Sunday, March 12, 2023

Shree Krishna's Key to your Spiritual Awakening - Discover the Real You Gita Shloka 5.16 by Swami Mukundanand

Shree Krishna's Key to your Spiritual Awakening - Discover the Real You Gita Shloka 5.16 by Swami Mukundanand *Full Text*  1  Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Sloka 16 Chanting : But for those whose ignorance is destroyed by Divine knowledge, the Supreme entity is revealed just as the sun illumines everything when it rises  2  the soul is identifying with the body and why is that so ? Because of its ignorance, the soul is covered by agyan and this ignorance is leading to identification with the body. Tulsidas ji has given the sequence, “verse”,  the soul got covered by ignorance because of which it decided that I am the body and then it made bodily happiness as its goal and started running in the world, this is our present state, now what is the way to remove this ignorance ? You need to bring in the light of knowledge  3  this maya is of the nature of ignorance and that maya has overpowered the soul although God is also here. Astonishingly, the soul, maya and God all three are in the same place, so the soul is covered by maya and inside the soul is God, so maya, the soul and God are all in the same place or take a look at this way –  this world is made of maya and God is pervading the world, that means God and maya are in the same place - so this maya is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just performing its duty  4  this duty of maya is threefold, the first is to cover the soul in ignorance and the second is to provide a facility for the soul to enjoy itself and the third is to keep slapping the soul to make the soul mature and indicate to it that don't come to me (i.e., do not be attached to this world), rather go to God I am the dasi (servant of God), don't come to the dasi, go to this Owner (मालिक) (God) - that is the seva which maya is doing  5  now we want the darkness of maya to be removed. Supposing there is the darkness of the night in Baltimore and you want it to be removed, so you say all right, everybody light up your houses but the night will still remain and supposing it is a full moon, the night will still not go and even if all the stars are visible & no clouds, even then the night is not going to move,  which means all of these things together don't have the capacity to remove the darkness of the night, likewise is the soul, it is covered by the darkness of maya, now you say okay, I will do ashtang yog, will maya go away ?  Now I will do Ashwamegh yagya, will maya go away ? I will do char-dham yatra, will maya go away ? I will do Satya Narayana pooja and all the rituals that are written in the vedas, will maya go away ? Krishna says Arjun maya will still not go away  6  Tulsidas ji says, “verse”, without the Sun the night will not go. Like the Sun is Bhagwan and like the night is maya, now until Bhagwan comes maya is going to remain, the moment Bhagwan comes in the picture, the night starts running even before Sun rise.  You know for the morning walks, I check because always going to new places, now mobile gives you that facility that you can check what time is the sunrise, so if the sunrise is at you know that by, there's going to be enough light -  that means the sun is so powerful that the moment it starts rising, the darkness is dispelled even if it is a cloudy sky - like the Sun is Bhagwan. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said “verse” Bhagwan is like that Sun and maya is like the darkness  7  why are we under maya ? Because we are vimukh (with our back towards God) from Bhagwan and how will this maya go away ? You have to become sunmukh (with your face towards God), that's all. When you enter a hall, you know they have entry and from the same hall you can get out and the same door also has the board exit from this side, so the doorway is the same,  likewise maya overpowered us because we turned our backs to God and maya will release us when we become sunmukh or we do sharnagati of Bhagwan - so Shri Krishna says that those divine souls who have done such sharnagati, their ignorance is dispelled with the light of knowledge and now they are able to see things as they are - the value system is now changed  8  there was a TV serial in the USA called “Three Stooges”, in that one stooge (a subordinate used by another to do unpleasant routine work) used to start saying, I cannot see, I cannot see, I cannot see and the second stooge would say why can you not see ? because “I have got my eyes closed”, so the second stooge would hit him on the head, then he would open his eyes and “now I can see”  9  likewise in the darkness of ignorance, we are according too much value to things that are not important and too little value to things that are important - so that is the reason that we cannot see. You may say, Swami ji, I cannot see ? But I can see everything.  The scriptures say, no, you are blind, that is why the scriptures, they have the name “Darshan Shastra” which are helping you to see because although we are seeing, we are not seeing.  We are seeing this world as permanent but we are not seeing that it's going to all vanish away. We are seeing that this world is mine and all this is the sign of ignorance - so true knowledge puts everything in its proper perspective.  10  In Alice in Wonderland, there was that by Lewiss Carroll, the classic. So in one place the Queen of Hearts she pronounces judgment upon, “Alice, off with her head”. So Alice becomes worried I'm going to die, then she realized, huh, you all are only a pack of cards, so Alice said “Begone” (go away). and they (all cards) all fall down  11  Likewise, if you can bring the power of knowledge in your life, it will help you rise above all those things that are seeming so worrisome and so troublesome and Gita is helping us get that kind of knowledge, so we rever (honour & respect) it for the knowledge  that it bestows (grants) and we approach it with that thirst to keep on drinking the knowledge and alongside with that is the discipline to put it in practice, so there's nothing as auspicious as true knowledge  12  Shri Krishna says to Arjun “verse”, there's nothing as pure as knowledge. In the Yog Vashista, Maharishi Vashisht has advised Ram, he says Ram “for acquiring knowledge. if you need to go into the streets of the outcasts of the most fallen and beg from the butchers and the other people also, don't hesitate” - that is the significance of getting spiritual knowledge in your life  Transcript 1:18 commentary by Swami mukundananda Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Sloka 16 Chanting 1:48 But for those whose ignorance is 1:51 destroyed by Divine knowledge the 1:55 Supreme entity is 1:57 revealed just as the sun 2:01 illumines 2:03 everything when it 2:11 rises the 2:13 soul is identifying with the body and 2:17 why is that so because of its ignorance 2:21 the soul is covered by 2:28 agyan and this ignorance is leading to 2:33 identification with the body Tulsidas ji 2:36 has given the 2:50 sequence “verse” the soul got covered by 2:54 ignorance because of which it decided 2:57 I'm the body and then it made bodily 3:00 