Showing posts with label Mukundananda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mukundananda. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

This Story Will Leave You Speechless !! True Love for Lord Krishna Explained by Swami Mukundananda

This Story Will Leave You Speechless !! True Love for Lord Krishna Explained by Swami Mukundananda Full Text 

1  Narad ji is explaining the external nature of bhakti first, so what is the external form of bhakti - Extreme love for God  2  once Narad ji was in Vrindavan and there he found a gopi sitting in meditation, so Narad ji thought what does the gopi meditate upon ? I've heard of Niranjan gyan (the spiritual knowledge or teachings centered around the concept of "Niranjan," which in Sanskrit means "spotless" or "pure," essentially signifying a supreme being without any impurities or flaws, often used to describe God) I've also heard of Surandhran (Sun) dhyan but what is the dhyana of the gopi.  So Narad ji sat down beside her, after an hour, when the gopi opened her eyes, Narad ji said deviji can you please satisfy my curiosity, what were you meditating upon the gopi said Narad ji, forget it, no please Narad ji said you know like I'm so curious you have to tell me and gopi said I was trying to take my mind away from Sri Krishna narad said, what ? everybody tries to draw the mind away from the world and on to God, you're doing the reverse ?  The gopi said what to do, His form is so embedded in my mind, whatever I do, He lands up there - if I'm churning the butter, it seems that he's coming and dropping the pots, if I'm cleaning the floor, it seems he's running on it, if I'm putting the children to sleep, it seems like he's waking them up. Now I understand that it is not Him  but it's my mind playing tricks, the mind has got so unified with him that His form comes everywhere, that is why I was striving so hard to take my mind away from Him but I was not succeeding, Narad ji was extremely impressed  3  Narad ji said “verse”, big big yogis in their meditation strive that somehow or the other, they should withdraw the mind from the world and attach it at the feet of God and they don't Succeed, and look at this gopi, she's trying the reverse sadhana and not succeeding, Narad ji is saying such immense love is bhakti  4  other saints were asked, what is the nature of bhakti. Tulsidas was asked, so he said “kami hin nari pyari jimhi, Lobhi hin priya jimi dama, timhi Raghunatha nirantar, Priya lagahu mohen Ram” he says, like a greedy man loves wealth, he's always anchoring for it.  There is the story of one sethji, he had his shop and the most blissful part of the day would be in the evening when he would count his notes, one day note counting rounds were going on and one was over, second, third time his wife said that come on, it's time for dinner, she invited him three four times, he did not come so finally she got so frustrated,  she took the sweet dish kheer one spoon and put it in his mouth that this will wake him up but his mind was elsewhere and he thought that oh, I have eaten the sweet that means the meal is over so he said all right now I need to wash my hands my meal is over,  Tulsidas ji says just like a greedy man yearns for wealth and a young boy yearns for a young girl, a bhakt loves God  5  There is the story, that one woman, her beloved was coming from out of station, so this girl was going running to meet her beloved, at the same time Akbar was touring his kingdom for an inspection, so being a Muhammadan, he used to say the namaz five times and in the namaz they spread the sheet and then they sit on it and say the namaz.  So Akbar had spread his sheet, they consider it sacred, they consider it a representation of Allah, and he was saying the namaz when this woman was running to meet her beloved, she did not realize & she placed her feet on that sheet but Akbar saw it, so Akbar said to Birbal that this woman should be brought to my court.  Now the next day the woman was brought to court, Akbar said you ran on my namaz sheet, the woman said absolutely not, badshah salamat, “I am telling that you ran”, No I did not,  Akbar said, “then, am I mistaken” ? “I very clearly saw you ran over my sheet” The woman said, I have no recollection of It, so the woman said that o great king, you were worshiping the Supreme Lord and yet you had recollection on who is stepping on my sheet,  I was running after a worldly beloved and I was totally oblivious (ignorant) of what had happened, don't you even have that much of absorption in your divine beloved as I have got in my material beloved ? So Tulsidas says that kind of complete absorption in God is bhakti


0:05 Narad ji 0:06 is explaining the external nature of 0:11 bhakti first 0:13 so what is the external form of bhakti 0:17 extreme love for god 0:24 once he was in vrindavan 0:29 and there he found a gopi sitting in 0:32 meditation 0:36 so narada thought 0:39 what does the gopi meditate upon i've 0:42 heard of niranjan gyan 0:45 i've also heard of surandhran dhyan 0:49 but what is the dhyana of the gopi 0:53 so narada sat down besides after an hour 0:56 when the gopi opened her eyes narada 0:59 said 1:00 deviji can you please satisfy my 1:03 curiosity what were you meditating upon 1:07 the gopi said naradji forget it no 1:10 please please 1:11 now forget it narada said you know like 1:14 now i'm so curious 1:15 you're not telling me my curiosity has increased 1:17 further you have to tell me 1:20 and gopi said i was trying to take my 1:23 mind away from sri krishna 1:25 she's sitting and trying to yank her 1:28 mind away from god 1:31 narad said what everybody tries to 1:34 draw the mind away from the world and on 1:37 to god you're doing the reverse 1:40 the gopi said what to do his form is so 1:42 embedded in my mind 1:44 whatever i do he lands up there 1:48 if i'm churning the butter it seems that 1:50 he's coming and dropping the pots 1:53 if i'm cleaning the floor it seems he's 1:55 running on it 1:57 if i'm putting the children to sleep it 1:59 seems like he's waking them up 2:02 now i understand that it is 2:05 not him it's my mind playing tricks 2:09 the mind has got so unified with him 2:13 that his form comes everywhere that is 2:16 why 2:17 i was striving so hard to take my mind 2:21 away from him but i was not succeeding 2:24 the narada was extremely impressed  2:28 he said “verse” 2:41 big big yogis in their 2:44 meditation strive that somehow 2:47 or the other they should withdraw 2:50 the mind from the world and attach it 2:53 at the feet of god and they don't 2:56 succeed 2:58 and look at this gopi she's trying the 3:01 reverse sadhana 3:03 and not succeeding narad ji is saying 3:06 such immense love 3:11 is bhakti  other saints were asked 3:16 what is the nature of bhakti 3:21 tulsidas was asked so he said 3:40 he says “kami hin nari pyari jimhi, Lobhi hin priya jimi dama, timhi Raghunatha nirantar, Priya lagahu mohen Ram” he says, like a greedy man 3:44 loves wealth he's always 3:47 anchoring for it there is the story of 3:51 One sethji 3:52 you know he had his shop 3:56 and the most blissful part of the day 3:58 would be in the evening when he would 4:00 count his notes 4:03 so after he would close the shop he 4:05 would sit and count 4:07 one day he was going on and counting one 4:10 was 4:10 over second third time his wife said 4:13 that come 4:14 on it's time for dinner she invited him 4:17 three four times he did not come 4:20 so finally she got so frustrated she 4:23 took the sweet dish the kheer 4:25 one spoon and put it in his mouth 4:29 that this will wake him up but his 4:32 mind was elsewhere and he thought 4:35 that oh i have eaten the sweet that 4:37 means the meal is over 4:39 so he said all right now i need to wash 4:41 my hands my meal is over 4:44 the tulsi das ji says just like a greedy 4:47 man 4:48 yearns for wealth 4:51 and a young boy yearns for a young girl  4:55 there is the story that one 4:58 woman her beloved was coming 5:02 from out of station so this girl 5:05 was going running to meet her beloved 5:09 at the same time akbar was 5:12 touring his kingdom for an inspection 5:16 so being a muhammadan he used to say the 5:19 namaz five 5:20 times and in the namaz they spread the 5:23 sheet 5:24 and then they sit on it and say the 5:26 namaz 5:29 so akbar had spread his sheet they 5:31 consider it 5:32 sacred they consider it a representation 5:36 of 5:36 allah and he was saying the namaz when 5:39 this woman was running to meet her 5:41 beloved 5:44 she did not realize she placed her feet 5:46 on that 5:47 sheet but akbar saw it so akbar said 5:52 to birbal this woman should be brought to my 5:55 court 5:58 now the next day the woman was brought 6:00 to court 6:02 akbar said you ran on my namaz sheet 6:06 the woman said absolutely not badshah 6:09 salamat 6:10 i am telling you ran no i did not 6:14 akbar said then am i mistaken 6:18 i very clearly saw you ran 6:21 the woman said i have no recollection of 6:23 it 6:24 so the woman said that o great king 6:29 you were worshiping 6:32 the supreme lord and yet 6:36 you had recollection on who is stepping 6:38 on my sheet 6:42 i was running after a worldly beloved 6:46 and i was totally oblivious of what had 6:49 happened 6:50 don't you even have that much of 6:53 absorption in your divine beloved as i 6:56 have got in my material beloved  7:00 so tulsidas says 7:03 that kind of complete absorption 7:08 that is bhakti

