Sunday, March 12, 2023

भगवान ने संसार क्यो बनाया? Why did God create this world ? by Swami Mukundanand

भगवान ने संसार क्यो बनाया? Why did God create this world ? by Swami Mukundanand Full Text: भगवान ने संसार क्यों बनाया ? स्वाभाविक प्रश्न उठाता है क्योंकि हम दुखी हैं, परेशान हैं, भगवान आनंदमय हैं, तो जो अखंड ज्ञानात्मक भगवान हैं, उनको क्या सूझी थी कि इस प्रकार से संसार बनाएं, हम लोग दुखी हों, परेशान हों तो ये प्रश्न बहुत से लोग पूछते हैं  इसका हम एक दृष्टांत (scenario) उत्तर के रूप में सुनाते हैं कि   एक अरबपति था, उसका इकलौता बेटा था, 15 साल का, वो अरबपति एक दिन ऑफिस से बाहर गया हुआ था tour पर, बेटा ऑफिस में खेल रहा था, टाइम पास कर रहा था, पिताजी के ऑफिस में, उसको एक 15 वर्ष पुराना समाचार पत्र दिखा, उसकी दृष्टि गई वहां पर Headlines थी, “अरबपति ने एक अनाथ बच्चे को गोद लिया”, उसका हृदय धक हो गया ध्यान से पड़ा उसके पिताजी का नाम लिखा था उसने कहा, क्या ? मैं गोद में लिया हुआ बच्चा हूं ? जब पिताजी वापस आए कुछ घंटे के बाद, उसने कहा, पिताजी, यह समाचार पत्र देखिए इसमें क्या सही लिखा है ?

पिताजी की गर्दन झुक गई, उन्होंने कहा बेटा यह सही है, 15 साल पहले मैंने तुझे गोद लिया था, तू अनाथ था   बेटे का हृदय टूट गया उसने कहा, पिताजी, मैं आपसे प्रश्न करता हूं कि आपने मुझे गोद क्यों लिया ? वह अरबपति ने बड़ा सुंदर उत्तर दिया, उसने कहा बेटा मैं तो अरबों का मलिक हूँ, मेरे पास कोई धन की कमी नहीं थी और धन से संसार का सभी कुछ खरीदा जाता है, मेरे पास किसी समान की कमी नहीं थी, ना ऐश्वर्य ना  प्रतिष्ठान (establishments,house properties etc),  ना संसार के भोग सामग्री की लेकिन मैं कमी अनुभव करता था कि मेरे पास कोई नहीं है, जिसको मैं यह सब दे सकूँ, जिसके साथ मैं यह सब बांट सकूँ, तो मैंने तुझे इसलिए गोद लिया ताकि अपना सब कुछ मैं तुझे दे सकूँ, उसमें जो सुख मिलेगा, वह इसके उपभोग में नहीं मिलेगा, ऐसे ही भगवान तो परिपूर्ण हैं, आत्माराम हैं, पूर्ण काम हैं, सदा तृप्त हैं, सर्व शक्ति संयुक्त हैं, उन्हें किसी चीज की कमीं नहीं, लेकिन वो जीव को बनाए हैं       अनादि काल से बनाएं हैं इसलिए बनाएं कि यह जीव एक दिन योग्य हो जाएगा और जब योग्य हो जाएगा, अपना सब कुछ मैं जीव को दे दूंगा, अपना अनंत ज्ञान, अपना अनंत प्रेम, अपना अनंत आनंद, तो भगवान हमको इसलिए नहीं बनाए की हमको संसार में जूते चप्पल पड़ें, भगवान इसके लिए बनाए कि एक दिन हम योग्य पुत्र बन के, सपूत बन के, और भगवान की सब आध्यात्मिक संपत्ति में भागीदार बन जाएं    Why did God create the world?   It is a natural question because we are sad, troubled, God is blissful, so what made God who is full of eternal knowledge, to create the world in this way, so that we are sad and troubled.   Many people ask this question, we tell you a scenario as an answer to this:   There was a billionaire, he had an only son, 15 years old, one day that billionaire had gone out of office on a tour, the son was playing in the office, passing time, in his father's office, he saw a 15 year old newspaper, his eyes fell on it, the headlines were, "Billionaire adopts an orphan child", his heart skipped a beat.   He read carefully, his father's name was written there, he said, what?  Am I an adopted child ?. When his father returned after a few hours, he said, father, see this newspaper, what is written in it ?   The father bowed his head and said, “Son, this is true. I adopted you 15 years ago. You were an orphan.” The son’s heart was broken. He said, “Father, I ask you, why did you adopt me?” That billionaire gave a very beautiful answer, he said   Son, I am the owner of billions, I had no dearth of money and with money everything in the world can be bought, I had no dearth of anything, neither wealth nor establishments, house properties etc., nor material for worldly pleasures   But I felt the lack that I had no one to whom I could give all this, with whom I could share all this   So I adopted you so that I could give you everything of mine, the happiness that I would get in that, I would not get by consuming this, similarly God is perfect, He is self-sufficient, He is perfect in fulfilling all wishes, He is always satisfied, He is Omnipotent, He does not lack anything, but He has created the living beings & His entire creation, He has created them since time immemorial   He created them so that one day this living being will become worthy and when he will become worthy, I