happiness as its goal and started 3:03 running in the 3:04 world this is our present State now what 3:08 is the way to remove this 3:12 ignorance you need to bring in the light 3:15 of 3:17 knowledge this Maya is of the nature of 3:23 ignorance and that 3:25 Maya has overpowered the soul 3:30 although God is also here astonishingly 3:33 the soul Maya and God all three are in 3:37 the same 3:38 place so the soul is covered by Maya and 3:42 inside the soul is God Maya the soul and 3:45 God are all in the same 3:48 place or take a look at this way this 3:51 world is made of Maya and God is 3:54 pervading the world that means God and 3:57 Maya are in the same place 4:00 so this Maya is not necessarily a bad 4:04 thing it is just performing its 4:08 Duty this duty of 4:11 Maya is threefold, let's say the 4:16 first is to cover the soul in 4:19 ignorance and the second to provide a 4:22 facility for the 4:24 soul to enjoy 4:27 itself and the third is to keep slapping 4:30 the soul to make the soul mature and 4:34 indicate don't come to me go to God I am 4:38 the dasi don't come to the dasi go to 4:41 this 4:43 Malik that is the seva which Maya is 4:47 doing now we want the darkness of Maya 4:52 to be 4:53 removed supposing there is the darkness 4:57 of the night in Baltimore 4:59 and you want it to be removed so you say 5:01 all right everybody light up your 5:06 houses but the night will still 5:09 remain and supposing it is a full moon the 5:13 night will still not go and if all the 5:16 stars are visible no 5:19 clouds even then the night is not going to 5:23 move which means all of these things 5:26 together don't have the capacity to 5:30 remove the darkness of the 5:33 night likewise is the soul it is covered 5:38 by the darkness of Maya now you say okay 5:42 I will do ashtang yog will Maya go 5:48 away now I will do 5:50 Ashwamegh yagya will Maya go 5:53 away I will do char-dham yatra will Maya go 5:58 away I will 6:00 do 6:01 Satya Narayna pooja and all the rituals that are 6:04 written in the vedas will Maya go away 6:07 Krishna says Arjun it will still not 6:11 go  6:24 Tulsidas ji says “verse” without the Sun the 6:28 night will not go like the sun is 6:32 Bhagwan and like the night is Maya now 6:36 until Bhagwan comes Maya is going to 6:39 remain the moment Bhagwan comes in the picture 6:43 the night starts running even before sun 6:47 rise you know for the morning walks I 6:50 check because always going to new new 6:53 places now mobile gives you that 6:55 facility that you can check what time is 6:57 the 6:58 sunrise so if the sunrise at 6:30 you 7:01 know that by 6:00 there's going to be 7:03 enough 7:04 light that means the sun is so powerful 7:08 the moment it starts Rising the darkness 7:11 is dispelled even if it is a cloudy Sky 7:15 even then it doesn't have the 7:17 ability like the sun is 7:20 Bhagwan the Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said “verse” 7:29 7:32 Bhagwan is like that sun and Maya is 7:36 like the darkness, why are we under 7:39 Maya because we are Vimukh (with our back towards God) from 7:43 Bhagwan and how will this Maya go away 7:47 you have to become sunmukh (with your face towards God) that's all now 7:50 when you enter a hall you know they 7:54 have  7:57 entry and from the same Hall you can get 8:01 out and the same door also has the board 8:05 exit from this side so the doorway is 8:08 the same from here it's entry from there 8:10 it's exit likewise Maya overpowered us 8:15 because we turned our backs to God and 8:18 Maya will release us when we become 8:20 Sunmukh or we do 8:23 sharnagati of Bhagwan so Shri Krishna says 8:27 that those divine Souls who have done 8:31 such 8:33 sharnagati their ignorance is dispelled with 8:37 the light of knowledge and now they are 8:41 able to see things as they 8:44 are the value system is now 8:49 changed there was a TV serial in the USA 8:54 called “Three 8:56 Stooges” in that one stooge used to start 9:00 saying I cannot see I cannot see I 9:02 cannot see and the second stooge would say 9:05 why can you not see because I have got 9:08 my eyes 9:09 closed so the second stooge would bop him 9:12 on the head then he would open his eyes and now I 9:14 can 9:16 see likewise in the darkness of 9:20 ignorance we are according too much 9:23 value to things that are not important 9:26 and too little value to things that are 9:28 important 9:30 so that's the reason that we cannot see 9:33 you may say Swami ji I cannot see but I can see 9:36 everything the scriptures say no you are 9:40 blind that is why the scriptures they 9:43 have the name 9:44 “Darshan Shastra” which are helping you to see 9:48 because although we are seeing we are 9:50 not seeing we are seeing this 9:53 world is permanent we are not seeing 9:56 that it's going to all vanish away 10:00 we are seeing that this world is mine 10:03 and all this is the sign of ignorance so 10:07 true knowledge puts everything in its 10:12 proper 10:13 Perspective. In Alice in Wonderland 10:16 there was that by Lewiss Carroll, the 10:19 classic so in one place the Queen of 10:24 Hearts she pronounces judgment upon 10:28 Alice 10:30 off with her 10:32 head so Alice becomes 10:35 worried I'm going to 10:38 die then she realized, huh,  you all are only 10:43 a pack of cards the Queen of Hearts had 10:46 said you are only a pack of cards, Begone.  10:50 and they all fall 10:51 down likewise if you can bring the power 10:55 of knowledge in your life it will help 10:59 you rise above all those things that are 11:03 seeming so worrisome and so 11:06 Troublesome and this Gita is helping us 11:12 get that kind of 11:14 knowledge so we rever it for the knowledge 11:20 that it 11:21 bestows and we approach it with that 11:25 thirst to keep on drinking the knowledge 11:30 and alongside with that is the 11:33 discipline to put it in 11:36 practice so there's nothing 11:39 as auspicious as true knowledge Shri 11:43 Krishna says to 11:49 Arjun “verse” there's nothing as pure as 11:53 knowledge in the 11:56 Yog Vashista 11:57 Maharishi Vashisht 11:59 has advised Ram he says Ram for 12:07 acquiring 12:08 knowledge if you need to go into the 12:12 streets of the outcasts of the most 12:16 fallen and beg from The Butchers and the 12:21 other people also don't 12:24 hesitate that is the significance of 12:27 getting good knowledge in your life Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Shree Krishna's Key to your Spiritual Awakening - Discover the Real You Swami Mukundananda BG 5.16.mp4

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Why is GOD Not Correcting Bad Things in the World? | Q/A with Swami Mukundananda

Why is GOD Not Correcting Bad Things in the World? | Q/A with Swami Mukundananda

