Tuesday, February 8, 2022

God's Message to you - Fail 1000 times, BUT NEVER Give up in 2025 by Swami Mukundanand

God's Message to you - Fail 1000 times, BUT NEVER Give up in 2025 by Swami Mukundanand

https://youtu.be/4nywmP5fD_E 00:00 Introduction 00:41 Perfection vs Excellence 01:44 Develop the Mindset of Excellence 03:14 Don't Make Failures as Excuses 04:06 See Positives in Negative thinking 06:47 The Law of Incremental Growth 09:08 Fail 1000 times BUT Never Give up - God's Message to You 12:15 Anything Worthwhile in Life takes time 14:28 Remember the Law of Infinite Potential https://youtu.be/4nywmP5fD_E *Full Text*: https://krishnabff.blogspot.com/2022/02/gods-message-to-you-fail-1000-times-but.html 1 We must keep striving, even if success seems distant. We are laying our foundation. One man repeatedly faced failures in life.  Frustrated, he complained to God, saying, "God, success isn't in my destiny. I am destined to fail, so I might as well accept it."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=0   2  Perfection vs Excellence:  God replied, "There is a difference between Perfection and Excellence."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=33   3  Perfection means being mistake-free. This desire can make one neurotic (worried about things in a way that is not normal), leading to dejection or depression upon noticing flaws. Instead, strive for excellence.  Perfection is a journey, no one achieves it fully. Do your best, even if it includes mistakes. You can't do better than your best. Develop the Mindset of Excellence, run your own race and give your all to each opportunity you receive.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=48  4  Mr. Watson, the CEO of IBM, used to instruct his employees to stop doing anything less than excellent work. This is the mindset he promoted.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=120   5  Famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, known for designing many landmark monuments, was often asked which of his works was his best. He always answered, "The next one," reflecting his mindset of constant growth and improvement.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=138   6  Pablo Casals, the renowned cellist, continued practicing at age 96. When asked why he still practiced, he replied, "Because I think I am getting better." Don't make failures as excuses.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=170  7   Those with a mindset of excellence don't make excuses. Excuses foster a victim mentality and blame others for negativity. If we fall into this habit, not even God or a guru can save us.  To progress, we must take responsibility for ourselves. Where I am today is my responsibility, and if things need to change, it’s up to me.  In English, there’s a saying “There must be a pony somewhere."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=194   8  Two brothers had contrasting attitudes. One was a negative thinker, always blaming others and situations. The other was solution-oriented, looking for ways to solve problems no matter the situation.  They were both taken to a doctor. The first brother was brought to a stable full of ponies, which he loved. However, he became dejected, worrying they might not ride properly and cause disappointment.  The second brother was taken to a room filled with horse excreta. Instead of being disheartened, he started digging, believing that with so much poop around, there must be a pony somewhere.  This story illustrates how one boy found negativity in a positive situation, while the other found positivity in a negative situation.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=255   9  The pursuit of excellence is an inner mindset that we cultivate. It doesn't need external conditions. We must also understand the law of incremental growth.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=390   10  Growth means that success isn't a lottery handed to us. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said it : "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." To undertake a long journey, you can only proceed one step at a time. Similarly, even the largest temples start with a single brick, building up walls one brick at a time.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=416   11  Likewise, if we are here today and decide that I have considerable potential, and this is where I wish to be, then we must be prepared to be patient. Success will not be achieved instantly; it will require constant, repeated efforts.  People often overestimate how much they can change in a day but underestimate how small changes accumulated over an extended period of time can lead to significant transformations dramatically.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=457   12  If you improve by 1% every day, you'll be over 350% better in a year. Compounding this yearly leads to significant success in your life.