Monday, March 20, 2023

ये संसार दुःखालयम अशाश्वत (Dukhalyam Ashashwat, place of misery & temporary) है

1. ये संसार दुःखालयम अशाश्वत (Dukhalyam Ashashwat, place of misery & temporary) है Gita Shloka 8.15 “After attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogīs in devotion, never return to this temporary world, which is full of miseries, because they have attained the highest perfection”. 2. ये संसार एक jail है, हम सब कैदी हैं और हमारा कसूर क्या है कि हम भगवान से विमुख हैं यानी भगवान की तरफ पीठ किए हुए हैं, भगवान को शरणागत नहीं हैं Reference videos: Video 1 ये भौतिक जगत को jail बताया गया है, हमें Jail में सजा क्यों मिलती है ? Video 2 Listen to an account: A German philosopher came to India, a devotee took him to the temple where Shiva, Durga and Shri Radha Krishna was there, asked him who do you think is the Supreme God, he said that Shiva is meditating, the one on whom he is meditating will be the best, Durga is standing with weapons, riding on a lion, is the guardian of the jail, says that all the demons come to me on their own to die. Video 3 और हम सब बद्ध (bound) जीव हैं, यानी बंधे हुए, यानी ये संसार एक जेल भी है, मतलब एक jail के अंदर hospital में हैं, पहले तो hospital से निकलना है फिर jail से भी निकलना है And we all are bound creatures, that is, tied, that is, this world. There is also a jail, meaning we are in a hospital inside a jail, first we have to get out of the hospital and then we have to get out of the jail also Video 4 Money (& also properties, family & other material assets) create illusion that I will become happy whereas actually you cannot be happy, & therefore this leads to frustration & despair (losing all hope) ; (because God Himself has made this material world a "Dukhalyam - a place of misery, actually a jail for all of us criminals to improve & that is the purpose of a jail so that we can go back to Godhead ; and what is our crime for which we are in this worldly jail - of wanting to enjoy "(this is) my life" independently ,i.e., without God) धन (तथा घर मकान, परिवार और अन्य भौतिक संपत्तियां भी) भ्रम पैदा करते हैं कि मैं खुश हो जाऊंगा जबकि वास्तव में आप खुश नहीं हो सकते, इसलिए ये निराशा और हताशा (सभी आशा खोना) की ओर ले जाता है ; (क्योंकि भगवान ने स्वयं इस भौतिक दुनिया को "दुखालयम - दुख का स्थान, वास्तव में हम सभी अपराधियों के लिए जेल बना दिया है ताकि हम सुधर सकें और यही एक जेल का उद्देश्य होता है - ताकि भगवान के धाम वापस जा सकें ; और हमारा अपराध क्या है जिसके लिए हम इस सांसारिक जेल में हैं - स्वतंत्र सुख और मजा लेने की इच्छा यानी भगवान के बिना) Video 5 वास्तव में यह संसार हम अपराधियों के लिए एक जेल है और हमारा अपराध भगवान को अर्पित किए बिना और उनके प्रति कृतज्ञता के बिना अकेले आनंद लेने की प्रवृत्ति है in fact this world a jail for us criminals & our crime is the tendency to enjoy alone without offering to God & without being grateful to Him Video 6 I want to a jail to deliver Gita lecture. I said you (all prisoners) are unhappy, very good. What very good?! Swamiji at least you should have a compassionate heart, while we are saying we are unhappy and you are saying “very good”, you are putting salt in our wounds. I said what is the purpose of the prison house (i.e., THIS WORLD)? To keep you unhappy. If you became happy in the prison house then when the government released you, you will say what to do ? can I become the government's guest again. There is a reason why the prison house (i.e., THIS WORLD) is a place of some extent of hardship and if you can get all that you want in the prison house, it doesn't serve the purpose Video 7 It is like somebody does a sin and goes to jail, by fulfilling his jail term, the sin is destroyed, in the eyes of society that person is no longer a criminal but the heart is still unclean. He comes out and does the sin again. In fact sitting in jail people keep planning, okay, when we go out you join my gang & I will join your gang, so the heart is not cleansed and even if the heart is cleansed, the cause for the unclean heart is the agyan, the ignorance Video 8 listen to the example of a person in the jail whose term got over .... But he said he would come back to jail once again & then again - like ordinary people do not think that this world is a bad place at all, so they do not try to get out of repeated birth death old age disease cycle among any of 84 lakh yonis & hence they do not feel the need for any spiritual gyan (knowledge) which only can cut the bonds of this maya (illusory world) Video 9 but then we realize O my God this is a place of misery and suffering "Dukhalyam Ashashvatam"(temporary place) & there is danger of misery suffering at every step but that leads to the desire for liberation, that is mukti so the Gyani's goal in life is mukti how do I get liberated and never be born again, that is what the gyani considers the highest goal but the bhakt (devotee) says no no no I don't want even mukti because that is also selfishness Video 10 “Dukhesu”, all the miseries of the world, you know what is the reason for them, the desires that we make, so these desires we make for happiness but we are making them in the wrong direction and the consequence we are experiencing misery, so the nature of the world is, this is an illusion of happiness and you run after it, it's like running after a mirage Video 11 the pleasures that arise from contact with the sense objects though appearing as enjoyable to worldly minded people are verily (truly) a source of misery, O, son of Kunti, such pleasures have a beginning and an end so the wise do not delight in them 3. That is why wise try to transcend this worldly cycle of birth death old age & disease among any of 84 lakh yonis & go back to Godhead, i.e., God’s Abode for ever – how ? by doing Krishna (Ram / Vishnu / Narayan) bhakti (loving devotion)

above is linked to doctors video sent to whatsapp groups on 06-03-2025