Saturday, February 26, 2022

Part 4 and 5 - Gratitude For God and Seeing Everything Belonging to God | - 6 Conditions for Surrender by Swami Mukundanand

Part 4 and 5 - Gratitude For God and Seeing Everything Belonging to God | - 6 Conditions for Surrender by Swami Mukundanand *Full Text*  1  Now the fourth point of surrender, is to feel gratitude for all the graces we have already received from God. The final grace we are desirous of, Is that which will lead us souls to liberation from maya and God realization, but on the way we have received so many God’s graces  2  “verse” the human form we got was by the grace of God and then the earth we live in, the air we breathe, the light we receive - all this is His grace, we must feel gratitude to God. Father does so much for the son, tell the son to feel grateful,  the son responds why should I feel grateful, my father is doing his duty, his father did for him he is doing for me, you will say this is “kritaghni” (कृतघन) ingratitude (not to feel thankful)  3  similarly God has bestowed so many graces - at least feel gratitude to Him, it is He who has bestowed life upon us, without Him, we would not have existed, without Him, we cannot eat, all that we eat is His prasad, whether you offer it or you don't offer to God, it is still prasad  4  one lady she bought a meal for me, so I said, “devi ji, who made this sabzi” ? she said “swami ji, I made it”, I said, “you made it ? did you make the “aloo” (potato) or did you make the “gobi” (cauliflower)”, No, that my husband got from Walmart, I only cleaned it and cooked it, so who made it ?  It is God's technology that transformed mud into potatoes and cabbages. Is there anybody else on this planet earth, who has set up such a factory that from this side you have mud going in, on other side you've got potatoes and vegetables coming out ?  This technology is only with God which means everything we are eating is all His grace, so fill your heart with gratitude that is the fourth point of surrender  5  and the fifth point of surrender is to see all you have as belonging to Him (God), give up the sense of proprietorship, this “verse” says if you adopt two syllables, you will be in bondage, but if you change them to three syllables you will get liberated  6  what are the two syllables ? “Mameiti” , i.e., mera (mine), mera (mine), now change it to mera nahin “Na Mameiti”, you will be liberated. The concept that we have “this is mine”, “that is mine” - this is all ignorance because we will leave it all one day and go away  7  Ramakrishna Paramhansa used to say that God smiles on two occasionhe first time He smiles is when the child is sick and the mother is crying, the doctor has come and the doctor says to the mother “don't worry, I will save your child.”  God smiles “Mr Doctor, is life and death decided by you or by Me”? you can only treat, I will cure or not, cure is in My hands  8  and the second time God smiles is when two brothers divide their father's property, they measure the land, construct the fences and put up boards, one says “this is mine” the other says “this is mine” - God says “what is yours ? you came empty-handed in this world & you will go back empty-handed”  9  One billionaire said, “I owned so much in the World, precious stones and gems and gold and silver “दुनिया में खूब कमाया, क्या हीरे क्या मोती, क्या लेकिन क्या करें यारों, कफन में जेब नहीं होती” the shroud doesn't have a pocket, I was not able to take anything”  - in fact even if the shroud had a pocket, in the cremation ground it would have been burned, when you came you were empty-handed when you go that is how you shall go from the world as everything in it belongs to God  Transcript 0:04 now the fourth point of surrender what 0:08 is this to feel gratitude for all the 0:13 graces we have already received see that 0:19 is the final grace we are desirous of 0:22 which will lead to liberation from Maya 0:25 and God realization but on the way we 0:28 have received so many graces  0:30 “verse”  0:36 the human form we 0:40 got was by the grace of God and then the 0:46 earth we live in the air we breathe the 0:50 light we receive all this is His grace 0:55 feel gratitude 0:58 now father does so much for the son tell 1:01 the son feel grateful the son responds 1:06 why should I feel grateful my father is 1:09 doing his duty his father did for him he 1:12 is doing for me, you will say this is 1:15 “kritaghni” (कृतघन) ingratitude similarly God 1:20 has bestowed so many graces at least 1:23 feel gratitude it is he who has bestowed 1:28 life upon us without him we would not 1:32 have existed without him we cannot eat 1:37 all that we eat is Prasad whether you 1:40 offer it or you don't it is still Prasad  1:42 one lady she bought a meal for me so I 1:46 said devi ji who made this sabzi 1:50 she said swami ji i made it i said you 1:54 made it did you make the “aloo” (potato) or did you 1:57 make the “gobi” (cauliflower), no, that my husband got from 2:01 Walmart 2:02 I only cleaned it and cooked it so who 2:05 made it it is God's technology that 2:10 transformed mud into 2:13 potatoes and cabbages is there anybody 2:17 else on this planet earth who has set up 2:21 such a factory that from this side you 2:23 have mud going in on this side you've 2:26 got potatoes and vegetables coming out 2:29 this technology is only with God which 2:33 means everything we are eating is all 2:37 His grace so fill your heart with 2:41 gratitude that is the fourth point of 2:46 surrender and the fifth point of 2:49 surrender is see all you have as 2:53 belonging to him give up the sense of 2:58 proprietorship  3:14 this verse says two 3:16 syllables if you adopt you will be in 3:19 bondage change them to three syllables 3:22 you will get liberated what are the two 3:26 syllables “Mameiti” the mera (mine), mera 3:31 (mine), now change it to mera nahin “Na Mameiti”,  3:37 you will be liberated this concept we 3:41 have this is mine this is mine this is 3:43 all ignorance because we will leave it 3:45 all one day and go away Ramakrishna 3:50 Paramhansa used to say that God smiles on  3:52 two occasions the first time He smiles is  3:56 when the child is sick and the mother is 3:59 crying the doctor has come and the 4:03 doctor says to the mother “don't worry, I 4:05 will save your child” 4:08 God smiles “Mr Doctor, is life and 4:13 death decided by you or by Me”? you can 4:17 only treat I will cure or not cure it is 4:21 in my hands and the second time God 4:26 Smiles is 4:27 when two brothers divide their father's 4:30 Property, they measure the land construct 4:34 the fences and put up boards one says 4:39 this is mine the other says this is mine 4:43 God says what is yours you came 4:46 empty-handed in this world you will go 4:49 back empty-handed  4:52 5:00 One billionaire said I owned so much in the 5:03 world precious stones and gems and gold 5:06 and silver  “दुनिया में खूब कमाया, क्या हीरे क्या मोती, क्या लेकिन क्या करें यारों, कफन में जेब नहीं होती”  the shroud doesn't 5:23 have a pocket I was not able to take 5:26 anything in fact even if the shroud had 5:29 a pocket in the cremation ground it 5:31 would have been burned when you came you 5:35 were empty-handed when you go that is 5:37 how you shall go from the world as  5:39 everything in it belongs to God Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Gratitude For God and Seeing Everything Belonging to God Part 4 and 5 - 6 Conditions for Surrender.mp4