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=513   13  Let us take inspiration from the bamboo. One individual was striving hard in life, facing repeated failures. After failing 1000 times, he turned to God for answers. He expressed his frustration and said, "Oh God, success does not seem to be in my destiny. It appears I am destined to fail. I might as well accept it." In response, God advised him not to give up.  He then asked, "But God, why should I not give up?" God responded, "I have faith in you." He countered, "God, just look at my track record. I have failed 100 times in the last five years. Each time I resolve not to harbor negative thoughts, I fail. Each time I decide not to become angry with my relatives, I do. Each time I aim to strengthen my willpower and resist temptation, I succumb."  In reply, God provided him with the example of the Bamboo & the Fern (a green plant with no flowers and a lot of long thin leaves).   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=540   14   A gardener was mentioned by God & it is said that the gardener planted two types of seeerns and bamboo.  The fern, being a green plant with no flowers and numerous long thin leaves, began to sprout quickly, akin to wild grass. Within a few days, it had started growing and within weeks, it had reached its full height and begun multiplying, soon forming a fern garden.  In contrast, the bamboo seeds showed no signs of growth for an extended period (bamboo generally takes about 3 to 5 years to reach maturity for harvesting, depending on the species and growing conditions) As time passed, the gardener observed that even after one year, nothing emerged from the bamboo seeds. This situation persisted through the second, third, and fourth years, during which the gardener contemplated giving up on the bamboo seeds.  However, upon deciding to wait longer, the gardener noticed during the fifth year that a bamboo shoot finally became visible.  Remarkably, the bamboo then experienced rapid growth, reaching a height of 80 feet within six months. This led the gardener to understand the necessity of extensive and robust roots to support such significant height, as the bamboo plant requires a strong foundation to withstand environmental forces.  It became clear to the gardener that for the first four and a half years, the bamboo plant had been developing its root system to create a solid foundation, enabling its subsequent rapid growth.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=612   15    Anything worthwhile in life takes time, so  likewise we must keep on   striving even though success doesn't  seem on the horizon. We are preparing our  foundation, that is why hope is very  important in  bhakti. Those people who lose hope, who  become dejected, I will not do it, my Guru  will not grace me, God will not accept me etc.,   then they start going in the reverse  direction, they become worse than animals   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=714  16   I'll end today's message with a story about a dog and an elephant.  A female dog and a female elephant got pregnant at the same time.  In 3 months, the dog gave birth, and 6 months later, it was pregnant again and delivered once more. This cycle continued, but the elephant still hadn't given birth.   After two and a half years, the mother dog asked the elephant if she was sure she was pregnant.  The elephant replied, "Yes, but there's a difference. Your pups roam the streets unnoticed. My baby will be so grand that when it walks, people will stop and stare in awe. Its steps will make the Earth tremble, and its majesty will make it a central figure in celebrations."  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=774   17   The creation of such an endeavor requires time. Our goal should always aim to be the highest, remembering the Law of Infinite Potential. Always keep in mind the law of infinite potential. We are not like chickens, destined to cluck here and there. We are akin to the king of birds—the eagle—destined to soar at altitudes of 20,000 feet. As children of God, we possess infinite potential.