Thursday, December 2, 2021

#1 Reason why Faith Speeds Up Your Spiritual Progress - Shree Krishna Reveals - Elaboration on *Gita Shloka* 4.39 -by Swami Mukundanand

#1 Reason why Faith Speeds Up Your Spiritual Progress - Shree Krishna Reveals - Elaboration on *Gita Shloka* 4.39

The following gives you the main points from video (transcript of the video is available):

1 The transfer of knowledge requires faith not Blind Faith 2 Knowledge will destroy all the stress tension everything – why ? it will change our perspective 3 What is the indication that your perspective is higher, the indication is param shanti - you will feel perfect peace- then no matter what happens your peace will not be disturbed 4 even in the material world we have to surrender our intellect to receive knowledge but in the spiritual realm we do not surrender our intellect 5 Even an ordinary grass cutter in India will tell you Bhagwan is ghat ghat vasi, He is antaryami,He is sitting in the heart we all know but do we have faith in this fact ? (so there is a difference between mere knowledge & having faith in that knowledge)

Faith is one of the biggest things in life, wherever you place your faith that is how your life will become. For example the televisions and all they lead the children astray because they developed faith this is the way to happiness they lead them on a path of illusion or they fall into wrong association and the friends tell them that you know the real happiness is by taking narcotics (drinking alcohol) and that boy develops faith in that philosophy and he is led astray 7 After many many lifetimes the soul develops this faith that it is worthwhile to go into satsang - so this Faith, wherever we place it, that will determine the direction (trajectory) of our life. In the world millions of sources are trying to pull our faith away from God - all the advertisements - you take this kind of soap, lux soap it is the soap of film stars, so it's trying to win your faith 0:02 the transfer of 0:04 knowledge requires faith not Blind Faith 0:10 but well thought out well rationalized 0:16 reasoned faith in the proper place 0:20 wherever you place your faith that is 0:23 how your life will 0:26 become after many many lifetimes the 0:29 soul develops this faith that it is 0:33 worthwhile to go into 0:36 satsang Sri Krishna says from that Faith 0:40 Arjun you will get 0:43 true perfect 0:46 peace 0:48 why knowledge will 0:51 destroy all the stress tension 0:56 everything why it will change our 1:01 perspective what is the 1:04 indication that your 1:07 perspective is higher the indication is 1:11 param 1:13 shanti you will feel perfect 1:17 peace then no matter what happens your 1:21 peace will not be 1:26 disturbed bhagavat Gita chapter 4 verse 39 1:30 chanting is followed by translation and 1:33 commentary by Swami Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Sloka 4.39 Chanting 2:04 those whose faith is 2:07 deep and who have practiced controlling 2:11 their mind and 2:14 senses attain Divine 2:17 knowledge through such transcendental 2:21 knowledge they quickly attain 2:26 Everlasting Supreme peace Bhagavad Gita Commentary by Swami Mukundananda 2:33 now 2:35 having increased Arjun's yearning for 2:39 knowledge He gives one condition out 2:47 there Arjun in order to get this 2:51 knowledge you will have to have 2:55 shradha or 2:58 faith 3:00 the transfer of 3:02 knowledge requires 3:07 Faith even in the 3:10 world the teacher 3:13 teaches when we were 3:15 small the teacher made one shape and 3:19 said this is 3:21 X everybody say x everybody said X this 3:26 is why everyone say Y, everybody said Y 3:30 now the teacher was teaching we were 3:33 having the faith and we were receiving 3:36 the knowledge supposing we said sir 3:39 until you prove that this is X and not B 3:42 I will not 3:44 study the teacher will say how will I 3:48 teach 3:49 you if you do not have faith imparting 3:53 knowledge is not 3:55 possible so in the material side we are 3:59 willing to surrender our intellect and 4:03 we receive the 4:05 knowledge in the spiritual side we don't 4:08 surrender the 4:10 intellect everybody thinks spirituality 4:13 is common sense I know as much as the 4:16 other why should I surrender my 4:19 intellect so when we are not willing to 4:22 do that we will not receive the 4:27 knowledge because 4:33 so this concept of faith comes 4:38 in faith is a very big 4:44 thing very big, in the Bible Jesus Christ 4:49 says if you have faith the size of a 4:52 mustard 4:54 seed you can move 4:58 mountains as the Kathopnishad says if you have 5:02 true Faith you will attain God that's 5:12 it says the definition of God we all 5:18 know even an ordinary grass cutter in 5:21 India will tell you Bhagwan is ghat ghat vasi He is antaryami 5:25 He is sitting in the heart we all know 5:29 but do we have 5:32 Faith, that faith He says 5:36 that same knowledge if you can have 5:40 faith you will attain Him there's 5:42 nothing further to 5:44 do