states your logic cannot reach God because He is divine and the intellect with which you reason is material, the Darshan shastra says this “verse” and  the Ramcharitmanas states elsewhere that Ram is “Atarkaya”, i.e., if you think with logic, I will comprehend God, you need to think again. Why, look first of all we just discussed He is divine and the senses, mind and intellect with the help of which we wish to know Him are material  4  A humorous example. Once there was a person in the circus who used to play the guitar so well he could make a tiger dance, another person came along, he said you know, I play the violin so wonderfully, forget about the tiger, I can make the lion, the elephant, all the creatures dance, they said let's try you out, they made him sit in the cage…  & he was able to make all animals dance to his tune except one last who came in the last & lion was about to eat him up & on wondering why that lion did not dance, it was learnt by him that that lion was deaf – the moral is that our senses cannot reach God.  5  Frederick Nietzchse the German philosopher who some people say that his philosophy was the one that influenced Hitler and so indirectly he was the cause of the second world war, that's a debatable point, but he said something nice,  he said those who were dancing in the rain were considered insane by people who could not hear the music, so our senses, mind and intellect have their limits as Tennyson said our little systems have their day and cease to be but You my Lord are more than they. They (our senses) are but broken lights of Thee  6  so these senses, mind and intellect with which we get knowledge, are made of the material energy Maya, while God is beyond it, He is divine this is the first reason why we cannot know God  7  2nd Reason - The Limits of our Mind, He is the inspirer and our instruments of knowledge are inspired by Him. The Kenopanishad states this mind doesn't have the capacity to think of God by its own energy, it is by the inspiration of God that it works, so it cannot become the inspirer of its own inspirer. This is the second reason why you cannot know God  8  3rd Reason - Mind can't think of God by it's own energy God is the illuminator, Yesterday, we had heard from the mouth of Lord Shiv telling mother Parvati that Ram is the Illuminator of the three worlds, the Kathopanishad states that everything is illumined by the Light Of God,  so like for example, there is a light source, it is the Illuminator and the body is illumined by it, now can the body by its own light illumine its source ? it is intellectually contradictory, similarly the Vedas say your senses, mind and intellect, your instruments of knowledge are illumined by God, they cannot become the Illuminator of their Illuminator  9  4th Reason - The mind and intellect and upheld by God. see Maharishi Valmiki has said Ram (God) as Agochar, I'm just detailing it. The Senses, mind and intellect are upheld by God. People ask me what is the definition of God.  A simple definition is that He is the creator of this world or another way to understand is that He is the upholder of creation. All of this creation needs to be upheld by someone. Who is upholding ? that is God.  The Yajurveda Purush Suktam states that in only in 1/4th of His being, that Almighty is upholding infinite material universes and in 3/4th is His spiritual creation, so He is the upholder. Like now let us say here is a watch, it is being upheld by the hand, supposing we revert this relationship. Can the watch be the upholder of the hand ? Impossible.  Similarly, the Vedas tell us that God is the upholder of our senses, mind and intellect, there is no question of them upholding their upholder  10  5th Reason - The Infinite Nature of God God is all knowing, Sarvagya and the soul is alpagya, it is tiny in the extent of its knowledge. God is all knowing, Omniscient.  What is the meaning of this word, sometimes its immensity fails to register in our Intellect. All knowing doesn't mean knower of what others are thinking, that even a yogi can do.  All knowing means that in infinite universes, within them in each universe, within that in each loka, within that in each country and within it, in each state, within it in each city, in each colony, in each house and the innumerable Jeevas, within that house remember there are insects, there are germs, their endless lifetimes and within them, each life and in each life every moment, what they thought, what they did, God is aware of it.  