Monday, March 15, 2021

A glaring example of blind following. Had the same effort been redirected towards Lord’s devotion, rewards would surely be reaped multi-fold #Blog0081

A glaring example of blind following. Had the same effort been redirected towards Lord’s devotion, rewards would surely be reaped multi-fold.

एक आंटी जी सुबह 5:00 बजे बाहर कुछ ढूंढ रही थी

पूछा कि क्या

बोली कि काले कुत्ते को ढूंढ रही हूँ

क्यों क्योंकि उसे घी में चुपड़ी दो रोटी खिलानी है

क्यों, क्योंकि उनके पति बीमार रहते हैं और गुरु जी ने कहा है कि काले कुत्ते को घी में चुपड़ी रोटी खिलाओगे तो ठीक हो जाएंगे 

पहचान वाला बोला: अंकल को तो आज तक इतने प्यार से घी में चुपड़ी रोटी तो कभी खिलाई नहीं, कुत्ते को खिला रही हो

देखो कौन कमाए और कौन खाए

ये देखा अंधविश्वास का नमूना 

A lady at 5am in the morning was looking for something on the road side.

On being asked, she said she was looking for a black dog to make it eat 2 chapatis nice layered with ghee as advised by a so called pandit for early resolution to her husband getting well.

The accoster remarked it would be so rare that she would have made her husband eat so lovingly whereas a dog has become the beneficiary.

This is nothing but a glaring example of blind following.

Had she diverted same effort towards Lord’s devotion, she would have surely reaped rewards multi-fold.