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nywmP5fD_E&t=861 Transcript Introduction 0:00 we must keep on 0:04 striving even though success doesn't 0:06 seem on the horizon we are preparing our 0:12 foundation one man was trying his best 0:16 in life but encountering failure again 0:20 and again and one day he complained to 0:24 God and said oh God success is not in my 0:28 destiny I I am just destined to fail I 0:33 may as well accept it and God Perfection vs Excellence 0:42 said there's a difference between 0:46 Perfection and 0:48 Excellence Perfection means I need to be 0:52 at that state where I don't make any 0:54 mistakes desire for perfection makes a 0:58 person neurotic because the moment 1:01 they see defects in themselves or in 1:05 others then they become so dejected they 1:09 even go into 1:12 depression but instead of that when we 1:15 pursue Excellence we know that 1:19 Perfection will always be a journey 1:22 nobody will ever be 1:25 perfect all we can do is the best that 1:29 is in our 1:31 ability and the best that we can do may 1:35 still contain so many mistakes in them 1:39 but that is we could not have done 1:42 better than our best so the attitude or Develop the Mindset of Excellence 1:46 mindset of Excellence is I am running my 1:50 own race and I'm putting everything into 1:55 the opportunity I have 1:58 got as  2:00 Mr Watson the legendary CEO of IBM used to 2:04 tell his employees as of this moment 2:08 quit doing less than excellent 2:15 work this is the 2:18 mindset there was one famous architect 2:22 Frank Lloyd right so when he would be 2:26 asked because he had designed many  2:30 of 2:31 the landmark monuments around the 2:35 world and he would be asked amongst 2:38 these which is your best one he would 2:41 say the next 2:43 one this was his mind set I must keep 2:47 growing I must keep 2:50 improving I also like the statement of 2:54 Pablo Casals who was the best cellist in 2:58 the last 150 years and at the age 3:01 of 96 he was still practicing and 3:05 somebody asked him Mr Casals why do you 3:09 still practice he said because I think I 3:12 am getting Don't Make Failures as Excuses 3:14 better those who have the mind set of 3:19 Excellence they don't make 3:23 Excuses, excuses are so easy to develop 3:28 the victim mentality to point fingers to 3:32 blame others for our negativity if we 3:36 get into this rut then even God cannot 3:39 save us no guru can save us for us to 3:44 move ahead we need to take 3:48 responsibility for 3:50 ourselves where I am today I alone am 3:55 responsible and if this has to change 3:59 the onus is upon 4:03 me 4:05 so there is a saying in See Positives in Negative thinking 4:09 English people say there must be a pony 4:15 somewhere there's a background behind 4:17 this story there must be a pony 4:21 somewhere it is said that two 4:24 brothers had contrasting 4:28 attitudes one 4:30 was a compulsive negative thinker and in 4:35 any situation he would find reasons 4:38 to blame others to find faults with 4:41 others to blame situations to blame lack 4:45 of support and the other was a solution 4:50 oriented person no matter what the 4:53 situation let me focus on the 4:56 solution so they were both taken to a 5:01 doctor the doctor as an experiment took 5:05 the first brother in a stable full of 5:08 ponies he knew that these brothers loved 5:13 ponies and seeing all those ponies there 5:18 this uh first brother became dejected 5:22 the doctor said what's the matter are 5:24 you not excited don't you want to ride 5:26 on any of them he said you know I do 5:30 but in case they Don't Ride properly 5:33 then I will be disappointed and they 5:35 will be irritated and I'm just so 5:40 dejected worrying about what the future 5:43 holds the doctor then took the second 5:47 son to a room full of horse 5:53 excreta so that poop was filling the 5:56 floor for many feet and this boy when he 6:00 reached he with his two bare hands he 6:03 started 6:05 digging and the doctor said what are you 6:08 doing he said with so much of horse poop 6:13 around I am sure there must be a pony 6:16 somewhere I'm trying to find the pony 6:20 now look one boy in a positive 6:23 situation found reasons for negativity 6:26 one boy in a negative situation found 6:30 reasons for positivity the pursuit of 6:33 Excellence does not require anything 6:37 from the outside it does not require 6:41 preconditions it's an inner mindset that 6:45 we 6:46 cultivate and it must also be The Law of Incremental Growth 6:49 accompanied by the understanding of the 6:53 law of incremental 6:56 growth what does that mean it means that 7:01 success is never a lottery that is 7:05 suddenly thrown into our 7:07 lap the Chinese philosopher 7:11 Lau Tzu you know he put it so well when he 7:14 Said that even the Journey of a Thousand 7:17 Miles begins with a single step if you 7:22 need to undertake a long journey you can 7:25 only do it one step at a time and even 7:30 the biggest of temples only begins with 7:34 the laying of single brick and one brick 7:37 at a time the walls come up likewise if 7:41 we are here today and we decide that I 7:45 have infinite potential as a little 7:48 child of God and this is where I wish to 7:52 be then we must be prepared to be 7:58 patient 7:59 because success will not be a unit step 8:02 function yesterday I was a sinner today 8:05 Tomorrow I become a saint it will require 8:09 constant repeated 8:12 steps so we people overestimate