Full Text  1  My name is Pragyan, sometimes when I look at the world, I feel there is so much bad going around, I feel why God just sits and does nothing, it makes me wonder if God actually exists at all ? Pragyan, your question is a very common one, people see suffering in this world, they see suffering as a reality and then they wonder that if there is a God, why does He not finish the suffering that exists in the world  2  first of all there is a definition of God that is universally accepted that He is All Knowing, He is All Powerful. So if he is All knowing, is He not aware of our sufferings and if He is aware that He is All Powerful, does’nt He have the ability to finish our sufferings ?  3  In fact the reason why this flooding happened in Uttarakhand, it converted many people into disbelievers and atheists. I met so many people who said my belief in God has been shaken, he said if there is a God why does He permit this to happen ?  We can make a lot of expectations from God, forget about finishing sufferings, why does’nt God make me fully knowledgeable ? It is within His ability to do so, why God doesn’t release me from the Material Energy ?  Why is He leaving me here in this world in the first place, why doesn’t He make me a God realized saint ?  4  Now let us think that whether these demands that we put on God are actually reasonable ? Take God out of the picture for a while and consider the government of the country, we have prisoners & we have got so many prison houses in our country. Now if a prisoner says it is within the purview of the powers of the Government to release me, why is the Government not releasing me? Why is the government so dysfunctional ?  The Government will say it is within our purview and jurisdiction but the question is you take a look at what you deserve. You are in the prison house because that is what you deserve and that is what you are getting from us, don't blame us, blame yourself  5  similarly God's purview and jurisdiction is infinite but we should take a look at what we Deserve. It is said that the law of God is that you do not get what you desire, you get what you deserve. We are here in this material realm which is ultimately a place of suffering  and we are here because this is what we deserved out of our own free volition (wish) & out of our own free choice, we made the decision that I wish to turn my back towards God and the choice of ours to turn away from God brought us here in this material realm, so we are here by our own free choice  6  now the world is a place of suffering, because it is ultimately like the prison house of God, it is for souls like us who have not chosen God, who have chosen to go away from God in our consciousness and hence we are suffering in this world  7  for example, if you visit a hospital and you find all patients there and then you go to the manager's office and say why is it that this building is full of sick people, what is wrong here ? Here the manager will say that you are looking in a Hospital  & it's natural you will find sick people, similarly when we look in this material world where materially conditioned souls reside, it is natural that we find suffering, that is the nature of this world, “Dukhalayam (house of sorrows) Ashashwatam (temporary)” don't blame God for it. If you want better, you deserve better & how do you deserve better ? By turning around towards God, by becoming God conscious, by surrendering to Him  8  and then God says this is not my only Abode, I have My Divine Abode, “verse” He says, Arjun, having gone where once, the soul never returns to this place of suffering again, that is My divine Abode.  If we want to see God's creation free from suffering, full of knowledge, full of love, full of bliss, we have His divine Abode which is referred to as Golok, Saket Lok, Vaikunth Lok Shiva Lok, Devi Lok, Paravyom (spiritual sky), it has got many names  9  but if we are looking in this world, then we should not be astonished when we this suffering & ultimately this suffering also has a purpose. We want a world where we are happy and if we don't get happiness, we blame God and say there is a fault in His design but this world was not made for us to be happy, the world was made for us to learn, to grow, to evolve and to rise  10  it's just like a child goes to school or to a college, now the child may say, why do we have this examination system out here ? I want to pass without having to give Exams, so the teachers will say,  the purpose of the school is not that you pass and go in to the next class, the purpose of the school is that you learn and the examination system is just to encourage you learn, if you are to pass without learning, the examination system would not succeed  11  similarly in this world if we were to become happy without becoming better people, the purpose of God’s world would not be served.  That is why both these have to assist - these dualities of happiness and distress, of actions and their good and bad consequences, so when suffering comes in our lives and when we see suffering in the world, we must not be swayed away from our faith in God, we must understand that suffering has been placed in the world for a purpose and  God's purpose is that we should be inspired to move away from sin, to move away from forgetfulness of God and from worldly consciousness to Spiritual Consciousness and thereby claim that spiritual inheritance which is ours, as children of God – His inheritance is His Divine Knowledge, His Divine Love, His Divine Bliss and which is waiting for all of us if we can only turn around towards Him  12  So if we do see any suffering in this world, it is God's way of telling us to move away from worldly consciousness in the direction of spiritual consciousness  13  for example, when you put your hand in the fire, two things happen, the first is your hand starts getting burnt and the second is you experience pain, now the hand getting burnt is a bad thing and the pain is a good thing,  we want to run away from the pain and we say, ah, so terrible, if I could take a pain killer and finish this pain, everything would be alright but if we did not experience the pain we would not realize that our hand is burning and the loss would be tremendous,  so the pain is a blessing and the burning of the hand is the wrong thing similarly in our state of forgetfulness from God we are experiencing suffering, that suffering from the divine perspective is actually a blessing that is letting us know there is something wrong, there is something that I should be doing, what I am not doing and that suffering then puts us on to the right track  14  so there is really no fault in the design of God and if our faith gets shaken when we see the suffering in the world, we must enhance our knowledge, our understanding of the nature of God, the nature of the self,  the reason why we are here and when our faith becomes situated on this solid platform of knowledge, we will find that no matter what we see, no matter what we hear, our faith is not shaken, in fact it is further enhanced & further strengthened  Transcript 0:05 My name is 0:07 Pragyan sometimes when I look at the world I feel there is so much bad 0:11 Going around I feel why God just sits and does nothing 0:15 it makes me wonder if God actually 0:18 exists at all? 0:19 Pragyan your question is a very common one 0:25 people see suffering in this world they see 0:30 Suffering as a reality 0:32 And then they wonder that if there is a god why  0:38 Does He not finish the suffering that exists in the 0:42 World first of all there is a definition of God 0:46 That is universally accepted that He is All knowing, He is All  0:52 Powerful 