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): This Story Will Leave You Speechless !! True Love for Lord Krishna Explained by Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Why Bad things Happen to Good people | Is God Truly Just | Part 1 by Swami Mukundanand

Why Bad things Happen to Good people | Is God Truly Just | Part 1 by Swami Mukundanand Main Points:  1  Circumstances don't come without reason, they come as teachers and they wish to teach us. If we wish to attract good circumstances, start by developing good thoughts but then there is something that breaks our faith in this paradigm and what is that?  2  When we see bad things happening to good people it goes against our sense of justice. You see there are three things in contention that we can consider, one is justice, second is injustice and third is Grace. Nyaya, Un-nyaya and Kripa.  3  What is justice? Consider for example a worker who slogged in the factory all month long, at the end of the month the factory owner gave him his Justice salary. This is what you deserve here is what you get, this is justice.  4  What is injustice? The worker he put in his efforts and then the factory owner at the end of the month said, you know, on the fifteenth of the month you came late by one hour, instead of coming at a.m. you came at , here I am going to subtract half your salary go! This is Un-nyaya or injustice  5  and the third is grace, Kripa. The worker says, Saheb I have to get my daughter married, I need so much of money, can you please give it to me, the bank will not give me a loan. The factory manager says okay, I'm gifting so much and I am giving so much as loan which I will deduct from your salary on a monthly basis. This is Grace or Kripa.  6  The judicial system of the world is involved with ensuring that there is a justice. Justice is important to ensure that people stay away from crime because when bad things draw bad consequences others become discouraged from doing it. It's a very simple principle.  7  about 30 years ago, management consultancy book had come out called the one minute manager. It taught how to manage in one minute. It says when you get a subordinate first of all help the subordinate understand what is good behavior, clarify the goals, this is what you're supposed to do, this is the output I want, this is how you should behave.  Let him or her define the goals of good behavior in half a page simple and easy, then someday catch that subordinate doing well and give a one-minute praising for one minute, you re-confirm that behavior.  Oh so wonderful you are doing well and I am very pleased. You confirm the good behavior and later on someday, if you catch your subordinate doing badly you give a one-minute scolding, only one minute scolding.  8  Sometimes parents they start giving half day long scoldings then that is not productive. Just let the subordinate know that this is bad behavior. When you repeatedly administer this one minute praising, one minute scolding, it will fashion behavior. Why? Because everybody's behavior gets molded by consequences, pleasure and pain, pain can fashion even the behavior of animals.  9  There's a story of Akbar and Birbal - a goat was trained in not eating fresh green grass - by fashioning its behaviour by punishment.  10  Parents tell me, Swamiji you know my child is so unruly, how to train my child. I said look I don't have any experience but I'll tell you about this one minute manager, the same principle applies. You have to teach children with consequences, some parents stay away from those consequences and what happens, spare the rod and spoil the child.   11  Kripaluji Maharaj, you know he grew up in a village, so his relatives were all simple Villagers, so he would say that when their children would not study, what would he do? They would bring the children my child doesn't study. Maharaj ji would not adopt the one minute manager, he would take the child and lock the child up.  Now after 24 hours the child is saying, chacha take me out take me out. Maharaj ji would let him remain there, until he decides that it is too painful not to study, then he would say, all right, come out.  In other words any behavior can be fashioned with consequences and that is why we have the judicial system of any country in place, because when justice is fair, justice is timely and justice is firm, it reduces crime.  12  Once in Orissa the SDTM sub-divisional judicial magistrate used to come and attend my lecture and then he became a friend he would meet me etc, he said Swamiji I am totally incorrigible. I don't take any bribes.  Ever since I moved into this district the crime rate has fallen because people have understood that you cannot get away and when you get away what happens ? Take a look at the pirates of Somalia, any ship passing by the Suez Canal going close to Somalia gets looted because it's a broken country & the rule of law doesn't exist so people say, never mind, do what you like, there will be no consequences.  13  In the court of God also, the principle of justice holds. God has the law of karma - if you do good things, good things should happen to you, if you do bad then bad things, should happen to you.  God is also the judge, in fact worldly judges have limitations, they depend upon Witnesses, they depend upon evidence, either of these could be misleading the judge doesn't know what the convict is thinking and even if the judge had that yogic siddhi and could know the mind of the convict, he will know what the convict is thinking today, he doesn't know what the convict thought five years ago at the time of the crime  but in the case of God, He is all-knowing, He doesn't need any witnesses, plus the worldly judge can make mistakes in interpreting laws. Because laws have different interpretations and that is how advocates make their money because cases get reappeared at higher and higher levels. You know, this judge misinterpreted.  In the case of God, He is the one who created the law, He doesn't need any lawyers, He doesn't need any police, He is the witness, He is the police and He is the judge, hence from God we can expect perfect justice!  Introduction 0:23 Circumstances don't come without reason, they come as teachers and they wish to 0:31 teach us. If we wish to attract good circumstances start by developing good 0:38 thoughts but then there is something that breaks our faith in this paradigm 0:47 and what is that?  When we see bad things happening to good people it goes against 1:00 our sense of justice. You see there are three things in contention that we can 1:11 consider one is justice second is injustice and third is Grace. Nyaya, Un-nyaya and 1:26 Kripa.  What is justice? Consider for example a worker who sloged in the 1:38 factory all month long, at the end of the month the factory owner gave him his Justice 1:46 salary. This is what you deserve here is what you get, this is justice.  1:51 What is injustice? The worker he put in his efforts and then the factory owner 2:02 at the end of the month said you know on the fifteenth of the month you came late 2:07 by one hour, instead of coming at 9:00 a.m. you came at 10:00 here I am going 2:14 to subtract half your salary go  This is Un-nyaya or injustice  2:25 and the third is grace, Kripa. The worker says, Saheb I have to get my 2:34 daughter married I need so much of money can you please give it to me the bank 2:39 will not give me a loan. The factory manager says okay, I'm 2:45 gifting so much and I am giving so much as loan which I will deduct from your 2:50 salary on a monthly basis. This is Grace or Kripa.  The judicial system of the 3:00 world is involved with ensuring that there is a justice. Justice is important 3:12 to ensure that people stay away from crime because when bad things draw bad 3:24 consequences others become discouraged from doing it. It's a very simple 3:34 principle,  about 30 years ago management consultancy book had come out called the 3:42 one minute manager some of you may have read it. It taught how to manage in one 3:51 minute. It says when you get a subordinate first of all help the subordinate The One Minute Manager 3:58 understand what is good behavior, clarify the goals, this is what you're supposed 4:04 to do this is the output I want, this is how you should behave. Let him or her 4:12 define the goals of good behavior in half a page simple and easy 4:21 then someday catch that subordinate doing well and give a one-minute praising for One Minute Praise 4:33 one minute you re-confirm 4:36 that behavior. Oh so wonderful you are doing well and I am very pleased. You 4:44 confirm the good behavior and later on someday if you catch your subordinate 4:51 doing badly you give a one-minute scolding only one minute scolding.   One Minute scolding 4:58 Sometimes parents they start giving half day long scoldings then that doesn't.. 5:05 is not productive. Just let the subordinate know that this 5:11 is bad behavior. When you repeatedly administer this one minute praising one 5:18 minute scolding one minute praising one minute scolding it will fashion behavior