He maintains an account and He gives the karmic Results. That He is Omniscient and our senses, mind and Intellect, they are alpagya, limited in their faculty of knowledge, so Valmiki ji is saying Ram, You cannot deceive me, it's all right that I am seeing you here in the six foot form but I know Your original Divine Personality  Transcript Ram Valmiki Samvad Episode 9 God is Beyond our Mind and Intellect 0:17 Valmiki ji Maharaj says oh 0:21 Shri Ram your 0:23 personality is beyond 0:26 description beyond the reach of our 0:30 senses mind and 0:34 intellect bhagavan is called 0:39 Adhoksaj which 0:41 means not graspable by the senses these 0:47 eyes cannot see him these ears cannot 0:51 hear 0:52 him this skin cannot touch him so Valmiki ji 0:58 says you are Agochar  1:00 the scriptures vedas have said about you “neti, neti” 1:10 you are not this you are not 1:15 this in the 1:19 Samved, Ken upanishad there's a very interesting 1:22 discussion between the disciple and the 1:26 guru the disciple says I know God 1:31 the guru 1:42 responds that person who thinks I know 1:45 God has no knowledge of 1:47 God that person who thinks God is so 1:52 great who can know 1:55 God he actually knows God 2:00 now the disciple 2:09 responds I don't say I know God but I 2:13 don't say I don't know God 2:16 either the guru says in that case it's 2:18 very clear from your dualistic answer 2:21 that you don't have any knowledge of 2:24 God again he says 2:36 if somebody thinks I will understand God 2:41 that 2:43 person's understanding is 2:46 laughable if somebody thinks nobody can 2:50 understand God that person truly has a 2:55 perception of God's personality  1 Reason - The Divine Nature of God 3:00 so why can we not know God he is telling 3:04 us  3:08 3:11 The Taittriya Upanishad of Yajurveda  3:19 says God is not accessible by our material 3:28 mind the Kathopnishad states your logic cannot 3:33 reach God because he is divine and the 3:38 intellect with which you reason is 3:43 material the Darshan shastra  3:52 Says “verse” and the Ramcharitmanas States elsewhere that Ram is “Atarkaya” 4:09 if you think with logic I will 4:12 comprehend God you need to think 4:16 again why look first of all we just 4:21 discussed he is 4:25 divine and the senses mind and intellect 4:29 with the help of which we wish to know 4:31 him are 4:35 material once there was a person in the 4:40 circus who used to play the guitar so 4:43 well he could make a tiger 4:48 dance another person came along he said 4:52 you know I play the violin so 4:56 wonderfully forget about the tiger I can 4:59 make The Lion The Elephant all the 5:02 creatures 5:04 dance they said let's try you out they 5:07 made him sit in the 5:09 cage the lion came he was playing the 5:13 violin and the lion started dancing the 5:16 elephant came the elephant also started 5:19 doing the fox trot now one after the 5:23 other the animals were coming and 5:25 dancing and finally one tiger came he 5:29 was playing the violin the tiger was 5:32 unimpressed the tiger came closer and 5:35 even closer he tried all his skills but 5:41 the tiger was practically about to eat 5:44 him when he dropped his violin and 5:48 ran that man 5:50 then asked the circus owner I'm 5:54 wondering how my music failed on this 5:57 tiger 6:00 the owner said I knew it will 6:02 fail this particular tiger is deaf it 6:07 cannot hear how will your 6:10 music work on 6:12 it as Frederick Nietzchse 6:15  the German 6:18 philosopher who some people say that his 6:23 philosophy was the one that influenced 6:26 Hitler and so indirectly he was the 6:29 cause of the second world war that's a 6:32 debatable point but he said something 6:35 nice he said 6:37 those who were dancing in the 6:41 rain were considered 6:43 insane by people who could not hear the 6:48 music so our senses mind and intellect 6:51 have their 6:54 limits as Tennyson said our little 6:57 systems have their day they have their 7:00 day and cease to be but you my Lord are 7:04 more than they they are but broken 7:07 lights of 7:09 thee so these senses mind and intellect 7:13 with which we get knowledge are made of 7:17 the material energy Maya while God is 7:21 beyond it he is divine this is the first 7:24 reason why we cannot know God now let me 2 Reason - The Limits of our Mind 7:27 tell you the second reason 7:30 he is the 7:32 inspirer and our instruments of 7:35 knowledge are inspired by 7:45 him The Ken upanishad states this 7:50 mind doesn't have the capacity to think 7:54 of God by its own energy it is by the 7:59 inspiration of God that it 8:02 works so it cannot become the inspirer 8:06 of its own 8:09 inspirer that is the second reason why 8:11 you cannot know God now the third 3 Reason - Mind can't think of God by it's own energy 8:16 reason he is the illuminator 8:30 yesterday we had heard from the mouth of 8:32 Lord shiv telling mother 8:35 Parvati 8:36 that Ram is the 8:39 Illuminator of the three 8:48 Worlds the Kathopanishad states 8:52 everything is illumined by the Light Of 8:58 God so 9:00 like for example there is a light source 9:03 there it is the Illuminator and the body 9:06 is illumined by it now can the body by 9:10 its own light illumine its source it's 9:16 intellectually 9:17 contradictory similarly the vedas say your 9:21 senses mind and intellect your 9:24 instruments of knowledge are illumined 9:27 by God they cannot become the 9:30 Illuminator of their 9:33 illuminator now let me tell you the 4 Reason - The mind and intellect and upheld by God 9:35 fourth reason see Maharishi Valmiki has 9:38 said Agochar I'm just detailing it the 9:42 senses mind and intellect are upheld