Friday, December 3, 2021

लोग हरे कृष्णा वालों से इतना डरते क्यों है by HG Gauranga Prabhu

लोग हरे कृष्णा वालों से इतना डरते क्यों है by

Main Points:

1 लगभग 80 वर्ष के सज्जन बोले कि अब मैं गीता पड़ना आरंभ करूंगा 2 प्रहलाद महाराज कहते हैं आध्यात्मिक जीवन अति शीघ्र आरंभ करना चाहिए विलंब नहीं करना चाहिए और इसीलिए श्रवण और कीर्तन की व्यवस्था हर वर्ग के व्यक्ति के लिए उपलब्ध करा देना चाहिए  3 कई बार लोगों के मन में यह भय होता है कि आध्यात्मिक जीवन से ज्यादा जुड़ेंगे तो सब कुछ छोड़ना पड़ेगा  4 प्रभुपाद जी ने गीता, भागवत, चैतन्य चरितामृत, इत्यादि के आधार पर यह आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान की शिक्षा दी है और इस शिक्षा का यह प्रभाव होता है कि ना केवल व्यक्ति अपने भौतिक विद्या के आधार पर सामर्थ्य वान बनता है लेकिन Iskcon के मंदिरों के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान को सुनकर वह चरित्रवान भी बन जाता है 5 श्री रामचंद्र जी स्वयं अपने उदाहरण से प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं कि अगर श्रवण करना हो, कीर्तन करना हो, भजन करना हो, साधना करनी हो, वह केवल सत्संग में संभव है, कलयुग को कहा गया है “Age of quarrel & hypocrisy” (“झगड़े और पाखंड का युग”)  Importance of satsang:

6 जब हम सामूहिक रूप से वैष्णव संग में बैठकर श्रवण करेंगे तो उस श्रवण के पांच परिणाम होते हैं   7 सर्व प्रथम : भगवान की कथा में रुचि होने लगेगी  8 प्रभुपाद जी ने कहा “Chant Hare Krishna & Be Happy” 9 दूसरा: वितृष्णा (disgust of worldly desires)अर्थात अन्य (दूसरी) संसार की अभिलाषा समाप्त होने लगती है 10 तीसरा:  सत्वगुण (Mode of Goodness) प्रधान होने लगता है (other two material modes of nature are Rajogun &Tamogun) 11 चौथा भक्ति हर भगवान श्री हरि के प्रति भक्ति जागृत होती है 12 पांचवा: वैष्णव के प्रति प्रेम और स्नेह उत्पन्न होने लगता है  (वैष्णव = भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के सच्चे भक्त)

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work) लोग हरे कृष्णा वालों से डरते क्यूं हैं HG Gauranga Prabhu.mp4

Thursday, December 2, 2021

#1 Reason why Faith Speeds Up Your Spiritual Progress - Shree Krishna Reveals - Elaboration on *Gita Shloka* 4.39 -by Swami Mukundanand

#1 Reason why Faith Speeds Up Your Spiritual Progress - Shree Krishna Reveals - Elaboration on *Gita Shloka* 4.39

The following gives you the main points from video (transcript of the video is available):

1 The transfer of knowledge requires faith not Blind Faith 2 Knowledge will destroy all the stress tension everything – why ? it will change our perspective 3 What is the indication that your perspective is higher, the indication is param shanti - you will feel perfect peace- then no matter what happens your peace will not be disturbed 4 even in the material world we have to surrender our intellect to receive knowledge but in the spiritual realm we do not surrender our intellect 5 Even an ordinary grass cutter in India will tell you Bhagwan is ghat ghat vasi, He is antaryami,He is sitting in the heart we all know but do we have faith in this fact ? (so there is a difference between mere knowledge & having faith in that knowledge)

