Thursday, March 11, 2021

It is your inner conscience, the voice of your own soul, that needs to guide and direct the mind that God is the only resort for eternal bliss. Then the mind will not run after anything else other than God #Blog0079

It is your inner conscience, the voice of your own soul, that needs to guide & direct the mind that God is the only resort for eternal bliss. Then the mind will not run after anything else other than God.

मन को तो वहीं जाना है जहां इसे सुख दिखाई पड़ता है

आप खूब संसार में रहिए   

मगर संसार में सुख बुद्धि ना रहे

और ऐसा कब होगा जब कोई आप को इशारा कर दे कि सुख असल में है क्या और कहाँ   

जैसे किसी ने सोना  हीरा ना देखा हो   

उसे एक हीरे के आभूषण की कल्पना करवाइए  

उसे समझ में नहीं आएगा  क्योंकि उसने कभी हीरा देखा ही नहीं  

ऐसे ही मन है  मन को मालूम नहीं कि भगवत सुख होता क्या है  

आप मन को आस्वादन करवाइए एक बार भगवत रस का  

फिर मन भगवत भजन रस को छोड़ेगा नहीं

Mind will go wherever it feels likelihood of pleasure

Be in the world but do not expect pleasures from this world because whatever seems to be sukh is actually dukh being the other side of the same coin.

Mind needs to be told where the eternal bliss is to be found. 

For example if somebody has not seen gold and diamond and you ask him to imagine the ornament made of diamond, he would not appreciate its value because he has never seen diamond. 

Similarly the mind does not know what is the level of pleasure offered by Lord.


It is your inner conscience on hearing the voice of your own soul that you need to you tell & direct the mind that God is the only resort for eternal bliss. 

Then the mind will not run after anything else other than God.

Once husk is removed from rice, it can never be combined with rice.