Monday, June 28, 2021

गुरु कुम्हार, शिष्य कुंभ है, गढ़ गढ़ काड़े खोट, अंदर हाथ सहारा दे, बाहर मारे चोट #blog0087


गुरु कुम्हार, शिष्य कुंभ है, गढ़ गढ़ काड़े खोट, अंदर हाथ सहारा दे, बाहर मारे चोट” 

         ताकि यह घट (our mind) सुगढ़ (strong with 100% faith) हो जाए, सुंदर हो जाए

                  (कुम्हार = potter - likened to Lord/ guru, कुंभ = a pitcher likened to a disciple /                                       devotee, गढ = etching, काड़े = to remove, खोट = impurities / faults)


Exactly like a potter who beats the clay body outside but gives support from inside, to remove the impurities / faults & to give the vessel a perfect shape, likewise, though His bhakta gets a lot of difficulties/gets roughed up / faces lot of unfavourable circumstances in outside worldly life, God supports His bhakta from "inside"                             


भीतर से वोही साधता है               


He only "shapes"/"moulds “you from inside but only those whom He desires & deems fit / eligible for "shaping" / "moulding" to make them eligible for entering His eternal abode of bliss ,i.e., only to those who make an effort to reach God - by sincere effort of His devotee, His grace (कृपा) is triggered.


If one does not make an effort to reach God, then Lord is indifferent to him/her & such persons keep suffering in 84 lakh yonis.               


इसीलिए कहते हैं "कारण करावण हार आप"

सब "करता” (cause / कारण) भी वोही है, सब कुछ "कराता” (करावण हार) भी वोही है  

Although He is "करता” (cause / कारण) but in His magnanimity & give freedom of action (कर्म का अधिकार) to his beings (जीव), He first waits for the first step trigger signal from us humans by way of our showing sincere effort & diversion of mind towards Him. Then correspondingly, He takes 10 steps towards the devotee & guides / inspires him from within.


If God sitting inside the heart of each one does not "will” it or does not lend a helping hand                             

If God sitting inside the heart, does not give inspiration                               

Then, man cannot progress even one step towards spirituality*

अगर ह्रदय में बैठा प्रभु भजन में सहयोगी न हो                       

अगर अंतर्मन में बैठा भगवान प्रेरणा न दें                     

तो एक पग भी जीव भजन के पथ पर आगे नहीं बड़ सकता