Sri Sukadeva Gosvämi continued: Vishvarüpa, who was engaged as the priest of the demigods, had three heads. He used one to drink the beverage soma-rasa, another to drink wine and the third to eat food. O King Parikshit, thus I have heard from authorities.
One cannot directly perceive the kingdom of heaven, its king and other inhabitants, or how they perform their various engagements, for no one can go to the heavenly planets.
Although modern scientists have invented many powerful space vehicles, they cannot even go to the moon, not to speak of other planets.
By direct experience one cannot learn anything beyond the range of human perception.
One must hear from authorities.
Therefore Sukadeva Gosvämi, a great personality, says, "What I am describing to you, O King, is what I have heard from authoritative sources." This is the Vedic system.
The Vedic knowledge is called shruti because it must be received by being heard from authorities.
It is beyond the realm of our false experimental knowledge.
O Mahäräja Parikshit, the demigods were related to Vishvarüpa from his father's side, and therefore he visibly offered clarified butter in the fire while chanting mantras such as "indräya idam svähä" ["this is meant for King Indra"] and idam agnaye ["this is for the demigod of fire"].
He loudly chanted these mantras and offered each of the demigods his proper share.
Although offering clarified butter in the sacrificial fire in the name of the demigods, without the knowledge of the demigods he also offered oblations to the demons because they were his relatives through his mother.
Because of Vishvarüpa's affection for the families of both the demigods and the demons, he appeased the Supreme Lord on behalf of both dynasties.
When he offered oblations in the fire on behalf of the asuras, he did so secretly, without the knowledge of the demigods.
Once upon a time, however, the King of heaven, Indra, understood that Vishvarüpa was secretly cheating the demigods by offering oblations on behalf of the demons.
He became extremely afraid of being defeated by the demons, and in great anger at Vishvarüpa he cut Vishvarüpa's three heads from his shoulders.
Thereafter, the head meant for drinking soma-rasa was transformed into a kapinjala [francolin partridge].
Similarly, the head meant for drinking wine was transformed into a kalavinka [sparrow], and the head meant for eating food became a tittiri [common partridge].