Faith is one of the biggest things in life, wherever you place your faith that is how your life will become. For example the televisions and all they lead the children astray because they developed faith this is the way to happiness they lead them on a path of illusion or they fall into wrong association and the friends tell them that you know the real happiness is by taking narcotics (drinking alcohol) and that boy develops faith in that philosophy and he is led astray 7 After many many lifetimes the soul develops this faith that it is worthwhile to go into satsang - so this Faith, wherever we place it, that will determine the direction (trajectory) of our life. In the world millions of sources are trying to pull our faith away from God - all the advertisements - you take this kind of soap, lux soap it is the soap of film stars, so it's trying to win your faith 0:02 the transfer of 0:04 knowledge requires faith not Blind Faith 0:10 but well thought out well rationalized 0:16 reasoned faith in the proper place 0:20 wherever you place your faith that is 0:23 how your life will 0:26 become after many many lifetimes the 0:29 soul develops this faith that it is 0:33 worthwhile to go into 0:36 satsang Sri Krishna says from that Faith 0:40 Arjun you will get 0:43 true perfect 0:46 peace 0:48 why knowledge will 0:51 destroy all the stress tension 0:56 everything why it will change our 1:01 perspective what is the 1:04 indication that your 1:07 perspective is higher the indication is 1:11 param 1:13 shanti you will feel perfect 1:17 peace then no matter what happens your 1:21 peace will not be 1:26 disturbed bhagavat Gita chapter 4 verse 39 1:30 chanting is followed by translation and 1:33 commentary by Swami Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Sloka 4.39 Chanting 2:04 those whose faith is 2:07 deep and who have practiced controlling 2:11 their mind and 2:14 senses attain Divine 2:17 knowledge through such transcendental 2:21 knowledge they quickly attain 2:26 Everlasting Supreme peace Bhagavad Gita Commentary by Swami Mukundananda 2:33 now 2:35 having increased Arjun's yearning for 2:39 knowledge He gives one condition out 2:47 there Arjun in order to get this 2:51 knowledge you will have to have 2:55 shradha or 2:58 faith 3:00 the transfer of 3:02 knowledge requires 3:07 Faith even in the 3:10 world the teacher 3:13 teaches when we were 3:15 small the teacher made one shape and 3:19 said this is 3:21 X everybody say x everybody said X this 3:26 is why everyone say Y, everybody said Y 3:30 now the teacher was teaching we were 3:33 having the faith and we were receiving 3:36 the knowledge supposing we said sir 3:39 until you prove that this is X and not B 3:42 I will not 3:44 study the teacher will say how will I 3:48 teach 3:49 you if you do not have faith imparting 3:53 knowledge is not 3:55 possible so in the material side we are 3:59 willing to surrender our intellect and 4:03 we receive the 4:05 knowledge in the spiritual side we don't 4:08 surrender the 4:10 intellect everybody thinks spirituality 4:13 is common sense I know as much as the 4:16 other why should I surrender my 4:19 intellect so when we are not willing to 4:22 do that we will not receive the 4:27 knowledge because 4:33 so this concept of faith comes 4:38 in faith is a very big 4:44 thing very big, in the Bible Jesus Christ 4:49 says if you have faith the size of a 4:52 mustard 4:54 seed you can move 4:58 mountains as the Kathopnishad says if you have 5:02 true Faith you will attain God that's 5:12 it says the definition of God we all 5:18 know even an ordinary grass cutter in 5:21 India will tell you Bhagwan is ghat ghat vasi He is antaryami 5:25 He is sitting in the heart we all know 5:29 but do we have 5:32 Faith, that faith He says 5:36 that same knowledge if you can have 5:40 faith you will attain Him there's 5:42 nothing further to 5:44 do so that Faith develops 5:49 slowly it is one of the biggest things 5:53 in 5:54 life wherever you place your faith that 5:58 is how your life will 6:02 become have you ever thought about it if 6:06 you place your faith in the theories 6:10 taught to you for example the 6:12 televisions and all they lead the 6:15 children astray because they developed 6:17 Faith this is the way to 6:20 happiness they lead them on a path of 6:23 Illusion or they fall into wrong 6:26 association and the friends tell them 6:28 that you know the real happiness is by 6:31 taking narcotics (drinking alcohol) and that boy develops 6:34 faith in that philosophy and he is led 6:39 astray so again the Bible says we walk 6:42 by faith and not by 6:46 sight why is it that you people are here 6:50 by your 6:51 sanskars by the association of saints 6:55 etc you developed this faith that I must 7:00 go to satsang I will get 7:10 something after many many 7:13 lifetimes the soul develops this faith 7:17 that it is worthwhile to go into 7:22 satsang so this Faith wherever we place 7:28 it that will determine the 7:32 direction of our 7:35 life and in the 7:38 world millions of sources are trying to 7:42 pull our 7:45 faith all the 7:47 advertisement you take this kind of soap 7:51 lux soap it is the soap of film 7:54 stars so it's trying to win your faith 7:57 you know this is the soap of film star 8:00 and the other one says life 8:04 buoy you take this this is the source 8:07 of health it will kill all the germs in 8:10 your body so all over they trying to 8:14 pull your faith what is the spiritual 8:18 process the spiritual process is don't 8:22 trust your mind and intellect and your 8:27 Senses, don't have faith in 8:30 this they are 8:32 incomplete they are 8:34 Material, you will get misled if you 8:37 go by virtue of your senses your mind 8:40 your intellect if you have faith in this 8:42 then place your faith in a higher 8:47 authority in a perfect 8:52 source so what is worthy of our 8:57 faith Shankaracharya 9:08 says he is defining what is the meaning 9:11 of shradha to have this firm decision in 9:17 the knowledge of the 9:19 scriptures and the instructions of the 9:23 guru that these are coming from the 9:27 transcendental platform 9:30 so they are free of the material defects 9:34 they are truly worthy of our faith so 9:38 when we place that element of 9:42 Faith there everybody has to place their 9:46 faith 9:48 somewhere mostly we place it on our tiny 9:51 intellect but if we place our faith 9:56 on God but God is not there right now so 10:01 through the mediums of the shastra and 10:04 the guru 10:06 then our path starts getting illuminated 10:11 with Divine 10:13 knowledge so that Faith 10:17 automatically opens up the pathway to 10:23 knowledge our Vedic heritage is full of 10:28 such stories 10:30 of how the disciple developed that firm 10:34 faith and automatically the knowledge of 10:37 the scriptures got revealed in the 10:41 heart Shankaracharya !!one disciple was 10:46 Sanand, Sanand was 10:51 illiterate and when