Saturday, May 29, 2021

UNTOLD Power of Visualizing God in your Mind during Meditation | Swami Mukundananda - full transcript


UNTOLD Power of Visualizing God in your Mind during Meditation | Swami Mukundananda

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UNTOLD Power of Visualizing God in your Mind during Meditation

00:17 to remember to engage the mind and

0:20 remembrance of the Lord

0:23 along with that you do any kind of

0:26 bhakti or no other bhakti if you like

0:29 keep your mouth shut and just remember

0:32 that is also enough


0:34 Kabir ji says

0:50 keep the mouth closed and open

0:54 the door from the inside

0:58 so smarn, remembrance of Lord (स्मरण) is compulsory ; along with that you keep anything

1:02 how to do that स्मरण or that meditation

1:08 Kripalu ji maharaj says bring the image of the Lord

1:12 before you

1:15 that is The "Roopdhyan"

1:18 it is so easy

1:21 you try and remember your father

1:24 you will never be able to make the exact

1:28 image and if it's not the exact image

1:31 it's not your father it's something else

1:33 but in the spiritual realm Krishna says

1:37 you visualize me as you wish

1:40 I only see your sentiments you create

1:44 the sentiments that He is my Divine father

1:47 and I will give you the fruit

1:51 so to do Roopdhyan of Krishna of God is

1:56 the easiest thing

1:59 but here some people question

2:02 that look you are making an image with

2:05 your mind

2:07 and the mind is material

2:11 so the image you are making is also

2:14 material

2:16 we don't believe in all this we just do

2:19 nirakar ;  we worship the form less

2:23 you may have heard this argument in the

2:26 world

2:27 so you question them

2:29 okay

2:30 worshiper of the formless Mr Nirakarwadi

2:34 what do you meditate upon

2:37 I meditate upon light

2:40 how do you make that light with my mind

2:44 but if the mind is material the light it

2:48 is creating to meditate is also material

2:53 only thing is you have created light

2:56 with the mind we have created the form

2:58 with the mind; both of these are materials

3:11 wherever this mind goes is only the material

3:15 realm

3:17 so how will you cross it

3:20 Krishna says look don't you worry

3:24 right now

3:26 no matter what you try

3:29 you can never bring the Divine form of

3:33 the Lord to your mind

3:38 but with the help of your materially

3:41 visualized form, keep increasing your

3:45 love

3:46 that is your homework

3:50 that your job right now is to increase

3:53 your love and to increase your love, why

3:57 meditate on light why not meditate on

4:00 the Form that captivates you

4:03 and when we reach higher

4:06 God will add his divine power to 

4:10 our meditation

4:11 that is called the "shudh satwa"

4:15 when that gets added you will start

4:18 perceiving that Krishna is there

4:22 you see in the state of bhav bhakti even

4:24 before God realization the perception

4:28 will start coming oh there He is

4:31 in other words the meditation will

4:33 become enlivened

4:36 so that is the beauty of this Rupadhyan

4:40 that you can do

4:43 and alongside with that

4:46 you can visualize his pastimes

4:51 and in the case of pastimes as well you

4:55 don't need to restrict yourself

4:58 to the pastimes from the Bhagavatam or

5:01 the Ramayan

5:03 what the Bhagavatam says is a tiny speck

5:08 of the infinite pastimes of God

5:13 avatara.

