Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.23 by HG Amarendra Prabhu, 12 Sep 2022 - SALIENT POINTS IN TEXT



5.0 For people who are sinful, who are against the existence of God - listen... 



8.0 Srimad Bhagvat is non-different from Lord, आदि देवा (Krishna)

First meaning of आदि (Original) देवा (Effulgent Person) is: Krishna is Original Source of everything, i.e., First among all demi-gods. Second meaning of आदि is माधुर्य रस & देवा means "naughty".  



11.30 Srimad Bhagvat granth significance: to cross over the worldly cycle of birth, old age, disease, misery & death, Srimad Bhagvat granth is the bridge.



19.30 Anguish of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu on वियोग (separation) form Krishna is described in detail.



58.18 How name Gauranga came into being.

Gauranga is another name for Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (or Gauranga Mahaprabhu), the 16th century Bengali avatar and founder of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. The term Gauranga Mahaprabhu references Lord Chaitanya possessing the golden complexion of Srimati Radharani as an incarnation or avatar of Krishna




1.16.51 Name of the Lord is very merciful



1.17.41 Feeling separation from Krishna is a very high class of loving devotional bhakti BUT, e.g., if you do not hear about India, how will you ever develop the desire to go to India - similarly one must hear & read about Krishna intensely in order to develop a desire to meet Him.



1.18.14: Cry for Krishna



1.21.32 How to control & focus my mind which runs here & there.



1.23.0 How to motivate & guide children to spirituality.


Following Transcript is copy pasted from youtube link:

0:00 for joining us moving on to our next session which is 0:05 shriven bhagavatam class i will let all the devotees on the call to please go ahead with my introductions now 0:14 krishna 0:26 thank you so much for joining us today krishna 0:54 and all glories to the assembled devotees this is tiffany in pennsylvania hari krishna 1:01 hare krishna tiffany mataji done with pranam all glory shrila prabhupada thank you so much for joining us today 1:06 krishna krishna lakshmi mataji please accept 1:24 thank you so much for joining us today mataji hare krishna mataji shall we start recording the 1:29 session hari krishna welcome to bhakti sangha 1:35 conference call we are extremely fortunate to have his grace ambrain prabhuji here with us today and 1:41 ahmadines prabhu ji will be enlightening us by discussing srimad-bhagavatam kentucky six chapter two and verse 1:47 twenty three hare krishna privacy talmud pranam all clear sushila 1:53 thank you very much for your valuable time and association this morning and enlightening us on the topic of 1:58 srimad-bhagavatam without further ado i would like to request you to please take over from here krishna thank you thank 2:05 you lakshmi wants 3:17 uh really want to thank and express my gratitude to the organizers of the call 3:22 um special heartfelt gratitude to shama guri mataji for 3:27 very affectionately inviting me on this call i feel very happy to be here back after a long long 3:33 time i don't know when i last spoke on this forum but i'm very happy to offer some service 3:41 and to purify my heart this morning so the the topic that uh has been given 3:47 to me is canto six chapter two takes twenty three grand sri madhvatham so 3:53 thank you for the display so then the devotees can kindly go through the wars 3:58 tam viva s 4:12 by srila prabhupada oh sinless maharaja pariksit the order carriers of the supreme personality of 4:18 godhead the vishnu dotas saw that ajamil was attempting to say something and thus 4:23 they suddenly disappeared from his presence purport 4:28 the shastras 4:37 for persons who are published very sinful and misbehaved or very unclean in their 4:43 habits who are against the existence of god who disrespect vaishnavas and brahmanas and who eat anything and 4:50 everything untimely death is sure it is said that in kali yuga 4:56 it is said that in kali yuga one has a maximum life's lifetime of 100 years 5:03 but as people become degraded the duration of their lives decreases praia and alpha 5:10 because ajamil was now free from all sinful reactions his lifetime was extended 5:16 even though he was to have died immediately when the vishnu saw ajamil trying to say 5:22 something to them they disappeared to give him a chance to glorify the supreme lord since all his sinful reactions had been 5:30 vanquished he was now prepared to glorify the lord indeed one cannot glorify the lord 5:35 unless one is completely free from all sinful activities it is confirmed by krishna himself in 5:42 bhagavad-gita 5:51 persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life whose sinful actions are completely eradicated 5:57 and who are free from the duality of delusion engage themselves in my service with determination 6:03 the vishnudutas made ajamil aware of devotional service so that he may he 6:09 might immediately become fit to return home back to godhead now dear devotees this is the section 6:15 that we will focus our whole discussion on to increase his eagerness to glorify the 6:21 lord they disappeared so that he would feel separation in their absence 6:27 prabhupada concludes the report by saying in the mode of separation 6:33 glorification of the lord is very intense srila prabhupada is writing in the mode 6:39 of separation glorification of the lord is very intense 7:01 has been described and glorified as tam adidevam or srimad-bhagavatam you are 7:08 non-different than adidev adidev is the name of krishna two meanings to that 7:14 one meaning of the word adi is the original and deva means person 7:21 the word deva means effulgence so of all the people who are effulgent that is the demigods krishna is adi he's 7:28 the first so he is adi because the bhagavatam describes about 7:33 krishna being the source of everything tam adi devam or another meaning is adi means adiras 7:41 vrajaras the devotion of the gopis of brandawan 7:47 and the word deva means naughtiness so when radharani is 7:52 in krsna's presence krishna is cutting lot of jokes with radharani he plays the flute and he tells her can you play your 7:59 veena as good as me so this is adi deva deva 8:06 and adi both these words have two two meanings first meaning of the word adi is first and deva means effulgent personality so 8:13 he is the best among or the first among the demigods that's adi deva but adi deva also means adi means adirasa 8:20 madhuri rasa and deva means naughtiness who performs krita pastimes 8:27 so he who performs very sweet loving joking 8:37 describes krsna's words are so beautiful that they are filled with stories and 8:43 examples and metaphors and alliterations and word jugglery and jokes and the 8:49 voice is also very sweet the words picked are also very nice and he's very crisp in what he's saying 8:55 and also he says it all in a hidden manner so you have to open up the meanings and 9:02 multiple meanings so that's the speech of krishna so tam adi devan 9:08 describes both aspects of the lord the aishwaryama and the madhuryamai meaning how he's the supreme lord in the 9:15 first nine cantos and how in the tenth canto he plays very wonderfully in the forest