How Do You Attain God? 3rd Point Of Surrender | Spirituality In Hinduism by Swami Mukundanand

How Do You Attain God? 3rd Point Of Surrender | Spirituality In Hinduism by Swami Mukundanand Main points :  1  third point in surrender to Krishna is then to have faith that He is protecting me. If he was not protecting me, how would I digest the food that I'm eating ?  Shri Krishna says in a later chapter there's a fire in the stomach “JatharAgni” that is so powerful it digests even Stone, if you happen to eat it - then that is His protection to us  2  He knows that we need oxygen to breathe and he has created the plants that produce oxygen for us, they are automatic air purifiers. So He has ensured that He is protecting us, so do not feel fearful, Oh, my God, what will happen ?  If you have an insurance policy, well & good - if you don't have an insurance Policy, well, you know that I'm in the Lord's hands, He is taking care of all the creatures in the world  3  the little ants are by the trillions and you don't find, O, my God, one billion ants there died - whatever they need is provided and the elephants they eat so much and He has equipped them for it, so we study this nature of elephants even in Odisha state which is an elephant country because the elephants used to very non-chalantly (casually, without any botheration) break our wall and come in inside and eat the gobhies (cauliflower), the vegetables,  and that's I saw, how God has equipped the elephant with such a fantastic memory that 365 days he goes to 365 places, because such a big creature, if he repeats places, people will be all ready and not only that when he comes nobody throws stones at him because we all know elephants can remember, he will remember you chucked a stone at me 20 years ago, alright, they've been known to finish people like that  4  so it is God who is protecting and this is when we are not fully surrendered and when we choose to surrender ourselves, have full faith like Draupadi did, then there'll be a more powerful and direct intervention  5  I have heard the story of Judge Swami. There used to be a judge Swami living in Haridwar, so he was previously a judge in Mathura and then he became a Swami but his story became very famous - how he became a Swami was quite astonishing.  There is a famous Bihari ji temple in Vrindavan and by the side of that, a Brahman used to live. He had to take a loan to get his daughter married and he took the loan from a sahukar, a Mahajan, money lender, so he was returning it in installments and the money lender would note it in front of him but at the end, he was also maintaining a fictitious account.  And when the whole payment was complete he said that you have not made any Payment, and he filed the case in the court. So now the appeal came from the court, the magistrate, he sent the clerk with the notice and the clerk came to meet the Brahman and said that you have not paid your Loan - he said, of course I've paid back my loan.  The clerk asked if there is any witness ? He said yes there is a witness, Bihari ji is a witness, Shri Krishna. So the matter came in front of the court and the judge said you have paid ? yes, I have paid. who is the witness - he said alright then, get him to the court. So the next hearing was decided and this Brahman cried and cried and cried before Shri Krishna in the temple and said You have to protect me.  So this is a real story, the judge opened the proceedings and the announcement was made because it was noted in the records that Bihari ji is a witness, Bihari hazir ho, nobody came, again the call went out, gawahi (witness) Bihari hazir ho, still nobody came and in the third call, one man walked up,  He was all covered in a blanket, and His face was also covered, so He came into the witness box and then He opened the blanket to look at the judge, and the pen fell out of the judge's hand. So the judge composed himself and said you have come to give witness and  the Man (Krishna actually) said “yes, this person has paid this much on this date, this much on this date, this much on this date, so judge said what is the proof, He said he's got another register inside in this particular cupboard, so the judge sent the police to do the inquiry, they found the register with all the payments, now the judge did pass the judgment in favor of the Brahman but he resigned,  So this is the third point of surrender which is to have full faith  Transcript 0:00 third point in surrender to Krishna is then 0:01 to have faith 0:04 that he is protecting me 0:09 if he was not protecting me how would I 0:12 digest the food that I'm eating 0:15 imagine this food gets digested Shri 0:19 Krishna says in a later chapter there's 0:21 a fire in the stomach “JatharAgni” 0:24 that is so powerful it digests even 0:28 Stone If you happen to eat it 0:31 then that is his protection to us 0:34 he knows that we need oxygen to breathe 0:38 and he has created the plants that 0:40 produce oxygen for us they are automatic 0:43 air purifiers 0:46 so he has ensured that he is protecting 0:49 us 0:51 so do not feel fearful 0:54 oh my God what will happen 0:58 if you have an insurance policy well & 1:00 good if you don't have an insurance 1:02 policy well you know I'm in the Lord's 1:05 hands 1:07 he is taking care of all the creatures 1:10 in the world  1:11 the little ants are by the trillions 1:15 and you don't find oh my God one billion 1:18 ants there died 1:20 whatever they need is provided and the 1:23 elephants they eat so much 1:26 and he has equipped them for it so we 1:30 study this nature of elephants even in 1:32 odisha which is elephant country because 1:35 the elephant used to very 1:37 non-chalantly break our wall and 1:40 come in inside and eat the gobhies (cauliflower) the 1:42 vegetables 1:43 and that's I saw how God has equipped 1:47 the elephant with such a fantastic 1:49 memory that 365 days he goes to 365 1:54 places 1:55 because such a big Creature if he 1:57 repeats people will be all ready 1:59 and not only that when he comes nobody 2:01 throws stones at him because we all know 2:04 elephants can remember he will remember 2:07 you chucked a stone at me 20 years ago 2:10 all right they've been known to finish 2:13 people like that 2:16 so it is God who is protecting and 2:21 this is when we are not fully 2:24 surrendered and when we choose to 2:27 surrender ourselves have full faith like 2:31 draupadi did then there'll be a more 2:34 powerful and direct intervention  2:38 I have heard the story of Judge Swami 2:42 there used to be a judge Swami living in 2:45 haridwar 2:47 so he was previously a judge in mathura 2:49 and then he became a Swami but his story 2:53 became very famous how he became a Swami 2:57 was quite astonishing 3:00 there is a famous bihari ji temple in 3:03 vrindavan and by the side of that, a 3:06 Brahman used to live 3:08 he had to take a loan to get his 3:11 daughter married and he took the loan 3:13 from a sahukar a mahajan money lender 3:18 so he was returning