guruji would teach 10:56 Vedant he would just sit in class and 10:58 look at  11:00 him he is saying something important so 11:03 I must look but he could not understand 11:06 what's going 11:08 on one day he was washing guruji's 11:12 clothes on the other side of the 11:17 river it was time for the 11:22 class all the disciples said please 11:27 begin Shankaracharya said but Sanand is not 11:31 here let's wait for 11:33 him but guruji he is illiterate he 11:36 cannot even understand what you 11:39 say that is all right but he listens 11:42 with very great 11:44 faith so Shankaracharya just to show the 11:48 power of Faith he called him 11:52 now Sanand  was on the other side of the 11:56 river heard his Guru he 12:00 ran he didn't realize there's the river 12:03 in 12:04 front so he ran and he put his feet on 12:09 the 12:10 water and Shankaracharya's life history 12:14 says that under his feet the lotus 12:18 flowers kept on blooming so he put his 12:21 feet on them and he crossed over to the 12:25 other side so when he came he offered 12:28 his pranam and from his 12:31 mouth praises of the guru in 12:35 sophisticated sanskrit started emanating 12:38 to the astonishment of the other 12:42 disciples later on because the lotus 12:45 flowers had bloomed under his feet he 12:48 became known as Padma-pad so one of the 12:52 four main Disciples of Shankaracharya were 12:56 Suresvaracharya, Totakacharya, Hastamalaka, and Padmapada  13:01 who are given the four different 13:04 muths so by virtue of that faith he got 13:08 the 13:09 knowledge so 13:11 The Svethashwar Upanishad 6.23 says 13:24 to that Soul who has got staunch 13:29 faith in God and His 13:33 Guru all the meanings of the 13:37 shastras automatically get illumined in 13:42 the 13:44 heart but this faith can also be very 13:50 dangerous see if faith is placed in the 13:55 wrong 13:56 place it can lead us to 14:01 hell if faith is placed in a 14:05 wrong 14:07 person and that person says all right 14:10 now you do this this this,  it can lead us 14:13 to 14:14 hell so that is why Blind Faith can be 14:19 the most dangerous 14:21 thing so if when we are placing our 14:25 faith we should be careful 14:29 where are we pacing our faith that is 14:32 why it is 14:36 said “पानी पियो छान के, गुरु बनाओ जान के”  14:39 you first be careful before you 14:43 accept somebody as Guru ensure this 14:47 person is 14:49 Transcendental has the ability to take 14:52 us to the transcendental platform will 14:55 not cheat us in any way and then  14:59 you place your 15:01 faith and on the shastras there is no 15:05 problem everybody knows Bhagavad-Gita 15:08 means perfect knowledge Vedas means 15:11 perfect knowledge by virtue of growing 15:14 up in that Vedic culture that faith comes 15:19 naturally so without faith if you think 15:23 you will get knowledge you are in for a 15:27 disappointment 15:30 people come and say you know swam ji I've 15:32 got these 20 questions please give me 15:34 the 15:35 Answers, is that the way Shri 15:38 Krishna said you will get 15:40 Knowledge ?, He 15:46 says this knowledge is not if 15:50 you cannot answer my question I'll keep 15:52 believing what I think I 15:54 believe if you have the challenging mood 15:59 Divine knowledge will elude 16:02 you then you will say oh you know I 16:04 asked that question and he could not 16:06 give a suitable 16:09 answer you could not understand the 16:14 Answer, 16:16 one standard one (Grade 1, class 1) student goes to Albert 16:22 Einstein and he says you know you have 16:25 presented this Theory e=mc square, 16:28 can you prove it to 16:31 me now Einstein looks at this  16:34 standard one student he says 16:38 do you know polar 16:42 Integration, no I don't do you know 16:45 calculus ordinary calculus, no I don't do 16:49 you know Algebra, I don't even know what 16:53 do you know I know that two fingers plus 16:56 two fingers is four fingers 17:00 Einstein says then I cannot teach you 17:03 you cannot teach me that means your 17:05 theory is 17:07 wrong his theory is not wrong but he's 17:10 not qualified to 17:13 understand similarly this Divine 17:16 knowledge has a process of being 17:19 imparted and one of the features of that 17:23 process Sri Krishna says is faith not 17:28 Blind Faith but well thought out well 17:35 rationalized reasoned faith in the 17:38 proper place will lead us to 17:43 knowledge and then He 17:46 says from that Faith Arjun you will get 17:51 true perfect 17:57 Peace, why ? 18:00 knowledge will 18:02 destroy all the stress, tension 18:07 everything why it will change our 18:13 Perspective, somebody was telling me 18:16 yesterday Swami ji you know I started 18:19 this new Endeavor the same time you 18:22 started your 18:23 lecture and I heard from you inaction 18:27 In action 18:29 that while doing action you are still in 18:32 the state of inaction and it has changed 18:35 my 18:36 Perspective, in other words knowledge 18:40 gives us a different 18:43 perspective and what is the 18:47 indication that your 18:50 perspective is 18:52 Higher, the indication 18:55 is 18:57 Param shanti you will feel perfect 19:03 peace He says not temporarily, 19:07 temporarily you can get peace even 19:09 through 19:12 Chloroform, that's what the doctor does, !! 19:14 he gives chloroform and now that 19:16 person is at peace for the next six 19:19 hours but Shri Krishna says 19:26 This knowledge will give you 19:29 permanent peace eternally, in other words 19:33 then no matter what happens your peace 19:37 will not be 19:40 destroyed Bal gangadhar 19:43 Tilak was a Karma Yogi he has 19:47 written a wonderful commentary on the 19:49 Bhagwat Gita very 19:52 scholarly and he was also fighting the 19:55 freedom war as his 19:59 duty so he was asked that you know if 20:01 India becomes free then what will you do 20:04 will you strive to be the Prime 20:07 Minister he said no I will get time to 20:10 write my book on 20:12 Calculus, other words he has got no 20:15 interest in that he is doing his 20:19 duty so I was reading a very interesting 20:22 incident that he was put into the 20:26 jail under some section because he was 20:30 active in the freedom struggle so when 20:33 he was being brought to be arrested he 20:37 told his friend just find out statutes 20:39 under this section and what are my 20:41 rights etc and come and tell me in the 20:44 jail and when that friend came to jail 20:47 he found that Tilak is sleeping fast just 20:50 snoring away now I imagine look at his 20:53 Shanti, his peace and nothing can disturb 20:59 his 21:00 Peace, why ? as he is situated in 21:04 knowledge I have to do my duty the 21:08 results are in the hands of God I'm 21:11 doing my duty doesn't 21:13 matter so Shree Krishna says that 21:17 knowledge will bestow such kind of 21:22 perfect peace 21:24 eternally that will be true knowledge Standby link (in case youtube link does not work)!AkyvEsDbWj1gn_0MIPZlmtj5S9KR8A?e=eIZFdF

