Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How To Find Inspiration From Within? by Swami Mukundananda

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4 Full Text :   1  It is said, count not your life in the number of breaths that you breathe, count your life in the number of moments that took your breath away  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=8  2  These were the moments when we were fully inspired, inspiration is the fuel that energizes our life, it empowers ordinary people to put in their best and become experts in their respective fields and lack of inspiration transforms geniuses into ordinary people.  Hence inspiration is such a vital ingredient, if we are inspired, the biggest obstacle seems puny, and when uninspired, a tiny difficulty seems like an unsurmountable hurdle - that is why somebody said that you may lose everything in life except your enthusiasm and you will gain it all back again but that person who has lost his enthusiasm, he is truly bankrupt  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=23  3  Henry David Thoreau said nobody is as old as he who has outgrown enthusiasm, so whether it is a material endeavor or a spiritual endeavor, enthusiasm makes the difference between failure and success  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=106  4  that is why Jesus told his followers, be either hot or cold, if you are lukewarm, I spit you out. The yoga darshan says “verse”, in your pursuit of the Supreme Goal (God), endeavor with all your enthusiasm  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=133  5  the great sage Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, related 50 years ago in india. Farming used to be done by the bulls, so farmers would bring these young bulls to the fair to sell them and customers would come to purchase but how do they come to know which bull is energetic and will do its work ?  So the customer would kick the sitting bull in the back on its tail, if the bull continued to sit, the farmer would decide this bull is no good and if the bull got up, the farmer would think this bull has got energy in it, it is worthwhile and will do good work  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=166  6  so inspiration has been recognized as the ingredient for success in all fields. Is it something that we are born with ? No, we can change our inspiration, sometimes circumstances are responsible for it  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=221  7  there was once a factory worker, he used to work in the evening shift from 4 p.m. till midnight. The factory was an hour away from his house and he would walk down to it, at midnight he would return walking, there was a graveyard in the way, so on this night he decided to take the shortcut, he walked through that graveyard and saved a full half an hour.  Nothing untoward happened in the graveyard so he thought it safe and he can do it every day. Now daily after his factory shift he would take the shortcut. One day unknown to him a new grave had been dug, right on the path, it was a moonless cloudy pitch dark night. Walking along the path, he suddenly fell into the grave, now he realized that he has fallen into a new grave, he tried to claw his way out but found it was difficult,  it was seven feet deep so he decided to spend the night there and next day somebody would come to take him out. A few moments went by and a drunkard came that way, the drunkard with his intellect Destroyed, also fell into the grave.  Now the drunkard became scared and came to his senses, I'm in a grave in this graveyard on the other side of midnight, I hope no spirits make their appearance, let me get out of here as quickly as Possible, he was trying to claw his way up but finding it impossible and this man sitting on the other side was watching the drama.  So he decided to convey his wisdom to the drunkard and unannounced he came from the back and battered him, my dear fellow. What does the drunkard find, there's a hand on his back, that man announced there is no use trying, you cannot get out.  The drunkard was scared out of his wits, suddenly he found the inspiration to get out, he leapt a few more inches until he reached the edge and pulled himself out. Now that inspiration within him triggered his save.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=250  8  so it's not that people don't have the ability to be inspired. Factory managers say their workers are uninspired but see them on Friday afternoons, when they get out of the factory, how inspired they are ! So this is a quality that we can develop within ourselves, how do we tap into this ?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=418  9  factors were analyzed that motivate or demotivate people. It was found that if the boss has been too harsh on the Subordinate, it is demotivating but the same situation seemed to motivate others. One man says okay now I will not give my best, the other says really I'll put in so much of hard work that my boss will have to accept that I am good. Now what motivates them and what demotivates  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=449  10  in Toronto, social scientists interviewed two brothers, one of them was a drunkard a derelict (a person abandoned by society, especially a person without a permanent home and means of support), he had psoriasis ( Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches ) of the liver he was a wife beater, and had repeatedly gone to prison.  And his younger brother, his life was a complete success. So the social scientists asked the elder brother, why are you in such a mess ? he said what else could I be, my father was a drunkard, he was an alcoholic, wife-beater, I saw him make his life such a mess, I grew up in those circumstances, how could I be any better ?  The scientist said, you know he has got a point. Yhey asked the younger brother, how come you have got it all right - your health is good, you don't have vices, you have a wonderful harmonious family, you are well praised in your work, what is the secret of your success ? He said, how could I not do it like this, I saw my father make all the mistakes and there was no way I could repeat them.  The scientist said, you know he has also got a point. Now in the same environment, one is getting motivated the other is getting Demotivated, what then is the secret of motivation ?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=491  11  This lesson was taught to me by my spiritual master many decades ago when he called me to his monastery and he asked me to study the scriptures so that I may distribute this Knowledge.  