of braja tam adi devam srimad 9:23 bhagavatam is adidev and karuna nidanam is the abode of all 9:28 karuna mercy 9:33 it is described in the first canto second chapter third verse 9:48 that we bow down to that shukhadev gosvami who out of mercy he spoke this quran for the benefit and 9:56 the upliftment of mankind so srimad-bhagavatam is the uh is the manifestation of karuna morsi 10:05 this is sound vibration and if somebody hears the sound vibration tamalavaranam 10:10 the bluish black complexion rainfall monsoon cloud the blue lotus floating in the waters of the jamuna the blue cloud 10:17 on the top of the peak of govardhana the tamal tree like threefold bending sham sundar form in the forest of braja will 10:23 appear in the courtyard of one's heart by taking shelter of the sound vibration of srimad-bhagavatam 10:29 tasman mahan mukharita madhuvitram bhagavatam describes that pure 10:34 vaishnavas when they speak srimad-bhagavatam it is quite fascinating why because they have darshan of krishna in their heart 10:41 and they are speaking so mukharita mukharita means that which comes from the mouth but it also means 10:48 transformation so pure vaishnavas they see the darshan of krishna in their heart 10:53 and they transform that leela in words and speak katha and this katha when it enters the ear 11:00 holes of the listener it goes as sound but in their heart again it transforms as leela so the leela that the speaker 11:06 is seeing gets transformed into sound and enters through sound in the ears of the listener and then again gets 11:12 transferred and transformed into leelah so this is mukharita madhavi's charitable the leela of 11:18 murari is spoken through the lips of pure vaishnavas and suhita avataram as sound 11:24 vibration comes in this world apar samsara 11:31 to cross over the ocean of repeated birth and death the srimad-bhagavatam is the best bridge to take us from this end 11:38 to that end we bow down to that form of the supreme 11:44 lord who was manifested in the form of grand raj srimad-bhagavatam 11:49 so my very beloved superior shiksha gurudev 11:55 and the life of the version of community srila gorgovinde maharaj used to say that before speaking from 12:01 srimad-bhagavatam we should first speak something about srimad-bhagavatam so therefore we 12:07 had some glorification of srimad-bhagavatam and now we will get started in the discussion so 12:13 the main point that srila prabhupada concluded the purport with was 12:19 developing the mood of separation because in the mood of separation srila prabhupada writes we can glorify krishna 12:26 very intensely and we can see this in srila krishnadas kaviraj goswami's 12:32 caitanya charitamrat also when he describes our sachin and gora hari he says 12:47 this is the mood of separation that mahaprabhu felt that whenever rasantharavesh whenever there used to be 12:54 a change in his mood vyogaspuran he would feel the mood of separation in his heart 13:00 and sometimes he would be agitated 13:07 mahaprabhu would be agitated in the mood of radha that why did krishna leave me and go to mathura and sometimes he would 13:14 have vishad and he would feel morose he would feel very sad 13:20 hi hi alas alas without you how can i live 13:26 go in the virah name in separation from govinda korea prala he would cry so look at the 13:32 poetry 13:41 [Music] and he would speak and whisper different 13:47 words in different moods sometimes in joy that i have found the threefold bending form of krishna and the next 13:53 moment on losing that meditation mahaprabhu would cry alas allah 13:59 where is my sunder mahaprabhu would cry like this 14:07 srimati radharani in the presence of vishakha sakhi when krishna left brindavan 14:14 srimati radharani cried a very specific verse that rupa gosvami 14:19 writes and that same verse mahaprabhu would cry in separation from krishna holding the 14:26 hand of ramananda who's vishaka sakhi it's quite fascinating radharani would hold the hand of vishaka sakhi and say a 14:32 verse composed by rupa goswami of course rupa goswami heard it from sri 14:39 radha's lips and then wrote it it's not that he was thinking what word should i fit in this poetry that's not how it 14:44 worked mundane poets we can see that they think about what 14:50 word will come but for personalities like rupa gosvami it is prem udgar it's 14:55 an explosion it's it's a volcano coming from their heart 15:01 written through their pen so radharani held the hand of vishaka sakhi 15:07 in krishna leela and in goro lila that radha in the form of mahaprabhu held the hand of 15:12 ramanandarai who's vishaka sakhi and in the mood of separation from krishna 15:17 cried out [Music] 15:36 [Music] 15:42 [Music] 15:51 where is that krishna who is the moon rising in the family of nanda maharaja 15:59 maharaj that is the mood where is that krishna who is the rising 16:07 moon in the family of nanda maharaja 16:12 oh where is that krishna whose face is like a moon and who wears 16:17 a crown of peacock feathers 16:22 where is that krishna who presses his flute to his lips and plays 16:28 very beautiful heart-wrenching melodies from his heart 16:34 duty where is that krishna whose complexion is like a bluish black 16:41 self-effulgent ujjwala neelamuni a self-effulgent touchstone 16:48 quran where is my krishna who is the expert 16:53 hero in the rasa arena 17:00 where is that krishna who is the aushadi who is the medicine to 17:05 produce the fire of separation 17:11 o sakhi where is that best friend of my life ko bhatta hanta hadik 17:19 providence why do you do this to me