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

An Untold Story of 4-Year Old Krishna - Lord Krishna's Law of Love Explained by Swami Mukundanand

An Untold Story of 4-Year Old Krishna - Lord Krishna's Law of Love Explained by Swami Mukundanand

  • On this auspicious day, immerse yourself in devotion by listening to a sweet pastime of Baby Krishna when he was four years old, where he reveals how the love of his devotees enslaves him.  The Leela also reveals God's Law of Love and how the selfless devotion of a soul melts his heart and moves him. Watch more to learn as Swami Mukundananda relates the pastime in detail.
Main points: sr 1 if you wish to love God, you need to feel that connection sr 2 He has a law of love, He says as you love Me I will reciprocate accordingly
ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम् । As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. sr 3 भगवान "भक्त वत्सल" तो है हीं मगर उससे भी उंचा गुण है "भक्त के वश" में होना God is very fond of his devotees, but a quality even higher than that is to that He comes under the control of His devotees. sr 4 an incident of a gopi who was working in the field, there was a pile of cow dung...
  • Transcript 0:05 if you wish to love God you need to feel 0:10 that connection, He is 0:13 Mine, if all we can think of He is great 0:16 He is 0:18 Almighty we will be 0:20 fearful we will be 0:23 reverential but that intimate sentiment 0:27 of love will not get 0:31 Enhanced, like in the world a lady her 0:35 husband may be the general in the Army 0:38 to whom 100,000 people salute but 0:43 that wife she only thinks he is my 0:46 husband that is how she loves him she 0:49 puts the Aishwarya (opulence) 0:54 Aside, similarly to love God don't just 0:58 think He is God He's God He's God 1:01 otherwise you will experience 1:05 fear there are loving relationships that 1:09 you can establish with him He is God no 1:12 doubt but He has a law of 1:20 love He says as you love me I will 1:24 reciprocate 1:26 accordingly if the devote thinks oh 1:30 Krishna you are my friend come here I'll 1:33 put my arm around you Krishna says Arjun 1:38 you are my bosom buddy come 1:41 on if the devote 1:43 says oh Krishna look I will take care of 1:48 you that is my 1:52 seva bhav, my 1:54 sentiment you don't need to think about 1:57 me Krishna says Yashoda I'm putting myself 2:01 at your disposal now you are my mother 2:04 I'm all 2:05 yours so Yashoda is the mother of 2:10 God and if the devote says oh Krishna I 2:15 know no other apart from You You are my 2:19 sole 2:20 beloved Krishna says oh Gopi I am 2:24 willing to be your sole beloved this is 2:28 the specialty of our sanatan dharma 2:32 which we call 2:35 Hinduism you know Devotion to God is 2:39 taught around the 2:41 world often with the predominant 2:44 sentiment of 2:46 fear that is all very well but there is 2:49 a loving aspect of God and He subjugates 2:54 himself this the Vedas tell us that the 2:58 highest quality of God is Bhakt Vatsal 3:02 lover of his devotees 3:05 no even 3:08 higher , Bhakt Vashya He is enslaved by his 3:13 devotees 3:14 Krishna was a 4-year-old in his 3:19 leela and He has taken Avatar and is 3:23 doing His pastimes in an agrarian (agricultural) 3:26 Setting, well people live off the land 3:30 so one Gopi was working in the 3:34 field there was a pile of cow dung and she 3:37 needed to move 3:39 it when Kanhayya came and stood 3:42 there the Gopi saw and said Shyam 3:46 Sunder help me 3:48 out fill the basket with this gobar and 3:52 give it to me I'll give you a ball of 3:55 butter Krishna said really food for work 3:59 okay 4:00 He started filling it up, He loves 4:03 butter so He took it and gave it to the 4:07 gopi the Gopi said the whole pile needs 4:10 to be lifted just keep filling the 4:13 baskets and handing them to me I'll give 4:16 you one ball of butter for every basket 4:19 that you work for me Krishna said all 4:22 right you got a deal there contract 4:25 signed He started filling and handing 4:28 over the basket 4:31 but after three or four He lost count 4:34 what so He said who will keep track gopi 4:39 said that is the least of problems we'll 4:41 convert your cheek into an account book 4:44 every time you hand the basket to me 4:46 I'll take one bindi of gobar and I'll 4:49 stick it to your cheek later on we'll 4:52 count how many do you 4:54 have Krishna said you are 4:58 brilliant so He got got to work in right 5:01 earnest one cheek was filled the other 5:04 was filled the forehead was also filled 5:10 so that Lord who worshipped by the 5:26 Vedas the same Lord's face has been 5:29 covered by 5:31 Cow dung how is this happening in her love 5:36 the Gopi has forgotten that He is God 5:40 there is the love energy and the 5:42 knowledge energy the Gyan Shakti and the Para 5:47 Shakti when the love 5:49 swells the knowledge immerses in it the 5:54 devote forgets this is God otherwise the 5:58 fear will take take over and God also 6:01 forgets that He is God that is when the 6:05 loving exchanges take 6:08 place so Krishna said you know it's been 6:11 a lot of hard work I have toiled it out 6:14 now give me the 6:16 butter Gopi said what butter  6:19 it was our contract how many baskets I 6:22 lift you give me that much of butter 6:25 baba butter is not here it is at home 6:27 come now she's walking along with 6:30 Krishna she's getting the sanidhya (company) the 6:33 closeness of Krishna and she's 6:36 delighted out there at home there was 6:39 another gopi 6:41 sitting and she looked at Krishna's 6:44 face and pointed and said sakhi what have 6:48 you done to 6:49 him they both broke into laughter 6:53 Krishna said why are you laughing go and 6:56 look at your face Krishna went and 6:59 looked at his face in the mirror oh my 7:02 god what have you done He went took a 7:05 piece of wet rag wiped his face clean 7:08 and came said enough is enough give me 7:11 the butter now gopi said what butter are 7:14 you talking about you keep 7:18 forgetting our deal was as many baskets 7:22 I lift I'll get that much of butter the 7:25 gopi said look at the deal again 7:30 the contract was as many bindies are 7:33 there on your face you will get those 7:35 many balls of butter you have cleaned up 7:37 the whole account book you'll get 7:40 nothing so Krishna was about to 7:44 cry when a child begins to cry He gives 7:48 a fore 7:49 warning this chin goes up and down a few 7:53 times 7:56 then in Hindi it is said (quote) when 8:00 this mudra got created of Krishna the 8:03 gopi said all right all right don't cry 8:05 we'll give you the butter take how much 8:07 you 8:08 like these are the loving pastimes of 8:12 the Lord that give us confidence in our 8:16 bhakti that He is the master of the 8:19 universe but He is the god of love and 8:24 we can relate to him we can connect with 8:27 him how will that connection get 8:31 Created, when we decide that He is 8:38 mine this human intellect is such the 8:42 moment you decide somebody is mine the 8:47 love automatically grows 8:58 within

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Yogmaya Shakti Maa Durga l Navratri Special by Swami Mukundanand

Yogmaya Shakti Maa Durga l Navratri Special by Swami Mukundanand

Transcript sr 1 Episode that changed the philosophy of Shankaracharya sr 2 Durga manifested before Shankaracharya