by 9:48 God people ask me what is the definition 9:51 of 9:52 God we'll 9:55 come to it in the next couplet but for 9:59 now a simple definition is he is the 10:02 creator of this 10:04 world or another way to understand he is 10:08 the upholder of 10:11 creation all of this creation needs to 10:15 be upheld who is 10:18 upholding that is God 10:31 the 10:32 Yajurveda Purush Suktam states in 1/4th of His being that 10:38 Almighty is upholding infinite material 10:43 universes and 3/4th is His spiritual 10:48 creation so he is the upholder like now 10:51 let us 10:53 say here is a watch it is being upheld 11:00 by the 11:01 hand supposing we revert this 11:05 relationship can the watch be the 11:08 upholder of the hand 11:11 impossible 11:13 similarly the vedas tell us that 11:17 look God is the upholder of our senses 11:21 mind and 11:23 intellect there is no question of them 11:26 upholding their upholder 11:29 the fourth reason now the fifth 5 Reason - The Infinite Nature of God 11:33 reason God is all knowing 11:37 Sarvagya and the soul is 11:41 alpagya it is Tiny in the extent of its 11:46 knowledge 11:52 God is all knowing 11:56 omniscient what is the meaning of this 12:00 word sometimes its 12:03 immensity fails to register in our 12:07 intellect all knowing doesn't mean 12:10 knower of what others are thinking that 12:13 even a yogi can do all knowing 12:17 means in infinite universes within them 12:22 in each Universe within that in each 12:26 Loka within that in each country and 12:30 within it in each state within it in 12:33 each City in each colony in each house 12:36 and the innumerable 12:38 Jeevas within that house remember there are 12:41 insects there are 12:43 germs their endless lifetimes and within 12:47 them each life and in each life every 12:51 moment what they thought what they did 12:56 God is aware of it he maintains an 13:00 account and he gives the karmic 13:04 results that is 13:07 omniscient and our senses mind and 13:10 intellect they are 13:13 Alpagya, limited in their faculty of knowledge 13:18 so Valmiki ji is 13:20 saying Ram, you cannot deceive me it's all 13:24 right I am seeing you here in the six 13:26 foot form but I know your original 13:31 Divine personality Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): 5 Reasons Why We Can't Understand God - The Divine Nature of God Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Is Anyone Really Happy | Why Bad Things Happen to Good People | Part 4 by Swami Mukundanand

Is Anyone Really Happy | Why Bad Things Happen to Good People | Part 4 by Swami Mukundanand

Main Point:  1  The fact is that in this world nobody is truly happy. Think about it ! Ask yourself are you really happy and satisfied? Impossible! Veda Vyas says quoting "Shrimad Bhagawat" that only two kinds of people are Sukhi (Happy) one is the God realized saint who has risen beyond miseries & dualities that person is happy and the second, is the mad man.  The mad man is also happy. Because the mad man has removed himself from all the miseries, like you take a bottle, it destroys the intellect now you find your neighbour lying in the gutter in front of his house & you say, my dear neighbor why are you lying in the gutter ? go and lie in your bedroom, he says I'm lying in my bedroom - as his intellect has got destroyed  2  Everybody else has to admit we are not fully happy as yet. Because ultimately from light of the divine truth we're in the world of maya, the world of the material energy. This is like the prison house of God where those souls are there who have their backs to him. We all have our backs to God, & therefore we are here in this prison house, in the cycle of life and death.  3  We people make our prisons, have you ever been to jail?! No! I've been many times. Not to get admitted but to give lectures, so the first time I went to jail, you know I was young person who just started giving these lectures and the jailer of the district used to come, he said Swamiji can you please come to jail now this was my first experience. He put me in front of these thirty prisoners and said speak to them.  None of them was even looking up they were all looking down as if embarrassed to see me in the eye. Now what to speak to them. So involuntarily I blurted out, I said are you all unhappy? Suddenly they came to life yes, yes, yes & started moving their hands and looking up and they thought maybe this Swamiji has got some magic wand, he will move it and we will become happy. I said you are unhappy, very good. What very good?! this Swamiji at least you should have a compassionate Heart, while we are saying we are unhappy and you are saying “very good”, you are putting salt in our wounds.  I said what is the purpose of the prison house? To keep you unhappy. If you became happy in the prison house then when the government released you, you will say what to do ? can I become the government's guest again. There is a reason why the prison house is a place of some extent of hardship and if you can get all that you want in the prison house, it doesn't serve the purpose  4  Similarly, this is the prison house of God and the material energy Maya ensures that until you have your face to God. Until you have surrendered to God, you cannot be happy. "Quoting from Ramayan", the Ramayan says fire may emanate from the ice but those who are vimukh (dis-inclined, i.e., those who do not turn to God) of Ram, nobody can be happy.  