Subsequently as a part of my study I felt that I should also practice public speaking because I would need that skill later. The only problem was that there was no public in that monastery, so I would try speaking to a wall and there can be nothing more demotivating than speaking to a wall because it will not even say, I don't like the joke that you are saying - so after 5-10 minutes I would become uninspired and stop.  I went to my guru and said can you please designate somebody who will sit and listen to me for an hour every day while I speak to him. He utilized that situation as an opportunity to teach me a life lesson, he Said, look my child, inspiration or the lack of it don't have to come from the outside they can all happen from the inside  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=662  12  Remember this formula all your life, if you develop an intense desire, you will then make a firm resolve. When you have a firm resolve, you will put in immense effort and that is how you will become but if your desire is weak, the resolve will be mild, the effort will be marginal and that is how you will become  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=758  13  When I received that instruction from my guru, I said now I need to follow it, come hell or high water. I understood that carelessness is coming from the inside and I have the ability to remove it. After that I was able to give talks to walls, to bushes, to corn fields, to water canals, to anything - it became the easiest thing because I tapped in to the inner source  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=794  14  so if we wish to lead an inspired life, we must learn to develop the quality of inner motivation and how do you get motivated from within ? Give yourself a strong reason, a strong why. When you have a strong reason for doing something, you automatically become motivated. If you wish to be inspired to follow that healthy diet,  if you wish to be inspired to stick to your daily regimen of exercise and yoga every day, convince yourself of the benefits you will get from that regimen, convince yourself of the harm you will cause yourself by not sticking to the regimen, that is “Why Power”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=827  15  this “Why Power” is extremely powerful. We people think the mind is not under my control but that's not really true. If the intellect decides something is important, it has the ability to hold the mind in its control.  Consider for example you have a weakness for some delicacy, some butterscotch or chocolate chip ice cream and you have been fasting for two days, after two days your friend brings for you the ice cream.  Now the mind yearns for it, I want that, the mind asks the intellect there is great pleasure in front of me, can we indulge ? the intellect sanctions, go ahead, and the intellect has instructed the mind the mind has instructed the hand and the hand has put the spoon there and it's bringing the spoon to the mouth.  At that moment, if your second friend comes and says what are you doing, you wish to die ? what do you mean? I mean, there is poison in it potassium cyanide, intellect says potassium cyanide ? this is dangerous, throw it, the intellect instructs the mind, the mind has instructed the hand and the hand has chucked that ice-cream.  This person has suddenly got the ability to resist, where did it come from ? it was the power of the intellect over the mind. You want to test his detachment ? offer him a million dollars, sir, eat it, I will give you a million dollars, he says what will a dead man do with the million dollars, I don't want it.  Oh but have you seen anybody put poison in it ? No, have you ever seen poison in your life ? No, But then my friend has told me there is poison. Is your friend absolutely reliable and honest and trustworthy ? No, I have caught him telling lies a few times, a friend who is not completely trustworthy, his one statement enabled you to desist from indulging in that object of pleasure which was the ice cream merely by the conviction of the intellect  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=892  16  so if we can tap into the “Why Power”, that will then enable us to enthuse ourselves and bring out the best in us in the desired task and enable us to bring out the best we have to perform the task at hand. How then can we develop this “Why Power”, how then can we convince our intellect to tap in to this vast reservoir of inspiration, we will discuss this some other time  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U4M21OPIm4&t=1070  Transcript 0:08 it is said count not your life in the 0:14 number of breaths that you breathe count 0:19 your life in the number of moments that 0:23 took your breath away these were the 0:28 moments when we were fully inspired 0:34 inspiration is the fuel that energizes 0:39 our life it empowers ordinary people to 0:44 put in their best and become experts in 0:49 their respective fields and lack of 0:53 inspiration transforms geniuses into 0:58 ordinary people hence inspiration is 1:03 such a vital ingredient if we are 1:08 inspired the biggest obstacle seems puny 1:14 what is this 1:16 and when uninspired a tiny difficulty 1:21 seems like an unsurmountable hurdle that 1:27 is why somebody said that you may lose 1:32 everything in life but your enthusiasm 1:36 and you will gain it all back again but 1:42 that person who has lost his enthusiasm 1:46 now he is truly bankrupt Henry David 1:53 Thoreau said nobody is as old as he who 1:58 has outgrown enthusiasm so whether it is 2:03 a material endeavor or a spiritual 2:07 endeavor 2:08 enthusiasm makes the difference between 2:13 failure and success that is why Jesus 2:20 told his followers be either hot or cold 2:25 if you are lukewarm I spit you out the 2:30 yoga darshan says “verse”, in your pursuit of the supreme 2:40 goal endeavor with all your enthusiasm  2:46 the great sage ramakrishna paramahamsa 2:49 related 50 years ago in india farming 2:55 used to be done by the Bulls so farmers 2:59 would bring these young Bulls to the 3:03 fair to sell them and customers would 3:07 come to purchase but how do they come to 3:11 know which bull is energetic and will do 3:14 its work so the customer would kick the 3:19 Sitting Bull in the back on its tail if 3:24 the bull continued to sit the farmer 3:29 would decide this bull is no good and if 3:33 the bull got up the farmer would think 3:37 this bull has got energy in it it is 3:41 worthwhile and will do good work so 3:46 inspiration has been recognized as the 3:49 ingredient for success in all fields is 3:54 it something that we are born with no we 4:01 can change our inspiration sometimes 4:06 circumstances are responsible for it 4:10 there was once a factory worker he used 4:14 to work in