Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Advice of one devotee to another devotee - - how to focus on Lord & avoid non devotees #Blog0102

Advice of one devotee to another devotee

In this world, there is no dearth of demons who will either ignore or make fun of God. It is natural for a devotee to be angry at such times. To the best of your knowledge and capability, try to give some examples of God's opulences / power.  It is quite unlikely that he will be impressed or convinced but at least it will sow a seed favourably in his mind for future.  By this manner, God tries to increase your knowledge and faith in God as also you learn to increase your tolerance. Don't try / argue too much or sit more than 2-3 minutes in such a non devotee company. Ideal is to avoid such company altogether,  *दूरम उपाय* i.e., the best solution is to maintain distance from them. Reg. tolerance : *This is the third verse of "Shikshashtak" (total eight verses) of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of God Krishna and Radha combined, 500 years ago. It teaches to have (i) zero false ego & (ii) have no expectation of honor/respect for oneself but giving all honor/respect to others. These two are the basic reasons for all clashes, disputes & wars*.  *IF WE START FOLLOWING THIS, THERE WILL BE BLISSFUL PEACE EVERYWHERE, NO WARS AMONG COUNTRIES, NO DISPUTES AT HOME OR OFFICE OR SOCIETY – A TRUE RAMRAJYA – BUT ONLY IF EACH ONE APPRECIATES & BEHAVES AS PER THE FOLLOWING*: trnad api su-nicena taror iva sahisnuna amanina mana-dena kirtaniyah sada harih trnat api — than downtrodden grass; su-nicena — being lower; taroh — than a tree; iva — like; sahisnuna — with tolerance; amanina — without being puffed up by false pride; mana-dena — giving respect to all; kirtaniyah — to be chanted; sada — always; harih — the holy name of the Lord. TRANSLATION “ *One who thinks himself lower than the grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor yet is always prepared to give all respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord*.” *MANY MORE PRACTICAL & RELEVANT DETAILED EXAMPLES AVAILABLE HERE*: For those who want to listen to videos on "Shikshashtak" The most important point is to pray to God to keep our entire focus (श्रद्धा, विश्वास) of love and devotion only on Him (अनन्य भाव) and not on the materialistic maya and maya bound people - the moment our mind flirts to materialistic maya bound persons, which 99.9% people are, our mind will also try to pull us to apparently decorative looking maya and this is the single most important or rather the only one cause for rotating us in birth death cycle among 84,00,000 units.  The moment our mind tries to on divert us or rather pull us down to the trivial worldly pleasures and the people engaged therein, seek & pray for God’s refuge with more determination and with practice our resolve to achieve God's love will be strengthened, i.e., more is our resolve to achieve Godhead, the more is our बैराग्य (detachment from the world) & stronger becomes our श्रद्धा & विश्वास & the moment your  श्रद्धा & विश्वास touch 100%, that is the final moment of भगवत प्राप्ति, i.e., the stage of transcending the three material modes / gunas of sato, rajo & tamo & achieving the “शुद्ध सत्व”, the final aimed destination for living beings of eternal bliss, without birth & death.