0:53 So if he is All knowing, is he not aware of Our 0:58 Sufferings and if he is aware that he is all powerful 1:02 Does’nt He have the ability to finish our 1:05 Sufferings  1:07 In fact the reason why this flooding happened in 1:12 Uttarakhand it converted many people into 1:15 Disbelievers and atheists 1:19 I met so many people who said my 1:22 Belief in God has been shaken he said if there is a God 1:26 Why he permit this to happen 1:31 We can make a lot of expectations from 1:38 God forget about finishing sufferings why does’nt 1:42 God make me fully knowledgeable 1:45 It is within His ability to do 1:48 So why  1:51 God doesn’t release me from the Material 1:54 Energy why is He leaving me in the first 1:57 Place why doesn’t He make me a God realized  2:02 Saint  2:04 Now let us think that whether these demands that we put on 2:09 God are actually 2:12 Reasonable take God out of the picture for 2:16 A while and consider the government of the 2:20 Country we have prisoners because we got 2:25 So many prison houses in our country and 2:28 We have these prisoners 2:30 Now if a prisoner says it is within the purview of the 2:35 Powers of the government to release me,  2:38 Why is the government not releasing me?  2:42 Why is the government so 2:47 Dysfunctional The government will say it is within 2:51 Our purview and jurisdiction 2:54 but the question is you take a look at what 2:58 You deserve 3:00 You are in the prison house because that is what you 3:03 Deserve and that is what you are getting from us 3:07 don't blame us, blame 3:10 Yourself  similarly  God's purview and jurisdiction 3:14 is 3:15 Infinite but we should take a look at what we 3:19 Deserve it is said that the law of God is 3:24 That You do not get what you 3:27 Desire you get what you deserve 3:32 We are here in this material 3:35 Realm which is ultimately a place of 3:39 Suffering and we are here because this is what we 3:43 Deserve out of our own free volition & out of our own free choice  3:47 we made the decision that I wish 3:51 To turn my back towards 3:54 God and the choice of ours to turn away from 3:58 God brought us here in this material realm  4:03 so we are here by our own free  4:08 Choice now the world is a place of suffering 4:13 Because it is ultimately like the prison 4:17 house of God it is for souls like us who 4:21 Have not chosen God who have chosen to go away 4:26 From God in our consciousness 4:29 And hence we are suffering in this world for 4:36 Example if you visit a 4:39 Hospital and you find all patients there 4:43 And then you go to the manager's office and say 4:46 Why is it that this building is full of sick 4:49 People what is wrong here ?  4:51 Here the manager will say you are looking in a 4:55 Hospital it's natural you will find sick 4:58 People, similarly  5:00 When we look in this material world where  5:04 Materially conditioned souls reside it is natural 5:08 We find suffering, that is the nature of this 5:12 World Dukhalayam Ashashwatam don't blame God for it 5:17 If you want better you deserve better how do you 5:22 Deserve better by turning around towards God 5:26 By becoming God conscious By surrendering to Him  5:31 And then God says this is not my only 5:37 Abode, I have My Divine Abode,  “verse”  5:44 5:49 He says, Arjun, having gone where once the soul 5:55 Never returns to this place of suffering again 5:58 That is my divine 6:00 Abode if we want to see God's creation 6:04 Free from suffering full of knowledge full of love 6:08 Full of bliss we have his divine Abode 6:12 Which is Referred to as Golok, Saket Lok, Vaikunth Lok 6:17 Shiva Lok, Devi Lok Paravyom (spiritual sky),it has got many 6:22 Names but one we are looking in this world 6:26 Then we should not be astonished 6:30 When we this suffering & ultimately this suffering also 6:36 Has a purpose we want a world where we are happy 6:41 and if we don't get happiness we blame God 6:43 and say there is a fault in His 6:46 design but this world was not made for us 6:50 to be happy the world was made for us 6:54 to learn to grow to evolve and to rise  7:00 it's just like a child goes to school or 7:02 to 7:04 A college now the child may say why do we 7:07 have this examination system out here i 7:10 want to pass without having to give 7:14 exams so the teachers will say the purpose of the 7:18 school is not that you pass and go in to the 7:21 next class the purpose of the school is that 7:25 you learn and the examination system is just 7:30 to encourage you 7:33 learn if you are to pass without learning the 7:36 examination system would not 7:39 succeed  similarly in this world if we were to 7:42 become happy without becoming better people the 7:47 purpose of God’s world would not be 7:50 served that is why both these have to assist 7:56 these dualities of happiness 7:57 and distress of actions and their good and 8:02 bad consequences 8:04 so when suffering comes in our lives and when we 8:10 see suffering in the world we must not be 8:14 Swayed away from our faith in God we must 8:18 Understand that suffering has been placed in the 8:22 World for a purpose and God's purpose is that we should 8:28 Be 8:29 Inspired to move away from 8:33 Sin to move away from forgetfulness of God and 8:38 From worldly consciousness 8:40 And claim that spiritual inheritance 8:45 Which is ours as children of God which is His Divine 8:49 Knowledge His Divine Love His Divine Bliss and 8:54 Which is waiting for all of us if we can only turn around towards Him 9:01 So if we do see any suffering in this world 9:06 It is God's way of telling us to move away 9:11 From worldly consciousness in the direction 9:15 Of spiritual consciousness 9:17 For 9:20 Example when you put your hand in the 9:24 Fire two things happen the first is your hand 9:29 Starts Getting burnt and the second is you experience 9:34 Pain now the hand getting burned is a bad 9:38 Thing and the pain is a good 9:41 Thing we want to run away from the 9:44 pain and we say ah so terrible if I could take a 9:48 pain killer and finish this 9:51 pain everything would be 9:53 alright but if we did not experience the pain we 9:58 would not realize that our hand is burning 10:02 and the loss would be tremendous so the pain is a 10:07 blessing and the burning of the hand is the 10:10 wrong thing similarly in our state of 10:14 forgetfulness from God we are experiencing 10:17 suffering that suffering from the divine 10:22 perspective is actually a blessing that 10:26 is letting us know there is something wrong, there is 10:30 something that I should be doing what I am not 10:33 doing and that suffering then puts us on to 10:38 the right 10:39 track so there is really no fault in the design 10:45 of 10:46 God and if our faith gets 10:51 Shaken when we see the suffering in the 10:53 world we must enhance our knowledge our 10:57 understanding 10:59 of the nature of God the nature of the self the reason 11:03 why we are here and when our faith becomes 11:07 situated on this solid platform of knowledge 11:11 we will find that no matter what we see no matter 11:16 what we hear our faith is not 11:22 Shaken, in fact it is further enhanced & further strengthened 