it in installments 3:22 and the money lender would note it in 3:24 front of him 3:26 but 3:28 at the end he was also maintaining a 3:32 fictitious account 3:33 and when the whole payment was complete 3:37 he said that you have not made any 3:40 payment and he filed the case in the 3:42 court 3:44 so now the appeal came from the court 3:48 the magistrate he sent the clerk with 3:51 the notice 3:52 and the clerk came to meet the Brahman 3:55 and said that you have not paid your 3:58 loan 3:59 he said of course I've paid back my loan 4:03 the clerk said is there any Witness 4:06 he said yes there is a witness 4:09 Bihari ji is a witness 4:12 Shri Krishna 4:13 so the matter came in front of the court 4:17 and the judge said you have paid yes I 4:20 have paid 4:21 who is the witness he said 4:23 all right then get him to the court 4:27 so the next hearing was decided and this 4:31 Brahman cried and cried and cried before 4:34 Shri Krishna 4:36 the temple and said no you have to 4:39 protect me 4:41 so this is a real story 4:44 the judge opened the proceedings 4:47 and the announcement was made because it 4:50 was noted in the records the bihari is a 4:52 witness 4:54 bihari hazir ho 4:58 nobody came 5:00 again the call went out gawahi Bihari hazir ho 5:04 still nobody came 5:07 and in the third 5:09 call 5:10 one man walked up 5:13 he was all covered in a blanket 5:18 and his face was also covered 5:22 so he came into the witness box 5:25 and then 5:26 he opened the blanket to look at the 5:29 judge 5:31 and the pen fell out of the judge's hand 5:35 so the judge composed himself 5:39 and said you have come to give Witness 5:42 and the man said yes 5:46 this person has paid this much on this 5:48 date this much on this date this much on 5:51 this date 5:52 so he said what is the proof he said 5:55 he's got another register inside in this 5:58 particular cupboard 6:00 so the judge sent the police to do the 6:04 inquiry they found the register with all 6:07 the payments 6:09 now the judge did pass the Judgment in 6:13 favor of the Brahman but 6:16 he resigned so this is the third 6:21 point of surrender which is to have full 6:24 faith Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): How Do You Attain God 3rd Point Of Surrender Spirituality In Hinduism Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Friday, February 25, 2022

Part 2 Accepting God's Will | - 6 Conditions for Surrender by Swami Mukundanand

Part 2 Accepting God's Will | - 6 Conditions for Surrender by Swami Mukundanand Main Points: 1  There's the story of Lord Rama, when He went in Dandakaranya to Pampasar lake, he was extremely thirsty, so He placed His bow on the earth and stooped to take a drink of water from the lake, apparently unknown to Him, He had put his bow on a frog.  So after he had his fill of Water, He cast His glance and He found that the frog was badly bruised and cut by the weight of his Sarang (Name of His bow)  2  So Lord Rama was moved to pity, He said, “my dear frog, what is this, you have been bruised so badly, you did not complain? I have given you such a big throat, you could have made some sound but you did not cry out”.  The Frog said, “my Lord, whenever I have been in trouble, I have cried out to God, to Lord Rama, today Rama Himself is putting me in trouble, now to whom should I cry out ? I'm not complaining, I'm accepting this as Your will, I was praying, give me the strength to bear with this pain “  3  “#Surrender Condition 2”, second condition of surrendot to desire against the desire of God. We put in our best efforts but the results are in His hands. After doing your best, whatever comes, accept it.  If we complain, “Why did God do this to me?” surrender finishes. The moment you say, “why did you do this, Oh God”, there is NO surrender, surrender always means “Yes, God”  4  see in the Srimad Bhagavatam, there is a very powerful “verse”, Srimad Bhagavatam says that if you can fulfill these three conditions, then Bhakti will become your “Dayabhak” - Uttaradhikar (उत्तराधिकार) (Inheritance), i.e.,  God's property will become your property (like in inheritance from father to son), three conditions you need to fulfill, what are these ?  5  First is to keep waiting for His grace, don't complain “God is not blessing me”! No, the difficulty is from my side, “तेरे करम में कमी नहीं, तू करीम है, कसूर मेरा है, झूठा उम्मीदवार हूँ मैं”, Never complain “Lord, why did You not grace”, the defect is from my side & I must keep waiting  6  second condition of surrender to God is that whatever joy, sorrow we get as a result of our past karmas, to accept them gracefully without complaining. One disciple went to his guru, “Guruji, I have this problem, that problem, how will I do sadhna” ?  Guruji said, “my child, the best sadhana is to tolerate this problem, that problem without any negativity. There is no better sadhana than this, so the second condition is that you tolerate the karmas, karmic reactions, which are coming your way without complaint  7  The third condition is that with your body, with your mind & with your word, offer your pranam (obeisance) to the Lord.  This is the “anukul sankalp”, positive thinking towards Him, so the Srimad Bhagavatam says if you can just fulfill just these three conditions, then Bhakti will become your “Dayabhak” – Uttaradhikar, i.e., inheritance  Transcript 0:05 There's the story of Lord Rama When He went in Dandakaranya to Pampasar lake,  0:12 he was extremely thirsty so he placed 0:17 his bow on the earth and stooped to take a drink of water from the lake 0:26 apparently unknown to him he had put his bow on a frog so after he had his fill of 0:34 water he cast his glance and he found that the frog was badly bruised and cut 0:41 By the weight of his Sarang (Name of His bow) so Lord Rama was moved to pity he said my dear frog what 0:51 is this you have been bruised so badly you did 0:56 not complain?  I have given you such a big throat you could have made some 1:04 sound but you did not cry out the Frog said my lord whenever I have been in 1:17 trouble  I have cried out to God, to Lord Rama, today Ram Himself is putting me in trouble now 1:27 Now to whom should I cry out ? I'm not complaining, I'm accepting this as your I was praying,  1:37 give me the strength to bear with “#Surrender Condition 2”, second condition of surrender: not to desire against the 1:47 desire of God we put in our best efforts the results are in his hands 1:56 after doing your best whatever comes accept it. If we complain, “Why did God do this to me?” surrender finishes 2:10 the moment you say why did you do this Oh God 2:15 there is NO surrender, surrender always means “Yes, God”  see in the Srimad Bhagavatam, there is a very 2:25 powerful “verse”,  2:45 Srimad Bhagavatam says that if you can fulfill these three conditions then Bhakti will become your “Dayabhak” - Uttaradhikar (उत्तराधिकार) (Inheritance)  2:55 It is God's property it will become yours, three conditions you need 3:02 to fulfill what are these first is that keep 3:10 waiting for His grace, don't complain “God is not blessing me” No, the difficulty is from my side 3:20 “तेरे करम में कमी नहीं, तू करीम है, कसूर मेरा है, झूठा उम्मीदवार हूँ मैं”  3:28 never complain “Lord, why did You not grace” the defect is from my side I must keep 3:36 Waiting, second condition whatever joy, sorrow we get as a result of our past karmas,  to accept them gracefully without 3:52 complaining 3:55 one disciple went to his guru, “Guruji, I have this problem, that problem, how will I do sadhna” ? Guruji said 4:06 my child the best sadhana is to tolerate this problem that problem 4:11 without any negativity there is no better sadhana, so the second condition is 4:19 that you tolerate the karmas, karmic reactions, which are coming your way 4:26 without complaint and the third condition is  4:34 With your body with your mind with your word offer your pranam (obeisance) to the Lord 4:43 This is the “anukul sankalp” positive thinking towards Him, so the Srimad Bhagavatam says if you can just fulfill  4:50 Just these three conditions, then Bhakti will become your “Dayabhak” – Uttaradhikar, Inheritance Standby link (in case youtube link does not work) Accepting God's Will Part 2 - 6 Conditions for Surrender Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Easiest Way to Receive God's Grace || God Realization by Swami Mukundanand


The Easiest Way to Receive God's Grace || God Realization by Swami Mukundanand Main points  1  one soul fights with God, he says my Lord, should I reveal my mind to You, God said, go ahead. Soul said “You will not like it”, God said, “never mind, I'm used to it”, we people from time to time think thoughts of anger, hatred, envy, jealousy and God sitting inside is noting them all.  So God says, I'm very used to all the gobar ganesh (completely foolish or very stupid) that the souls are keeping in their heart. What is it that you wish to say ? Tell me now  2  The soul spoke up “verse”, the soul said my Lord, in the world it so happens that if a little helpless child is fallen in a ditch and a passerby happens to see the child wailing, crying helplessly, any passerby is moved to pity & they lift the child, quieten the child,  feed the child and endeavour to find that little baby's parents and if the parents are not traceable then they deposit the child in an orphanage or the police station but nobody is so hard-hearted that they would throw that little baby back into the ditch “Jao maro” - this much of pity my Lord even we humans have got  3  God accepted, you are very correct, human beings do possess the virtue of compassion, if they don't they are not human, they're demoniac, but what is it you wish to say, O soul ? why have you created this background before presenting your statement ?  4  now the soul expressed his intention, my Lord, I am also Your little child, I'm helpless, I have fallen in this ditch of material existence, I'm being kicked by the waves of maya and tormented by anger, greed & desire. You are my all merciful father, you have declared "Amrutasyavai Putrah" (son of the Immortal" or "children of immortality") and You are aware of the miseries that I am undergoing.  Are you not feeling pity on me ? It is within Your capacity to grace me by a mere glance of Your causeless grace, You can liberate me from the shackles of material bondage, why then, my Lord have You not graced me and endless lifetimes have passed by and don't blame me.  5  God said “O soul, why did you not come to My door ? if you had, I would have blessed you”. Soul saMy Lord, I'm unaware of the path to Your door, I'm admitting that I'm in ignorance but you don't have any such alibis (excuses) because you are Omniscient all-knowing “Sarvagya” and  you possess various titles “Patit Pavan”, “Deen Bandhu” “binu hetu Snehi” “Akaran karuna Varunalya”, “Saviour of the destitutes”, Rescuer of the fallen”, ocean of causeless grace and mercy, what mercy, my Lord ?  Your little child is in such doldrums and You are not blessing him quickly, restore Your grace on me or Your good name will be tainted, the soul levelled this accusation upon God.  6  Now God responded, O soul “छोटा मुंह बड़ी बात” 'chota munh, bari baat!" you have accused me of being hard-hearted. I am supposed to be softer than the softest but tell me one thing that the basis of your claim for My grace was that I am your father and you are my child. My question to you is whether do you actually believe that I am your father ?  Simple question, you said “O God, You are my Father, bless me”. My question is, do you actually believe that I am your father ? Where do you believe ? You have two percent faith in God that He is also my father but I've never seen Him whereas I have received the love of my worldly father, I have a share in his property, I will get it from him after he leaves out, you have attachment with your worldly father, and here with Me, you have none.  God says I'm waiting for you to actually accept Me as your Lord. When you go to the temple, you say "twameva mata cha pita twameva", God you alone (twameva = twam+eva, evaluated means “ONLY”) are my father.  Now why don't you believe when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu advises you to just say once, with all your heart, O Shri Krishna, You alone are Mine, You alone – “Twamev” (only You)  7  God says, look if I bestow My grace, do you know what I will give you ? No, my lord. Listen I'll give you My divine knowledge, divine bliss, which will fulfill and satisfy you for the rest of eternity. I'll give you that kind of love which will satiate your heart completely.  In return, what do I ask from you, are you aware ? No, my lord. Look, it is said in America that there are no free lunches. You want My grace in free fund, don't you realize that you have some commitments, some obligations, something to do in return ?  Yes, You're right, my Lord. Then, first of all understand what is it that God gives and what is it that God expects from you. Alright, my Lord, let me hear You out today, please speak  8  Now God responded with the condition for His grace. In the Rigveda, He says “verse”, O soul, surrender to Me and I will grace you, the condition for My grace is “My sharnagati”.  God says, look, you have come into My world, now if you go to Brazil you can't live by American or Indian rules, you have to follow the rules of Brazil, and if you go to Moscow you have to live by the rules of Russia.  Similarly, we are in God's world, we need to follow God's laws. God says in the Rig Veda “verse” O soul, if you surrender yourself to Me, without any delay I will release you from the bondage of Maya,  I will cut these bonds of ‘trigun’ (three material modes of nature, Satogun, Rajogun, Tamogun), ‘tritap’ (three miseries Adi Bhautik, Adi Daivik, Adhyatmik) 'tridosh', 'panchklesh', 'panchakosh',  THREE “TRIDOSH” ARE : Vata: The most powerful dosha, formed by the combination of air and space. Vata is associated with movement.  Pitta: Formed by the combination of fire and water. Pitta is associated with metabolic activities.  Kapha: Formed by the combination of earth and water. Kapha is associated with structural aspects and strength. FIVE “PANCHKLESH” : THESE are Avidya (Ignorance), Asmita (Egoism), Raga (Attachment), Dvesha (Aversion) and Abhinivesha (Fear of Death).  