Sr 3 Teaching from Durga to Shankaracharya

sr 4 Who is Radha sitting beside Krishna Sr 5 This world is asat (temporary) but not mithya,i.e.,  world is not false) sr 6 This body, you will have to take care of it – but only for God realization

sr 7 Garba Dance


0:15 there is a beautiful story from the life 0:18 of jagat Guru Shankaracharya 0:21 the savior of Hinduism who traveled 0:25 all around Bharat Varsh reestablishing 0:29 People’s 0:30 faith in the Vedas 0:32 however when he was residing in 0:37 Kashi with his disciples an episode took 0:41 place that made him change his 0:44 philosophic 0:46 stance according to him there was just 0:50 one entity Brahma 0:56 Brahma there is one Brahma the world is mithya or  1:00 non-existent and according to him 1:03 the soul is 1:05 Brahman now one day he was walking with 1:09 his disciples towards the manikarnika 1:13 Gat of Kashi and found that the path had been 1:16 blocked by a lady who had the body of 1:20 her dead husband in her lap and she was 1:24 wailing my husband was so nice why did 1:28 God take him Shankaracharya stood there 1:31 and said 1:33 maa please give 1:35 way she began screaming more loudly 1:40 everybody else their husband is alive 1:43 why did it happen to me 1:45 alone Shankaracharya lifted his voice 1:49 mother we need to go and bathe please 1:52 make way for 1:55 us she began screaming even more loudly 2:00 finally Shankaracharya became a little 2:03 annoyed and he said mother what is the 2:07 point in crying like this your husband 2:09 is gone he is not going to come 2:12 back all of a sudden that woman turned 2:16 around she said 2:19 Shankaracharya why are you speaking to me speak 2:22 to my husband tell him to get 2:25 up clear the path Make Way for you 2:31 Shankaracharya said mother, in separation 2:34 from your husband have you lost your 2:37 mind that is a dead body it has got no 2:41 energy in it how can it get 2:45 up that woman she said 2:49 Shankaracharya according to your principle your 2:53 interpretation of the Vedas Brahma is 2:57 a Brahma because if there is 3:01 Shakti then there is no longer one 3:04 entity so tell me we now that Brahma 3:08 has created the world if Brahma has 3:12 created this world without Shakti this dead 3:16 body should also be able to get up 3:18 without Shakti to prove your point make it 3:22 do 3:23 so Shankaracharya was astounded who is 3:27 this lady who punched a hole in my 3:34 philosophy he remembered the time when 3:37 he had gone to debate with 3:40 Ved Vyas when he had reached Badrika Ashram he 3:45 went behind to Uttar Bbadri and went up 3:49 the snow clad path Ved Vyas was residing up 3:54 in the Himalayas he descended the two of 3:58 them met in a cave where they sat down 4:02 and did shastra scriptural debate it 4:06 continued for seven days and Ved Vyas the 4:10 writer of 18 puranas he was unable to 4:13 defeat Shankaracharya the debate extended 4:17 for another seven days and he still 4:19 could not defeat 4:22 him then he was pleased and he blessed 4:26 Shankaracharya you are competent go 4:30 and preach you will be 4:33 successful Shankaracharya thought that 4:37 where the Ved Vyas was unable to vanquish me 4:41 in debate who is this lady who has found 4:46 such a hole in my sr 2 Durga manifested before Shankaracharya 4:49 philosophy so he blinked his eyes and 4:52 when he opened them the whole scene had 4:55 changed that lady was no longer there 4:58 nor was her husband husband in their 5:01 place was Mother Durga sitting on a lion 5:05 with her 10 Sr 3 Teaching from Durga to Shankaracharya 5:07 arms Shankaracharya lay prostrate on the 5:11 floor and offered his 5:13 obeisances and the stuti the praises 5:17 that emanated from his mouth at that 5:19 time in sophisticated 5:22 sanskrit that is the Anand 5:26 lahri two Praises by Shankar of Maa Durga 5:31 are very famous one is the even more 5:33 famous Saundrya Lahri and the other is the Anand 5:36 Lahri which he spoke at that time in which 5:40 he said that God does create but he does 5:44 it through his Shakti the yoga Maya 5:47 power so you (Divine Yog Maya Power) are the cause of creation (srishti), maintenance (sthiti) & destruction (pralay) of the universe  sr 4 Who is Radha sitting beside Krishna 5:51 you are the Swaroop shakti of 5:58 bhagavan there are two learnings from 6:01 this episode firstly people ask the 6:04 question we understand bhagwan but who 6:07 is the lady who sits by his side we 6:11 understand Ram but who is Sita we 6:13 understand Krishna but who is Radha 6:15 Narayan but who is Lakshmi so she is not a 6:20 lady in the sense we understand a lady 6:24 to be in the world she is the embodied 6:30 Yog Maya, the divine power of the Lord and Shakti 6:35 Shakiman are one just like fire is one 6:40 with its heat and light similarly 6:43 Krishna and Radha are one Shiv and 6:46 Parvati are one Nar and Lakshmi are Sr 5 This world is asat (temporary) but not mithya,i.e.,  world is not false) 6:51 one second point this material 6:55 energy from which this world is made is 6:59 governed by the Yog Maya Shakti it is not 7:05 nonexistent the world is temporary but 7:09 it does exist it is asat (temporary), not Mithya (i.e., not false) hence your sr 6 This body, you will have to take care of it – but only for God realization 7:15 body you will have to take care of it 7:19 you will have to provide it the proteins 7:22 vitamins minerals carbohydrates that it 7:25 needs otherwise you will not even be 7:29 able to go towards 7:37 God Lord Krishna told Arjun if you wish 7:42 to achieve success in yog by stopping to 7:46 eat or eating too much it will not be 7:50 possible maintain the body this is the 7:54 vehicle for doing Dharma those 7:58 spiritualists who say Material Science 8:00 is useless they are incorrect it is 8:04 necessary to keep the body just like 8:08 spiritual science is necessary for 8:11 purifying the Mind utilize both these, 8:15 harmonize these to reach the goal of 8:20 your life 8:24 GARBA DANCES Standby link (in case youtube link does not work) Yogmaya Shakti Maa Durga l Navratri Special by Swami Mukundanand Transcript sr 1 Episode that changed the philosophy of Shankaracharya