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Why is GOD Not Correcting Bad Things in the World Q A with Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Friday, March 10, 2023

मरने के बाद क्या होता है ? Swami Mukundananda Hindi

मरने के बाद क्या होता है ? Swami Mukundananda Hindi

Full Text  1  सबसे पहले मैं शरीर नहीं आत्मा हूँ, आत्मा की उपस्थित के करण ये शरीर चेतन वत हो गया, आंख देखती है, कान सुनते हैं, नासिका सूंघती है, क्योंकि आत्मा शरीर में है, जिस दिन आत्मा निकली, शरीर मिट्टी हो गया, राजा रंक फकीर सब बराबर हो गए  2  यह शरीर जो है यह मिट्टी का बना हुआ है, मिट्टी से आहार बना, अन्न तरकारी फल यह सब मिट्टी से बने, उस तरकारी फल को हम लोग खाए तो हमारा शरीर बना, वह शरीर में पहले रस बना, रस से रक्त, रक्त से मांस, मांस से मैदा, मैदे से हड्डी, हड्डी से मज्जा (bone-marrow)  यह शरीर का निर्माण हुआ आहार से, इसलिए संत लोग कहते हैं तुम्हारा शरीर एक मिट्टी का पात्र है, और जब आत्मा निकल जाएगी ये वापस मिट्टी में मिल जाएगा  3  शरीर के तीन अंत हो सकते हैं 1. या तो शरीर को जला दें जैसे हमारे हिंदू धर्म में जलाते हैं, आंख के सामने ही शरीर मिट्टी हो जाता है 2. कुछ लोग उसको जमीन में गाढ़ देते हैं तो भले वह बोर्ड लगाएं ऊपर से “Here lies John Smith”,  अरे बोर्ड लगाने से क्या होगा वह मिट्टी के किटाणु उसे खा के मिट्टी बना दिए, 3. कुछ लोग नदी में फेंक देते हैं, तो नदी के जीव जंतु खाकर पाखाना (potty) बना देते हैं, शरीर का अंत मिट्टी ही होगा, आत्मा की उपस्थिती के करण ये शरीर चेतन वत हो गया, आंख देखती है, कान सुनते हैं नासिका सूंघती है, क्योंकि आत्मा शरीर में है,  जिस दिन आत्मा निकली, शरीर पुनः मिट्टी हो गया, राजा रंक फकीर सब बराबर हो गए, इसलिए जब कोई मरता है तो हिंदी में कहते हैं हम उसकी माटी पर गए थे, कहाँ है वो माटी, अजी साहब उसका शरीर ही माटी है तो वह जो माटी का शरीर है उसको हम लोग “मैं” मानते हैं  4  अब हम किसी से पूछें, क्यों जी आपका परिचय आप कौन हैं बताइए, वह व्यक्ति अपना नाम बताता है, सर जी मेरा नाम है, गोविंद पटनायक, अरे पटनायक जी हम आपका नाम नहीं पूछे, हम आपसे पूछे आप कौन हैं, यह नाम जो है गोविंद, ये तो आपके माता-पिता ने आपको दिया जब आप 3 साल के थे, उससे पहले वह आपको क्या कहते थे,  उससे पहले मुझे पप्पू कहते थे, तो आप जब पप्पू थे क्या आप अलग व्यक्ति थे ? जब आप गोविंद पटनायक हो गए क्या आप बदल गए ? नहीं, मैं व्यक्ति तो वही हूं इसका मतलब आप नाम नहीं हैं, वरना तो नाम को बदलेंगे तो आप भी बदल जाएंगे  5  आप बताइए आप कौन हैं जी वो कलेक्ट्रेट (collectorate) में सीनियर क्लर्क हूँ, ये सीनियर क्लर्क आप जो बोल रहे हैं, यह आपकी पदवी है, आप पहले जूनियर क्लर्क थे, उससे पहले आप टेंपरेरी जॉइन (temporary join) किया थे तो उस समय भी आप वही व्यक्ति थे,  आपका पोस्ट अलग है, आप अलग हैं, अब आप बताइए आप कौन हैं, जी मैं Oodiya (from Orrissa) हूँ, देखिए ये तो आप शरीर के लिए बोल रहे हैं, तो पिछले जन्म में क्या थे जी मैं गुजराती था, उससे पहले बंगाली था, तो आपका शरीर बदलता रहता है, आप कौन हैं ये बताइए, उसको हम भूल ही गए कि मैं आत्मा हूँ  6  अगर मानते तो ये भी मानते कि मैं परमात्मा का अंश हूँ और यह भी मानते कि मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य भगवान हैं, लेकिन हम तो अपने को मिट्टी का शरीर मान लिए, और शरीर संसार का अंश है, इसलिए हम संसार को अपना लक्ष्य बना लिए  और तीसरी विपरीत बुद्धि की परिस्थिति “दुखेशु” संसार के जो विषय का सेवन में हम सुख खोज रहे है और परिणाम में हमको दुख मिल रहा है , लेकिन हम उसी को सुख मान के भागते चले जा रहे हैं  7  भागते भागते किसी को सुख मिला क्या ? अगर हम पूछे यहां पर 2000 लोग बैठे हैं, हम पूछे यहां पर कोई fact में, वास्तव में सुखी हैं ? तो बताओ, एक व्यक्ति भी हाथ ऊपर नहीं करेगा  8  वेद व्यास कहते हैं, इस संसार में दो ही प्रकार के लोग सुखी हैं “verse”, एक वह सुखी है जो महापुरुष हो गया, उसको तो भगवान का आनंद मिल रहा है, कोई Doubt की बात ही नहीं, एक वो सुखी है जो पागल है, उसको पता ही नहीं कि वह दुखी है,  मान लो कोई शराब के नशे में वो अपने घर के सामने के नाले में गिर गया, शराब के नशे में आप उसको देखें, आपने कहा अरे भाई तुम यहां क्या कर रहे हो, जाओ अपने बेडरूम में लेटो, वह कहता है मैं बेडरूम में ही लेटा हूं और कहाँ लेटा हूं ?  अब शराब के करण उसकी बुद्धि भ्रष्ट हो गई है, उसको लगता है यह नाला ही बेडरूम है, ऐसे ही वेदव्यास ने कहा अगर कोई पागल हो गया है वह कह सकता है मैं सुखी हूँ बाकी सब को तो मानना पड़ेगा कि अभी तक तो सुख मिला नहीं  9  हम सब सुख के लिए भाग रहें है और इतना भागने के बाद भी सुख मिला नहीं, इससे क्या निर्णय निकालें कि हम गलत दिशा में भाग रहे हैं ! हम शरीर के इंद्रियों के विषयों के द्वारा शरीर को सुख देना चाहते हैं, और इससे आत्मा का प्रयोजन (Purpose) तो हल होगा ही नहीं  10  ये तो ऐसी बात है की आप एक मछली को पानी से निकाल दिए, और आप मछली को सुख देने का प्रयास किये, सुगंधित तेल से मछली की मालिश करो, एयर कंडीशनर लगा दो, उसका मुंह खोल के उसको Espresso coffee पिला दो, मछली देवी, तुझे सुख मिला ?  अब मछली बेचारी कुछ बोल तो सकती नहीं है, यदि बोल पाए तो यही कहेगी, मुझे यह सब नहीं चाहिए अरे मैं मछली हूं, मुझे सुख देना है तो वापस जल में डाल दो  11  ऐसे ही हम अपनी आत्मा को कहते हैं अच्छा चलो, चिल्ली का खेल चलो देखो, अब Darjeeling चलो, पहाड़ी के ऊपर मजा लो, तो आत्मा देवी, तुमको सुख मिला ? आत्मा कहती है, मैं तो पहले से भी दुखी हूं ! हम गलत दिशा में भाग रहे हैं  और इससे हमारी संतुष्टि नहीं हो रही, और यह गड़बड़ी कब से चल रही है ?  एक जनम की नहीं है, यह अनादि काल की है हमारी आत्मा जो है वह भी भगवान के समान अनादि है, ये हमारा पहला जन्म नहीं है, इससे पहले भी हम संसार में आए, उससे पहले भी हम आए हर बार भगवान हमको भुला देते हैं, हम भूल जाते हैं  12  अगर हम आपसे पूछें, पिछले जन्म में आपके पिताजी कौन थे ? अरे स्वामी जी, कुछ तो याद नहीं, इसी प्रकार से इस जन्म में आपके पिता माता मृत्यु पर सब भुला देते हैं, फिर से clean slate शुरू करते हैं, अब कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि भगवान हमको याद क्यों नहीं दिला देते पिछले जन्म में हम क्या थे, कहां थे ? भगवान हमको स्मरण दिला दें ना,  जी नहीं, ऐसा होने से तो बहुत गड़बड़ी हो जाएगी, मान लो कि एक व्यक्ति को पूर्व जन्म याद रहे कितना टेंशन में आ जाएगा, यह तो मेरी पत्नी थी अब यह इसकी पत्नी हो गई, अरे यह तो मेरी प्रॉपर्टी थी, अब उसकी प्रॉपर्टी हो गई, कितनी परेशानी हो जाएगी, अनंत जन्मों के अपमान हमको याद आ जाएंगे, हम लोग तो 2 साल पुरानी बात को सोचकर टेंशन करते हैं, 2 साल पहले ननद ने मुझे ऐसा बोल दिया था, हम उसी बात को सोचकर टेंशन लाते हैं  और यदि हमें अनंत जन्मों की बातें याद रह जाए, तो हमारे मस्तिष्क की स्थिति क्या होगी ? इसलिए भगवान ने कहा, मेरे प्यारे बच्चों तुमने जो जो किया पूर्व जन्म में, उसका हिसाब मैं रखूंगा, और सही समय पर तुमको फल भी देता जाऊंगा लेकिन तुमको पुराना जन्म याद नहीं रहेगा  13  नादि काल से हम मायाधीन (माया में घिरे हुए) घूम रहे हैं इस संसार में और हम गलत दिशा में आनंद खोज रहे हैं, हम चूने के पानी को मथ रहे हैं, और मक्खन की आशा करते हैं, मक्खन तो चूने के पानी में नहीं होता है वह दूध में, दही में होता है, तो इसी प्रकार से हम लोग जब समझेंगे कि हमारी आनंद की खोज गलत दिशा में चल रही है, तब फिर कल्याण का द्वारा खुलेगा  14  और यह गड़बड़ी का कारण क्या है ? कारण यह है कि हम अपने को शरीर मान बैठे हैं, इसलिए शरीर के सुख को अपना लक्ष्य बना लिया,  जैसे मान लो कोई गणित को यहां से शुरू करे, 2+2 = 5 अब इसके आगे जो भी जोड़ लगाएंगे, उत्तर गलत ही होगा और पुरानी गलती बढ़ती चली जाएगी अब दोनों sides को 10 से गुना करो, अब वो गलती बढ़ती जा रही है  ऐसे ही जब हम सोच लिए कि मैं तो शरीर हूं, तो शरीर के सुख को जीवन का लक्ष्य बना के भागते चले गए, अब हम निश्चय करें कि इस दिशा में कभी किसी को तृप्ति नहीं हुई, मैं शरीर नहीं आत्मा हूँ और वो आत्मा परमात्मा का अंश है, तब जाकर हम परमात्मा की प्राप्ति को लक्ष्य बनाएंगे, वरना तो हम पूरा प्रवचन सुन लेंगे और फिर वहीं पे पहुंच जाएंगे  Transcript 0:15 सबसे पहले 0:19 मैं शरीर नहीं आत्मा हूँ आत्मा की उपस्थित के करण 0:24 ये शरीर चेतन वत हो गया 0:28 आंख देखती है कान सुनते हैं नासिक सूंघती 