FIVE “PANCHAKOSH” ARE : Annamaya kosha: The physical body, or food sheath  Pranamaya kosha: The vital sheath, or energy, which includes breath and the five pranas  Manomaya kosha: The mental sheath, or emotional body, which includes thoughts, feelings, and emotions  Vijnanamaya kosha: The intellect or intuitive sheath, which includes subtle knowledge or wisdom  Anandamaya kosha: The bliss sheath, or spiritual or causal body, which is the highest level of vibration I’ll remove all these afflictions and restore that divine bliss upon you, there will not be a moment's delay  9  See what is a moment. Even if you make the light switch on, it travels at the speed of 1 lakh 86,000 miles per second, so it takes a moment to reach you, God says, “I won't even take that moment, you just have to surrender to Me”. “verse”, again He says In Rig Veda “verse” “O soul if you want My mercy, My property, you will have to surrender to Me”  Transcript 0:04 one soul fights with God he says my lord should I reveal my mind to you God said 0:18 go ahead you will not like it God said never mind I'm used to it we 0:28 people from time to time think thoughts of anger hatred envy jealousy and God 0:37 sitting inside is noting them all so God says I'm very used to all the gobar ganesh (completely foolish or very stupid) 0:46 that the souls are keeping in their heart what is it that you wish to say 0:51 tell me now the soul spoke up “verse”  1:12 The soul said my lord in the world it so happens that if a little helpless child is 1:22 fallen in a ditch and a passerby happens to see the child wailing crying 1:32 helplessly any passerby is moved to pity they lift the child quieten the 1:42 child feed the child and endeavour to find that little baby's parents and if 1:51 the parents are not traceable then they deposit the child in an orphanage or the 1:56 police station but nobody is so hard-hearted that they would throw that 2:06 little baby back into the ditch “Jao maro” this much of pity 2:13 my lord even we humans have got God accepted you are very correct human 2:22 beings do possess the virtue of compassion if they don't they are not 2:29 human they're demoniac but what is it you wish to say O soul why have you 2:37 created this background before presenting your statement now the soul 2:45 expressed his intention my lord I am also your little child I'm helpless I 2:56 have fallen in this ditch of material existence I'm being kicked by the waves 3:04 of maya and tormented by anger greed desire you are my all merciful father 3:14 you have declared "Amrutasyavai Putrah" and you are aware of the miseries that I am 3:24 undergoing are you not feeling pity on me 3:29 it is within your capacity to grace me by a mere glance of your causeless grace 3:38 you can liberate me from the shackles of material bondage why then my lord have 3:47 you not graced me and endless lifetimes have passed by 3:55 and don't blame me. O soul why did you not come to my door if you had I would have 4:04 blessed you my lord I'm unaware of the path to your door I'm 4:13 admitting I'm an ignorance but you don't have any such alibis because you are  4:23 Omniscient all-knowing “Sarvagya” and you possess various titles “Patit Pavan”, “Deen Bandhu” “binu hetu Snehi” “Akaran karuna Varunalya”, “Saviour of the destitutes”, Rescuer of the fallen”   ocean of causeless grace and mercy what mercy my 4:48 lord your little child is in such doldrums and you are not blessing him 4:55 quickly restore your grace on me or your good name will be tainted The soul 5:07 levelled this accusation upon God now God responded O soul 'chota munh, bari baat" you have 5:20 accused me of being hard-hearted I am supposed to be softer than the softest 5:28 but tell me one thing the basis of your claim for grace was that I am your 5:36 father and you are my child my question to you is do you actually believe that I 5:46 am your father simple question you said o god you are 5:53 my father bless me my question is do you actually believe that I am your father 6:02 Where do you believe you have two percent faith God is also my father 6:08 but I've never seen him I have received the love of my worldly father I have a 6:14 share in his property I will get it from him after he leaves out there you have 6:19 attachment and here you have none God says I'm waiting for you to actually 6:30 accept me as your Lord when you go to the temple you say to "twameva mata cha pita twameva."  6:46 O God you alone are my father now why don't you believe that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu  6:53 just say once with all your heart O shri krishna you alone are 7:05 mine you alone – “Twamev” (only You) God says look if I bestow my grace do you know what I 7:18 will give you no my lord listen I'll give you my divine knowledge 7:25 divine bliss which will fulfill and satisfy you for the rest of eternity 7:33 I'll give you that kind of love which will satiate your heart completely in 7:41 return what do I ask from you are you aware no my lord 7:48 look it is said in America there are no free lunches you want my grace in free 7:58 fund don't you realize that you have some commitments some obligations something 8:04 to do in return yes you're right my lord 8:09 what is it that you are supposed to do do you know I don't then first of all 8:15 understand what is it that God gives and what is it that God expects from you 8:24 all right my lord let me hear you out today speak up now God responded with 8:34 the condition for grace in the Rigveda He says “verse” O 8:43 soul surrender to me and I will grace you the condition for grace is sharnagati  8:55 God says look you have come into my world now if you go to Brazil 9:03 you can't live by American or Indian rules you have to follow the rules of 9:08 Brazil and if you go to Moscow you have to live by the rules of Russia similarly 9:16 we are in God's world we need to follow God's laws God says why is this  9:23 revolution taking place again he says in the Rig Veda  “verse” 9:39 o soul if you surrender yourself to me without any delay I will release you from the 9:49 bondage of Maya I will cut these bonds of ‘trigun’, ‘tritap’, 'tridosh', 'panchklesh', 'panchakosh', 9:54 all these afflictions and restore that 10:01 divine bliss upon you there will not be a moment's delay see what is a moment 10:11 even if you put the light on it  10:18 travels at the speed of 1 lakh 86,000 miles per second so it takes a moment to 10:24 reach you God says I won't even take that moment you just have to surrender 10:31 there is My grace “verse” again he says 10:40 In Rig Veda “verse” O soul if you want my 10:51 mercy my property you will have to surrender Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): The Easiest Way to Receive God's Grace God Realization Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How To Find Inspiration From Within? by Swami Mukundananda Full Text :   1  It is said, count not your life in the number of breaths that you breathe, count your life in the number of moments that took your breath away  2  These were the moments when we were fully inspired, inspiration is the fuel that energizes our life, it empowers ordinary people to put in their best and become experts in their respective fields and lack of inspiration transforms geniuses into ordinary people.  