5  Now everybody knows that they are not happy but what you don't know is that the others are also not happy. If you did know that others too are unhappy, you will become detached, oh my God I'm running in the wrong direction but the problem is you are thinking that millionaire, billionaire, must be happy.  You know my wife she's an avatar of 'Chandi' but his wife is good, he must be happy and if you came to know that all husbands and all wives are unhappy then you'd say Ram Ram Ram, (I better turn to God for happiness & not to this world)  6  One man he would always complain to God, my lord you have written all miseries in my life, everybody else is so happy. So God said let me reveal something to him, the reality of the world. God came at night in his dream and He spoke, He said take all your miseries and put them in a bag, bring the bag to the 'Comfort Inn' I shall meet you in the hall there. He woke up, he said what a dream, there are dreams & invariably they have no meaning, but once in a while, some dream comes along where you say O my God, this was so vivid, there is something to it, God was actually speaking to me.  So God said take all your miseries, okay let me obey. He took all his miseries, put them in the bag, put the bag on his shoulder and he walked out of his house. It was four in the morning. It was dark as yet, he found his neighbors are also coming out with one bag each. He said what, they are doing the same thing, so did God get the same dream to them as well and they also have their misery bags, I thought they are very happy. This guy has got this big car and this big house and their bags are even bigger than mine, I wonder what is in his bag. All the neighbors gathered in the Comfort Inn with their misery bags.  God started speaking, he said I have dug the nails into the walls, hang your bag from the nail any nail and stand by the side of your misery bag. Observe the other misery bags, you can take your pick. The lights are going to go away for 10 minutes after 10 minutes the lights will come back. Within that interval whichever bag you have selected you can go and stand by the side of it. When the lights come on whoever is standing by the side of whichever bag, can pick it up and go away.  It will be a fair exchange everybody looked around. The lights went off after ten minutes the lights came back but the astonishing thing found was that everybody was standing by the side of their own bag. They said you know I chose my own bag to let's play it safe, at least I know what is inside it.  I've got a little bit of knee pain and my child is giving a little problem and mortgage is a little difficulty but the other guy's bag, you know nowadays this Zika virus is spreading and the swine flu hasn't gone away completely who knows what is there in his bag! Even Ebola virus had reached my Dallas city. So each person they took their own misery bag and they went off and the illusion they had that I'm not happy but the others are happy was dispelled.  7  Nobody is happy here, so don't develop these wrong paradigms (a typical example or pattern) that to good people bad things are happening and also the reverse of this, i.e., why are good things happening to bad people. Keep it in the proper light.  Transcript 0:24 The fact is that in this world nobody is truly happy. Think about it  0:33 Ask yourself are you really happy and satisfied? 0:43 Impossible Veda Vyas says in the Bhagwatam -quoting "Shrimad Bhagwat" 0:50 quoting "Shrimad Bhagwat" only two 0:57 kinds of people are Sukhi (Happy) one is the God realized saint who has risen beyond miseries & dualities 1:07 that person is happy and the second, is the mad man. The mad man is also happy. Because the mad man has removed himself from 1:19 all the miseries, like you take a bottle, it destroys the intellect now you find your 1:26 neighbour lying in the gutter in front of his house you say, my dear neighbor 1:29 why are you lying in the gutter go and lie in your bedroom. He says I'm lying in my bedroom 1:35 The intellect got destroyed he is thinking this is the 1:41 bedroom, similarly if somebody is a madman he can 1:46 say I am happy, if somebody is a God realized saint he can say I'm happy 1:52 Everybody else has to admit we are not fully happy as yet. 2:02 Because ultimately from light of the divine truth we're in the world of maya, the world of the material energy. 