Consequences 5:24 Why? Because everybody's behavior gets molded by consequences, pleasure and pain 5:34 pain can fashion even the behavior of animals.  There's a story of Akbar and 5:44 Birbal. The Mughal emperor Akbar and his wise minister Birbal. So Akbar said 5:58 Birbal is there anybody in my kingdom who can train a goat to desist from 6:07 eating green succulent fresh grass? 6:13 Birbal said huzoor it's not a problem give me one month's time. Akbar said 6:21 all right. Birbal went and purchased a goat. Now he 6:27 would put the green grass before the goats nose and every time the goat would 6:33 go for it Birbal would take a stick and whack it on its mouth. When the goat kept 6:40 on receiving the whacks one after the other 6:43 after the other, even the little goats brain understood that it's not worth it 6:51 Forget it, it's too painful. After one month of such training Birbal took the goat to 6:59 the Emperor. The goat in one hand the stick in the other he said my goat has 7:09 become a vairagi- it's become detached from grass, you try it out it will not 7:17 eat. Akbar said really, he said come on bring the most tasteful grass in my garden 7:26 the servants brought it. Akbar himself put it before the goat, the goat looked 7:35 at the grass it looked at Birbal's stick. Birbal, he shook his stick the 7:43 goat understood you know I'll get a whack, forget it it pulled back. Even the 7:51 goats behavior had got fashioned by consequences. Parents tell me Swamiji you 7:58 know my child is so unruly how to train my child. I said look I don't have any 8:05 experience but I'll tell you this one minute manager the same principle 8:11 applies. You have to teach children with consequences some parents stay away from 8:18 those consequences and what happens, spare the rod and spoil the child.  8:27 Kripaluji Maharaj, you know he grew up in a village so his relatives were all simple 8:32 villagers so he would say that when their children would not study what would he What would he do 8:39 do? They would bring the children my child doesn't study 8:44 Maharaji would not adopt the one minute manager, he would take the child and lock 8:49 the child up. Now after 24 hours the child is saying 8:55 Chacha take me out take me out. Maharaj ji would let him remain there, until he decides 9:01 that no it's too painful not to study then he would say all right come out. In Justice is timely 9:08 other words any behavior can be fashioned with consequences and that is 9:15 why we have the judicial system of any country in place, because when justice is 9:22 fair, justice is timely and justice is firm, it reduces crime.  Once in Orissa the 9:35 SDTM sub-divisional judicial magistrate used to come and attend my lecture and 9:40 then he became a friend he would meet me etc he said Swamiji I am totally 9:47 incorrigible. I don't take any bribes. Ever since I moved into this district 9:54 the crime rate has fallen because people have understood you cannot get away and 10:01 when you get away what happens, take a look at the pirates of Somalia, any ship 10:07 passing by the Suez Canal going close to Somalia gets looted because it's a 10:13 broken country the rule of law doesn't exist so people say never mind do what 10:19 you like there will be no consequences.  10:23 In the court of God also 10:26 the principle of justice holds. God has the law of karma if you do good things good things 10:36 should happen to you, if you do bad then bad things should happen to you. God is 10:43 also the judge, in fact worldly judges have limitations they depend upon 10:53 witnesses they depend upon evidence either of these could be misleading 11:01 the judge doesn't know what the convict is 11:06 thinking and even if the judge had that yogic siddhi and could know the mind of 11:14 the convict he will know what the convict is thinking today, he doesn't 11:19 know what the convict thought five years ago at the time of the crime but in the 11:25 case of God he is all-knowing he doesn't need any witnesses, plus the worldly 11:35 judge can make mistakes in interpreting laws. Because laws have different 11:42 interpretations and that is how advocates make their money because cases 11:49 get reappeared at higher and higher levels. You know this judge 11:53 misinterpreted. In the case of God he is the one who created the law he doesn't 12:01 need any lawyers, he doesn't need any police, he is the witness, he is the 12:06 police and he is the judge hence from God we can expect perfect justice  Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Why Bad things Happen to Good people Is God Truly Just Part 1.mp4

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Who Can KNOW GOD? What happens after God Realization? Lessons from BHAGAVAD GITA by Swami Mukundanand

Who Can KNOW GOD? What happens after God Realization? Lessons from BHAGAVAD GITA  by Swami Mukundanand