the evening shift from 4 p.m. 4:18 till midnight 4:19 the factory was an hour away from his 4:22 house and he would walk down to it at 4:25 midnight he would return walking there 4:30 was a graveyard in the way so on this 4:34 night he decided to take the shortcut he 4:38 walked through that graveyard and saved 4:42 a full half an hour nothing untoward 4:46 happened in the graveyard so he thought 4:49 it safe and he can do it every day now 4:53 Daily after his factory shift he would 4:56 take the shortcut 4:58 one day unknown to him a new grave had 5:02 been dug right on the path it was a 5:07 moonless cloudy night pitch dark walking 5:12 along the path he suddenly fell into the 5:16 grave now he realized that he has fallen 5:21 into a new grave he tried to claw his 5:25 way out but found it was difficult it 5:28 was seven feet deep so he decided to 5:31 spend the night there and next day 5:34 somebody would come to take him out a 5:36 few moments went by and a drunkard came 5:41 that way the drunkard with his intellect 5:45 destroyed also fell into the grave now 5:50 the drunkard became scared and came to 5:53 his senses I'm in a grave in this 5:56 graveyard on the other side of midnight 5:59 I hope no spirits make their appearance 6:04 let me get out of here as quickly as 6:07 possible he was trying to claw his way 6:10 up but finding it impossible and this 6:13 man sitting on the other side was 6:14 watching the drama so he decided to 6:18 convey his wisdom to the drunkard 6:21 and unannounced he came from the back 6:23 and battered him My dear fellow what 6:28 does the drunkard find there's a hand on 6:31 his back that man announced there is no 6:35 use trying you cannot get out 6:37 the drunkard was scared out of his wits 6:42 suddenly he found the inspiration to get 6:46 out he leapt a few more inches until he 6:49 reached the edge and pulled himself out 6:53 now that inspiration within him changed  6:58 so it's not that people don't have the 7:02 ability to be inspired factory managers 7:06 say their workers are uninspired but see 7:10 them on Friday afternoons when they get 7:12 out of the factory how inspired they are 7:15 so this is a quality that we can develop 7:20 within ourselves how do we tap into this 7:29 factors were analyzed that motivate or  7:33 demotivate people it was found that if the 7:38 boss has been too harsh on the 7:40 subordinate it is demotivating if the 7:44 boss has criticized it is demotivating 7:48 but the same situation seemed to 7:51 motivate others one man says okay now I 7:55 will not give my best the other says 7:57 really I'll put in so much of hard work 8:01 that my boss will have to accept that I 8:05 am good now what motivates them and what 8:09 Demotivates  8:11 in Toronto social scientists interviewed 8:17 two brothers one of them was a drunkard 8:23 a derelict he had psoriasis of the liver 8:26 he was a wife beater and had repeatedly 8:30 gone to prison 8:32 and his younger brother his life was a 8:35 complete success so the social 8:38 scientists asked the elder brother and 8:41 why are you in such a mess he said what 8:46 else could I be my father was a drunkard 8:50 he was an alcoholic wife-beater I saw 8:55 him make his life such a mess I grew up 8:58 in those circumstances how could I be 9:02 any better the scientist said you know 9:05 he has got a point they asked the 9:09 younger brother how come you have got it 9:11 all right your health is good you don't 9:13 have vices you have a wonderful 9:16 harmonious family you are well praised 9:20 in your work what is the secret of your 9:23 success he said how could I not do it 9:28 like this I saw my father make all the 9:31 mistakes and there was no way I could 9:34 repeat them the scientist said you know 9:38 he has also got a point 9:40 now in the same environment one is 9:44 getting motivated the other is getting 9:48 demotivated what then is the secret of 9:53 motivation the point to understand is 9:58 there are two kinds of motivation the 10:03 first is external motivation and the 10:07 second is inner motivation external 10:12 motivation means to be inspired by 10:16 rewards that others offer if your boss 10:21 says work hard and you will get a 10:24 promotion that is an external motivation 10:27 now in that case the key to your 10:30 inspiration lies in the hands of others 10:33 tomorrow he does not give you the 10:36 promotion you get demotivated 10:40 however if we are internally motivated 10:44 we can always tap into that source 10:48 irrespective of the external environment 10:52 so as we grow and mature in life this 10:57 inner motivation is the one that we need 11:02 to reach out this lesson was taught 11:06 to me by my spiritual master many 11:10 decades ago when he called me to his 11:15 monastery and he asked me to study the 11:20 scriptures so that I may distribute this 11:23 knowledge subsequently as a part of my 11:28 study I felt that I should also practice 11:31 public speaking because I would need 11:34 that skill later the only problem was 11:38 that there was no public in that 11:40 monastery so I would try speaking to a 11:44 wall and there can be nothing more 11:48 demotivating than speaking to a wall 11:51 because it will not even say I don't 11:54 like the joke that you are saying so 11:57 after 5-10 minutes I would become 12:00 uninspired and stop I went to my guru 12:05 and said can you please designate 12:09 somebody who will sit and listen to me 12:12 for an hour every day while I speak to 12:15 him he utilized that situation as an 12:20 opportunity to teach me a life lesson he 12:25 said look my child inspiration or the 12:30 lack of it don't have to come from the 12:33 outside they can all happen from the 12:38 inside remember this formula all your 12:42 life if you develop an intense desire 12:48 you will then make a firm resolve 12:52 when you have a firm resolve you will 12:56 put in immense effort and that is how 12:59 you will become but if your desire is 13:04 weak the resolve will be mild the effort 13:10 will be marginal and that is how you 13:14 will become when I received that 13:18 instruction from my guru I said now I 13:22 need to follow it come hell or high 13:25 water I understood that carelessness is 13:29 coming from the inside and I have the 13:32 ability to remove it after that I was 13:36 able to give talks to walls to bushes to 13:40 corn fields to water canals to anything 13:44 it became the easiest thing because I 13:47 tapped in to the inner source so if we 13:54 wish to lead an inspired life we must 13:59 learn to develop the quality of inner 14:03 motivation and how do you get motivated 14:06 from within give yourself a strong 14:12 reason a strong why when you have a 14:18 strong reason