Hence inspiration is such a vital ingredient, if we are inspired, the biggest obstacle seems puny, and when uninspired, a tiny difficulty seems like an unsurmountable hurdle - that is why somebody said that you may lose everything in life except your enthusiasm and you will gain it all back again but that person who has lost his enthusiasm, he is truly bankrupt  3  Henry David Thoreau said nobody is as old as he who has outgrown enthusiasm, so whether it is a material endeavor or a spiritual endeavor, enthusiasm makes the difference between failure and success  4  that is why Jesus told his followers, be either hot or cold, if you are lukewarm, I spit you out. The yoga darshan says “verse”, in your pursuit of the Supreme Goal (God), endeavor with all your enthusiasm  5  the great sage Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, related 50 years ago in india. Farming used to be done by the bulls, so farmers would bring these young bulls to the fair to sell them and customers would come to purchase but how do they come to know which bull is energetic and will do its work ?  So the customer would kick the sitting bull in the back on its tail, if the bull continued to sit, the farmer would decide this bull is no good and if the bull got up, the farmer would think this bull has got energy in it, it is worthwhile and will do good work  6  so inspiration has been recognized as the ingredient for success in all fields. Is it something that we are born with ? No, we can change our inspiration, sometimes circumstances are responsible for it  7  there was once a factory worker, he used to work in the evening shift from 4 p.m. till midnight. The factory was an hour away from his house and he would walk down to it, at midnight he would return walking, there was a graveyard in the way, so on this night he decided to take the shortcut, he walked through that graveyard and saved a full half an hour.  Nothing untoward happened in the graveyard so he thought it safe and he can do it every day. Now daily after his factory shift he would take the shortcut. One day unknown to him a new grave had been dug, right on the path, it was a moonless cloudy pitch dark night. Walking along the path, he suddenly fell into the grave, now he realized that he has fallen into a new grave, he tried to claw his way out but found it was difficult,  it was seven feet deep so he decided to spend the night there and next day somebody would come to take him out. A few moments went by and a drunkard came that way, the drunkard with his intellect Destroyed, also fell into the grave.  Now the drunkard became scared and came to his senses, I'm in a grave in this graveyard on the other side of midnight, I hope no spirits make their appearance, let me get out of here as quickly as Possible, he was trying to claw his way up but finding it impossible and this man sitting on the other side was watching the drama.  So he decided to convey his wisdom to the drunkard and unannounced he came from the back and battered him, my dear fellow. What does the drunkard find, there's a hand on his back, that man announced there is no use trying, you cannot get out.  The drunkard was scared out of his wits, suddenly he found the inspiration to get out, he leapt a few more inches until he reached the edge and pulled himself out. Now that inspiration within him triggered his save.  8  so it's not that people don't have the ability to be inspired. Factory managers say their workers are uninspired but see them on Friday afternoons, when they get out of the factory, how inspired they are ! So this is a quality that we can develop within ourselves, how do we tap into this ?  9  factors were analyzed that motivate or demotivate people. It was found that if the boss has been too harsh on the Subordinate, it is demotivating but the same situation seemed to motivate others. One man says okay now I will not give my best, the other says really I'll put in so much of hard work that my boss will have to accept that I am good. Now what motivates them and what demotivates  10  in Toronto, social scientists interviewed two brothers, one of them was a drunkard a derelict (a person abandoned by society, especially a person without a permanent home and means of support), he had psoriasis ( Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches ) of the liver he was a wife beater, and had repeatedly gone to prison.  And his younger brother, his life was a complete success. So the social scientists asked the elder brother, why are you in such a mess ? he said what else could I be, my father was a drunkard, he was an alcoholic, wife-beater, I saw him make his life such a mess, I grew up in those circumstances, how could I be any better ?  The scientist said, you know he has got a point. Yhey asked the younger brother, how come you have got it all right - your health is good, you don't have vices, you have a wonderful harmonious family, you are well praised in your work, what is the secret of your success ? He said, how could I not do it like this, I saw my father make all the mistakes and there was no way I could repeat them.  The scientist said, you know he has also got a point. Now in the same environment, one is getting motivated the other is getting Demotivated, what then is the secret of motivation ?  11  This lesson was taught to me by my spiritual master many decades ago when he called me to his monastery and he asked me to study the scriptures so that I may distribute this Knowledge.  Subsequently as a part of my study I felt that I should also practice public speaking because I would need that skill later. The only problem was that there was no public in that monastery, so I would try speaking to a wall and there can be nothing more demotivating than speaking to a wall because it will not even say, I don't like the joke that you are saying - so after 5-10 minutes I would become uninspired and stop.  I went to my guru and said can you please designate somebody who will sit and listen to me for an hour every day while I speak to him. He utilized that situation as an opportunity to teach me a life lesson, he Said, look my child, inspiration or the lack of it don't have to come from the outside they can all happen from the inside  12  Remember this formula all your life, if you develop an intense desire, you will then make a firm resolve. When you have a firm resolve, you will put in immense effort and that is how you will become but if your desire is weak, the resolve will be mild, the effort will be marginal and that is how you will become  13  When I received that instruction from my guru, I said now I need to follow it, come hell or high water. I understood that carelessness is coming from the inside and I have the ability to remove it. After that I was able to give talks to walls, to bushes, to corn fields, to water canals, to anything - it became the easiest thing because I tapped in to the inner source  14  so if we wish to lead an inspired life, we must learn to develop the quality of inner motivation and how do you get motivated from within ? Give yourself a strong reason, a strong why. When you have a strong reason for doing something, you automatically become motivated. If you wish to be inspired to follow that healthy diet,  if you wish to be inspired to stick to your daily regimen of exercise and yoga every day, convince yourself of the benefits you will get from that regimen, convince yourself of the harm you will cause yourself by not sticking to the regimen, that is “Why Power”  15  this “Why Power” is extremely powerful. We people think the mind is not under my control but that's not really true. If the intellect decides something is important, it has the ability to hold the mind in its control.  