Full Text  1  On one hand, Shri Krishna has said, nobody can know Me, He goes on saying that it is impossible for you to know Me and on the other hand the vedas also say that you must know God, you have to make it your goal to know Him and  only by knowing God, can you cross over this ocean of life and Death, “verse”, these bonds of Maya will cut on knowing God and when we go to know God he says nobody can know Me, so what do you do  2  then so let it be understood in this way that only one personality can know God and that is God Himself, God alone knows Himself and nobody else, so everyone else, if they are blessed by God's Grace, if He Graces them by His blessings, anyone can know Him, it's not by self effort.  Hence there is a mantra which is in the Kath upanishad and also in the Munduk Upanishad, the same mantra, it says, “verse”, you cannot know God by pravachan but Swami ji we came to listen to your pravachan so that we can know God,  so now through the pravachan, you listen that like this, you cannot know God. In the pravachan, you just get the words, nor can you know Him by your intellect because we discussed that the intellect is material and God is divine  3  God is the possessor of infinite contradictory attributes at the same time, supposing I say, take the Sanskrit vyanjan, the letter “Ka” put the aa ki matra, aa vowel on it, put the uu vowel on it, put ee vowel vowel on it, put the a vowel on it and also put the o vowel on it and add the visargha, now pronounce it.  Arre, how will I pronounce it, Impossible. So God's personality is something like this, He is possessing a form and he's also Formless, He is sitting in our hearts and He is also everywhere, He is bigger than the biggest and also smaller than the Smallest, He is so far that big yogis spend their whole life and at the end of it they don't see His head or feet and  He is so close that He is not even a hair's breath away from us because He is inside our soul, He is softer than the softest, so soft that when any soul cries out sincerely, He immediately melts and responds and he's so hard  that during Maha Pralay, when He dissolves the world and all the souls are doing trahi trahi, He is saying they are crying, let them cry. He is such a mixture of contradictory attributes, neither you can describe Him in pravachan nor you can understand Him with the intellect  4  when Bhagavan Ram asked Vashisht, gurudev what is the definition of God ? Vashisht was quiet, Ram thought he's not heard Me, gurudev what is the definition of God ? so Ram thought, maybe he now needs hearing aids, due to Guru ji’s increased age, gurudev I was asking you what's the definition of God.  Vashisht said that this quietness itself is the answer to your question, what answer will I give - if I say He is very big, then you will say He is also small, if I say He is very far, you will say He is also close, if I say He is formless, You will say He also has a form  - so that kind of God is beyond the intellect, there is only one way to know Him and what is that way ? If He Himself bestows His grace, then what will happen, He will give his intellect to you & with His intellect, you will know Him, so simple  5  Kripalu ji maharaj has put this philosophy in one “Verse”, that person who got blessed by God's grace, came to know Him - that person could be an 80-year-old, could be a Four year old Dhruv, could be a 5 year old Prahlad, could be a bird like Jatayu,  anyone whoever received the grace but without His grace, “verse”, big big scholars fail, so we will know God by His grace but to receive the grace we need to surrender ourselves to Him - that surrender is what attracts the grace so Kripalu ji maharaj said when you get His Intellect, you will understand Him  6  once 5-year-old boy was getting restless in the summer vacation, so he was creating a bit of a ruckus at home and the father realized that my child has got a lot of energy, it's not his fault, I need to channelize him and then all will be well, so put him in some constructive work.  The father was reading the Economic Times and that had a map of the world behind it, so the father cut off that cover, the map of the world and he said my child take a look at this very carefully, you have to memorize all the areas and once you say it is done, I will then cut the map into umpteen pieces and jumble it all up, it will be a jigsaw puzzle, you will have to reconstruct the map,  so he gave it, the boy looked at the map & within 30 seconds, he said father I’m done. So quickly ? Yes. Look at it a little more. No, father I Memorized. The father cut it into various 26 pieces and jumbled them, gave them to the boy, so the boy he constructed it in 2 minutes flat like the children those who are expert, you know, with the Rubik's cube.  So the child made it, father said oh my God, you are so Intelligent, I knew you were intelligent, a chip of the old block but I didn't know you were so intelligent, tell me how did you do it ?  The child said, father when you gave me the world map, I just happened to flip it over and out there was a man, there was an advertisement of Mafatlal Suitings, so I remembered the man and when you gave me the pieces to make, I made the man and then turned them over, behind the map was the man  7  now here behind the whole world, is the Lord - so if you know the Lord, you get to know everything, “verse”, once you have the wisdom of God, you have wisdom of life, you have wisdom about everything else,  so Shri Krishna says that when you take shelter of Me, you will receive My grace and because of My grace, you will come to know Brahman, you will come to know the individual self and the entire field of karmic activities   Transcript 0:00 on one hand SRI Krishna has 0:04 said nobody can know 0:07 me he goes on and on saying that it is 0:11 impossible for you to know me and on the 0:14 other hand the vedas also 0:17 say that you must know God you have to make it 0:22 your goal to know 0:28 him and 0:30 only by knowing 0:34 god can you cross over this ocean of 0:37 life and 0:44 death “verse” these bonds of Maya will cut on 0:47 knowing 0:49 god and when we go to know God he says 0:53 nobody can know 0:54 me so what do you do  0:57 then so let it be understood in this 1:02 way that only one personality can know 1:07 God and that is God 1:10 himself God Alone knows 1:14 himself and nobody 1:16 else so everyone 1:19 else if they are blessed by God's 1:24 grace if he Graces 1:27 them by His blessings 1:30 anyone can know 1:32 him it's not by self effort hence there 1:37 is a mantra which is in the 1:41 kath upanishad and also in the munduk upanishad 1:44 the same Mantra it 1:58 says “verse” you cannot know God by 2:04 pravachan Swami ji we came to listen to your 2:07 pravachan so that we can know God so now 2:10 through the pravachan you listen that like 2:13 this you cannot know 2:15 God in the pravachan you just get the 2:20 words nor can you know him by your 2:23 intellect because we discussed the 2:25 intellect is material and God is divine  2:29 God is the possessor of infinite 2:31 contradictory attributes at the same 2:34 time supposing I say take the 2:39 Sanskrit vyanjan the letter 2:42 “Ka” put the aa ki matra aa vowel on it put the uu vowel  2:48 on it put ee vowel vowel on it put the a vowel on 2:53 it and also put the o vowel on it and add the 2:58 visargha Now Pronounce 3:01 it are how will I pronounce it 3:05 impossible so God's personality is 3:08 something like this He Is possessing a 3:11 form and he's also 3:13 formless he's sitting in our hearts and 3:16 he's also everywhere he is bigger than 3:20 the biggest and also smaller than the 3:23 smallest he is so far that big yogis 3:28 spend their whole life and at the 3:30 end of it they don't see his head or 3:32 feet and he's so close that he is not a 3:36 hair's breath away from us because he's 3:38 inside our soul he is softer than the softest So 3:43 Soft that any Soul Cries Out sincerely 3:48 he immediately melts and 3:50 responds and he's so hard during Maha Pralay 3:55 when he dissolves the world and all the 3:57 souls are doing trahi trahi  4:00 He is saying they are crying let them 4:02 cry he is such a mixture of 4:06 contradictory 4:08 attributes neither you can describe him 4:10 in pravachan nor you can understand him with 4:14 the 4:16 Intellect  when Bhagavan Ram asked Vashisht 4:21 gurudev what is the definition of 4:26 God Vashisht was quiet 4:30 Ram thought he's not heard me gurudev 4:33 what is the definition of 4:36 God so Ram thought maybe he now needs 4:39 hearing aids Guru ji is increased in 4:42 age gurudev I was asking you what's the 4:45 definition of 4:47 God Vashisht said this quietness itself is the 4:52 answer to your question what answer will 4:55 I give if I say he's very big then you 4:58 will say he's also small if I say he's 5:00 very far you will say he's also close if 5:03 I say he's formless you will say he also 5:05 has a form so that kind of God is beyond 5:09 the intellect there is only one way to 5:13 know him and what is that 5:15 way if he himself bestows his grace then 5:21 what will happen he will give his 5:24 intellect to 5:26 you with his intellect you will know Him  5:29 so simple Kripalu ji maharaj has put this 5:32 philosophy in one 5:48 “Verse” that person who got blessed by 5:51 God's grace came to know 5:54 him that person could be an 5:58 80-year-old could be a 5:59 four-year-old Dhruv, could be a  5 year-old Prahlad, could 6:03 be a bird like Jatayu anyone whoever 6:07 received the 6:08 grace and without 6:22 Grace “verse”, big big Scholars 6:25 fail so we will know God by his grace 6:30 but to receive the grace we need to 6:34 surrender ourselves to 6:37 him that surrender is what attracts the 6:42 grace so Kripalu ji maharaj said when you get his 6:46 intellect you will understand him now  6:49 the next verse he 6:58 Says “verse” 7:06 when you surrender your intellect oh 7:09 Lord it is not in my capacity by your 7:13 grace I may know you so when you have 7:16 surrendered your intellect God then 7:19 gives his intellect and by his grace 7:24 anyone can know 7:26 him once 5-year-old 7:30 boy was getting restless in the summer 7:36 vacation so he was creating a bit of a 7:39 Ruckus at 7:41 home and the father realized that my 7:45 child has got a lot of 7:47 energy it's not his 7:50 fault I need to channelize him and then 7:54 all will be 7:55 well so put him in some constructive 7:58 work 8:00 the father was reading the Economic 8:04 Times and that had a map of the world 8:08 behind 8:10 it so the father he cut off that cover 8:14 the map of the world and he said my 8:18 child take a look at this very carefully 8:21 you have to memorize all the 8:23 areas and once you say it is 8:26 done I will then cut the map into umpteen 8:30 pieces and jumble it all up, it will be a 8:34 jigsaw puzzle you will have to 8:37 reconstruct the 8:39 map so he gave it the boy 8:45 looked within 30 seconds he said father 8:49 done so 8:52 quickly 8:53 yes look at it a little more a father I 8:57 memorized the father cut it into various 9:00 26 pieces and jumbled them gave them 9:04 here so the boy he constructed it in 2 9:10 minutes flat like the children those who 9:13 are expert you know with the Rubik's cube 9:15 so the child made it father said oh 9:19 my God you are so 9:23 intelligent I knew you were intelligent 9:26 a chip of the old block but I didn't 9:28 know you were so 9:30 intelligent tell me how did you do 9:33 it the child said father when you gave 9:36 me the world map I just happened to flip 9:40 it over and out there was a man there 9:43 was an advertisement of mafatlal 9:48 suitings so I remembered the man and 9:52 when you gave me the pieces to make I 9:54 made the man and then turned them 9:58 over behind the map was the man now here 10:02 behind the whole world is the 10:05 Lord so if you know the Lord you get to 10:07 know 10:18 everything “verse” right once you have wisdom of 10:21 God you have wisdom of life you have 10:25 wisdom about everything 10:27 else so Shri Krishna says that when 10:31 you take shelter of me you will receive 10:35 my grace and because of my grace you 10:38 will come to know Brahman you will come 10:41 to know the individual self and the 10:45 entire field of karmic activities