why do you take away why do you put your hand into my chest and take away my 17:25 heart and force me to live like this this is the mood of our sachin and gov 17:34 feeling bangs of separation mahaprabhu in this mood he was crying 17:39 out all day and night all day and night actually i would like to read a section in caitanya 17:45 charitamrit which describes his separation and i request all of you to kindly hear this i'm just opening up my 17:52 chaitanya charitamrat because these verses are so beautiful are you all ready to drink nectar from 17:58 kaviraj goswami's lips please listen to this here how much separation mahaprabhu felt 18:11 the chandragupta 18:24 he would burn in the fire of separation can someone who is burning 18:31 also drown at the same time no because if they drown how can they burn and if they're burning there is no 18:37 water but mahaprabhu at the same time he was burning and drowning why because in 18:43 his heart the fire of separation from krishna was burning him and at the same time because of that 18:49 fire there were rain shower from his eyes his eyes had become clouds 18:55 and his tears had become rain and they were pouring on his chest to reduce that fire 19:01 because when you throw water on fire the fire gets extinguished but if you throw one or two drops it's 19:08 not gonna get extinguished you have to throw buckets mahaprabhu was not throwing buckets he was raining because 19:14 the fire was a forest fire and the forest fire cannot be extinguished by buckets of water or 19:20 pipes of water so his heart was on fire his body was on fire 19:25 in separation from krishna and to extinguish the forest fire of 19:30 separation from krishna only the rain of his tears could fall on the heart 19:36 but what was happening the fire was burning him and the tears were drowning him 19:42 and this tears which were falling on the heart were actually increasing the fire 19:47 and as the fire increased he was crying more and they mutually helped each other 19:53 so it's difficult to know whether mahaprabhu was burning in the fire of separation or drowning in the ocean of 19:59 his own tears 20:18 garden to another brahmana mahaprabhu would wonder 20:24 seeing the pastimes of krishna seeing the pastimes of krishna mahaprabhu would run 20:32 and as he would hear 20:38 the verses of srimad-bhagavatam the songs of jaidev goswami vidyapati chandidas the verses of bilba mangal 20:45 thakur and of course shukrev goswami as swarup damodara and ramanandarai were flooding 20:50 his two years ramanandarai would chant the verses swarup damodar goswami would sing the 20:56 songs as he was flooded from both sides mahaprabhu would have darshan of those 21:02 leelas and in one garden he would see krishna standing in a three-fold bending form under a tree and mahaprabhu would 21:08 go there and that form would disappear and chanting those verses oh krishna where are you he would enter another 21:14 garden because that garden would attract him not by the fragrance of the flowers 21:19 but it seems krishna has just be entered that garden because his bodily fragrance 21:25 has become completely permeated that forest so mahaprabhu was now running into that 21:31 forest swelling the fragrance of krishna's body and as he would go there all that 21:37 remains in that forest is krsna's fragrance but where is krishna then he would hear the flute sound 21:44 coming from another uh forest and he would run there so through his eyes through his ears through his nose 21:51 through all his senses mahaprabhu would be attracted from one forest to another 22:01 just by chanting those verses and hearing those songs mahaprabhu would have darshan and he would run from one 22:07 place to another in fact in our chaitanya charity mahaprabhu explains 22:13 imagine if there is one horse and there are five five horse riders on 22:19 the top of one horse generally you see one rider on one horse but imagine if there are five riders horse riders on 22:25 one horse and they're all driving the horse in different directions what happens to that poor horse 22:32 he just collapses because he doesn't know what to do mahaprabhu gives this example and he 22:37 says my five senses my eyes my nose my ears 22:42 my tongue and the sense of touch they are the five horse riders and my mind is a horse 22:48 they've all sat on my mind and they're competing in which direction to take it my eyes are saying let me see krishna 22:54 let me see krishna let me see krishna but the ears are saying no no wait a minute let me hear his ankle bells let 23:00 me hear his flute let me hear his voice by then the nose is saying both of you 23:06 keep quiet i want to first smell the bodily aromatic fragrance coming from the transcendental form of sham sundar 23:13 [Laughter] the sense of touch is saying all of you get to the side i want to embrace my 23:20 sunday and the tongue is saying hold on all of this starts by chanting his holy 23:26 name let me just chant his names and let me honor his remnants prasad so 23:31 all five senses are battling each other on who's going to get krishna first 23:37 and they're all like five horse riders on one horse that is the mind mahaprabhu 23:43 says what can my poor horse like mind do these five horse riders have sat and they are driving in five different 23:49 directions and this is why when i look at jagannath i think because the horse of my mind collapses 23:57 has this world ever seen such pram dasha is it ever possible 24:02 by anyone anywhere in any part of the world to 24:08 ever experience what maishachirandhan gowda hari experienced 