so that Faith develops 5:49 slowly it is one of the biggest things 5:53 in 5:54 life wherever you place your faith that 5:58 is how your life will 6:02 become have you ever thought about it if 6:06 you place your faith in the theories 6:10 taught to you for example the 6:12 televisions and all they lead the 6:15 children astray because they developed 6:17 Faith this is the way to 6:20 happiness they lead them on a path of 6:23 Illusion or they fall into wrong 6:26 association and the friends tell them 6:28 that you know the real happiness is by 6:31 taking narcotics (drinking alcohol) and that boy develops 6:34 faith in that philosophy and he is led 6:39 astray so again the Bible says we walk 6:42 by faith and not by 6:46 sight why is it that you people are here 6:50 by your 6:51 sanskars by the association of saints 6:55 etc you developed this faith that I must 7:00 go to satsang I will get 7:10 something after many many 7:13 lifetimes the soul develops this faith 7:17 that it is worthwhile to go into 7:22 satsang so this Faith wherever we place 7:28 it that will determine the 7:32 direction of our 7:35 life and in the 7:38 world millions of sources are trying to 7:42 pull our 7:45 faith all the 7:47 advertisement you take this kind of soap 7:51 lux soap it is the soap of film 7:54 stars so it's trying to win your faith 7:57 you know this is the soap of film star 8:00 and the other one says life 8:04 buoy you take this this is the source 8:07 of health it will kill all the germs in 8:10 your body so all over they trying to 8:14 pull your faith what is the spiritual 8:18 process the spiritual process is don't 8:22 trust your mind and intellect and your 8:27 Senses, don't have faith in 8:30 this they are 8:32 incomplete they are 8:34 Material, you will get misled if you 8:37 go by virtue of your senses your mind 8:40 your intellect if you have faith in this 8:42 then place your faith in a higher 8:47 authority in a perfect 8:52 source so what is worthy of our 8:57 faith Shankaracharya 9:08 says he is defining what is the meaning 9:11 of shradha to have this firm decision in 9:17 the knowledge of the 9:19 scriptures and the instructions of the 9:23 guru that these are coming from the 9:27 transcendental platform 9:30 so they are free of the material defects 9:34 they are truly worthy of our faith so 9:38 when we place that element of 9:42 Faith there everybody has to place their 9:46 faith 9:48 somewhere mostly we place it on our tiny 9:51 intellect but if we place our faith 9:56 on God but God is not there right now so 10:01 through the mediums of the shastra and 10:04 the guru 10:06 then our path starts getting illuminated 10:11 with Divine 10:13 knowledge so that Faith 10:17 automatically opens up the pathway to 10:23 knowledge our Vedic heritage is full of 10:28 such stories 10:30 of how the disciple developed that firm 10:34 faith and automatically the knowledge of 10:37 the scriptures got revealed in the 10:41 heart Shankaracharya !!one disciple was 10:46 Sanand, Sanand was 10:51 illiterate and when guruji would teach 10:56 Vedant he would just sit in class and 10:58 look at  11:00 him he is saying something important so 11:03 I must look but he could not understand 11:06 what's going 11:08 on one day he was washing guruji's 11:12 clothes on the other side of the 11:17 river it was time for the 11:22 class all the disciples said please 11:27 begin Shankaracharya said but Sanand is not 11:31 here let's wait for 11:33 him but guruji he is illiterate he 11:36 cannot even understand what you 11:39 say that is all right but he listens 11:42 with very great 11:44 faith so Shankaracharya just to show the 11:48 power of Faith he called him 11:52 now Sanand  was on the other side of the 11:56 river heard his Guru he 12:00 ran he didn't realize there's the river 12:03 in 12:04 front so he ran and he put his feet on 12:09 the 12:10 water and Shankaracharya's life history 12:14 says that under his feet the lotus 12:18 flowers kept on blooming so he put his 12:21 feet on them and he crossed over to the 12:25 other side so when he came he offered 12:28 his pranam and from his 12:31 mouth praises of the guru in 12:35 sophisticated sanskrit started emanating 12:38 to the astonishment of the other 12:42 disciples later on because the lotus 12:45 flowers had bloomed under his feet he 12:48 became known as Padma-pad so one of the 12:52 four main Disciples of Shankaracharya were 12:56 Suresvaracharya, Totakacharya, Hastamalaka, and Padmapada  13:01 who are given the four different 13:04 muths so by virtue of that faith he got 13:08 the 13:09 knowledge so 13:11 The Svethashwar Upanishad 6.23 says 13:24 to that Soul who has got staunch 13:29 faith in God and His 13:33 Guru all the meanings of the 13:37 shastras automatically get illumined in 13:42 the 13:44 heart but this faith can also be very 13:50 dangerous see if faith is placed in the 13:55 wrong 13:56 place it can lead us to 14:01 hell if faith is placed in a 14:05 wrong 14:07 