will give everything of Mine to the living being, my infinite knowledge, my infinite love, my infinite bliss   So God did not create us so that we have to undergo all the miseries & hardships of this world, God created it so that one day we become worthy sons, and share in all the spiritual wealth & powers of God Transcript 0:00 भगवान ने संसार क्यों बनाया, 0:04 स्वाभाविक प्रश्न उठाता है क्योंकि हम 0:07 दुखी हैं, परेशान हैं, भगवान आनंदमय हैं, तो जो 0:11 अखंड ज्ञानात्मक भगवान हैं, उनको क्या सूझी 0:14 थी कि इस प्रकार से संसार बनाएं, हम लोग 0:18 दुखी हों, परेशान हों, तो ये प्रश्न बहुत से 0:21 लोग पूछते हैं 0:23 इसका हम एक 0:25 दृष्टांत (scenario) उत्तर के रूप में सुनाते हैं कि 0:30 एक अरबपति था, 0:33 उसका इकलौता बेटा था, 15 साल का, 0:38 वो अरबपति एक दिन ऑफिस से बाहर गया हुआ था 0:42 tour पर, बेटा ऑफिस में खेल रहा था, टाइम पास 0:46 कर रहा था, पिताजी के ऑफिस में, 0:49 उसको एक 15 वर्ष पुराना समाचार पत्र दिखा, 0:55 उसकी दृष्टि गई वहां पर 0:59 हैडलाइंस थी, 1:01 अरबपति ने 1:03 एक अनाथ बच्चे को गोद लिया, 1:09 उसका हृदय धक हो गया, 1:12 ध्यान से पड़ा उसके पिताजी का नाम लिखा था 1:18 उसने कहा, क्या ? 1:21 मैं गोद में लिया हुआ बच्चा हूं ? 1:27 जब पिताजी वापस आए कुछ घंटे के बाद, उसने 1:31 कहा, पिताजी, यह समाचार पत्र देखिए इसमें 1:36 क्या सही लिखा है ? 1:39 पिताजी की गर्दन झुक गई, 1:43 उन्होंने कहा बेटा यह सही है, 15 साल पहले 1:47 मैंने तुझे गोद लिया था, तू अनाथ था   1:53 बेटे का हृदय टूट गया, 1:56 उसने कहा, पिताजी, मैं आपसे प्रश्न करता हूं 2:01 कि आपने मुझे गोद क्यों लिया ? 2:08 वह अरबपति ने 2:11 बड़ा सुंदर उत्तर दिया, उसने कहा बेटा मैं 2:16 तो अरबों का मलिक हूँ, 2:18 मेरे पास कोई धन की कमी नहीं थी और धन से 2:23 संसार का सभी कुछ खरीदा जाता है, मेरे पास 2:27 किसी समान की कमी नहीं थी, ना ऐश्वर्य ना 2:32 प्रतिष्ठान (establishments,house properties etc),  ना संसार के भोग सामग्री की, 2:36 लेकिन मैं कमी अनुभव करता था कि मेरे पास 2:42 कोई नहीं है, जिसको मैं यह सब दे 2:47 सकूँ, जिसके साथ मैं यह सब बांट सकूँ, तो 2:51 मैंने तुझे इसलिए गोद लिया ताकि अपना सब 2:55 कुछ मैं तुझे दे सकूँ, उसमें जो सुख 2:59 मिलेगा, वह इसके उपभोग में नहीं मिलेगा, ऐसे ही भगवान तो परिपूर्ण हैं, आत्माराम हैं, पूर्ण काम हैं, सदा तृप्त हैं, सर्व शक्ति संयुक्त हैं, उन्हें किसी चीज की कमीं नहीं, लेकिन वो जीव को बनाए हैं       3:19 अनादि काल से बनाएं हैं, इसलिए बनाएं कि यह जीव एक 3:25 दिन योग्य हो जाएगा और जब योग्य हो जाएगा, 3:29 अपना सब कुछ मैं जीव को दे दूंगा, अपना 3:35 अनंत ज्ञान, अपना अनंत प्रेम, अपना अनंत 3:40 आनंद, तो भगवान हमको इसलिए नहीं बनाए की 3:45 हमको संसार में जूते चप्पल पड़ें, भगवान 3:48 इसके लिए बनाए कि एक दिन हम योग्य पुत्र 3:53 बन के, सपूत बन के, और भगवान की सब 3:58 आध्यात्मिक संपत्ति में भागीदार बन जाएं

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work):

भगवान ने संसार क्यो बनाया Why did God create this world by Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Shree Krishna's Key to your Spiritual Awakening - Discover the Real You Gita Shloka 5.16 by Swami Mukundanand

Shree Krishna's Key to your Spiritual Awakening - Discover the Real You Gita Shloka 5.16 by Swami Mukundanand *Full Text*  1  Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Sloka 16 Chanting : But for those whose ignorance is destroyed by Divine knowledge, the Supreme entity is revealed just as the sun illumines everything when it rises  2  the soul is identifying with the body and why is that so ? Because of its ignorance, the soul is covered by agyan and this ignorance is leading to identification with the body. Tulsidas ji has given the sequence, “verse”,  the soul got covered by ignorance because of which it decided that I am the body and then it made bodily happiness as its goal and started running in the world, this is our present state, now what is the way to remove this ignorance ? You need to bring in the light of knowledge  3  this maya is of the nature of ignorance and that maya has overpowered the soul although God is also here. Astonishingly, the soul, maya and God all three are in the same place, so the soul is covered by maya and inside the soul is God, so maya, the soul and God are all in the same place or take a look at this way –  this world is made of maya and God is pervading the world, that