for doing something you 14:22 automatically become motivated if you 14:25 wish to be inspired to follow that 14:28 healthy diet if you wish to be inspired 14:32 to stick to your daily regimen of 14:35 exercise and yoga every day convince 14:38 yourself of the benefits you will get 14:41 from that regimen convince yourself of 14:45 the harm you will cause yourself by not 14:50 sticking to the regimen 14:52 that is “Why Power” this “Why Power” is 14:58 extremely powerful we people think the 15:03 mind is not under my control but that's 15:08 not really true if the intellect decides 15:12 something is important it has the 15:15 ability to hold the mind in its control 15:21 consider for example you have a weakness 15:26 for some delicacy some butterscotch or 15:32 chocolate chip ice cream and you have 15:35 been fasting for two days after two days 15:39 your friend brings for you the ice cream 15:42 now the mind yearns for it 15:47 I want that the mind asks the intellect 15:52 there is great pleasure in front of me 15:55 can we indulge the intellect sanctions 15:59 go ahead and the intellect has 16:02 instructed the mind the mind has 16:03 instructed the hand and the hand has put 16:06 the spoon there and it's bringing the 16:08 spoon to the mouth at that moment if 16:11 your second friend comes and says what 16:15 are you doing you wish to die what 16:19 do you mean I mean there is poison in it 16:22 potassium cyanide, intellect says 16:25 potassium cyanide ? 16:27 this is dangerous throw it the intellect 16:30 instructs the mind the mind has 16:32 instructed the hand and the hand has 16:34 chucked that ice-cream here this person 16:38 has suddenly got the ability to resist 16:43 where did it come from it was the power 16:47 of the intellect over the mind 16:51 you want to test his detachment offer 16:55 him a million dollars sir eat it I will 16:58 give you a million dollars he says what 17:02 will a dead man do with the million 17:04 dollars I don't want it oh but have you 17:08 seen anybody put poison in it no have 17:13 you ever seen poison in your life no 17:16 then my friend has told me there is 17:19 poison is your friend absolutely 17:24 reliable and honest and trustworthy no 17:27 no I have caught him telling lies a few 17:29 times a friend who is not completely 17:33 trustworthy his one statement enabled 17:38 you to desist from indulging in that 17:42 object of pleasure which was the ice 17:45 cream merely by the conviction of the 17:50 intellect so if we can tap into the 17:54 “Why Power” that will then enable us 18:01 to enthuse ourselves and bring out the 18:07 best in us in the desired task and 18:13 enable us to bring out the best we have 18:17 to perform the task at hand how then can 18:26 we develop this why power how then can 18:33 we convince our intellect to tap in to 18:41 this vast reservoir of inspiration we 18:47 will discuss this some other time

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): How To Find Inspiration From Within Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Monday, February 21, 2022

What Does Surrender to God Truly Mean? | Part 1 - 6 Conditions for Surrender | Swami Mukundananda


What Does Surrender to God Truly Mean? | Part 1 - 6 Conditions for Surrender | Swami Mukundananda

Main Points:

1  There was one person who was serious of making a guru, so he went to a holy place in India and holy places have so many mahatmas. He went to the ashram of a mahatma and said Babaji, can you please make me your disciple ?  I wish you to be my guru. The Mahatma ji blew a mantra in his ear & said हो गया बेटा, the disciple said  guru ji, what have you given me ? Guru ji said, I've given you Go-Lok, when you die, I will meet you at the gate and get you inside, now give me my dakshina.  The disciple said guru ji, Dakshina ? I have given you Allen (name of a school in USA) and if you want I’ll add flavour to it  and if it's not enough I’ll add Frisco (name of the city of USA, in which Allen school is there) as well, the Guru said, badmash  this Allen & Frisco & Plano (name of another city near Frisco, of USA )-do they belong to your father that you’ve given them to me.  The disciple said does this Go-Lok belong to your father that you’ve given to me, you tell me what I'm supposed to do, you just blew the mantra in ear, that’s it?   Give me the knowledge, the divine knowledge, the path to be followed, the behaviour  to be  Incorporated, the philosophy to be adopted, the process of purifying the heart, what will this one mantra do?   https://youtu.be/NVbBdXAgPiI&t=5   2  Similarly, what does a “Sharnagati” mean ? There is a very important verse in this regard, “verse” this verse is in Bhakti-Rasamrit Sindhu,  exactly same verse is in Ahirbudhnya Samhita and the Vayu purana also.  Three scriptures have got this verse.  What does it mean ? It says that “Surrender to God” comprises of six things, you follow these six conditions and you will receive the divine grace.  So, if I fulfil five conditions will I see 5/6th of God ? No, it doesn't work like that. If you wish to turn iron into gold, then you bring the Paras close? That is not enough, the Paras has to touch the iron similarly you say,  I am 50% surrendered, so let meet half of God now. God says you will get the whole grace when you are fully surrendered, so you need to fulfil all these 6 points. If an aeroplane has got one wire hanging out, the aeroplane doesn't work. Now you say such an expensive A321 is not working because one wire is out, well that is how it is.    So unless all the parts of this puzzle of surrender fit, we will not get the grace. The first point is to desire in accordance with the desire of Sharanya, whom we are surrendering to, God & Guru. What do they want - that is what I want. That is Sharanagati  (surrender)  https://youtu.be/NVbBdXAgPiI&t=102    3  Like Mira Bai Said, if Shri Krishna wants me to laugh, I will laugh & if He wants me to cry, I will not complain, if He wishes to ignore me “who are you ?” I’ve never met you, I’ll not mind, if He wishes to shower His affection on me, I will accept that.  Whatever He wishes to do to me, let Him do But, “mere to Giridhar Gopal, doosra na koi, jake sir mor mukut, mero pati soi”. This is the expression of surrender.  https://youtu.be/NVbBdXAgPiI&t=238  4  There was one Hazrat Ibrahm, he figures as Prophet Ibraham in the Old Testament. So, Hazrat Ibrahm earlier was a king. In those days, they used to have slaves. So he got a slave boy, he asked that boy, by what name should I call you ?  the boy said by whichever name you wish. Hazrat Ibrahm said what will you eat ? he said whatever you wish to feed me. Hazrat Ibrahm said what clothes will you wear ? slave said whatever you give to me. What will you do? whatever you ask.  