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Who Can KNOW GOD What happens after God Realization Lessons from BHAGAVAD GITA Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Monday, March 13, 2023

श्रीकृष्ण ने गीता में कहा सब मतलबी है, ये समझ लोगों तो बच जाओगे by Swami Mukundanand

श्रीकृष्ण ने गीता में कहा सब मतलबी है, ये समझ लोगों तो बच जाओगे by Swami Mukundanand Full Text  1    यह वेद का ज्ञान है वृहदारण्यक उपनिषद Brihadaranyaka Upanishad में कहा गया “verse” इतना बड़ा महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान और याज्ञवल्क्य ऋषि अपनी पत्नी मैत्री को दे रहे हैं, संन्यास लेते समय, वे कहते हैं कि इस संसार में कोई स्त्री अपने पति के सुख के लिए उससे प्रेम नहीं करती है, मगर अपने सुख के लिए करती है,  कोई भी पति, पत्नी के सुख के लिए उससे प्रेम नहीं करता, अपने सुख के लिए करता है, कोई भी बेटा बाप के सुख के लिए बाप से प्रेम नहीं करता, अपने सुख के लिए बाप से प्रेम करता है, कोई भी बाप बेटे के सुख के लिए बेटे से प्रेम नहीं करता, अपने सुख के लिए बेटे से प्रेम करता है, अब आप कहेंगे ऐसा है ? वेद कह रहा है “verse”  https//  2  आप संसार में किसी भी स्त्री से पूछें कि देखो एक दिन तो दोनों मरेंगे, पति भी स्त्री भी, आपकी क्या इच्छा है कि पहले आप जाएं संसार से या पहले पति जाए ? तो स्त्री कहेगी, देखिए जी, वह सौभाग्यवती स्त्री का यह लक्षण होता है कि वह पति से पहले मर गए, अब आप पुरुष हैं, पूछें आपकी क्या इच्छा है ?  पुरुष कहेगा सौभाग्य वान वहीं पुरुष होता है, जो पत्नी से पहले चला जाए यह सौभाग्य की बात नहीं है यह स्वार्थ की बात है  https//  3  पत्नी इसलिए चाहती है कि पति से पहले मरे, क्योंकि अगर पति पहले चले जाएंगे तो उनसे जो संरक्षण, सुख, सुरक्षा, सामान मिल रहा था वह बंद हो जाएगा, तो मैं पहले चले जाऊं, मेरे बाद उनको कितना भी कष्ट हो, इससे मतलब नहीं है अगर वह पती का सुख चाहती, तो कहती हे भगवान, मैँ इन के बाद मरूं, ताकि अंतिम क्षण तक इनकी सेवा कर सकूं,  क्योंकि आजकल बच्चे तो पूछेंगे भी नहीं, बच्चे तो कह देंगे पिताजी रिटायर हो गए, जब Government ने रिटायर कर दिया, Government ने मान लिया कि अब पिताजी का दिमाग normal नहीं रहा तो बेटा क्यों न माने ? अमेरिका में तो साल में एक दिन बस card भेज दो, Happy Father’s Day, Happy Mother’s Day, कर्तव्य पूरा तो यह सब स्वार्थ की बात होती है, जितना स्वार्थ उतना प्रेम automatically हो जाता है स्वार्थ कम होता है, प्रेम भी कम हो जाता है  https//  4  देखिए मान लो कि एक स्त्री, मजाक में, एक पुरुष का नाम लिखे और कहे चिट्ठी में हम तो तुम से प्रेम करते हैं, मेरे पति क्या हैं ? ऐसे ही हैं और वह चिट्ठी अपने पति की table पर रख दे, अब उसके पति देव आए ऑफिस से, चिट्ठी देखी, ठंडी सांस ली, पत्नी ने कहा पति देव चाय पी लीजिए, गुर्राते क्यों हैं, चाय पी लीजिए, मैं सब समझ गया, क्या समझ गए ?  मुझे पहले ही doubt था, तुम्हारे ऊपर मेरी आंखों के सामने से get out सारे का सारा प्रेम खत्म हो गया, Temperature इतना बढ़ गया, इतना गुस्सा आ गया इतने में मां आई, बेटा क्यों इतना नाराज हो रहा है ? मम्मी देखो मुझे क्या मिला है  मम्मी कहती है अरे तू तो बुद्धू बन गया, तुझे याद नहीं कि आज अप्रैल की पहली तारीख है, ये April fool कर रही थी, पति कहते हैं वही तो मैं सोच रहा था, मेरी पत्नी ऐसे कैसी हो सकती है ? फिर से प्रेम हो गया, अब देखिए प्रेम कैसे अप-डाउन अप-डाउन गया ना ? स्वार्थ के अनुसार यह सारा संसार, स्वार्थ सिद्धि का रंगमंच है  https//  5  अब संसार में तो आप देखते हैं, एक दुकानदार तो आप expect करते हैं भई स्वार्थी है, वह अपनी दुकान को सजाता है, सफेद चादर लगाता है, ट्यूबलाइट लगाता है, और दिल्ली मुंबई कोलकाता चेन्नई सूरत से सब जगह से समान लाकर रखता है, और फिर सुबह बजे खड़ा हो जाता है,  आप वहां से गुजर रहे हैं, आइए आइए आइए, इतना सम्मान कर रहा है जितना अपने दामाद का भी नहीं करता है, आप ने कहा ना जान ना पहचान इतना सम्मान ये कोई महापुरुष है ? दुकानदार जी, यह मार्केट में चप्पल की दुकान कौन सी है ? देख नहीं सकते हो मेरी कपड़े की दुकान है, वैराग्य हो गया, आपकी तो कपड़े की दुकान है, मुझे चप्पल चाहिए पहली बार आया हूं जरा गाइड कर दो टाइम नहीं है, आगे जाओ,  आप फिर से प्रेम उत्पन्न करना चाहते हैं, अच्छा कपड़ा मुझे भी तो चाहिए था, 25 मीटर Terrycot, आपके यहाँ मिलेगा ? हाँ जीं फिर से प्रेम हो गया अब अंदर गए उसने एक थान वहां पर रखी, दूसरी थान तथा तीसरी थान, 25 थान वहां पर रख दिए, आपने कहा बस-बस क्या कर रहे हो, भई मुझे तो एक चाहिए, आप देख लीजिए, नहीं पसंद आएगा हम तय करके रख देंगे,  हम आपके सेवक हैं कैसे सेवक हैं जब रेट की बात आई तब out हुआ, अच्छा इसका क्या रेट है यह तो Rs 265 per Metre, मैं 150 से अधिक नहीं दूंगा अजी साहब आप क्या बात करते हैं बोनी का समय है, मैं आपको Rs 225 per metre में दे दूंगा, नहीं बिलकुल मैं 175 से आगे नहीं जाऊंगा,  अजी साहब हम आपके लिए mill rate लगा रहे हैं, 210 नहीं, मैं 180 आगे से नहीं जाऊंगा, अब देखा हिसाब नहीं बैठा ठीक है आगे जाओ, फिर से वैराग्य हो गया, यह दुकानदार का प्रेम तो अप-डाऊन अप-डाउन जा रहा है स्वार्थ के अनुसार  https//  6  ऐसे ही संसार में, स्त्री पति, मां बाप, बेटा बेटी का प्रेम भी अप-डाऊन अप-डाउन जाता है, स्वार्थ के अनुसार, क्यों ? यह किसी के वश की बात नहीं है, हम सब आनंद ब्रह्म के अंश हैं, भगवान आनंद सिंधु (सागर) हैं, हम उनके अंश हैं इसलिए हम लोग भी आनंद चाहते हैं,  वह आनंद अभी तक हमको मिला नहीं, तो आनंद के लिए हम प्रयत्नशील हैं, और अगर हम कहीं प्रेम करते हैं दूसरे के आनंद के लिए नहीं, मगर अपने ही आनंद के लिए करते हैं  https//  7  “Verse” वेद व्यास कहते हैं कि अगर कोई विवाह करता है पुरूष, क्या वह पत्नी के सुख के लिए करता है ? अजी साहब, अपने सुख के लिए करता है, कोई स्त्री, पुरुष के सुख के लिए विवाह करती है? अजी साहब अपने सुख के लिए करती है, सब जीव अपने सुख के लिए प्रयत्न कर रहें हैं और ये करते जाएंगे,  जब तक भगवान का आनंद नहीं मिलेगा, तो समझ जाओ यह संसार स्वार्थ सिद्धि का रंगमंच है, और कोई आप के सुख के लिए आप से प्रेम नहीं कर रहा है, जब यह निश्चय होगा ना तो ही वैराग्य होगा (और तभी आप भगवान की भक्ति कर पाओगे)  https//  8  इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि आप मुंह पर उनको बोल दें, स्त्री जा के पति से कहे मैं समझ गई जी, आप तो स्वार्थी हैं, पति कहे मैं भी समझ गया, तुम बिल्कुल स्वार्थी हो, फिर तो महाभारत शुरू हो जाएगी, फिर स्वामी जी को दोष मत देना,  हम कह रहे हैं कि भीतर से समझे रहिए कि यहां आपका कोई संबंधी नहीं, आपके संबंधी भगवान है, जो श्री कृष्ण यहां पर कह रहे हैं “verse” वह ऐसे संबंधी हैं कि उनसे हमारा नित्यस्य नाता है, नित्य, अनादि काल से हमारे अंदर बैठे हुए हैं, एक बॉल भर का भी अंतर नहीं, हमारी आत्मा में ही परमात्मा का निवास है  https//  Transcript 1:19 यह वेद का ज्ञान है वृहदारण्यक उपनिषद Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1:23 