Monday, January 4, 2010

Thought of the Day 4th Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai


Thought of the Day 4th Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai

I am in you, around you, within you, above you, guiding you and guarding you at all times. - Baba


While the Lord is ever by the side, people are busy searching for God all over the world! By exploring the external, you can never purify the internal.

 It is essential to transform your consciousness.

 Rectify your conduct and actions, because everything depends on your actions.

 Adhering to the righteous path with a pure heart, you have to divinise your life.

 All prayers, japas and pujas that are offered are only intended to purify the heart.

 All those who achieved greatness in any field, be it education or science have been able to do so solely because of their conduct.

 Neither physical strength nor wealth, not even intellectual ability can make one respected and honoured.

 It is the way one lives that confers honour and dignity on him.

 If you entertain righteous thoughts, you will realise that all of you are in God’s home.

 The whole universe is a mansion of God! Once you realise this truth, how can any differences arise? - Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1989.


Thought of the Day 4th Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai


Thought of the Day 4th Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai

I am in you, around you, within you, above you, guiding you and guarding you at all times. - Baba


While the Lord is ever by the side, people are busy searching for God all over the world! By exploring the external, you can never purify the internal.

 It is essential to transform your consciousness.

 Rectify your conduct and actions, because everything depends on your actions.

 Adhering to the righteous path with a pure heart, you have to divinise your life.

 All prayers, japas and pujas that are offered are only intended to purify the heart.

 All those who achieved greatness in any field, be it education or science have been able to do so solely because of their conduct.

 Neither physical strength nor wealth, not even intellectual ability can make one respected and honoured.

 It is the way one lives that confers honour and dignity on him.

 If you entertain righteous thoughts, you will realise that all of you are in God’s home.

 The whole universe is a mansion of God! Once you realise this truth, how can any differences arise? - Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1989.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thought of the Day 3rd Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai


Thought of the Day 3rd Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai

As long as you have desires, you will never be happy and peaceful.

- Baba


Of what use is a mountain of bookish knowledge, if you cannot secure real happiness as a human being?

Will God not take care of man if he places faith in the Divine?

What is it that is achieved by ceaseless preoccupation with earning a living and forgetting the all-pervading Lord?

The essence of education consists in cultivation of good qualities and development of right values for meaningful living.

 Everybody clamours for peace saying, “I want peace.

” But can peace be found in the external world which is only filled with pieces? Peace has to be found within oneself by getting rid of the “I” and “desire”.

 Peace is destroyed by the ego and by insatiable desires.

 Restrain your desires.

 Man is haunted by endless worries of many kinds.

 Only by turning his mind towards God, can he get rid of the worries.

 People have to reduce desires and cultivate detachment (vairagya) so they can have real peace of mind.

 - Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1989.


Thought of the Day 3rd Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai


Thought of the Day 3rd Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai

As long as you have desires, you will never be happy and peaceful.

- Baba


Of what use is a mountain of bookish knowledge, if you cannot secure real happiness as a human being?

Will God not take care of man if he places faith in the Divine?

What is it that is achieved by ceaseless preoccupation with earning a living and forgetting the all-pervading Lord?

The essence of education consists in cultivation of good qualities and development of right values for meaningful living.

 Everybody clamours for peace saying, “I want peace.

” But can peace be found in the external world which is only filled with pieces? Peace has to be found within oneself by getting rid of the “I” and “desire”.

 Peace is destroyed by the ego and by insatiable desires.

 Restrain your desires.

 Man is haunted by endless worries of many kinds.

 Only by turning his mind towards God, can he get rid of the worries.

 People have to reduce desires and cultivate detachment (vairagya) so they can have real peace of mind.

 - Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1989.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thought of the Day 2nd Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai


Thought of the Day 2nd Jan 2010 by Shri Sathya Sai

Do not waste time.

 Do not fear anyone.

 God is Love.

 Live in love.

 - Baba


Every second is the birth of a new year.

 Seconds add up to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to months and months to years.

 Thus, there is no particular sanctity about the beginning or ending of a year.

 There are people who attribute special significance to this day and speculate on some extraordinary or awesome events to take place.

 The time or date is not the cause of your happiness or misery.

 Your own actions (Karma) in the past are the cause of both your happiness and misery.

 As is the seed, so is the plant and fruit; they cannot be different.

 Do not waste your mental energy in speculations of this or that happening! Embodiments of Love! When actions performed by you are proper and pure, you will get good results only! God is the master of time.

 He transcends time.

 God should be your first priority! Cultivate pure, steady and unselfish love in the New Year! - Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 2000.