Hazrat ibraham said, don't you have any desire of your own ? the boy said whatever is your desire, is my desire. Hazrat Ibrahm said you are my guru, you have taught me, how to surrender to God, now you are free, Go !  https://youtu.be/NVbBdXAgPiI&t=281  5  So, why should we make our desire conformed to the desire of God ? Because He is our Master and we are His servants, the servant is to fulfill the wish of the Master. “Thy will be done” - this is the first condition of surrender  https://youtu.be/NVbBdXAgPiI&t=362  Transcript 0:05 there was one person who was serious of making a guru so he went to a holy place 0:15 in India and holy places have so many mahatmas he went to the ashram of 0:21 a mahatma and said babaji can you please make me your disciple I wish you to be 0:26 my guru the Mahatma ji blew a mantra in his ear & said हो गया बेटा the disciple said  0:35 Guru ji what have you given me guru ji said I've given you Go-Lok when you die I will meet 0:43 you at the gate and get you inside now give me my Dakshina the disciple said 0:51 guru ji Dakshina ? I have given you Allen and if you want I’ll add flavour to it  and if it's not enough I’ll add Frisco as well, the Guru said Badmash  1:05 this Allen & Frisco & Plano -do they belong to your father that you’ve given them to me 1:11 the disciple said does this Go-Lok belong to your father that you’ve given to me, you tell me what I'm supposed to do, you just blew the mantra in ear, that’s it?  1:25 Give me the knowledge the divine knowledge the path to be followed, the behaviour  to be  1:31 incorporated the philosophy to be adopted the process of purifying the 1:37 heart what will this one mantra do? 1:42 similarly what does a “Sharnagati” mean there is a very important verse in this regard 1:52 “verse” this verse is in Bhakti-Rasamrit Sindhu  2:12 it also comes as the exactly same verse in Ahirbudhnya Samhita and the Vayu purana.  three scriptures have got this verse what does it mean it says that 2:28 Surrender comprises of six things you follow these six conditions and you will receive the 2:36 divine grace so if I fulfil five conditions will I see 5/6th of God ? 2:45 No it doesn't work like that if you wish to turn this iron into gold then 2:53 you bring the Paras close? That is not enough the Paras has to touch the iron 3:00 similarly you say, I am 50% surrendered, so let meet half of God now. God says you will get the whole grace when you are fully surrendered, so you need to fulfil all these 6 points. If an aeroplane has got one wire hanging out, the aeroplane doesn't work. Now you say such an expensive A321 is not working because one wire is out, well that is how it is.  3:35 so unless all the parts of this puzzle of surrender fit we will not 3:39 get the grace the first point is to desire in accordance with the desire of Sharanya whom we are surrendering to, God & Guru what 3:58 do they want that is what I want. That is Sharanagati  (surrender) like Mira Bai 4:05 said if Shri Krishna wants me to laugh, I will laugh & if He wants me to cry I will not complain 4:13 if he wishes to ignore me “who are you ?” I’ve never met you, I’ll not mind if he wishes to 4:20 shower his affection on me I will accept that whatever He wishes to do to me, let Him do But, “mere to Giridhar Gopal, doosra na koi, jake sir mor mukut, mero pati soi” 4:41 This is the expression of surrender. There was one Hazrat Ibrahm, he figures as Prophet Ibraham in 4:53 the Old Testament so Hazrat Ibrahm earlier was a king in those 5:01 days they used to have slaves so he got a slave boy, he asked that boy by what 5:11 name should I call you the boy said by whichever name you wish Hazrat Ibrahm said what will you eat he said whatever you wish to feed me. Hazrat Ibrahm said what clothes will you wear  5:27 Slave said whatever 5:34 you give it to me. What will you do ? whatever you ask. Hazrat ibraham said 5:40 don't you have any desire of your own ? the boy said whatever is your 5:46 desire is my desire Hazrat Ibrahm said you are my 5:53 guru you have taught me how to surrender to God you are free 6:02 Go so why should we make our desire conformed to the desire of God because He is 6:12 our Master and we are his servants the servant is to fulfill the wish of the Master 6:22 Thy will be done this is the first condition of surrender Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): What Does Surrender to God Truly Mean Part 1 - 6 Conditions for Surrender Swami Mukundananda.mp4

God's Biggest Blessing to you is this - Conquering the 5 Defects of the Mind by Swami Mukundanand

God's Biggest Blessing to you is this - Conquering the 5 Defects of the Mindby by Swami Mukundanand

https://youtu.be/8CbzdrOYwTY 00:00 God's Biggest Blessing to a soul 00:40 How to Surrender to the Guru? 03:10 How to develop Faith in Guru? 05:09 The Power of Faith in Guru 07:49 Why we need a Guru? 10:45 The 5 Defects of the Mind 12:47 Why Surrender to the Guru? Main Points: 1  God's Biggest Blessing to a soul is finding a guru and getting connected with that guru through shradha, faith but we receive benefit from the guru only by submitting our intellect before his higher understanding  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=0  2  How to Surrender to the Guru? the vedas relate the story of Rishi Gautam and his exemplary disciple Satyakama. Gurudev called his students over and explained the problem that the cows of the ashram were in distress and they needed to be tended to by taking them to a far away grass land.  Only Satyakama was willing for this arduous and challenging guru seva. Gautam said, my child, take good care of them as your service to your guru & when you find that their number has grown from 400 to 1,000, bring them back here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=40  3  Satyakama did his seva dutifully and he tended to the cows with so much of love as a devotional offering at the feet of his guru, the number of the cows kept on increasing until it reached a thousand but he was so immersed in his seva he didn't even realize that the number of 1,000 had been reached. The king of the celestials Indra came over and said Satyakama do you know that your guru's instruction has been fulfilled by you  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=89  4  on Lord Indra’s inspiration they started returning to the guru ashram, it was a 4 day journey, involving four night halts and at each halt, Indra instructed knowledge of one of the Vedas to Satyakama  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=131  5  when the disciple reached his guru, he said Maharaj I have fulfilled your instruction. Sage Gautam, his face beaming said, my child, I can see the glow on your face, you have become a knower of Vedic knowledge, this is a prime example of the benefit of surrendering your intellect before the guru  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=151  6  How to develop Faith in Guru? let's read about it from my latest book, Spiritual Secrets from Hinduism. Once we find a God realized guru, we must then diligently (doing it thoroughly and well) adhere to his instructions, this is just as when we are sick we go to a doctor, we explain our symptoms to the doctor, beyond that we do not use our intellect, we trust his expertise,  the doctor diagnoses our problem and tells us the remedy, take this medicine two tablespoons three times a day for one month and you will be cured, we follow the doctor's instructions and get well.  