में कहा गया  1:26 “verse”  2:07 इतना बड़ा महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान 2:11 और याज्ञवल्क्य ऋषि अपनी पत्नी मैत्री को 2:15 दे रहे हैं संन्यास लेते समय 2:18 वे कहते हैं इस संसार में कोई 2:22 स्त्री अपने पति के सुख के लिए उससे प्रेम 2:26 नहीं करती है अपने सुख के लिए करती है, कोई भी 2:30 पति, पत्नी के सुख के लिए उससे प्रेम नहीं 2:33 करता अपने सुख के लिए करता है, कोई भी बेटा 2:37 बाप के सुख के लिए बाप से प्रेम नहीं करता, 2:40 अपने सुख के लिए बाप से प्रेम करता है, कोई भी 2:43 बाप बेटे के सुख के लिए बेटे से प्रेम 2:46 नहीं करता, अपने सुख के लिए बेटे से प्रेम 2:48 करता है, 2:51 अब आप कहेंगे ऐसा है ? वेद कह रहा है  2:55 “verse”  3:02 आप संसार में किसी भी 3:07 स्त्री से पूछें  3:09 तो आप क्या चाहते देखो एक दिन तो दोनों 3:14 मरेंगे पति भी स्त्री भी आपकी क्या इच्छा है  3:17 पहले आप जाएं संसार से या पहले पति जाए ? तो 3:23 स्त्री कहेगी देखिए जी वह सौभाग्यवती 3:27 स्त्री का यह लक्षण होता है वह पति से 3:30 पहले मर गए 3:32 अब आप पुरुष हैं पूछें आपकी क्या इच्छा है ? 3:35 पुरुष कहेगा सौभाग्य वान वहीं पुरुष होता है जो 3:39 पत्नी से पहले चला जाए  3:43 यह सौभाग्य की बात नहीं है यह स्वार्थ 3:47 की बात है   3:48 कि वह इसलिए चाहती है पति से पहले मरे 3:53 क्योंकि अगर पति पहले चले जाएंगे उनसे 3:56 जो संरक्षण सुख सुरक्षा सामान मिल रहा था 4:01 वह बंद हो जाएगा 4:03 तो  मैं पहले चले जाऊं मेरे बाद उनको कितना 4:08 भी कष्ट हो, इससे मतलब नहीं है  4:10 अगर वह पती का सुख चाहती तो कहती हे 4:14 भगवान मैँ  इन के बाद मरूं ताकि अंतिम क्षण 4:18 तक इनकी सेवा कर सकूं क्योंकि आजकल बच्चे 4:22 तो पूछेंगे भी नहीं 4:24 बच्चे तो कह देंगे पिताजी रिटायर हो गए 4:29 जब Government ने रिटायर कर दिया Government ने 4:33 मान लिया कि अब पिताजी का दिमाग नॉर्मल 4:35 नहीं रहा तो बेटा क्यों न माने  4:38 अमेरिका में तो साल में एक दिन बस कार्ड 4:42 भेज दो हैप्पी फादर्स डे हैप्पी मदर्स डे 4:44 कर्तव्य पूरा  4:46 तो यह सब स्वार्थ की बात होती है  4:52 जितना स्वार्थ उतना प्रेम ऑटोमेटिक हो 4:56 जाता है स्वार्थ कम होता है, प्रेम भी कम हो जाता है 5:03 देखिए मान लो कि एक स्त्री 5:09 मजाक में एक पुरुष का नाम लिखे और 5:13 कहे चिट्ठी में हम तो तुम से प्रेम करते 5:17 हैं मेरे पति क्या हैं ऐसे ही हैं और वह 5:21 चिट्ठी अपने पति की टेबल पर रख दे 5:26 अब उसके पति देव आए ऑफिस से 5:30 चिट्ठी देखी 5:35 ठंडी सांस ली पत्नी ने कहा पति देव चाय 5:38 पी लीजिए 5:41 गुर्राते क्यों हैं चाय पी लीजिए, मैं सब समझ 5:44 गया 5:46 क्या समझ गए ? मुझे पहले doubt था तुम्हारे ऊपर 5:51 मेरी आंखों के सामने से get out 5:55 सारे का सारा प्रेम खत्म हो गया 6:01 Temperature इतना बढ़ गया इतना गुस्सा आ गया  6:05 इतने में 6:07 मां आई बेटा क्यों इतना नाराज हो रहा है, मम्मी देखो मुझे क्या मिला है   6:10 मम्मी कहती है  6:12 अरे तू तो बुद्धू बन गया तुझे याद नहीं कि अप्रैल की पहली 6:18 तारीख है, ये April fool कर रही थी  6:22 पति कहते हैं वही तो मैं सोच रहा था मेरी 6:25 पत्नी ऐसे कैसी हो सकती है 6:29 फिर से प्रेम हो गया अब देखिए प्रेम 6:32 कैसे अप-डाउन अप-डाउन गया ना ?  6:36 स्वार्थ के अनुसार यह सारा संसार 6:41 स्वार्थ सिद्धि का रंगमंच है  6:45 अब संसार में तो आप देखते हैं एक दुकानदार तो 6:51 आप expect करते हैं भई स्वार्थी है  6:54 वह अपनी दुकान को सजाता है सफेद चादर 6:57 लगाता है ट्यूबलाइट लगाता है और दिल्ली 7:01 मुंबई कोलकाता चेन्नई सब जगह से समान लाकर  7:04 रखता है सूरत से  7:07 और फिर सुबह 10:00 खड़ा हो जाता है 7:10 आप वहां से गुजर रहे हैं आइए आइए आइए 7:15 इतना सम्मान कर रहा है जितना अपने 7:17 दामाद का भी नहीं करता है 7:20 आप ने कहा  ना जान ना पहचान इतना सम्मान 7:24 ये कोई महापुरुष है ? दुकानदार जी यह 7:27 मार्केट में चप्पल की दुकान कौन सी है ? 7:30 देख नहीं सकते हो मेरी 7:33 कपड़े की दुकान है, वैराग्य हो गया,  7:37 आपकी तो कपड़े की दुकान है, मुझे चप्पल 7:40 चाहिए पहली बार आया हूं जरा गाइड कर दो 7:42 टाइम नहीं है आगे जाओ 7:46 आप फिर से प्रेम उत्पन्न करना चाहते 7:48 हैं अच्छा कपड़ा मुझे भी तो चाहिए था 25 7:52 मीटर Terrycot, आपके यहाँ मिलेगा ? हाँ जीं    7:56 फिर से प्रेम हो गया 8:00 अब अंदर गए उसने एक थान वहां पर रखी 8:03 दूसरी थान तथा तीसरी थान 25 थान वहां पर रख 8:06 दिए आपने कहा बस-बस क्या कर रहे हो भई 8:09 मुझे तो एक चाहिए, आप देख लीजिए, नहीं 8:14 पसंद आएगा हम तय करके रख देंगे हम आपके सेवक 8:17 हैं 8:19 कैसे सेवक हैं जब रेट की बात आई तब out हुआ  8:22 अच्छा इसका क्या रेट है यह तो Rs 265 per 8:27 metre 8:29 मैं 150 से अधिक नहीं दूंगा 8:33 अजी साहब आप क्या बात करते हैं बोनी का  8:36 समय है मैं आपको Rs 225 per metre में दे दूंगा नहीं  8:39 बिलकुल मैं 175 से आगे नहीं जाऊंगा 8:42 अजी साहब हम आपके लिए मिल रेट लगा रहे हैं 8:44 210 नहीं, मैं 180 आगे से नहीं जाऊंगा अब देखा 8:49 हिसाब नहीं बैठा ठीक है आगे जाओ फिर से 8:52 वैराग्य हो गया 8:54 यह दुकानदार का प्रेम तो अप-डाऊन 8:57 अप-डाउन जा रहा है स्वार्थ के अनुसार  9:01 ऐसे ही संसार में स्त्री पति मां बाप बेटा बेटी 9:06 का प्रेम भी अप-डाऊन अप-डाउन जाता है 9:10 स्वार्थ के अनुसार 9:12 क्यों ? यह किसी के वश की बात नहीं है 9:16 हम सब आनंद ब्रह्म के अंश हैं  9:21 भगवान आनंद सिंधु हैं हम उनके अंश हैं इसलिए हम 9:25 लोग भी आनंद चाहते हैं 9:29 वह आनंद अभी तक हमको मिला नहीं 9:33 तो आनंद के लिए हम प्रयत्नशील हैं 9:39 और अगर हम कहीं प्रेम करते हैं दूसरे 9:44 के आनंद के लिए नहीं अपने ही आनंद के लिए 9:48 करते हैं   9:50 “Verse”  10:02 यह वेद व्यास कहते हैं कि अगर कोई विवाह करता 10:08 है पुरूष, क्या वह पत्नी के सुख के लिए 10:11 करता ? अजी साहब अपने सुख के लिए करता है कोई 10:16 स्त्री पुरुष के सुख के लिए विवाह करती है? अजी साहब अपने सुख के लिए करती है   10:21 सब जीव अपने सुख के लिए प्रयत्न कर रहें हैं और ये करते जाएंगे  10:27 जब तक भगवान का आनंद नहीं मिलेगा  तो समझ जाओ यह 10:34 संसार स्वार्थ सिद्धि का रंगमंच है 10:39 और कोई आप के सुख के लिए आप से प्रेम नहीं 10:43 कर रहा है जब यह निश्चय होगा ना 10:47 तो वैराग्य होगा  10:51 इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि आप मुंह पर उनको 10:54 बोल दें स्त्री जा के पति से कहे मैं समझ 10:57 गई जी आप तो स्वार्थी हैं 11:00 पति कहे मैं भी समझ गया तुम बिल्कुल 11:02 स्वार्थी हो फिर तो महाभारत शुरू हो जाएगी 11:05 फिर स्वामी जी को दोष मत देना हम कह रहे 11:09 हैं कि भीतर से समझे रहिए कि यहां आपका कोई 11:13 संबंधी नहीं 11:15 आपके संबंधी भगवान है जो श्री कृष्ण यहां 11:20 पर कह रहे हैं “verse”  11:24 वह ऐसे संबंधी हैं  11:28 कि नित्यस्य  नाता है उनके साथ, नित्य 11:34 अनादि काल से हमारे अंदर बैठे हुए हैं, एक बॉल भर का 11:39 भी अंतर नहीं, हमारी आत्मा में 11:43 परमात्मा का निवास है 

