Saturday, September 11, 2021

How to chant 16 rounds of महा मंत्र by HG Madhu Pandit Dasa

How to chant 16 rounds of महा मंत्र by HG Madhu Pandit Dasa

Transcript available if you click "more" माना कि आपके पास समय नहीं है क्योंकि गीता में लिखा है प्रारब्ध की वजह से भागो भागो भागो survival के लिए, this is due to bad karma how to manage time, look at it strategically if you start doing even 1 round mala, nam jap sincerely, then it is guaranteed that Krishna will manage your time in such a way that you'll be relieved of your other responsibilities to get time for doing 16 rounds the Name Krishna & Krishna are non different, Krishna is not far far away, He is within you, you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna becomes immediately available life is meant for simply chanting, this should be the motto