Now suppose we used our intellect, the doctor has told me to take a little medicine every day for one month let me take it all today so that I will get cured in one day itself, if we were to do this the doctor would not be able to treat us. Similarly the guru can only cure us from the disease of ignorance if we follow his instructions  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=182  7  The Shvetashvatara Upanishad states that for those who have implicit and complete faith in God and their guru, the purpose of all the Vedic scriptures gets revealed in their heart by divine grace  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=275  8  The Power of Faith in Guru. The inspiring story of Shankaracharya's disciple is very relishable amongst his legendary Students, Hastamalak, Totakacharya,Mandan Mishra who was Sureshwaracharya. There has also been one illiterate disciple, called Sananda. He could not understand any of the scriptural teachings but had implicit faith in Guru Shankaracharya and he would dutifully engage in seva.  When gurudev taught Brahma-Vidya, he would sit and just keep staring at his guru's face without understanding a syllable  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=308  9  one day it was time for the class, the other disciples said to Shankaracharya, please begin gurudev, he said Sananda is not here as yet, let's wait. They said, guru, he doesn't even understand, so what difference will it make. Shankaracharya said he listens with great faith, so guru called out Sananda & Sananda, his disciple, was on the other side of the river washing gurudev's clothes.  When Sananda heard Shankaracharya calling his Name, immediately with all his devotion he felt the need to come over to him. Without thinking, he started walking on the water and the story goes that wherever he placed his feet, lotus flowers bloomed from below, making it possible for him to walk across water.  He reached & did the prostrate obeisance and the stuti praises for gurudev that emanated from his mouth were in sophisticated Sanskrit, amazing all the other disciples. Since then, he became known as “Padmapad” the one under whose pada (feet) the padma (lotuses) had blossomed and he became one of the four major disciples of Adi Shankaracharya  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=362  10  Why we need a Guru? the takeaway for all of us is the need to surrender the intellect to guru and why so   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=467  11  our intellect is affected since eternity by a disease known as Avidya or ignorance Quoting a verse, “Because a person who has been covered by ignorance since time immemorial is not capable of effecting his own self-realization, there must be some other personality who is in factual knowledge of the Absolute Truth and can impart this knowledge to him”. > (Bhagavatam 11.22.10)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=476  12  Why we need a Guru? Vedvyas says that avidya is “Anadi”, i.e., since eternity. You cannot remove it by the power of your own intellect because the intellect is the one affected by the ignorance, just like if you wish to lift yourself up from the ground by holding your boot straps, it will not be possible   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=499  13  the interesting story is told of one cowherd boy, Gopal, who would every day milk his cow which was the Gujarati Gir cow having long horns and this particular cow's horns were inclined towards each other. The cowherd boy would eye the gap between the two horns on the top of the cow's head and ponder (think) if can my head fit into the in the gap between two horns ?  One year went by, finally the curiosity got the better of him, he said let me try it out, he held the cow's horns and managed to push his head in but it startled the bovine who lifted her head thereby raising his feet above the ground and he now felt threatened that this was a situation of death by hanging.  The villagers came running, grabbed the cow extracted the poor fellow and said my dear Man, “Aviveka paramapadam”, i.e., before doing anything, you must think otherwise it can invite the biggest calamity. Did you not think before putting your head there ? He said who says, I did not think, I thought for one year and then did it but the thinking itself had its faults because it was an activity of the defective intellect  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=529  14  The 5 Defects of the Mind likewise the Vedas say that no matter how intelligent you may feel,  your intellect suffers from five defects, Maharishi Patanjali calls them Panchaklesh what are these avidya, asmita, rag, dvesh, abhinivesh.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=644  15  Avidya is the Ignorance by virtue of which we have forgotten that we are the soul and we are thinking that I am the body, mind & intellect  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=666  16  “Asmita” is the pride, whether we realize it or not, the defect of the false ego exists in the material condition state in all of us  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=676  17  and Rag, attachment to the worldly things. Dvesh, means hatred, resentment for something that has hurt our self-interest  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=693  18  Abhinivesh, the fear of death, even though we know that we (our soul) are eternal, an old man man who has been badly injured and is terribly sick in the hospital, he cannot visit the restroom, has a bed pan on the bed, cannot eat, has a tube going in the mouth the leg is suspended from the ceiling, such a man also says doctor, I hope, I will not die, please save me.  