5:18 Rama

5:23 Tulsidas ji says innumerable ways God

5:27 took the Avatar and he every time he did

5:31 different pastimes

5:35 talks about five different Ram avatars

5:38 now suppose God was to take Avatar today

5:46 there's nothing stopping him

5:51 would he repeat the pastimes that he did

5:54 5000 years ago

5:57 supposing he put a peacock crown

6:00 and he started running around

6:02 people would have said he's a mdman

6:06 so what the children of today play

6:09 He would be obliged to play the same

6:12 games

6:13 He would be obliged to dress in similar

6:16 manners and because His leelas have

6:20 been infinite

6:25 can anybody count the waves in the ocean

6:28 in all the Seven Seas of the world

6:32 similarly who can count the avatars Shri

6:36 Krishna went to the extent of telling

I have had so many avatars that it

6:58 becomes difficult to count from the

beginning of eternity

7:03 so you visualize Him as you wish you

7:05 visualize His pastimes as you wish

7:09 He is coming to my house I am welcoming

7:12 Him in this way increase your love for

7:16 Him

7:18 so what is the benefit of Roopdhyan

7:23 the mind will get absorbed

7:27 and supposing you don't do Roopdhyan

7:30 the mind will start running here & there

7:34 that is exactly what happens people do

7:36 People read scriptures

7:37 and the mind is going here and there and

7:42 why; the mind says look I will not remain

7:46 empty

7:48 give me some work to do otherwise then

7:51 I'll find it myself

7:54 so you have to give your mind some work

7:58 to do ; otherwise kripaluji Maharaj says

8:01 your sadhana

8:04 will be like a body without the prana

8:11 when the prana depart from the body

8:14 the body is worthy of being eaten by the

8:18 jackals and the Eagles

8:22 you throw a dead body outside and within

8:25 20 minutes you know an eagle comes to

8:27 pick it up

8:29 the eagle comes to know right up there

8:32 all the squirrels are moving and this

8:34 one is not moving it is dead it comes

8:37 down to pick it up

8:39 similarly in your sadhana you may be

8:42 doing kirtan you may be doing anything

8:46 but if you don't engage the mind in Roopdhyan

8:49 it will start running

8:53 there was once a

8:56 man he got a new house and he opened up

8:59 the attic and he found a kettle there

9:03 so he started rubbing the kettle

9:06 and the spirit of the kettle you know

9:09 the gin (जिन), they call in Hindi the जिन

9:11 manifested

9:13 so he said look I will fulfill your wish

9:16 whatever you want

9:18 but don't

9:20 keep me unoccupied otherwise I will kill

9:23 you

9:24 so this man said all right then now I've

9:27 got somebody to fulfill my wishes all

9:30 right Mr Jin I am feeling very hungry

9:33 please arrange for food

9:35 so the Jin went in a jiffy he came here

9:39 it is

9:40 so what next command please tell me

9:43 look don't keep me unoccupied otherwise

9:47 I'll kill you ; yes okay give food

9:50 for all my neighbors as well

9:51get me a new set of clothes okay here it

9:58 is; next come on, now slowly he started

10:01 running out of wishes to get fulfilled

10:03 the Jin said be quick don't let me be

10:07 empty for a moment finally he was not

10:10 able to think of anything; Jin went

10:13 after his throat I am going to kill you

10:16 give me some work to do in one hour

10:18 otherwise you'll be dead

10:20 this man went to a guru he said you know

10:24 it was like opening the Pandora's Box

10:28 I got this jin out of the kettle and now

10:31 he doesn't let me live

10:33 he says give me some work to do

10:37 right; the same is our mind says give me

10:39 some work to do

10:41 the guru said very simple ask the jin to

10:44 put a rod into the earth

10:46 tell him to climb up till the top and

10:49 when he comes to the top let him come

10:51 down and when he comes down let him go

10:53 up and when he goes up let him come down

10:54 when you have some work to do ask him to

10:57 do the work and then again go up and

10:59 down up and down

11:00 now the Jinn got tamed in the same way

11:06 you are doing your kirtan

11:14 and the mind is thinking about tea

11:19 and samosa

11:22 so, mere speaking doesn't engage the mind

11:28 to engage the mind you need Roopdhyan ;

after that you say Govinda, Gopal anything that appeals to you and then when the

11:42 image is there you start cultivating the

11:45 sentiments whether it is a "milan ka dhyan" (meditating on union with Lord) I am

11:49 with my beloved

11:52 I am longing for him all these

11:56 sentiments will come after Roopdhyan

11:59 Kripaluji Maharaj says the moment the

12:03 Roopdhyan  disappears what you are doing is like a body with

12:09 the life air gone out of it ;  he has emphasized Roopdhyan so strongly here