sr 2 Durga manifested before Shankaracharya Sr 3 Teaching from Durga to Shankaracharya sr 4 Who is Radha sitting beside Krishna Sr 5 This world is asat (temporary) but not mithya,i.e.,  world is not false) sr 6 This body, you will have to take care of it – but only for God realization 0:15 there is a beautiful story from the life 0:18 of jagat Guru Shankaracharya 0:21 the savior of Hinduism who traveled 0:25 all around Bharat Varsh reestablishing 0:29 People’s 0:30 faith in the Vedas 0:32 however when he was residing in 0:37 Kashi with his disciples an episode took 0:41 place that made him change his 0:44 philosophic 0:46 stance according to him there was just 0:50 one entity Brahma 0:56 Brahma there is one Brahma the world is mithya or  1:00 non-existent and according to him 1:03 the soul is 1:05 Brahman now one day he was walking with 1:09 his disciples towards the manikarnika 1:13 Gat of Kashi and found that the path had been 1:16 blocked by a lady who had the body of 1:20 her dead husband in her lap and she was 1:24 wailing my husband was so nice why did 1:28 God take him Shankaracharya stood there 1:31 and said 1:33 maa please give 1:35 way she began screaming more loudly 1:40 everybody else their husband is alive 1:43 why did it happen to me 1:45 alone Shankaracharya lifted his voice 1:49 mother we need to go and bathe please 1:52 make way for 1:55 us she began screaming even more loudly 2:00 finally Shankaracharya became a little 2:03 annoyed and he said mother what is the 2:07 point in crying like this your husband 2:09 is gone he is not going to come 2:12 back all of a sudden that woman turned 2:16 around she said 2:19 Shankaracharya why are you speaking to me speak 2:22 to my husband tell him to get 2:25 up clear the path Make Way for you 2:31 Shankaracharya said mother, in separation 2:34 from your husband have you lost your 2:37 mind that is a dead body it has got no 2:41 energy in it how can it get 2:45 up that woman she said 2:49 Shankaracharya according to your principle your 2:53 interpretation of the Vedas Brahma is 2:57 a Brahma because if there is 3:01 Shakti then there is no longer one 3:04 entity so tell me we now that Brahma 3:08 has created the world if Brahma has 3:12 created this world without Shakti this dead 3:16 body should also be able to get up 3:18 without Shakti to prove your point make it 3:22 do 3:23 so Shankaracharya was astounded who is 3:27 this lady who punched a hole in my 3:34 philosophy he remembered the time when 3:37 he had gone to debate with 3:40 Ved Vyas when he had reached Badrika Ashram he 3:45 went behind to Uttar Bbadri and went up 3:49 the snow clad path Ved Vyas was residing up 3:54 in the Himalayas he descended the two of 3:58 them met in a cave where they sat down 4:02 and did shastra scriptural debate it 4:06 continued for seven days and Ved Vyas the 4:10 writer of 18 puranas he was unable to 4:13 defeat Shankaracharya the debate extended 4:17 for another seven days and he still 4:19 could not defeat 4:22 him then he was pleased and he blessed 4:26 Shankaracharya you are competent go 4:30 and preach you will be 4:33 successful Shankaracharya thought that 4:37 where the Ved Vyas was unable to vanquish me 4:41 in debate who is this lady who has found 4:46 such a hole in my sr 2 Durga manifested before Shankaracharya 4:49 philosophy so he blinked his eyes and 4:52 when he opened them the whole scene had 4:55 changed that lady was no longer there 4:58 nor was her husband husband in their 5:01 place was Mother Durga sitting on a lion 5:05 with her 10 Sr 3 Teaching from Durga to Shankaracharya 5:07 arms Shankaracharya lay prostrate on the 5:11 floor and offered his 5:13 obeisances and the stuti the praises 5:17 that emanated from his mouth at that 5:19 time in sophisticated 5:22 sanskrit that is the Anand 5:26 lahri two Praises by Shankar of Maa Durga 5:31 are very famous one is the even more 5:33 famous Saundrya Lahri and the other is the Anand 5:36 Lahri which he spoke at that time in which 5:40 he said that God does create but he does 5:44 it through his Shakti the yoga Maya 5:47 power so you (Divine Yog Maya Power) are the cause of creation (srishti), maintenance (sthiti) & destruction (pralay) of the universe  sr 4 Who is Radha sitting beside Krishna 5:51 you are the Swaroop shakti of 5:58 bhagavan there are two learnings from 6:01 this episode firstly people ask the 6:04 question we understand bhagwan but who 6:07 is the lady who sits by his side we 6:11 understand Ram but who is Sita we 6:13 understand Krishna but who is Radha 6:15 Narayan but who is Lakshmi so she is not a 6:20 lady in the sense we understand a lady 6:24 to be in the world she is the embodied 6:30 Yog Maya, the divine power of the Lord and Shakti 6:35 Shakiman are one just like fire is one 6:40 with its heat and light similarly 6:43 Krishna and Radha are one Shiv and 6:46 Parvati are one Nar and Lakshmi are Sr 5 This world is asat (temporary) but not mithya,i.e.,  world is not false) 6:51 one second point this material 6:55 energy from which this world is made is 6:59 governed by the Yog Maya Shakti it is not 7:05 nonexistent the world is temporary but 7:09 it does exist it is asat (temporary), not Mithya (i.e., not false) hence your sr 6 This body, you will have to take care of it – but only for God realization 7:15 body you will have to take care of it 7:19 you will have to provide it the proteins 7:22 vitamins minerals carbohydrates that it 7:25 needs otherwise you will not even be 7:29 able to go towards 7:37 God Lord Krishna told Arjun if you wish 7:42 to achieve success in yog by stopping to 7:46 eat or eating too much it will not be 7:50 possible maintain the body this is the 7:54 vehicle for doing Dharma those 7:58 spiritualists who say Material Science 8:00 is useless they are incorrect it is 8:04 necessary to keep the body just like 8:08 spiritual science is necessary for 8:11 purifying the Mind utilize both these, 8:15 harmonize these to reach the goal of 8:20 your life 8:24 GARBA DANCES Standby link (in case youtube link does not work) Yogmaya Shakti Maa Durga l Navratri Special l Swami Mukundananda l Radha Krishna Temple l Dallas.mp4