person and that person says all right 14:10 now you do this this this,  it can lead us 14:13 to 14:14 hell so that is why Blind Faith can be 14:19 the most dangerous 14:21 thing so if when we are placing our 14:25 faith we should be careful 14:29 where are we pacing our faith that is 14:32 why it is 14:36 said “पानी पियो छान के, गुरु बनाओ जान के”  14:39 you first be careful before you 14:43 accept somebody as Guru ensure this 14:47 person is 14:49 Transcendental has the ability to take 14:52 us to the transcendental platform will 14:55 not cheat us in any way and then  14:59 you place your 15:01 faith and on the shastras there is no 15:05 problem everybody knows Bhagavad-Gita 15:08 means perfect knowledge Vedas means 15:11 perfect knowledge by virtue of growing 15:14 up in that Vedic culture that faith comes 15:19 naturally so without faith if you think 15:23 you will get knowledge you are in for a 15:27 disappointment 15:30 people come and say you know swam ji I've 15:32 got these 20 questions please give me 15:34 the 15:35 Answers, is that the way Shri 15:38 Krishna said you will get 15:40 Knowledge ?, He 15:46 says this knowledge is not if 15:50 you cannot answer my question I'll keep 15:52 believing what I think I 15:54 believe if you have the challenging mood 15:59 Divine knowledge will elude 16:02 you then you will say oh you know I 16:04 asked that question and he could not 16:06 give a suitable 16:09 answer you could not understand the 16:14 Answer, 16:16 one standard one (Grade 1, class 1) student goes to Albert 16:22 Einstein and he says you know you have 16:25 presented this Theory e=mc square, 16:28 can you prove it to 16:31 me now Einstein looks at this  16:34 standard one student he says 16:38 do you know polar 16:42 Integration, no I don't do you know 16:45 calculus ordinary calculus, no I don't do 16:49 you know Algebra, I don't even know what 16:53 do you know I know that two fingers plus 16:56 two fingers is four fingers 17:00 Einstein says then I cannot teach you 17:03 you cannot teach me that means your 17:05 theory is 17:07 wrong his theory is not wrong but he's 17:10 not qualified to 17:13 understand similarly this Divine 17:16 knowledge has a process of being 17:19 imparted and one of the features of that 17:23 process Sri Krishna says is faith not 17:28 Blind Faith but well thought out well 17:35 rationalized reasoned faith in the 17:38 proper place will lead us to 17:43 knowledge and then He 17:46 says from that Faith Arjun you will get 17:51 true perfect 17:57 Peace, why ? 18:00 knowledge will 18:02 destroy all the stress, tension 18:07 everything why it will change our 18:13 Perspective, somebody was telling me 18:16 yesterday Swami ji you know I started 18:19 this new Endeavor the same time you 18:22 started your 18:23 lecture and I heard from you inaction 18:27 In action 18:29 that while doing action you are still in 18:32 the state of inaction and it has changed 18:35 my 18:36 Perspective, in other words knowledge 18:40 gives us a different 18:43 perspective and what is the 18:47 indication that your 18:50 perspective is 18:52 Higher, the indication 18:55 is 18:57 Param shanti you will feel perfect 19:03 peace He says not temporarily, 19:07 temporarily you can get peace even 19:09 through 19:12 Chloroform, that's what the doctor does, !! 19:14 he gives chloroform and now that 19:16 person is at peace for the next six 19:19 hours but Shri Krishna says 19:26 This knowledge will give you 19:29 permanent peace eternally, in other words 19:33 then no matter what happens your peace 19:37 will not be 19:40 destroyed Bal gangadhar 19:43 Tilak was a Karma Yogi he has 19:47 written a wonderful commentary on the 19:49 Bhagwat Gita very 19:52 scholarly and he was also fighting the 19:55 freedom war as his 19:59 duty so he was asked that you know if 20:01 India becomes free then what will you do 20:04 will you strive to be the Prime 20:07 Minister he said no I will get time to 20:10 write my book on 20:12 Calculus, other words he has got no 20:15 interest in that he is doing his 20:19 duty so I was reading a very interesting 20:22 incident that he was put into the 20:26 jail under some section because he was 20:30 active in the freedom struggle so when 20:33 he was being brought to be arrested he 20:37 told his friend just find out statutes 20:39 under this section and what are my 20:41 rights etc and come and tell me in the 20:44 jail and when that friend came to jail 20:47 he found that Tilak is sleeping fast just 20:50 snoring away now I imagine look at his 20:53 Shanti, his peace and nothing can disturb 20:59 his 21:00 Peace, why ? as he is situated in 21:04 knowledge I have to do my duty the 21:08 results are in the hands of God I'm 21:11 doing my duty doesn't 21:13 matter so Shree Krishna says that 21:17 knowledge will bestow such kind of 21:22 perfect peace 21:24 eternally that will be true knowledge Standby link (in case youtube link does not work)!AkyvEsDbWj1gn_0MIPZlmtj5S9KR8A?e=eIZFdF