0:32 है क्योंकि आत्मा शरीर में है 0:37 जिस दिन आत्मा निकली 0:40 शरीर पुन: मिट्टी हो गया राजा रंक फकीर सब 0:46 बराबर हो गए   0:50 यह शरीर जो है यह मिट्टी का बना हुआ है 0:56 मिट्टी से आहार बना अन्न तरकारी फल यह सब 1:03 मिट्टी से बने 1:04 उस तरकारी फल को हम लोग खाए 1:09 तो हमारा शरीर बना वह शरीर में रस पहले 1:14 बना रस से रक्त रक्त से मांस मांस से 1:18 मेदा – मेदे से हड्डी हड्डी से मज्जा 1:21 यह शरीर का निर्माण हुआ आहार से इसलिए संत 1:26  लोग कहते हैं तुम्हारा शरीर एक मिट्टी का 1:31 पात्र है 1:33 और जब आत्मा निकल जाएगी ये वापस मिट्टी 1:38 में मिल जाएगा   1:40 ये शरीर के तीन अंत हो सकते हैं या तो शरीर को जला दें जैसे हमारे हिंदू धर्म में जलाते हैं, आंख के सामने ही शरीर मिट्टी हो जाता है  1:57 कुछ लोग उसको जमीन में गाढ़ देते हैं 2:02 तो भले वह बोर्ड लगाएं ऊपर से “Here lies 2:06 John Smith” 2:08 अरे बोर्ड लगाने से क्या होगा वह मिट्टी के किटाणु उसे खा के मिट्टी  2:13 बना दिए,  कुछ लोग नदी में फेंक देते हैं, तो नदी के जीव जंतु खाकर पाखाना (potty) बना देते हैं 2:25 अत: शरीर का अंत मिट्टी ही होगा 2:28 आत्मा की उपस्थिती के करण ये शरीर चेतन वत 2:35 हो गया आंख देखती है कान सुनते हैं नासिक 2:39 सूंघती है क्योंकि आत्मा शरीर में है 2:44 जिस दिन आत्मा निकली 2:47 शरीर पुनः मिट्टी हो गया राजा रंक फकीर 2:52 सब बराबर हो गए इसलिए जब कोई मरता है तो 2:59 हिंदी में कहते हैं हम उसकी माटी पर गए थे  3:03 कहाँ है वो माटी, अजी साहब उसका शरीर ही माटी है  3:08 तो वह जो माटी का शरीर है उसको हम लोग 3:12 मैं मानते हैं    3:14 अब हम किसी से पूछें क्यों जी आपका परिचय 3:19 आप कौन हैं बताइए 3:22 वह व्यक्ति अपना नाम बताता है 3:25 सर जी मेरा नाम है गोविंद पटनायक 3:28 अरे पटनायक जी हम आपका नाम नहीं पूछे हम 3:32 आपसे पूछे आप कौन हैं यह नाम जो है गोविंद ये  3:37 तो आपके माता-पिता ने आपको दिया जब आप 3 3:41 साल के थे उससे पहले वह आपको क्या कहते थे 3:44 उससे पहले मुझे पप्पू कहते थे  3:47 तो आप जब पप्पू थे क्या आप अलग व्यक्ति थे ? 3:50 जब आप गोविंद पटनायक हो गए क्या आप बदल गए 3:54 नहीं मैं व्यक्ति तो वही हूं इसका मतलब 3:58 आप नाम नहीं हैं वरना तो नाम को बदलेंगे आप 4:03 भी बदल जाएंगे   4:05 आप बताइए आप कौन हैं 4:09 जी वो कलेक्ट्रेट में सीनियर क्लर्क हूँ  4:13 ये सीनियर क्लर्क आप जो बोल रहे हैं यह 4:17 आपकी पदवी है 4:20 आप पहले जूनियर क्लर्क थे उससे पहले आप 4:24 टेंपरेरी जॉइन किया थे तो उस समय भी आप वही 4:28 व्यक्ति थे 4:29 आपका पोस्ट अलग है आप अलग हैं अब आप बताइए आप कौन हैं, जी मैं Oodiya (from Orrissa) हूँ, देखिए ये तो आप शरीर के लिए बोल रहे हैं, तो पिछले जन्म में क्या थे जी मैं गुजराती था, उससे पहले बंगाली था, तो आपका शरीर बदलता रहता है आप कौन हैं ये बताइए, उसको हम भूल ही गए कि मैं आत्मा हूँ,   5:01 अगर मानते तो ये भी मानते   5:04 कि मैं परमात्मा का अंश हूँ और यह भी मानते 5:09 कि मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य भगवान हैं 5:13 लेकिन हम तो अपने को मिट्टी का शरीर मान 5:17 लिए 5:18 और शरीर संसार का अंश है इसलिए हम संसार 5:23 को अपना लक्ष्य बना लिए और तीसरी  5:28 विपरीत बुद्धि की परिस्थिति 5:32 “दुख्खेशू”  5:33 संसार के जो विषय का सेवन 5:39 में हम सुख खोज रहे है और परिणाम में हमको 5:44 दुख मिल रहा है  5:46 लेकिन हम उसी को सुख मान के भागते चले जा 5:50 रहे हैं   5:52 भागते भागते किसी को सुख मिला क्या 5:57 अगर हम पूछे यहां पर एक 2000 लोग बैठे हैं 6:02 हम पूछे यहां पर कोई fact में, वास्तव में 6:07 सुखी हैं? तो बताओ 6:11 एक व्यक्ति भी हाथ ऊपर नहीं करेगा,  वेद व्यास कहते हैं, इस संसार में दो ही प्रकार के लोग सुखी हैं “verse”,  6:33 एक वह सुखी है जो महापुरुष 6:38 हो गया 6:40 उसको तो भगवान का आनंद मिल रहा है कोई 6:43 Doubt की बात ही नहीं 6:46 एक वो सुखी है जो पागल है 6:51 उसको पता ही नहीं कि वह दुखी है 6:54 मान लो कोई शराब के नशे में 6:58 और वो अपने 7:00 घर के सामने के नाले में गिर गया 7:06 शराब के नशे में आप उसको देखें आपने कहा 7:10 अरे भाई तुम यहां क्या कर रहे हो, जाओ अपने बेडरूम में लेटो  7:16 वह कहता है मैं बेडरूम में ही लेटा हूं और कहाँ लेटा   7:18 हूं 7:21 अब शराब के करण उसकी बुद्धि भ्रष्ट हो गई 7:24 है उसको लगता है यह बेडरूम है  7:28 ऐसे ही वेदव्यास ने कहा अगर कोई पागल हो 7:32 गया है वह कह सकता है मैं सुखी हूँ या कोई पागल हो गया है तो वो कह सकता है मैं सुखी हूँ  7:38 बाकी सब को तो मानना पड़ेगा कि अभी तक तो 7:43 सुख मिला नहीं   7:45 हम सुख के लिए भाग रहें है सब और इतना भागने 7:50 के बाद भी सुख मिला नहीं 7:53 इससे क्या निर्णय निकालें 7:56 कि हम गलत दिशा में भाग रहे हैं  8:01 हम शरीर के इंद्रियों के विषयों के द्वारा 8:07 शरीर को सुख देना चाहते हैं  8:10 और इससे आत्मा का प्रयोजन तो हल होगा ही 8:14 नहीं   8:16 ये तो ऐसी बात है की आप एक मछली को पानी 8:21 से निकाल दिए 8:23 और आप मछली को सुख देने का 8:27 प्रयास किये 8:29 भई सुगंधित तेल से मछली की मालिश करो 8:33 एयर कंडीशनर लगा दो उसका मुंह खोल के उसको 8:38 Espresso coffee पिला दो   8:40 मछली देवी तुझे सुख मिला अब मछली बेचारी 8:45 कुछ बोल तो सकती नहीं है यदि बोल पाए तो 8:48 यही कहेगी मुझे यह सब नहीं चाहिए अरे मैं 8:52 मछली हूं मुझे सुख देना है तो वापस जल में 8:56 डाल दो  8:58 ऐसे ही हम अपनी आत्मा को कहते हैं अच्छा 9:02 चलो चिल्ली का लेख चलो देखो चलो अब 9:06 Darjeeling चलो पहाड़ी के ऊपर मजा लो 9:10 तो आत्मा देवी तुमको सुख मिला आत्मा कहती 9:14 है मैं तो पहले से भी दुखी हूं 9:18 हम गलत दिशा में भाग रहे हैं और इससे 9:23 हमारी संतुष्टि नहीं हो रही 9:28 और यह गड़बड़ी कब से चल रही है 9:32 एक जनम की नहीं है यह अनादि काल की है 9:37 हमारी आत्मा जो है वह भी भगवान के समान 9:41 अनादि है 9:49 ये हमारा पहला जन्म नहीं है इससे पहले भी हम 9:54 संसार में आए उससे पहले भी हम आए  9:57 अब वो हर बार भगवान हमको भुला देते हैं  10:02 हम भूल जाते हैं  अगर हम आपसे पूछे पिछले जन्म 10:06 में आपके पिताजी कौन थे अरे स्वामी जी कुछ 10:09 तो याद नहीं इसी प्रकार से इस जन्म में 10:12 आपके पिता माता मृत्यु पर सब भुला देते हैं, फिर से clean slate शुरू करते हैं    10:20 अब कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि भगवान हमको याद 10:23 क्यों नहीं दिला देते पिछले जन्म में हम 10:26 क्या थे कहां थे भगवान हमको स्मरण दिला 10:30 दें ना 10:31 जी नहीं ऐसा होने से तो बहुत गड़बड़ी हो 10:35 जाएगी 10:37 मान लो कि एक व्यक्ति को पूर्व जन्म याद 10:41 रहे 10:43 कितना टेंशन में आ जाएगा यह तो मेरी पत्नी 10:46 थी अब यह इसकी पत्नी हो गई 10:49 अरे यह तो मेरी प्रॉपर्टी थी अब उसकी 10:51 प्रॉपर्टी हो गई 10:54 कितनी परेशानी हो जाएगी 10:58 अनंत जन्मों के अपमान हमको याद आ जाएंगे हम 11:03 लोग तो 2 साल पुरानी बात को सोचकर टेंशन 11:06 करते हैं 2 साल पहले ननद ने मुझे ऐसा बोल 11:11 दिया हो ऐसा बोल दिया, हम उसी बात को सोचकर टेंशन लाते हैं और यदि हमें अनंत जन्मों की बातें याद रह जाए 11:20 तो हमारे मस्तिष्क की स्थिति क्या होगी 11:25 इसलिए भगवान ने कहा मेरे प्यारे बच्चों 11:29 तुमने जो जो किया पूर्व जन्म में 11:33 उसका हिसाब मैं रखूंगा 11:35 और सही समय पर तुमको फल भी देता जाऊंगा 11:40 लेकिन तुमको याद नहीं रहेगा,  अत: अनादि काल से हम मायाधीन घूम रहे हैं इस संसार में 11:49 और हम गलत दिशा में आनंद खोज रहे हैं  11:56 हम चूने के पानी को मथ रहे हैं  11:59 और मक्खन की आशा करते हैं  12:03 तो मक्खन चूने के पानी में नहीं होता है 12:07 वह दूध में दही में होता है 12:10 तो इसी प्रकार से हम लोग जब समझेंगे 12:16 कि हमारी आनंद खोज गलत साइड में चल रही है  12:21 तब फिर कल्याण का द्वारा खुलेगा   12:26 और यह गड़बड़ी का कारण क्या है कारण यह है 12:31 कि हम अपने को शरीर मान बैठे 12:34 तो शरीर के सुख को अपना लक्ष्य बना लिया  12:39 जैसे मान लो कोई गणित को यहां से शुरू 12:44 करें 12:50 2+2 = 5 अब इसके आगे जो भी जोड़ लगाएंगे उत्तर गलत ही होगा और पुरानी गलती बढ़ती चली जाएगी 13:21 दोनों sides को 10 से गुना करो अब वो गलती बढ़ती जा रही है  13:25 ऐसे ही जब हम सोच लिए कि मैं तो शरीर हूं तो 13:31 शरीर के सुख को जीवन का लक्ष्य बना के 13:34 भागते चले गए,  अब हम निश्चय करें कि इस दिशा में कभी किसी को तृप्ति नहीं हुई, मैं शरीर नहीं आत्मा हूँ और वो आत्मा परमात्मा का अंश है  13:52 तब जाकर हम परमात्मा की प्राप्ति को लक्ष्य 13:58 बनाएंगे वरना तो हम पूरा प्रवचन सुन लेंगे 14:04 और फिर वहीं पे पहुंच जाएंगे Standby link (in case youtube link does not work) मरने के बाद क्या होता है Swami Mukundananda Hindi.mp4

