Friday, January 1, 2021


Maya's illusive power is expressed :

"फंद सरकावत फिरत दिन,  चित्त चंचल जू कहंत" 

Your own fickle mind (चित्त चंचल) "gallows" (फंद) you tighter & tighter each day (फिरत दिन).

खुदा जब हुस्न देता है तो नज़ाकत आ ही जाती है 
और जब नज़ाकत आ ही जाती है तो शरारत हो ही जाती है
As the creation is beautiful & therefore it entices & it is natural to slip down into web of maya (illusion)

"माया अर्थात, जो है सो दीसत नहीं,  और जो दीसत सो नाहीं   
जड़ चेतन ही ग्रंथि पड़ गई, यद्यपि मृषा - पर छूटत कठिन हई"  

माया अर्थात, जो बांध ले और आपको खबर भी न पड़े कि आप बंधे है  
जनम जनम से जीव बंधा है लेकिन बंधन का बोध ही नहीं है

मृषा = झूठ मूठ, व्यर्थ, दीसत नहीं = which cannot be seen

Illusive power of maya is such that eternal reality is not seen BUT whatever is seen is not actually the eternal reality.

The consciousness is, as if in a deep sleep, as if almost non-living (जड़ (non-living) चेतन (consciousness) ही ग्रंथि पड़ गई)

And we are all caught up in this maya since countless ages & not able to come out of it as we do not come to even realise that we are caught up, that we are in a state of disease, that we live in a worldly birth death cycle of old age & disease. 

Gita Shloka 8.15 The Lord as the Creator (the manufacturer) declares this material world as दुखालयम (a mountain of miseries) but some foolish "users" (human beings) among us affirm that this material world is सुखालयम (place of happiness), which is totally untrue. Actually, this world is सूखालयम (सूखा + आल्यम) & सूखा (dry) means it squeezes everything out of you.

The young feel that theirs is not the age for spirituality but later they realise how they have lost their invaluable human life in trivial & fleeting pursuits of this material world.

This is all done by maya's illusive power.

जब तक कोई अपने आप को रोगी नहीं मानेगा तो इलाज करने के बारे में कैसे सोचेगा

इसलिए पहले आप मानिए की आप रोगी है माया के रोग में बंधे हैं

इसका उपचार एक ही है भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की शरणागति

Only satsang, through which Krishna bhakti can be aroused, is the curative medicine which can awaken us up & cure us.