24:13 dear devotees mother earth is fortunate that sri caitanya 24:19 mahaprabhu touched her with his lotus feet mother earth is fortunate 24:24 not so much as ganga or jamuna or krishna leela yes they are all wonderful 24:30 but caitanya mahaprabhu is the best thing that has ever happened 24:35 to mother earth mother earth has never experienced ganga and yamuna flowing from the eyes 24:42 of a personality prabhupada the ganga who appeared from the lotus of 24:49 the lord's feet as vamandev agreed to appear from the lotus of his eyes as caitanya mahaprabhu 24:56 oh how wonderful ganga appeared from the feet of vamander but in kali yoga appeared from the eyes 25:03 of gohari so we should have some some joy and some pride in being godia 25:12 being a follower of sachin and then governor harry is not an easy thing 25:17 it is something that has touched our lives out of great fortune 25:22 supreme great fortune we cannot deserve the shelter of we cannot even desire it it is so lofty 25:31 but 25:36 mahaprabhu out of his causeless mercy just appeared 500 years ago and through the link of the six go swamis and srila 25:44 prabhupada we are so fortunate however fallen we are however reckless we are we 25:49 are able to hear gauranga madhuri 25:54 prabhas 26:22 i want the association of that person 26:31 says in the absorption of feelings of separation from krishna karena ghana 26:39 sometimes he would sing and sometimes he would dance remembering krishna 26:47 and sometimes in bhava in absorption of separation from krishna mahaprabhu himself would stand like 26:54 krishna he's thinking so much about krishna and is so much lost in separation that he himself would stand 27:00 like this and cry remembering krishna this is 27:06 something else and when he would think about krishna and bird and separation what would happen 27:11 goes for me says 27:25 sometimes in the fire of separation and in the high tides 27:31 of ecstasy 27:38 he would run all over the place searching for krishna and when he wouldn't find krishna bhume podi he 27:44 would fall on the floor kabum and sometimes he would froth and form from his mouth unconscious 27:52 and sometimes he would roll on the dust calling out to krishna 28:02 he himself would explain he would chant the verses of srimad-bhagavatam and he himself would explain and he himself 28:08 would feel separated and he would cry and devotees would only see this he would they would just experience 28:26 would explain all the verses and in some verses radha and krishna are meeting and he would find so much joy and in some 28:33 verses they are separating and he would find so much shock so look at the poetry a mata is prakar 28:39 in this way rasa lila shlok how much ever 28:46 mahaprabhu would explain all of them and pai kabu harsha shokh 28:51 sometimes harsha and sometimes shoka when he sees that radha and krishna are meeting harsha and when he finds radha 28:58 and krishna are separating in the leelah ashoka 29:04 kaviraj gosvami says how much can i describe mahaprabhu's ecstasy says 29:16 if i start describing his ecstatic symptoms then one chaitanya charitabrite has to 29:21 be written only on the ecstatic symptoms kaviraj goswami says 12 years every 29:28 second mahaprabhu wept and cried for krishna 12 years in sanskrit 12 years are called one yuga 29:36 this is why he says nimeshena 29:42 that 12 years have passed in a blink but at the same time in separation from 29:49 krishna every blink seems painful like 12 years 29:54 imagine if someone has rashes on their back and rashes in their body for them to lay 30:01 down and sleep is very difficult so every night every hour goes very slow 30:09 but when there is there are no rashes and the person is comfortable even if they sleep 12 hours they they 30:15 when they are woken up they act like mucho kunda they will burn the person who is waking waking them up so which 30:21 means when there is joy time passes very quickly and we don't realize and when there is 30:27 sorrow then every moment looks 30:34 it goes slow it goes slow i remember when i came to america 10 years ago i didn't know any 30:41 devotees here and i was living alone i literally could feel every day pass 30:49 by and i would think that i think it's not 24 it's 48 hours because 30:55 nothing to do no devotee association no temple no center not one person no 31:00 friend and uh time difference with india you can speak to the devotees and the 31:06 friends you made all your life it's like a total change but then after meeting devotees how time 31:13 passes you don't know three hours of class and it seems like it was just a blink of a moment 31:18 so of course our experience is insignificant but what i'm trying to say is if rashes on the back can hurt us so 31:25 much that every hour seems so difficult to pass at night imagine mahaprabhu 31:31 separation from krishna let's understand it like this when we are missing something small in 31:37 life and you get it then that separation is not filled but the greatest separation that ever 31:43 exists in this world is separation from the greatest personality you can't replace him with anything else 31:51 if someone is feeling separation from let's say a a lost iphone or whatever phone 31:58 then you get them a new phone they don't feel separation anymore so it's easier to replace the things that you feel 32:04 separation from and then you don't feel any more separation let's say there's a dent in a car 32:09 you feel bad about it but when you repair that then you don't feel anything about it right because they can be 32:15 replaced and