Arey Baba do take care of your body but why so much of anxiety ? The whole body machinery is spoiled, if you were to go, God would send you back with a new machine but the clinging to the body results in the fear of death  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=707  19  Why Surrender to the Guru? Another defect of the intellect the Vedas say is that the idea of making a guru is goes beyond our intellect. Just like in case you need to fight a case in court, you get an advocate because you are unfamiliar with law.  The Advocate understands the matter and instructs you accordingly. Likewise in the spiritual realm as Well, there are so many things our intellect cannot comprehend at present  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=760  20  one maverick (a person who does not behave or think like everyone else, but who has independent, unusual opinions) disciple used to be often disobedient. His Guru had grown old, the disciple said gurudev, you will attain maha samadhi any day, what will happen to me ? Gurudev said, my child, do your sadhna daily, my Grace will be upon You.  Gurudev, the singhasan will come from Golok for you, can I latch onto it and accompany you ? what loss will there be of yours ? Gurudev said “Kya Jata Hai” (what is there to lose ?) Now the singhasan came, the guru sat on it to go to the abode of God and enter the nitya leela, the disciple also held on.  They were crossing the lokas Bhu, Bhuvar, Swarga, Mahar, Jana, Tapa, Satya, but in between the disciples intellect started getting better of him, he said Gurudev this place we are going to, Golok - are there cows there ? yes beta.  Gurudev, are the cows black or white in color? beta they are both. Gurudev, how big are these cows ? when you reach there you'll find out maybe they are this big, now he released the Singhasan and back he returned to the earth plane  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=826  21  so the scriptures are telling us  mayyarpita-mano-buddhir (BG 8-7),  mayi — unto Me; arpita — surrendering; manah — mind; buddhih — intellect; mam — unto Me;  “Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Krsna and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt”.  https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/8/7/  mayi buddhim niveshaya (BG 12-8)  mayi — upon Me; buddhim — intelligence; nivesaya — apply  “Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt”.  https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/12/8/  Surrender your intellect to the guru, learn the sadhna, follow the instructions and progress on the spiritual path.  Having understood Guru-tattva in our journey, thus far we shall now enter into Bhakti and final topic will be meditation & personal sadhna  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CbzdrOYwTY&t=918  Transcript: God's Biggest Blessing to a soul 0:01 one of the biggest of the Divine 0:04 blessings is finding a guru and getting 0:08 connected with that Guru through shradha, 0:11 faith but we receive benefit from the 0:15 guru only by submitting our intellect 0:20 before his higher understanding How to Surrender to the Guru? 0:40 the Vedas relate the story of Rishi Gautam 0:44 and his exemplary disciple 0:48 Satyakama gurudev called his students over 0:52 and explained the problem the cows of 0:55 the ashram were in distress and they 0:58 needed to be tended to by taking them to 1:01 a far away grass land only Satyakama was 1:07 willing for this arduous and challenging 1:11 Guru 1:12 seva Gautam said my 1:16 child take good care of them as your 1:20 service to your Guru when you find that 1:24 their number has grown from 400 to 1,000 1:29 bring them back Satyakama did his seva 1:34 dutifully and he tended to the cows with 1:38 so much of love as a devotional offering 1:42 at the feet of his 1:44 Guru the number of the cows kept on 1:47 increasing until it reached a thousand 1:51 but he was so immersed in his seva he 1:54 didn't even realize the number had been 1:58 reached the king of the celestials Indra 2:02 came over and said Satyakama do you know 2:06 that your guru's instruction has been 2:10 fulfilled by 2:11 you on his inspiration they started 2:15 returning to the guru ashram it was a 4 2:19 day Journey involving four night halts 2:24 and at each halt Indra instructed 2:28 knowledge of one of the Vedas 2:30 to 2:31 Satyakama when the disciple reached his Guru 2:35 he said Maharaj I have fulfilled your 2:39 instruction sage Gautam his face beaming said 2:45 my child I can see the glow on your face 2:49 you have become a knower of vedic 2:54 knowledge this is a prime example of the 2:58 benefit of surrendering your intellect 3:02 before the guru let's read about it from 3:05 my latest book spiritual secrets from 3:09 Hinduism once we find a god realized How to develop Faith in Guru? 3:13 Guru we must then diligently adhere to 3:17 his 3:18 instructions this is just as when we are 3:21 sick we go to a doctor we explain our 3:25 symptoms to the doctor beyond that we do 3:29 not use our intellect We Trust his 3:36 expertise the doctor diagnoses our 3:39 problem and tells us the 3:43 remedy take this medicine two 3:47 tablespoons three times a day for one 3:49 month and you will be 3:51 cured we follow the doctor's 3:54 instructions and get well now suppose we 3:58 used our 4:01 intellect the doctor has told me to take 4:04 a little medicine every day for one 4:09 month let me take it all today so that I 4:12 will get cured in one day 4:15 itself if we were to do this the doctor 4:19 would not be able to treat us similarly 4:24 the guru can only cure us from the 4:27 disease of ignorance 4:30 if we follow his 4:33 Instructions 4:35 The Shvetashvatara Upanishad 4:49 states for those who have implicit and 4:53 complete faith in God and their guru the 4:59 purpose of all the Vedic scriptures gets 5:03 revealed in the Heart by divine 5:08 grace the inspiring story of The Power of Faith in Guru 5:12 Shankaracharya's disciple is very 5:16 relishable amongst his legendary 5:20 students 5:22 Hastāmalak, Tōtakāchārya,Mandan Mishra who was Sureshwaracharya 5:28 there has also been one illiterate 5:32 disciple called Sananda 5:34 he could not understand any of the 5:38 scriptural teachings but had implicit 5:42 faith in Guru Shankaracharya 5:44 and he would dutifully engage in seva 5:49 when gurudev taught BrahmaVidya he 5:53 would sit and just keep staring at his 5:57 guru's face without 6:00 understanding a 6:02 syllable one day it was time for the 6:05 class the other disciples said to 6:08 Shankaracharya please begin 6:11 gurudev he said Sananda is not here as yet 6:16 let's wait they said guru he doesn't even 6:21 understand what difference will it make 6:24 Shankaracharya said he listens with great 6:28 faith 6:30 he called out 6:32 Sananda his disciple was on the other side of 6:36 the river washing gurudev's clothes when 6:40 Sananda heard Shankaracharya calling his 6:43 name immediately with all his devotion 