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Secret About Shri Krishna’s Relationship With Radha Rani | Yogmaya, The Supreme Power of Krishna by Swami Mukundanand

The Secret About Shri Krishna’s Relationship With Radha Rani | Yogmaya, The Supreme Power of Krishna by Swami Mukundanand 0:00 *Top Spiritual Secret* 3:15 *Who is Radha Rani*? 4:55 *How do we understand us souls*? 6:57 *Secret of Yogmaya* 10:23 *Durga, Sita, Radha, Lakshmi, Kali* 11:30 *What Shree Krishna Says about Radha*? 15:21 *Why do you say Radhey Radhey*? ---------- Full Transcript Text: Top Spiritual Secret 0:01 now this is a deep philosophy 0:05 and this 0:07 gives us a little inkling into Radharani 0:12 so who is Radha 0:16 there's so much of confusion 0:22 was she married to Krishna was it an 0:24 extra marital Affair what in the world 0:27 was going on and 5000 years ago also 0:30 they had this kind of extramarital 0:32 affairs 0:34 oh no 0:36 well tell me one thing does God need to 0:40 marry 0:42 we people are such misers that we force 0:46 God to follow our rules 0:50 it's like a child telling the parents 0:53 the parents say beta it's your exam you 0:55 sit and study child says Papa you are 0:58 sitting and watching the TV series 1:01 and you are making me study why don't 1:04 you also study 1:07 when you come in my category you sit and 1:10 watch TV but for you have to go by your 1:13 category 1:14 somebody who has graduated from the 1:16 University, the laws of the University 1:18 don't apply on that person so the laws 1:22 of dharma are for us souls who are under 1:26 Maya 1:28 they are not for Maya Pati who is 1:31 Bhagavan Himself because whatever God 1:34 does is for 1:36 the welfare of the souls otherwise 1:39 you will question 1:41 Shri Krishna says don't steal  1:45 and He goes to the house of the gopis 1:47 and steals butter 1:49 He's not following the rules himself 1:53 because there's a difference 1:56 whatever we do we are motivated by 2:00 self-interest 2:03 hence these rules 2:05 God has no self-interest whatever He 2:09 does is for human welfare 2:14 does not apply on Him 2:17 Krishna knows that these gopis are 24 2:19 hours a day thinking Krishna Krishna 2:22 Krishna when they are milking the cow 2:25 they are thinking Krishna Krishna when 2:27 they are making the yogurt they are 2:28 thinking Krishna Krishna when they are 2:30 churning and extracting butter I wish 2:33 Krishna comes to my house and I can give 2:35 Him my butter, Krishna says I am sitting 2:38 in your heart noting I am going to come 2:41 so because everything He does is for the 2:44 welfare of the souls our dharma does not 2:47 apply on him 2:49 so for God it doesn't matter you don't 2:51 ask him did you marry or did you not but 2:55 His relationship with Radha is way 2:58 beyond that. it's a Divine relationship 3:02 and what is that let's understand with 3:06 Depth, not lightly, her spirituality 3:10 should be taken with depth 3:14 who is Radha Who is Radha Rani? 3:17 she is the yogamaya that Krishna is 3:20 mentioning in this verse 3:23 yogamaya the Divine energy 3:27 so the relationship between Krishna and 3:30 Radha is of the energetic and the energy 3:35 such a beautiful understanding 3:39 the Narada pancharatra says understand 3:42 this whole world 3:45 as different energies and the one 3:48 energetic 4:01 like one sun 4:04 is in one place and Illuminating the 4:07 whole solar system 4:09 similarly there is one source of all 4:12 energies the Supreme Divine Personality 4:16 and His innumerable energies by which He 4:21 is manifesting this world 4:24 and one of those Energies 4:27 is Maya 4:29 the material energy 4:32 this material energy Maya 4:35 is the one 4:37 from which everything is made this is 4:40 easy to understand this is what science 4:42 is delving with 4:45 it's looking into external matter 4:53 How do we understand us souls? 4:57 so one understanding is we are the 5:00 children of God 5:02 right 5:03 The Vedas also say  5:07 you are the child of the Supreme Lord 5:12 but here the question arises that if I 5:15 am the child of God 5:16 then I should have some resemblance to 5:19 Him 5:21 he is Anand Sindhu 5:23 and I am devoid of bliss out here  5:28 from an elephant an elephant child is 5:30 born 5:31 from bear a bear child is born 5:34 you don't have humans giving birth to 5:37 elephants and elephants giving birth to 5:39 bears and bears giving birth to humans 5:42 We are God's children we should be 5:44 like God but He is beyond Maya (मायातीत, माया + आतीत (beyond)) and we are 5:47 माया आधीन (under the control of Maya), He is omniscient and we are in 5:51 ignorance what kind of children are we 5:54 Shri Krishna says 5:58 the soul is my little part 6:04 because it's a fragment of me it is 6:07 called 6:08 my child 6:11 so it's a deeper understanding we are 6:13 fragments of God 6:16 but then 6:18 the Deep thinkers will say you know how 6:22 come we are fragments of God 6:24 is God like a piece of stone you smashed 6:27 Him with a sledgehammer and He broke 6:30 into all these fragments 6:32 so the answer is given with Chaitanya 6:36 Mahaprabhu 6:37 we are the energy of God 6:41 there's this Maya energy 6:43 and there is the soul energy 6:47 the Superior Energy 6:49 but there is a third energy 6:52 and that is the one He has referred to 6:54 in this verse 6:56 which is Yoga Maya Secret of Yoga Maya 6:59 yogamaya is God's personal power all 7:03 powerful 7:05 It Is by virtue of that Yoga Maya 7:09 that He takes Avatar 7:12 He says in the fourth chapter 7:16 I am unborn I am Eternal but with the 7:20 help of my yogamaya I take an avatar 7:24 so by that yogamaya He says Arjun I am 7:28 sitting inside you 7:31 but you have no perception of Me 7:35 the doctor takes the stethoscope 7:38 