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Law of Karma | Past Life | Destiny | Why Bad Things Happen To Good People | Part 5 by Swami Mukundanand

Law of Karma | Past Life | Destiny | Why Bad Things Happen To Good People | Part 5 by Swami Mukundanand Full Text  1  Let's take a look at the other side of this proposition, Are we really good people ? If we were good, we would have been in the kingdom of God & we would have been God realized. The fact that we are in the material realm means that we are not so good as yet, I don't want to say bad, otherwise somebody will be hurt.  So you have to now change the statement, “why do good things happen to not-so-good people”. Isn't the answer obvious ? To make us truly good, in other words, the goal of human life is so that we should truly become godlike, truly become like God, become perfect as He is perfect  2  you have to have this understanding and while we are in the material realm there is the law of karma that is applicable. The law of karma states “कर्म प्रधान विश्व करी राखा, जो जस करहि सो तस फल चाखा”. The Bible says exactly the same thing, “As you sow, that shall you also reap”  but again why Kushner stumbled was that he's got one lifetime's perspective and in one lifetime then the law of karma becomes inexplicable “Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and adviser, has criticized the idea that suffering is punishment for sin”. (BUT this is not the correct understanding spiritually)  3  if a child is born blind and the child questions what did I do to be born blind ? What answer will you give to the poor blind child. If you say, it was the wish of God, then God is very unfair This person is born with 6x5 vision and I'm born blind and we as children are just beginning our existence, this is gross partiality on part of God. The only logical & sensible answer is that this is effect of the karmas carried forward from past lives  4  you see all the Karmas that we have done, not in one life but in endless past life times, God keeps an account. God alone can keep that account, in fact the Nyaya darshan gives it as proof of God, without Him, there can be no law of karma - it's the all-knowing who can keep such an amazing account, that is called the Sanchita (means “Accumulated”), Sanchita karma is the accumulated Karmas of our past lifetimes minus what we've already burned out.  So every time when God sends us into the world to continue our journey, He takes one portion from the Sanchit karmas and gives the soul this portion you have to bear in this lifetime, so the portion of the accumulated Sanchit karmas, which is tied to us in this lifetime, that becomes our Prarabdha.  Prarabdha is the destiny with which we are born, there is an element of destiny in everybody's life, nobody can deny it, you did not choose the place where you would be born, God chose it, you did not choose your intellect etc., God chose it and sent you down with it  5  though the destiny is pre-determined, at every moment we have a free will, with which we can make choices. Understand it this way, when you play cards, the hand that you're dealt with is pre-determined, you cannot say no, no, I don't want these cards, I want those cards, you have to play with these cards  but how you play is not pre-determined, a bad player can lose with a good hand while a good player can win with a bad hand, this allows for bridge tournaments to take place, otherwise it could well merely be a throw of dice, Similarly, we all have this free will and the Karma that we do with our free will is called Kriyamana karma, "quotes from scriptures". Your Prarabdha and Sanchita is fixed but Kriyamana is not fixed, so you can slowly slowly change the course of your life. If it is written in your destiny that you will get that one million dollar lottery, you will get it, that's destiny but further having won it, you could blow it up in a year's time or you could multiply it to 1 billion that would be your independent effort, stemming from your free will.  So we are under the bond of this karma and how can you get rid of this whole account of Sanchit Karma? Only then you could be liberated when all Sanchit karmas are burnt away  6  how do you burn away (your Sanchit karmas) something that is infinite in extent, it's very difficult to deplete (to reduce the amount of something so that there is not much left) it, because from infinity if you minus 100, you are still left with infinity  and if you minus a million, it is still infinity, you minus a trillion it is still infinity - how to exhaust our Sanchita Karma - who knows how much is there at the stockpile and alongside with that we are making more karmas, so on one side, we are doing minus but on the other side we are doing plus, will it (accumulation of our Sanchit karmas) ever get exhausted ?  Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita he explains, He says, look Arjun, there is both justice & injustice, Nyaya & Anyaya but you need the third thing and that is Kripa (grace) - if I bestow My grace, I will burn that whole pot of your Sanchit Karmas by My grace  7  even in this world, there is the rule of grace in law, you know, this is the law in India and I have checked up it's also the law in USA, if the Supreme Court declares the death verdict sentences to death by Hanging, the Supreme Court is the ultimate, now there is no other recourse (solution, way out)  but the law says that there is one chance that convict can still appeal to the President for mercy. If the President so chooses by mercy, he can forgive. But President also is not allowed to be whimsical, in that mercy, there is a law there if this, this, this condition is met then President can bestow mercy.  Similarly God says by the law of karma you will never get out of it, you will need My mercy or grace or Kripa but the grace of God is not a whimsical act, oh I like this guy's nose let me grace him, I don't like her eyes, forget it  8  God says, My mercy also has rules and the rule for bestowing mercy is that you need to fulfil My condition. What is the condition, you have to surrender to Me, so He concludes the Bhagavad-Gita by Gita Shloka 18.66 vide that "Sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam sharanam vraja",  Arjun give up all varieties of religiosity and just surrender to the Lord, quotes from "Bhagwad Gita" I shall burn away all your past deeds and liberate you from Maya have no fear  9  so what we need to do is not to blame God & not to blame circumstances & not to find fault - why are bad things happening to me ? There is something different that we need to Do, every time we have to look inside and think how do I need to improve that will change everything.  You have to believe it, if you can understand it by your intellect, only then will you believe it and then your focus will be to improve yourself. As somebody said, when I was a teenager, I dreamt of changing the world but as I grew into my early 20s, I thought if I can change my country, it will be enough and  then after marriage I realized, if I can change my family, I will be a hero but in my old age, I think if I had tried to change myself that would have been the best. That change has to begin from within, so have faith in God and His world that good things are happening but first of all you need to change is your attitude  Transcript

