Sunday, June 6, 2021

Understanding the 2 Rules of God - Swami Mukundananda 

Understanding the 2 Rules of God

0. God does not do any in-justice, He gives only 2 things: one is nyay (Justice) and other is kripa (Grace)

0.12 nyay means he will note our karmas, he will keep an account and will bestow the results

0.24 our soul says O God "I do not want justice from you, I just want your grace", because if you go by justice I will never be saved, I have got so many karmas of so many lifetimes, I have got my karmas for infinite lifetimes and even if I do only good karmas in 1000 lives , Infinity -1,000 is still equal to Infinity, so I will keep on repeating the bad results of my karma

0.54 all of us have got paap (sins) and punya (pious deed) from endless lifetimes

1.27 Dhritrashtra asked Krishna after the war which sins he had committed so that he had to see the death of his 100 sons - Krishna reminded him that He remembers all previous karmas of all previous lifetimes

2.24 so we have got paap and punya of infinite lifetimes ; only one way to get rid of it and that is if God bestows his grace. By His grace He will burn all the paap and punya of previous lifetimes.

2.37. God has said in Gita :   Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

3.04 so, we want God's grace; for that we have to surrender to Him

3.14 what does surrender mean. It means O God my faith is fixed nowhere BUT only in Your grace. My faith is not in my strength, not in my wealth, not in my prestige, not in my knowledge, not in my abilities, my faith is only in You

3.46 that was the surrender of Draupadi - full incident of Lord's grace is explained here

6.57 surrender means that I am nothing, O God you are my only strength

7.04 जब लग गज बल अपनो बरतयो, नेक हु नहीं सरयो काम - as long as Gajraj (elephant) had faith in his own strength, God did not come  

BUT निर्बल है जब नाम पुकारयो, आए आधे नाम - when Gajraj felt powerless and called out to God, then Lord came immediately    

7.32 surrender is not name of a sadhana ("means" / directed effort towards Lord) -surrender is a state of thinking that I have no means (साधन हीन) to reach God

7.43 but to reach that stage you have to do sadhana,  that stage will not come automatically, you have to do sadhana to destroy the ego, you have to do sadhana to realise that you have really no means to reach God

7.59 that is why Maharshi Vashishtha told Rama to adopt these two apparently contradictory theories - externally endeavour with full energy as if everything depends on you but internally, on the contrary, leave everything to God grace.

8.28 now if you say externally also, I will not do anything means you are not yet surrendered, you have not yet destroyed the ego

8.36 so until we have destroyed the ego we have to endeavor completely

8.41 when we are fully surrendered God will take over