how much 8:17 we can change in a 8:19 day but we 8:21 underestimate how little little changes 8:25 over an extended period of time add up 8:30 to change us so 8:33 dramatically like you have probably 8:35 heard from me that if you can change 8:38 1% every 8:40 day in a year you will have changed over 8:47 350% and when that is compounded year 8:51 after year after year it will mean that 8:55 this life you have made a tremendous 9:00 success so let's again take 9:04 inspiration from the 9:07 bamboo one man was trying his best in Fail 1000 times BUT Never Give up - God's Message to You 9:12 life but encountering failure again and 9:16 again and one day he complained to God 9:20 and said oh God success is not in my 9:24 destiny I am just destined to fail I may 9:28 as well accept it and God said 9:31 don't give up but God tell me why should 9:35 I not give up God said I have faith in 9:38 you he said God but just look at my 9:41 track record I have failed 100 times in 9:45 the last 5 years each time I think I 9:48 will not Harbor negative thoughts but I 9:51 fail each time I think I will not become 9:54 angry on my relatives but I do each time 9:57 I think I'll grow stronger in 9:59 willpower and not succumb to temptation 10:02 but I do so you tell me why should I not 10:05 give 10:07 up God gave him the example of the fern  10:12 he said you know what one Gardener 10:15 planted 10:16 Fern (a green plant with no flowers and a lot of long thin leaves) and he also planted bamboo seeds 10:21 the fern like wild grass it pops out in 10:25 a few days and in a couple of weeks it 10:28 had reached full growth and it had 10:31 started 10:32 multiplying and there was soon a fern 10:35 Garden but the bamboo seeds that had 10:38 been planted nothing came out of 10:41 them so the gardener looked on, a year had 10:44 gone by still nothing a second year went 10:48 by still nothing a third 10:51 fourth after four years The Gardener was 10:55 about to give up but then he said let's 10:57 wait a little and the fifth year all of 11:01 a sudden the bamboo sprout was 11:04 visible but the beauty was it started 11:08 growing so rapidly that in the space of 11:11 6 months it had shot up 80 11:16 ft that was when the gardener realized 11:19 that for something that is 80 ft High 11:23 imagine the strength of its roots that 11:27 are required because it becomes a huge 11:31 cantilever and it needs to be countered 11:35 with extremely deep and strong roots so 11:39 he now understood that the bamboo plant 11:43 for four and a half years had been creating 11:47 a 11:49 foundation which would enable the spurt of 11:54 growth so 11:56 likewise we must keep on  12:00 striving even though success doesn't 12:03 seem on the horizon we are preparing our 12:08 foundation that is why hope is very 12:13 important in Anything Worthwhile in Life takes time 12:20 bhakti those people who lose hope who 12:24 become dejected I will not do it my Guru 12:28 will not Grace me God will not accept me 12:31 then they start going in the reverse 12:34 direction they become worse than animals 12:38 this Sanskrit verse says that is 12:45 take a look at the grain that the 12:49 farmer plants it takes time to sprout so 12:54 let me end today's message with the 12:56 story of the dog and the 13:01 elephant the female dog and the female 13:06 elephant both got pregnant at the same 13:11 time and in just 3 months the dog had 13:16 delivered and then 6 months later it got 13:19 pregnant again and it had delivered and 13:21 then again it got pregnant and again it 13:23 delivered and this elephant was not 13:28 having any baby two and a half years went 13:33 by so this mother dog asked the elephant ( African elephants are pregnant for an average of 22 months) 13:38 are you sure you're carrying a 13:40 baby the elephant said yes I am but 13:44 there's a difference your baby roams 13:47 around the streets nobody values it. 13:51 baby I'm going to be delivering will be 13:54 such that when it walks the Earth people 13:58 will stop turn and gaze in 14:02 wonder it will have such weight that 14:07 when it presses its feet the Earth will 14:11 tremble it will have such majesty that 14:15 it will be the major role player in shobha 14:21 yatras so creation of such a thing does 14:26 require time like wise our goal should Remember the Law of Infinite Potential 14:31 always be the highest remember the law 14:36 of 14:37 infinite 14:39 potential we all are not children of 14:44 chicken that are destined to do cluck 14:47 cluck here and there we are like the king 14:50 of the birds the eagle destined to fly 14:54 high at altitudes of 20,000 ft so as the 14:59 children of God we have got 15:03 infinite potential Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): God's Message to you - Fail 1000 times, BUT NEVER Give up in 2025 Swami Mukundananda.mp4