0:22 let's take a look at the other side of this proposition good people are we 0:29 really good people if we were we would have been in the kingdom of God we would 0:37 have been God realized the fact that we are in the material realm means that we 0:46 are not so good as yet I don't want to say bad otherwise somebody will be hurt 0:53 so you have to now change the statement why do good things happen to not-so-good 1:01 people isn't the answer obvious to make us truly good in other words the goal of 1:09 it is so that we should truly become godlike truly become like God become 1:19 perfect as he is perfect you have to have this understanding and while we are 1:29 in the material realm there is the law of karma that is applicable the law of 1:36 karma states "karma pradhana vishwa kari rakha jo jas kari so tass phal chakha" 1:47 the Bible says exactly the same thing as you sow that shall you 1:54 also reap but again why Kushner stumbled was that he's got one lifetime's 2:02 perspective and in one lifetime then the law of karma becomes inexplicable if a 2:10 child is born blind and the child questions what did I do to be born blind 2:20 what answer will you give to the poor blind child if you say it was the wish 2:29 of God then God is very unfair this person is born with 6x5 vision and 2:36 I'm born blind and we are just beginning our existence this is gross partiality 2:43 the only logical sensible answer is that this is karmas carried forward from 2:53 past lives  you see all the Karmas that we have done not in one life in endless 3:03 past life times God keeps an account God alone can keep that account in fact then 3:15 the Nyaya darshan gives it as proof of God without him there can be no law of karma 3:21 it's the all-knowing you can keep such an amazing account that is called the 3:28 Sanchita, Sanchita karma is the accumulated Karmas of our past 3:35 lifetimes minus what we've already burned out so every 3:43 time when God sends us into the world to continue our journey he takes one 3:51 portion from the sanchita and gives it this portion you have to bear in this 3:59 lifetime so the portion of the accumulated which is tied to us in this 4:09 lifetime that becomes our prarabdha prarabdha is the destiny with which we are 4:18 born there is an element of destiny in everybody's life nobody can deny it you 4:25 did not choose the place where you would be born God chose it you did not choose 4:31 that intellect etc God chose it and sent you down with it  though the destiny is 4:39 determined at every moment we have a free will with which we can make choices 4:50 understand it that way when you play cards the hand that you're dealt with is 4:58 determined you cannot say no no I don't want these cards I want those cards you 5:02 have to play with these cards but how you play is not determined a bad player 5:11 can lose with a good hand a good player can win with a bad hand this allows for 5:19 bridge tournaments to take place otherwise it could be a throw of dice 5:26 similarly we all have this free will and the Karma that we do with our free will 5:33 is called Kriyamana karma, "quotes for scriptures" 5:42 your Prarabdha and Sanchita is fixed but 5:50 Kriyamana is not fixed so you can slowly slowly change the course of your life if 6:01 it is written in your destiny that you will get that one million dollar lottery 6:06 you will get it that's destiny but further having won it you could blow it 6:14 up in a year's time or you could multiply it to 1 billion that would be 6:21 your independent effort stemming from your free will so we are under the bond 6:32 of this karma and how do you get rid of this whole account only then you could 6:42 be liberated when it's all burnt away  how do you burn it away something that 6:51 is infinite in extent it's very difficult 6:56 to deplete it because from infinity if you minus 100 you are still left with 7:04 infinity and if you minus a million it is still infinity you minus a trillion it is 7:12 still infinity how to exhaust our sanchita Karma who knows how much is there 7:19 at the stockpile and alongside with that we are making more Karmas so in one 7:28 side we are doing minus on the other side we are doing plus will it ever get exhausted 7:35 Lord Krishna in the bhagavad-gita he explains he says look Arjun there is 7:45 justice there is injustice Nyaya Anyaya you need the third thing and 7:54 that is Kripa grace if I bestow my grace I will burn that whole pot of 8:04 your Karmas by My grace so that grace even in the world there is the rule of grace 8:15 in law you know this is the law in India and I have checked up it's also the law 8:21 in USA if the Supreme Court declares the death verdict sentences to death by 8:29 hanging the Supreme Court is the ultimate now there is no recourse but 8:36 the law says there is one chance that convict can still appeal to the 8:43 President for mercy. If the President so chooses by mercy he can forgive. 8:56 But President also is not allowed to be whimsical in that mercy there is a law there 9:02 if this, this, this condition is met then we shall 9:08 bestow mercy similarly God says by the law of karma you will never get out of 9:17 it you will need mercy or grace or Kripa 9:23 but the grace of God is not a whimsical act oh I like this guy's nose let me 9:30 grace him I don't like her eyes forget it  9:34 God says my mercy also has rules and the rule for bestowing mercy is you need to 9:44 fulfil my condition what is the condition you have to surrender to me so 9:52 he concludes the bhagavad-gita "Sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam 9:58 sharanam vraja" Arjun give up all varieties of religiosity and just 10:04 surrendered to the Lord, quotes from "Bhagwad Gita" I shall 10:12 burn away all your past deeds and liberate you from Maya have no fear  10:22 so what we need to do is not blame God not blame circumstances not find fault 10:33 why are bad things happening to me there is something different that we need to 10:41 do every time we have to look inside and think how do I need to improve that will 10:50 change everything you have to believe it if you can understand you will believe 10:59 it and then your focus will be to improve yourself as somebody said when I 11:09 was a teenager I dreamt of changing the world 11:15 but as I grew into my early 20s I thought if I can change my country it will be 11:22 enough and then after marriage I realized if I can change my family I 11:28 will be a hero but in my old age I think if I had tried to change myself that would 11:35 have been the best you know that change has to begin from within so have faith 11:43 in God and his world good things are happening first of all you need to change is your attitude