6:47 he felt the need to come over to him 6:52 without thinking he started walking on 6:55 the water and The Story Goes wherever he 6:59 placed his feet lotus flowers bloomed 7:03 From Below making it possible for him to 7:07 walk across he reached & did the prostrate obeisance  7:12 and the stuti Praises for gurudev  7:17 that emanated from his mouth were in 7:21 sophisticated  7:24 Sanskrit amazing all the other disciples 7:28 since then he became known as 7:32 Padmapad the one under whose pada (feet) the Padma 7:37 lotuses had blossomed and he became one 7:42 of the four major Disciples of Adi 7:46 Shankaracharya  7:47 the takeaway for all of us is the Why we need a Guru? 7:51 need to surrender the 7:54 intellect and why 7:56 so our intellect is affected since 8:01 eternity by a 8:03 disease what is that Avidya or 8:19 ignorance  Because a person who has been covered by ignorance since time immemorial is not capable of effecting his own self-realization, there must be some other personality who is in factual knowledge of the Absolute Truth and can impart this knowledge to him. > (Bhagavatam 11.22.10) Why we need a Guru? Vedvyas says that avidya is anadi since 8:26 eternity you cannot remove it 8:29 by the power of your own 8:33 intellect because the intellect is the 8:36 one affected by the 8:39 ignorance just like if you wish to lift 8:42 yourself up from the ground by holding 8:45 your boot straps it will not be 8:49 possible the interesting story is told 8:52 of one cowherd boy a 8:55 gopal who would every day milk his cow 8:59 which was the Gujarati Gir cow having 9:02 long horns and this particular cow's 9:05 horns were inclined towards each other 9:09 the cowherd boy would eye the gap 9:12 between the two horns on the top of the 9:14 cow's head and Ponder can my head fit 9:19 into the 9:21 Gap one year went by finally the 9:25 Curiosity got the better of him he said 9:28 let me try it out 9:30 he held the cow's horns and managed to 9:34 push his head in but it startled the 9:38 bovine who lifted her head thereby raising 9:43 his feet above the ground and he now 9:46 felt threatened that this was a 9:49 situation of death by hanging to reduce 9:52 the pressure on his neck he grabbed the 9:55 cow's neck which startled the creature 9:57 further and it started lifting its back 10:00 feet moving in alarm the villagers came 10:05 running grabbed the cow extracted the 10:09 poor fellow and said my dear 10:16 Man Aviveka paramāpadam before doing anything you must 10:19 think otherwise it can invite the 10:22 biggest Calamity did you not think 10:25 before putting your head there He said 10:28 who says I did not think I thought for 10:32 one year and then did it but the 10:36 thinking itself had its faults because 10:40 it was an activity of the defective 10:44 intellect likewise the vedas say that no The 5 Defects of the Mind 10:48 matter how intelligent you may feel  10:51 your intellect suffers from five 10:55 defects Maharishi Patanjali calls them 11:00 Panchaklesh what are these Avidyā, asmitā, rāg, dvesh, abhinivesh.  11:06 Avidya is the Ignorance by virtue of 11:10 which we have forgotten that we are the 11:12 soul and we are thinking that I am the body, 11:14 Mind & 11:16 intellect asmita is the 11:20 pride whether we realize it or not the 11:24 defect of the false ego exists in the 11:29 material condition state in all of us 11:33 and then Rag, attachment to the worldly 11:37 things 11:39 Dvesh, means hatred, resentment for something 11:43 that has hurt our self-interest and 11:47 Abhinivesh, the fear of 11:51 death even though we know that we are 11:56 Eternal an old man 11:59 man has been badly 12:03 injured and is terribly sick in the 12:06 hospital cannot visit the restroom has a 12:09 bed pan on the bed cannot eat has a tube 12:12 going in the mouth the leg is suspended 12:15 from the ceiling such a man also says 12:18 Doctor I hope I will not die please save 12:22 me Arey Baba do take care of your body 12:27 but why so much of anxiety 12:29 the whole Machinery is spoiled if you 12:32 were to go God would send you back with 12:35 a new 12:36 machine but the clinging to the body 12:40 results in the fear of death another 12:44 defect of the intellect the vedas Why Surrender to the Guru? 12:48 say the idea of making a guru is going 12:53 beyond your 12:55 intellect just like in case you need to 12:58 fight a case in court you get an 13:02 advocate because you are unfamiliar with 13:05 law The Advocate understands the matter 13:09 and instructs you accordingly if you 13:13 need to go for a testimonial in the 13:15 witness box you stand up and do as The 13:19 Advocate 13:20 does the other Side’s Advocate tries his 13:25 best to get some statement out of you to 13:29 exploit but you stick to the 13:32 instructions and get the edge in the 13:36 case likewise in the spiritual realm as 13:40 well there are so many things our 13:42 intellect cannot comprehend at 13:46 present one maverick (a person who does not behave or think like everyone else, but who has independent, unusual opinions) 13:50 disciple used to be often 13:53 disobedient his Guru had grown old the 13:57 disciple said Gurudev 13:59 you will attain Maha samadhi any day what 14:03 will happen to 14:04 me gurudev said my child do your sadhna daily 14:09 my Grace will be upon 14:11 you 14:13 Gurudev, the singhasan will come from Golok for 14:17 you can I latch onto it and accompany 14:21 you what loss Will there be of 14:24 yours 14:27 Gurudev said “Kya Jata Hai” (what is there to lose ?) now the singhasan came the guru 14:30 sat on it to go to the abode of God and 14:33 enter the nitya leela the disciple also held on 14:39 they were crossing the 14:43 Lokas Bhu, Bhuvar, Swarga, Mahar, Jana, Tapa, Satya, but in between the disciples 14:47 intellect started getting better of him he 14:50 said 14:51 Gurudev this place we are going to, Golok - are 14:55 there cows there yes beta, Gurudev are the 15:01 cows black or white in color Beta they 15:05 are both Gurudev how big are these 15:09 cows when you reach there you'll find 15:12 out 15:14 maybe they are this big, now he released the Singhasan and 15:18 back he returned to the Earth plane so the 15:21 scriptures are telling 15:27 us mayyarpita-mano-buddhir (BG 8-7),  mayi buddhiṁ niveśhaya (BG 12-8) 15:32 Surrender Your intellect to the guru 15:36 learn the sadhna follow the 15:39 instructions and progress on the 15:42 spiritual path having understood Guru-tattva in 15:48 our journey thus far we shall now enter 15:53 into Bhakti and final topic will be 15:59 meditation personal sadhna Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): God's Biggest Blessing to you is this - Conquering the 5 Defects of the Mind Swami Mukundananda.mp4