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work) श्रीकृष्ण ने गीता में कहा सब मतलबी है, ये समझ लोगों तो बच जाओगे। Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Sunday, March 12, 2023

भगवान ने संसार क्यो बनाया? Why did God create this world ? by Swami Mukundanand

भगवान ने संसार क्यो बनाया? Why did God create this world ? by Swami Mukundanand Full Text: भगवान ने संसार क्यों बनाया ? स्वाभाविक प्रश्न उठाता है क्योंकि हम दुखी हैं, परेशान हैं, भगवान आनंदमय हैं, तो जो अखंड ज्ञानात्मक भगवान हैं, उनको क्या सूझी थी कि इस प्रकार से संसार बनाएं, हम लोग दुखी हों, परेशान हों तो ये प्रश्न बहुत से लोग पूछते हैं  इसका हम एक दृष्टांत (scenario) उत्तर के रूप में सुनाते हैं कि   एक अरबपति था, उसका इकलौता बेटा था, 15 साल का, वो अरबपति एक दिन ऑफिस से बाहर गया हुआ था tour पर, बेटा ऑफिस में खेल रहा था, टाइम पास कर रहा था, पिताजी के ऑफिस में, उसको एक 15 वर्ष पुराना समाचार पत्र दिखा, उसकी दृष्टि गई वहां पर Headlines थी, “अरबपति ने एक अनाथ बच्चे को गोद लिया”, उसका हृदय धक हो गया ध्यान से पड़ा उसके पिताजी का नाम लिखा था उसने कहा, क्या ? मैं गोद में लिया हुआ बच्चा हूं ? जब पिताजी वापस आए कुछ घंटे के बाद, उसने कहा, पिताजी, यह समाचार पत्र देखिए इसमें क्या सही लिखा है ?