means God and maya are in the same place - so this maya is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just performing its duty  4  this duty of maya is threefold, the first is to cover the soul in ignorance and the second is to provide a facility for the soul to enjoy itself and the third is to keep slapping the soul to make the soul mature and indicate to it that don't come to me (i.e., do not be attached to this world), rather go to God I am the dasi (servant of God), don't come to the dasi, go to this Owner (मालिक) (God) - that is the seva which maya is doing  5  now we want the darkness of maya to be removed. Supposing there is the darkness of the night in Baltimore and you want it to be removed, so you say all right, everybody light up your houses but the night will still remain and supposing it is a full moon, the night will still not go and even if all the stars are visible & no clouds, even then the night is not going to move,  which means all of these things together don't have the capacity to remove the darkness of the night, likewise is the soul, it is covered by the darkness of maya, now you say okay, I will do ashtang yog, will maya go away ?  Now I will do Ashwamegh yagya, will maya go away ? I will do char-dham yatra, will maya go away ? I will do Satya Narayana pooja and all the rituals that are written in the vedas, will maya go away ? Krishna says Arjun maya will still not go away  6  Tulsidas ji says, “verse”, without the Sun the night will not go. Like the Sun is Bhagwan and like the night is maya, now until Bhagwan comes maya is going to remain, the moment Bhagwan comes in the picture, the night starts running even before Sun rise.  You know for the morning walks, I check because always going to new places, now mobile gives you that facility that you can check what time is the sunrise, so if the sunrise is at you know that by, there's going to be enough light -  that means the sun is so powerful that the moment it starts rising, the darkness is dispelled even if it is a cloudy sky - like the Sun is Bhagwan. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said “verse” Bhagwan is like that Sun and maya is like the darkness  7  why are we under maya ? Because we are vimukh (with our back towards God) from Bhagwan and how will this maya go away ? You have to become sunmukh (with your face towards God), that's all. When you enter a hall, you know they have entry and from the same hall you can get out and the same door also has the board exit from this side, so the doorway is the same,  likewise maya overpowered us because we turned our backs to God and maya will release us when we become sunmukh or we do sharnagati of Bhagwan - so Shri Krishna says that those divine souls who have done such sharnagati, their ignorance is dispelled with the light of knowledge and now they are able to see things as they are - the value system is now changed  8  there was a TV serial in the USA called “Three Stooges”, in that one stooge (a subordinate used by another to do unpleasant routine work) used to start saying, I cannot see, I cannot see, I cannot see and the second stooge would say why can you not see ? because “I have got my eyes closed”, so the second stooge would hit him on the head, then he would open his eyes and “now I can see”  9  likewise in the darkness of ignorance, we are according too much value to things that are not important and too little value to things that are important - so that is the reason that we cannot see. You may say, Swami ji, I cannot see ? But I can see everything.  The scriptures say, no, you are blind, that is why the scriptures, they have the name “Darshan Shastra” which are helping you to see because although we are seeing, we are not seeing.  We are seeing this world as permanent but we are not seeing that it's going to all vanish away. We are seeing that this world is mine and all this is the sign of ignorance - so true knowledge puts everything in its proper perspective.  