2:17 this is like the prison house of God where those souls are there who have 2:25 their backs to him. We all have our backs to God so we are here in this prison 2:35 house, in the cycle of life and death now we people make our prisons, have you 2:44 ever been to jail? 2:47 No I've been many times. Not to get admitted, to give lectures, so the first 2:56 time I went to jail, you know I was 3:00 young person who just started giving these lectures and the jailer of the district 3:07 used to come, he said Swamiji can you please come to jail now this was my 3:13 first experience. He put me in front of these thirty prisoners and said speak to 3:18 them. None of them was even looking up they were all looking down as if 3:24 embarrassed to see me in the eye. Now what to speak to them. 3:31 So involuntarily I blurted out, I said are you all unhappy? Suddenly they 3:38 came to life yes yes yes started moving their hands and looking up and they 3:44 thought maybe this Swamiji has got some magic wand, he will move it and we will 3:48 become happy. I said you are unhappy, very good. 3:55 What very good? this Swamiji at least he should have a compassionate 4:01 heart we are saying we are unhappy and he's saying very good he's putting salt 4:07 in our wounds. I said what is the purpose of the prison house? To keep you unhappy 4:17 if you became happy in the prison house 4:24 then when the government released you you will say what to do so I can become the 4:29 government's guest again. There is a reason why the prison house 4:36 is a place of some extent of hardship and if you can get all that you want in the The Prisoner 4:43 prison house it doesn't serve the purpose similarly, this is the prison house of God 4:52 and the material energy Maya ensures that until you have your face to God 5:02 until you have surrendered to God you cannot be happy. 5:11 "Quoting from Ramayan", the Ramayan says 5:23 fire may emanate from the ice but vimukh (dis-inclined) of Ram nobody can be happy. 5:32 Now everybody knows that they are not happy but what you don't know is that the 5:40 others are also not happy if you did you will become detached, oh my God I'm 5:48 running in the wrong direction but the problem is you are thinking millionaire, 5:55 billionaire must be happy you know my wife she's an avatar of 'Chandi', his 6:01 wife he must be happy and if you came to know that all husbands and all wives 6:09 are unhappy then you'd say Ram Ram Ram. One man he would always complain to God my lord 6:21 you have written all miseries in my life everybody else is so happy. 6:29 So God said let me reveal something to him, the reality of the world. God came at 6:38 night in his dream and he spoke he said take all your miseries and put 6:46 them in a bag, bring the bag to the 'Comfort Inn' I shall meet you in the hall 6:56 there 6:58 he woke up, he said what a dream, there are dreams & 7:05 invariably they have no meaning, then once in a while some dream comes along where you say my 7:11 God this was so vivid, there is something to it, God was actually speaking to me. So he 7:20 said take all your miseries, okay let me obey 7:24 he took his miseries put them in the bag put the bag on his shoulder and he 7:31 walked out of his house. It was four in the morning. 7:38 It was dark as yet, he found his neighbors are also coming out with one bag each. 7:44 He said what, they are doing the same thing, so did God get the same 7:52 dream to them as well and they also have their misery bag, I thought they are 7:59 very happy. This guy has got this big car and this big house 8:04 and their bags are even bigger than mine, I wonder what is in his bag and 8:12 what is in his bag. All the neighbors gathered in the 8:18 Comfort Inn with their misery bags. God started speaking, he said I have dug the 8:27 nails into the walls, hang your bag from the nail any nail and stand by the side 8:34 of your misery bag. Observe the other misery bags, you can take your pick 8:41 The lights are going to go away for 10 minutes after 10 minutes the lights will 8:49 come back. Within that interval whichever bag you have selected you can go and 8:56 stand by the side of it. When the lights come on whoever is standing by the side 9:03 of whichever bag can pick it up and go away. 9:07 It will be a fair exchange 9:11 everybody looked around. 9:15 The lights went off after ten minutes the lights came back 9:22 the astonishing thing found was that everybody was standing by the side of 9:28 their own bag. 9:31 They said you know I choose my own bag let's play it safe, at least I know what 9:38 is inside it I've got a little bit of knee pain and my child is giving a 9:44 little problem and mortgage is a little difficulty but the other guy's bag, you 9:50 know nowadays this Zika virus spreading and the swine flu hasn't gone away 9:58 completely who knows what is there in his bag Even Ebola had reached Dallas my 10:03 so each person they took their own misery bag and they went off and the 10:09 illusion they had I'm not happy the others are happy was dispelled.  10:15 Nobody is happy here, so don't develop these wrong paradigms that you know that to good 10:24 people bad things are happening and the reverse of this why are good things 10:30 happening to bad people. Keep it in the proper light. Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Is Anyone Really Happy Why Bad Things Happen to Good People Part 4.mp4