पिताजी की गर्दन झुक गई, उन्होंने कहा बेटा यह सही है, 15 साल पहले मैंने तुझे गोद लिया था, तू अनाथ था   बेटे का हृदय टूट गया उसने कहा, पिताजी, मैं आपसे प्रश्न करता हूं कि आपने मुझे गोद क्यों लिया ? वह अरबपति ने बड़ा सुंदर उत्तर दिया, उसने कहा बेटा मैं तो अरबों का मलिक हूँ, मेरे पास कोई धन की कमी नहीं थी और धन से संसार का सभी कुछ खरीदा जाता है, मेरे पास किसी समान की कमी नहीं थी, ना ऐश्वर्य ना  प्रतिष्ठान (establishments,house properties etc),  ना संसार के भोग सामग्री की लेकिन मैं कमी अनुभव करता था कि मेरे पास कोई नहीं है, जिसको मैं यह सब दे सकूँ, जिसके साथ मैं यह सब बांट सकूँ, तो मैंने तुझे इसलिए गोद लिया ताकि अपना सब कुछ मैं तुझे दे सकूँ, उसमें जो सुख मिलेगा, वह इसके उपभोग में नहीं मिलेगा, ऐसे ही भगवान तो परिपूर्ण हैं, आत्माराम हैं, पूर्ण काम हैं, सदा तृप्त हैं, सर्व शक्ति संयुक्त हैं, उन्हें किसी चीज की कमीं नहीं, लेकिन वो जीव को बनाए हैं       अनादि काल से बनाएं हैं इसलिए बनाएं कि यह जीव एक दिन योग्य हो जाएगा और जब योग्य हो जाएगा, अपना सब कुछ मैं जीव को दे दूंगा, अपना अनंत ज्ञान, अपना अनंत प्रेम, अपना अनंत आनंद, तो भगवान हमको इसलिए नहीं बनाए की हमको संसार में जूते चप्पल पड़ें, भगवान इसके लिए बनाए कि एक दिन हम योग्य पुत्र बन के, सपूत बन के, और भगवान की सब आध्यात्मिक संपत्ति में भागीदार बन जाएं    Why did God create the world?   It is a natural question because we are sad, troubled, God is blissful, so what made God who is full of eternal knowledge, to create the world in this way, so that we are sad and troubled.   Many people ask this question, we tell you a scenario as an answer to this:   There was a billionaire, he had an only son, 15 years old, one day that billionaire had gone out of office on a tour, the son was playing in the office, passing time, in his father's office, he saw a 15 year old newspaper, his eyes fell on it, the headlines were, "Billionaire adopts an orphan child", his heart skipped a beat.   He read carefully, his father's name was written there, he said, what?  Am I an adopted child ?. When his father returned after a few hours, he said, father, see this newspaper, what is written in it ?   The father bowed his head and said, “Son, this is true. I adopted you 15 years ago. You were an orphan.” The son’s heart was broken. He said, “Father, I ask you, why did you adopt me?” That billionaire gave a very beautiful answer, he said   Son, I am the owner of billions, I had no dearth of money and with money everything in the world can be bought, I had no dearth of anything, neither wealth nor establishments, house properties etc., nor material for worldly pleasures   But I felt the lack that I had no one to whom I could give all this, with whom I could share all this   So I adopted you so that I could give you everything of mine, the happiness that I would get in that, I would not get by consuming this, similarly God is perfect, He is self-sufficient, He is perfect in fulfilling all wishes, He is always satisfied, He is Omnipotent, He does not lack anything, but He has created the living beings & His entire creation, He has created them since time immemorial   He created them so that one day this living being will become worthy and when he will become worthy, I will give everything of Mine to the living being, my infinite knowledge, my infinite love, my infinite bliss   So God did not create us so that we have to undergo all the miseries & hardships of this world, God created it so that one day we become worthy sons, and share in all the spiritual wealth & powers of God Transcript 0:00 भगवान ने संसार क्यों बनाया, 0:04 स्वाभाविक प्रश्न उठाता है क्योंकि हम 0:07 दुखी हैं, परेशान हैं, भगवान आनंदमय हैं, तो जो 0:11 अखंड ज्ञानात्मक भगवान हैं, उनको क्या सूझी 0:14 थी कि इस प्रकार से संसार बनाएं, हम लोग 0:18 दुखी हों, परेशान हों, तो ये प्रश्न बहुत से 0:21 लोग पूछते हैं 0:23 इसका हम एक 0:25 दृष्टांत (scenario) उत्तर के रूप में सुनाते हैं कि 0:30 एक अरबपति था, 0:33 उसका इकलौता बेटा था, 15 साल का, 0:38 वो अरबपति एक दिन ऑफिस से बाहर गया हुआ था 0:42 tour पर, बेटा ऑफिस में खेल रहा था, टाइम पास 0:46 कर रहा था, पिताजी के ऑफिस में, 0:49 उसको एक 15 वर्ष पुराना समाचार पत्र दिखा, 0:55 उसकी दृष्टि गई वहां पर 0:59 हैडलाइंस थी, 1:01 अरबपति ने 1:03 एक अनाथ बच्चे को गोद लिया, 1:09 उसका हृदय धक हो गया, 1:12 ध्यान से पड़ा उसके पिताजी का नाम लिखा था 1:18 उसने कहा, क्या ? 1:21 मैं गोद में लिया हुआ बच्चा हूं ? 1:27 जब पिताजी वापस आए कुछ घंटे के बाद, उसने 1:31 कहा, पिताजी, यह समाचार पत्र देखिए इसमें 1:36 क्या सही लिखा है ? 1:39 पिताजी की गर्दन झुक गई, 1:43 उन्होंने कहा बेटा यह सही है, 15 साल पहले 1:47 मैंने तुझे गोद लिया था, तू अनाथ था   1:53 बेटे का हृदय टूट गया, 1:56 उसने कहा, पिताजी, मैं आपसे प्रश्न करता हूं 2:01 कि आपने मुझे गोद क्यों लिया ? 2:08 वह अरबपति ने 2:11 बड़ा सुंदर उत्तर दिया, उसने कहा बेटा मैं 2:16 तो अरबों का मलिक हूँ, 2:18 मेरे पास कोई धन की कमी नहीं थी और धन से 2:23 संसार का सभी कुछ खरीदा जाता है, मेरे पास 2:27 किसी समान की कमी नहीं थी, ना ऐश्वर्य ना 2:32 प्रतिष्ठान (establishments,house properties etc),  ना संसार के भोग सामग्री की, 2:36 लेकिन मैं कमी अनुभव करता था कि मेरे पास 2:42 कोई नहीं है, जिसको मैं यह सब दे 2:47 सकूँ, जिसके साथ मैं यह सब बांट सकूँ, तो 2:51 मैंने तुझे इसलिए गोद लिया ताकि अपना सब 2:55 कुछ मैं तुझे दे सकूँ, उसमें जो सुख 2:59 मिलेगा, वह इसके उपभोग में नहीं मिलेगा, ऐसे ही भगवान तो परिपूर्ण हैं, आत्माराम हैं, पूर्ण काम हैं, सदा तृप्त हैं, सर्व शक्ति संयुक्त हैं, उन्हें किसी चीज की कमीं नहीं, लेकिन वो जीव को बनाए हैं       3:19 अनादि काल से बनाएं हैं, इसलिए बनाएं कि यह जीव एक 3:25 दिन योग्य हो जाएगा और जब योग्य हो जाएगा, 3:29 अपना सब कुछ मैं जीव को दे दूंगा, अपना 3:35 अनंत ज्ञान, अपना अनंत प्रेम, अपना अनंत 3:40 आनंद, तो भगवान हमको इसलिए नहीं बनाए की 3:45 हमको संसार में जूते चप्पल पड़ें, भगवान 3:48 इसके लिए बनाए कि एक दिन हम योग्य पुत्र 3:53 बन के, सपूत बन के, और भगवान की सब 3:58 आध्यात्मिक संपत्ति में भागीदार बन जाएं

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work):

भगवान ने संसार क्यो बनाया Why did God create this world by Swami Mukundananda.mp4