10  In Alice in Wonderland, there was that by Lewiss Carroll, the classic. So in one place the Queen of Hearts she pronounces judgment upon, “Alice, off with her head”. So Alice becomes worried I'm going to die, then she realized, huh, you all are only a pack of cards, so Alice said “Begone” (go away). and they (all cards) all fall down  11  Likewise, if you can bring the power of knowledge in your life, it will help you rise above all those things that are seeming so worrisome and so troublesome and Gita is helping us get that kind of knowledge, so we rever (honour & respect) it for the knowledge  that it bestows (grants) and we approach it with that thirst to keep on drinking the knowledge and alongside with that is the discipline to put it in practice, so there's nothing as auspicious as true knowledge  12  Shri Krishna says to Arjun “verse”, there's nothing as pure as knowledge. In the Yog Vashista, Maharishi Vashisht has advised Ram, he says Ram “for acquiring knowledge. if you need to go into the streets of the outcasts of the most fallen and beg from the butchers and the other people also, don't hesitate” - that is the significance of getting spiritual knowledge in your life  Transcript 1:18 commentary by Swami mukundananda Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 Sloka 16 Chanting 1:48 But for those whose ignorance is 1:51 destroyed by Divine knowledge the 1:55 Supreme entity is 1:57 revealed just as the sun 2:01 illumines 2:03 everything when it 2:11 rises the 2:13 soul is identifying with the body and 2:17 why is that so because of its ignorance 2:21 the soul is covered by 2:28 agyan and this ignorance is leading to 2:33 identification with the body Tulsidas ji 2:36 has given the 2:50 sequence “verse” the soul got covered by 2:54 ignorance because of which it decided 2:57 I'm the body and then it made bodily 3:00 happiness as its goal and started 3:03 running in the 3:04 world this is our present State now what 3:08 is the way to remove this 3:12 ignorance you need to bring in the light 3:15 of 3:17 knowledge this Maya is of the nature of 3:23 ignorance and that 3:25 Maya has overpowered the soul 3:30 although God is also here astonishingly 3:33 the soul Maya and God all three are in 3:37 the same 3:38 place so the soul is covered by Maya and 3:42 inside the soul is God Maya the soul and 3:45 God are all in the same 3:48 place or take a look at this way this 3:51 world is made of Maya and God is 3:54 pervading the world that means God and 3:57 Maya are in the same place 4:00 so this Maya is not necessarily a bad 4:04 thing it is just performing its 4:08 Duty this duty of 4:11 Maya is threefold, let's say the 4:16 first is to cover the soul in 4:19 ignorance and the second to provide a 4:22 facility for the 4:24 soul to enjoy 4:27 itself and the third is to keep slapping 4:30 the soul to make the soul mature and 4:34 indicate don't come to me go to God I am 4:38 the dasi don't come to the dasi go to 4:41 this 4:43 Malik that is the seva which Maya is 4:47 doing now we want the darkness of Maya 4:52 to be 4:53 removed supposing there is the darkness 4:57 of the night in Baltimore 4:59 and you want it to be removed so you say 5:01 all right everybody light up your 5:06 houses but the night will still 5:09 remain and supposing it is a full moon the 5:13 night will still not go and if all the 5:16 stars are visible no 5:19 clouds even then the night is not going to 5:23 move which means all of these things 5:26 together don't have the capacity to 5:30 remove the darkness of the 5:33 night likewise is the soul it is covered 5:38 by the darkness of Maya now you say okay 5:42 I will do ashtang yog will Maya go 5:48 away now I will do 5:50 Ashwamegh yagya will Maya go 5:53 away I will do char-dham yatra will Maya go 5:58 away I will 6:00 do 6:01 Satya Narayna pooja and all the rituals that are 6:04 written in the vedas will Maya go away 6:07 Krishna says Arjun it will still not 6:11 go  6:24 Tulsidas ji says “verse” without the Sun the 6:28 night will not go like the sun is 6:32 Bhagwan and like the night is Maya now 6:36 until Bhagwan comes Maya is going to 6:39 remain the moment Bhagwan comes in the picture 6:43 the night starts running even before sun 6:47 rise you know