Saturday, November 21, 2020


Unless you make self effort to know yourself - who you are & why you came here, God's grace cannot help

भगवान की कृपा तो सब पर है – भगवान अपने श्री मुख से कहते हैं : 

“सब मम प्रिय, सब मम उपजाए, सब पर मोहि बराबर दाया”

मगर जब तक कोई “अपनी कृपा स्वयं पर” नहीं करे तो भगवान भी मदद नहीं कर पाते.          

This is what distinguishes a devotee (अपनी कृपा स्वयं पर करते हैं) from a non-devotee (अपनी कृपा स्वयं पर नहीं करते हैं)         

If a utensil is kept in inverted position, open face downwards – तो प्रलयकारी मेघ भी बरस जाएं तो उसे नहीं भर सकते – then even calamitous clouds burst cannot fill that utensil

जिसने अपना सोया विवेक जगाना ही नहीं है, उसे ब्रह्मा स्वयं भी नहीं समझ सकते       

One who is bent upon letting its “Discrimination power” (विवेक) sleep only & wants to do whatever one’s mind chooses to, i.e., one is led by one’s mind ( जो मन करता है खा लिया, पी लिया, जहां मन करता है चले गए,....) rather than mastering the mind & be a mastermind, even Lord Brahma cannot make him understand about importance of Lord.     

“मूर्ख को समझाना सरल है, पंडित को समझाना और भी सरल है, लेकिन जो है तो मूर्ख, पर अपने आप को समझता है पंडित, उसे श्री ब्रह्मा जी भी नहीं समझा सकते” 

“कहत सुनत दशा हृदय नहीं आवे” 

you cannot appreciate the feeling of bliss of devotion only by casual reading or casual listening – you have to have sincerity of purpose for your invaluable human life  & seriously dive deep into the core of bhakti - to utilise the precious moments of our lives)

Unless a radio equipment "tunes" itself to a radio station or a TV "tunes" itself to its satellite signal or a mobile handset "tunes" itself to its "parent" station, how can the device work ? Not at all ,i.e., no device can work independently on one’s own. 

Similarly unless one "tunes" itself in accordance with signal of Lord, and tries to do everything on his own, is doomed.  

This tuning is to make self effort in knowing about oneself - 1. who is he/she  2. why he/she came to the world ,i.e., what is the purpose of his/her being sent to this world & 3. who sent him here.

Soul is constitutionally the supreme authority of body as designed by Lord but we let our mind, a lower authority, do its own bidding & control us. 

Mind is clueless & direction less, it ought to be controlled by soul through intellect’s discriminating power  (विवेक) but we do not awaken our discriminating power  (विवेक) – this is how we are led by illusion (माया) & waste our lives by going here & there & not in the proper prescribed direction of Lord.

इसलिए अपने आप का खुद पर “आत्म कल्याण करें”