Consider for example you have a weakness for some delicacy, some butterscotch or chocolate chip ice cream and you have been fasting for two days, after two days your friend brings for you the ice cream.  Now the mind yearns for it, I want that, the mind asks the intellect there is great pleasure in front of me, can we indulge ? the intellect sanctions, go ahead, and the intellect has instructed the mind the mind has instructed the hand and the hand has put the spoon there and it's bringing the spoon to the mouth.  At that moment, if your second friend comes and says what are you doing, you wish to die ? what do you mean? I mean, there is poison in it potassium cyanide, intellect says potassium cyanide ? this is dangerous, throw it, the intellect instructs the mind, the mind has instructed the hand and the hand has chucked that ice-cream.  This person has suddenly got the ability to resist, where did it come from ? it was the power of the intellect over the mind. You want to test his detachment ? offer him a million dollars, sir, eat it, I will give you a million dollars, he says what will a dead man do with the million dollars, I don't want it.  Oh but have you seen anybody put poison in it ? No, have you ever seen poison in your life ? No, But then my friend has told me there is poison. Is your friend absolutely reliable and honest and trustworthy ? No, I have caught him telling lies a few times, a friend who is not completely trustworthy, his one statement enabled you to desist from indulging in that object of pleasure which was the ice cream merely by the conviction of the intellect  16  so if we can tap into the “Why Power”, that will then enable us to enthuse ourselves and bring out the best in us in the desired task and enable us to bring out the best we have to perform the task at hand. How then can we develop this “Why Power”, how then can we convince our intellect to tap in to this vast reservoir of inspiration, we will discuss this some other time  Transcript 0:08 it is said count not your life in the 0:14 number of breaths that you breathe count 0:19 your life in the number of moments that 0:23 took your breath away these were the 0:28 moments when we were fully inspired 0:34 inspiration is the fuel that energizes 0:39 our life it empowers ordinary people to 0:44 put in their best and become experts in 0:49 their respective fields and lack of 0:53 inspiration transforms geniuses into 0:58 ordinary people hence inspiration is 1:03 such a vital ingredient if we are 1:08 inspired the biggest obstacle seems puny 1:14 what is this 1:16 and when uninspired a tiny difficulty 1:21 seems like an unsurmountable hurdle that 1:27 is why somebody said that you may lose 1:32 everything in life but your enthusiasm 1:36 and you will gain it all back again but 1:42 that person who has lost his enthusiasm 1:46 now he is truly bankrupt Henry David 1:53 Thoreau said nobody is as old as he who 1:58 has outgrown enthusiasm so whether it is 2:03 a material endeavor or a spiritual 2:07 endeavor 2:08 enthusiasm makes the difference between 2:13 failure and success that is why Jesus 2:20 told his followers be either hot or cold 2:25 if you are lukewarm I spit you out the 2:30 yoga darshan says “verse”, in your pursuit of the supreme 2:40 goal endeavor with all your enthusiasm  2:46 the great sage ramakrishna paramahamsa 2:49 related 50 years ago in india farming 2:55 used to be done by the Bulls so farmers 2:59 would bring these young Bulls to the 3:03 fair to sell them and customers would 3:07 come to purchase but how do they come to 3:11 know which bull is energetic and will do 3:14 its work so the customer would kick the 3:19 Sitting Bull in the back on its tail if 3:24 the bull continued to sit the farmer 3:29 would decide this bull is no good and if 3:33 the bull got up the farmer would think 3:37 this bull has got energy in it it is 3:41 worthwhile and will do good work so 3:46 inspiration has been recognized as the 3:49 ingredient for success in all fields is 3:54 it something that we are born with no we 4:01 can change our inspiration sometimes 4:06 circumstances are responsible for it 4:10 there was once a factory worker he used 4:14 to work in the evening shift from 4 p.m. 4:18 till midnight 4:19 the factory was an hour away from his 4:22 house and he would walk down to it at 4:25 midnight he would return walking there 4:30 was a graveyard in the way so on this 4:34 night he decided to take the shortcut he 4:38 walked through that graveyard and saved 4:42 a full half an hour nothing untoward 4:46 happened in the graveyard so he thought 4:49 it safe and he can do it every day now 4:53 Daily after his factory shift he would 4:56 take the shortcut 4:58 one day unknown to him a new grave had 5:02 been dug right on the path it was a 5:07 moonless cloudy night pitch dark walking 5:12 along the path he suddenly fell into the 5:16 grave now he realized that he has fallen 5:21 into a new grave he tried to claw his 5:25 way out but found it was difficult it 5:28 was seven feet deep so he decided to 5:31 spend the night there and next day 5:34 somebody would come to take him out a 5:36 few moments went by and a drunkard came 5:41 that way the drunkard with his intellect 5:45 destroyed also fell into the grave now 5:50 the drunkard became scared and came to 5:53 his senses I'm in a grave in this 5:56 graveyard on the other side of midnight 5:59 I hope no spirits make their appearance 6:04 let me get out of here as quickly as 6:07 possible he was trying to claw his way 6:10 up but finding it impossible and this 6:13 man sitting on the other side was 6:14 watching the drama so he decided to 6:18 convey his wisdom to the drunkard 6:21 and unannounced he came from the back 6:23 and battered him My dear fellow what 6:28 does the drunkard find there's a hand on 6:31 his back that man announced there is no 6:35 use trying you cannot get out 6:37 the drunkard was scared out of his wits 6:42 suddenly he found the inspiration to get 6:46 out he leapt a few more inches until he 6:49 reached the edge and pulled himself out 6:53 now that inspiration within him changed  6:58 so it's not that people don't have the 7:02 ability to be inspired factory managers 7:06 say their workers are uninspired but see 7:10 them on Friday afternoons when they get 7:12 out of the factory how inspired they are 7:15 so this is a quality that we can develop 7:20 within ourselves how do we tap into this 7:29 factors were analyzed that motivate or  7:33 demotivate people it was found that if the 7:38 boss has been too harsh on the 7:40 subordinate it is demotivating if the 7:44 boss has criticized it is demotivating 7:48 but the same situation seemed to 7:51 motivate others one man says okay