for the morning walks I 6:50 check because always going to new new 6:53 places now mobile gives you that 6:55 facility that you can check what time is 6:57 the 6:58 sunrise so if the sunrise at 6:30 you 7:01 know that by 6:00 there's going to be 7:03 enough 7:04 light that means the sun is so powerful 7:08 the moment it starts Rising the darkness 7:11 is dispelled even if it is a cloudy Sky 7:15 even then it doesn't have the 7:17 ability like the sun is 7:20 Bhagwan the Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said “verse” 7:29 7:32 Bhagwan is like that sun and Maya is 7:36 like the darkness, why are we under 7:39 Maya because we are Vimukh (with our back towards God) from 7:43 Bhagwan and how will this Maya go away 7:47 you have to become sunmukh (with your face towards God) that's all now 7:50 when you enter a hall you know they 7:54 have  7:57 entry and from the same Hall you can get 8:01 out and the same door also has the board 8:05 exit from this side so the doorway is 8:08 the same from here it's entry from there 8:10 it's exit likewise Maya overpowered us 8:15 because we turned our backs to God and 8:18 Maya will release us when we become 8:20 Sunmukh or we do 8:23 sharnagati of Bhagwan so Shri Krishna says 8:27 that those divine Souls who have done 8:31 such 8:33 sharnagati their ignorance is dispelled with 8:37 the light of knowledge and now they are 8:41 able to see things as they 8:44 are the value system is now 8:49 changed there was a TV serial in the USA 8:54 called “Three 8:56 Stooges” in that one stooge used to start 9:00 saying I cannot see I cannot see I 9:02 cannot see and the second stooge would say 9:05 why can you not see because I have got 9:08 my eyes 9:09 closed so the second stooge would bop him 9:12 on the head then he would open his eyes and now I 9:14 can 9:16 see likewise in the darkness of 9:20 ignorance we are according too much 9:23 value to things that are not important 9:26 and too little value to things that are 9:28 important 9:30 so that's the reason that we cannot see 9:33 you may say Swami ji I cannot see but I can see 9:36 everything the scriptures say no you are 9:40 blind that is why the scriptures they 9:43 have the name 9:44 “Darshan Shastra” which are helping you to see 9:48 because although we are seeing we are 9:50 not seeing we are seeing this 9:53 world is permanent we are not seeing 9:56 that it's going to all vanish away 10:00 we are seeing that this world is mine 10:03 and all this is the sign of ignorance so 10:07 true knowledge puts everything in its 10:12 proper 10:13 Perspective. In Alice in Wonderland 10:16 there was that by Lewiss Carroll, the 10:19 classic so in one place the Queen of 10:24 Hearts she pronounces judgment upon 10:28 Alice 10:30 off with her 10:32 head so Alice becomes 10:35 worried I'm going to 10:38 die then she realized, huh,  you all are only 10:43 a pack of cards the Queen of Hearts had 10:46 said you are only a pack of cards, Begone.  10:50 and they all fall 10:51 down likewise if you can bring the power 10:55 of knowledge in your life it will help 10:59 you rise above all those things that are 11:03 seeming so worrisome and so 11:06 Troublesome and this Gita is helping us 11:12 get that kind of 11:14 knowledge so we rever it for the knowledge 11:20 that it 11:21 bestows and we approach it with that 11:25 thirst to keep on drinking the knowledge 11:30 and alongside with that is the 11:33 discipline to put it in 11:36 practice so there's nothing 11:39 as auspicious as true knowledge Shri 11:43 Krishna says to 11:49 Arjun “verse” there's nothing as pure as 11:53 knowledge in the 11:56 Yog Vashista 11:57 Maharishi Vashisht 11:59 has advised Ram he says Ram for 12:07 acquiring 12:08 knowledge if you need to go into the 12:12 streets of the outcasts of the most 12:16 fallen and beg from The Butchers and the 12:21 other people also don't 12:24 hesitate that is the significance of 12:27 getting good knowledge in your life Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Shree Krishna's Key to your Spiritual Awakening - Discover the Real You Swami Mukundananda BG 5.16.mp4