You Become What You Think | Secret to A Happy Life | Motivational Video 2018 | Part 3 by Swami Mukundanand
Main Points: 1 look at the impact of thoughts on our lives at every moment 2 A scientist experimented crystallization of water. With love, it formed beautiful crystals and with hate, it formed ugly crystals ,i.e., he found with positive words it formed beautiful crystals BUT with negative words it formed ugly crystals Water did not care for the language but it cared for the feelings 3 our body is 70% water, 90% water at time of birth. Think of the effects of loving thoughts as hateful thoughts on our body. 4 the scientist only proved what vedas have been telling since thousands of years that mind, with our thoughts, is the cause of our bondage as well as liberation 5 mind with its thoughts plants the seeds for our actions. Good thoughts will lead to good actions and bad thoughts will lead to bad actions. 6 our mind is like a garden, if you tend it nicely, you will get fruits, vegetables, flowers but if you let it go wild, only weeds will grow if you don't care for the mind, mind will take care of itself and it will generate all sorts of negativity, misery, hatred, depression, tension & anxiety 7 in this human form of life, we have the responsibility to tend to this garden called mind nicely 8 we are the gardeners of our own mind Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): You Become What You Think Secret to A Happy Life Motivational Video 2018 Part 3.mp4