now I 7:55 will not give my best the other says 7:57 really I'll put in so much of hard work 8:01 that my boss will have to accept that I 8:05 am good now what motivates them and what 8:09 Demotivates  8:11 in Toronto social scientists interviewed 8:17 two brothers one of them was a drunkard 8:23 a derelict he had psoriasis of the liver 8:26 he was a wife beater and had repeatedly 8:30 gone to prison 8:32 and his younger brother his life was a 8:35 complete success so the social 8:38 scientists asked the elder brother and 8:41 why are you in such a mess he said what 8:46 else could I be my father was a drunkard 8:50 he was an alcoholic wife-beater I saw 8:55 him make his life such a mess I grew up 8:58 in those circumstances how could I be 9:02 any better the scientist said you know 9:05 he has got a point they asked the 9:09 younger brother how come you have got it 9:11 all right your health is good you don't 9:13 have vices you have a wonderful 9:16 harmonious family you are well praised 9:20 in your work what is the secret of your 9:23 success he said how could I not do it 9:28 like this I saw my father make all the 9:31 mistakes and there was no way I could 9:34 repeat them the scientist said you know 9:38 he has also got a point 9:40 now in the same environment one is 9:44 getting motivated the other is getting 9:48 demotivated what then is the secret of 9:53 motivation the point to understand is 9:58 there are two kinds of motivation the 10:03 first is external motivation and the 10:07 second is inner motivation external 10:12 motivation means to be inspired by 10:16 rewards that others offer if your boss 10:21 says work hard and you will get a 10:24 promotion that is an external motivation 10:27 now in that case the key to your 10:30 inspiration lies in the hands of others 10:33 tomorrow he does not give you the 10:36 promotion you get demotivated 10:40 however if we are internally motivated 10:44 we can always tap into that source 10:48 irrespective of the external environment 10:52 so as we grow and mature in life this 10:57 inner motivation is the one that we need 11:02 to reach out this lesson was taught 11:06 to me by my spiritual master many 11:10 decades ago when he called me to his 11:15 monastery and he asked me to study the 11:20 scriptures so that I may distribute this 11:23 knowledge subsequently as a part of my 11:28 study I felt that I should also practice 11:31 public speaking because I would need 11:34 that skill later the only problem was 11:38 that there was no public in that 11:40 monastery so I would try speaking to a 11:44 wall and there can be nothing more 11:48 demotivating than speaking to a wall 11:51 because it will not even say I don't 11:54 like the joke that you are saying so 11:57 after 5-10 minutes I would become 12:00 uninspired and stop I went to my guru 12:05 and said can you please designate 12:09 somebody who will sit and listen to me 12:12 for an hour every day while I speak to 12:15 him he utilized that situation as an 12:20 opportunity to teach me a life lesson he 12:25 said look my child inspiration or the 12:30 lack of it don't have to come from the 12:33 outside they can all happen from the 12:38 inside remember this formula all your 12:42 life if you develop an intense desire 12:48 you will then make a firm resolve 12:52 when you have a firm resolve you will 12:56 put in immense effort and that is how 12:59 you will become but if your desire is 13:04 weak the resolve will be mild the effort 13:10 will be marginal and that is how you 13:14 will become when I received that 13:18 instruction from my guru I said now I 13:22 need to follow it come hell or high 13:25 water I understood that carelessness is 13:29 coming from the inside and I have the 13:32 ability to remove it after that I was 13:36 able to give talks to walls to bushes to 13:40 corn fields to water canals to anything 13:44 it became the easiest thing because I 13:47 tapped in to the inner source so if we 13:54 wish to lead an inspired life we must 13:59 learn to develop the quality of inner 14:03 motivation and how do you get motivated 14:06 from within give yourself a strong 14:12 reason a strong why when you have a 14:18 strong reason for doing something you 14:22 automatically become motivated if you 14:25 wish to be inspired to follow that 14:28 healthy diet if you wish to be inspired 14:32 to stick to your daily regimen of 14:35 exercise and yoga every day convince 14:38 yourself of the benefits you will get 14:41 from that regimen convince yourself of 14:45 the harm you will cause yourself by not 14:50 sticking to the regimen 14:52 that is “Why Power” this “Why Power” is 14:58 extremely powerful we people think the 15:03 mind is not under my control but that's 15:08 not really true if the intellect decides 15:12 something is important it has the 15:15 ability to hold the mind in its control 15:21 consider for example you have a weakness 15:26 for some delicacy some butterscotch or 15:32 chocolate chip ice cream and you have 15:35 been fasting for two days after two days 15:39 your friend brings for you the ice cream 15:42 now the mind yearns for it 15:47 I want that the mind asks the intellect 15:52 there is great pleasure in front of me 15:55 can we indulge the intellect sanctions 15:59 go ahead and the intellect has 16:02 instructed the mind the mind has 16:03 instructed the hand and the hand has put 16:06 the spoon there and it's bringing the 16:08 spoon to the mouth at that moment if 16:11 your second friend comes and says what 16:15 are you doing you wish to die what 16:19 do you mean I mean there is poison in it 16:22 potassium cyanide, intellect says 16:25 potassium cyanide ? 16:27 this is dangerous throw it the intellect 16:30 instructs the mind the mind has 16:32 instructed the hand and the hand has 16:34 chucked that ice-cream here this person 16:38 has suddenly got the ability to resist 16:43 where did it come from it was the power 16:47 of the intellect over the mind 16:51 you want to test his detachment offer 16:55 him a million dollars sir eat it I will 16:58 give you a million dollars he says what 17:02 will a dead man do with the million 17:04 dollars I don't want it oh but have you 17:08 seen anybody put poison in it no have 17:13 you ever seen poison in your life no 17:16 then my friend has told me there is 17:19 poison is your friend absolutely 17:24 reliable and honest and trustworthy no 17:27 no I have caught him telling lies a few 17:29 times a friend who is not completely 17:33 trustworthy his one statement enabled 17:38 you to desist from indulging in that 17:42 object of pleasure which was the ice 17:45 cream merely by the conviction of the 17:50 intellect so if we can tap into the 17:54 “Why Power” that will then enable us 18:01 to enthuse ourselves and bring out the 18:07 best in us in the desired task and 18:13 enable us to bring out the best we have 18:17 to perform the task at hand how then can 18:26 we develop this why power how then can 18:33 we convince our intellect to tap in to 18:41 this vast reservoir of inspiration we 18:47 will discuss this some other time

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): How To Find Inspiration From Within Swami Mukundananda.mp4