take a deep breath 7:40 breathe more deeply 7:43 so the doctor also cannot hear God although He is 7:45 Sitting inside all beings’ hearts 7:48 He's covering Himself by Yoga Maya nobody 7:51 has a perception of Him 7:54 this yogamaya is such a power 7:58 everything inconceivable that God does 8:01 is by this 8:03 when the first computer revolution was 8:06 starting somebody asked me in India one 8:08 student 8:10 swamiji which computer does God use to 8:14 keep track of all our karmas 8:17 first of all note them keep account 8:20 dispense the results 8:23 the computers are created from the 8:26 material energy 8:28 they are products of Maya for this kind 8:31 of work God uses Yoga Maya 8:34 so He keeps note of all the karmas 8:40 and He is keeping track of all the souls 8:45 in creation 8:48 and doing all of this He is not getting 8:51 any tension 8:54 now you people 8:56 you have two three children in the world 8:58 right 9:07 and God has got so many children 9:11 and one is a good child one is saying 9:14 God is an opiate of the masses third 9:16 says my God died young and so many, this 9:19 one somebody has written a book He's 9:22 written a book my God died young etc etc 9:24 and God is taking care of all these 9:27 children 9:28 and yet He has got no tension He is in 9:31 full Bliss 9:32 that power which enables this is Yoga Maya 9:37 and by that Yoga Maya God manifests his 9:42 Divine abode 9:44 his Divine pastimes 9:47 so this power 9:50 is both formless and having a personal 9:53 form 9:55 that's the amazing thing then God's 9:58 powers can also take on a personal form 10:00 like you know Ganga Devi is a river  10:02 right but Ganga Devi also has the 10:04 personal form, these Ved mantras are Gyan 10:08 Shaktis, knowledge energies, but they also 10:11 have personal forms, they meditated to 10:15 participate in Krishna Leela so yoga 10:19 Maya takes on the forms of Durga Sita Durga, Sita, Radha, Lakshmi, Kali 10:27 they are all the personal manifestations 10:31 of the Divine energy 10:35 and hence 10:37 as the different forms of God are one 10:41 likewise the different energies these 10:45 Yoga Maya shaktis they are also one 10:50 but the point is that they are all 10:52 different forms of the one God , God 10:55 is all powerful He can take as many 10:56 forms as He likes 10:58 and likewise the Yoga Maya Shakti can 11:01 also take as many forms so Durga Sita 11:05 Lakshmi Kali are all different forms of 11:07 the one God 11:09 of the one Yoga Maya 11:11 that is why in the Brahma vaivartak 11:15 purana 11:16 Shri Krishnas is telling Radha 11:19 SHALOKA What Shree Krishna Says about Radha? 11:52 O Sita, O Radha, these are all Your different forms 11:56 so 11:57 what is the relationship between Radha 12:00 and Krishna it's the relationship 12:02 between the energetic and the energy the 12:06 Shaktiman and the Shakti 12:08 they are eternally one 12:12 can you separate the whiteness from the 12:15 milk 12:16 impossible 12:18 likewise Radha and Krishna are one 12:23 so 12:25 this is the simultaneous Oneness and 12:29 Distinction, Bheda (difference) Abheda (no difference) 12:40 now 12:43 Radha form has got some Specialties 12:47 in the Rus 12:49 she is the loving form of Yoga Maya 12:53 see the mother has got her different 12:56 forms 12:57 every child knows the angry form of the 13:01 mother 13:02 you know nowadays it's not allowed to 13:05 beat children but the seniors amongst us 13:08 have all been nicely beaten up as little 13:11 children 13:14 one child was going home 13:18 and He was thinking my mother will be 13:20 there and she will take me in her lap 13:23 and she will shower her affection on me 13:27 but when she reached home the mother was 13:30 in a different mood 13:32 she had a stick in her hand and she was 13:34 beating his brother 13:36 this child thought oh my God 13:41 Tinku is really getting it I better slip 13:45 into my bedroom and when mummy's mood is all 13:47 right I'll come and speak to her 13:50 so likewise there is one form of the 13:54 mother where she is killing the 13:55 rakshasas etc 13:57 you know this is her Kali form she's 14:00 also the Divine mother 14:02 but the form that really attracts the 14:05 child is the loving form 14:08 in her Radha Farm she is not concerned 14:11 with killing of demons let Kali and 14:14 Durga take care of that 14:17 I will only participate in the loving 14:20 pastimes and share that love with all 14:24 the devotees 14:26 so 14:28 in bhakti 14:30 the position of the Divine mother 14:32 becomes very important 14:42 even in the world it's because of the 14:45 mother's love and the sacrifice that the 14:49 mother's position is more important than 14:52 the father that's why you see the 14:54 Mother's Day is more celebrated than the 14:57 Father's Day, within the Divine realm 15:00 also the knowers of bhakti say that the 15:04 grace we are going to get it from the 15:06 mother 15:07 she is more compassionate 15:10 she is more kind-hearted and more 15:13 generous and hence this bhakti I'll get 15:17 by the grace of Radharani 15:20 people say why do you say Radhe Radhe 15:23 well the whole thing is Radhe Radhe Shyam milade 15:30 Divine mother 15:32 please bless me and help me meet the 15:36 Divine father 15:38 when they are worshiped together 15:41 understand them as one yes 16:01 She who is Radha is also Krishna He who 16:04 is Krishna is also Radha 16:07 so don't think they are different 16:18 so seeing them as one you either worship 16:21 both of them 16:23 are you say you know my mind is 16:24 attracted to Krishna okay my mind is 16:27 attracted to Radha okay but never say 16:30 you know one is good and the other is 16:32 bad that kind of Distinction becomes 16:35 odious (extremely unpleasant; repulsive)