substituted but there is no substitute for krishna so when you feel separation from him 32:23 you can't settle for anything lower anything equal or anything higher because nothing exists 32:30 the only solution is getting him and the more one gets him the more in 32:36 humility one feels i am not qualified 32:41 so therefore caitanya charitably describes separation from krishna is like drinking hot sugar cane juice 32:49 it is so so hot that you can't drink it 32:54 but at the same time it is so sweet a sugar cane juice that you can spit it out 33:00 krishna viraj goswami has used this example that 33:08 it gives so much joy in the heart that you can forget him and it gives so much pain 33:16 in not getting him that you can't remember him but at the same time you can't forget 33:22 him uddhava comes and tells the gopis you think about krishna use your mind to 33:27 think about krishna and when you think about krishna there is no more suffering 33:33 the gopis are saying we are doing yoga to forget him and you are teaching us yoga to remember 33:40 him 33:45 my guru maharaj in one class was explaining that uddha's words were like stone 33:54 and the gopis hearts headed by sri radha they are like mirror 34:00 what happens when you throw stone at mirror the mirror breaks so hearing the stone 34:06 like words of uddhava the the mirror of radha's heart 34:13 was getting shattered but what happens is when you have a full mirror you have 34:18 only one reflection one reflection of the person but when the mirror the mirror glass 34:26 shatters every piece starts to reflect so radharani starts telling buddha 34:37 [Music] 34:50 you have come to teach what yog right yoga means to remember right but yoga 34:57 also means to meet yate so you should actually teach us yoga by 35:03 which we can meet krishna but your words are creating not yoga but v yoga more 35:09 separation so your words are like stone and you're throwing 35:16 those stone on the mirror of our heart and what's happening is before we had one problem 35:23 we wanted to somehow ask that one krishna reflection in the mirror of our heart to leave but when the stone of 35:29 your words are hitting and cracking the mirror of our heart so many pieces have been formed and in 35:36 each of those pieces shamsunder is reflected before we had one krishna that we wanted to forget now we have we have more than 35:43 300 krishnas in our heart how can we forget him how can we you are actually increasing our pain 35:52 or we can say uddhava's words were like droplets of water and radharani's heart was like a hot 35:59 tawa what happens when you put little water on a hot tawa 36:06 the heat increases you can feel the steam on the surface right so uddha was trying to pour water 36:12 to extinguish that fire of separation but his water was like droplets they were actually increasing the heat 36:18 so chaitanya charitameric describes that dua what sorry 12 years j.j 36:39 how much experience of separation mahaprabhu felt at every minute 36:45 the scripture will become very voluminous 36:52 at every moment for 12 years mahaprabhu was bleeding and crying and sweating and 36:57 perspiring 37:07 that when he came as ramachandra uh bow and arrow were his ornaments when he 37:12 came as krishna kaustubhamani and the peacock feather and the flute were his ornaments but when he came as mahaprabhu 37:18 what were his ornaments kanchana sadhusha just like we can see when the sun is 37:24 rising the sky becomes red and then there's a golden sun 37:29 mahaprabhu's body was like the golden sun and his sannyas cloth was the reddish sky 37:37 and what were his ornaments 37:44 his hair was standing on end voice was choking body was trembling 37:50 body was completely filled with his own perspiration please note when maha 37:56 vishnu creates universes he also perspires and he sleeps on the ocean of 38:01 his perspiration but he doesn't perspire to such an extent that the whole world drowns 38:08 in his sweat but mahaprabhu has the supreme maha vishnu he creates 38:15 universes of good fortune in our lives by sweating and dancing and crying and 38:20 laughing and that sweat and his tears mixes together and drowns the whole world 38:25 sripad prabhudananda saraswati has said kaivalyam narakate 38:48 he says that by having darshan of mahaprabhu once 38:56 one becomes so much filled with love of godhead that the desire to become god looks like 39:05 hell why would you want to become god there is more pleasure in becoming a devotee because god himself wants to 39:11 become a devotee 39:18 when you take some flowers and you throw it in the air what happens they come down but for 39:24 some moments they are there in the in the air right like when you throw before they hit the top and then come 39:30 down through gravity for some time they are floating in the sky so the proposal of becoming a demigod is 39:37 akasha it's like flowers in the sky it's a temporary position you'll go up stay 39:43 there for some time and shine 39:51 or another meaning is have you ever seen flowers floating in the sky 39:56 no it's an imagination so similarly the the the proposal to become a demigod is 40:02 just a dream we don't want it it's not reality 40:10 the senses of the devotee which were like snakes biting him 40:16 with the desire to enjoy this world are now like snakes around the neck of lord shiva 40:21 they have no venom and they have no teeth but they have become the ornament because through the senses the devotee 40:27 is only serving krishna krishna said 40:33 but the devotee who has praying in his heart living in the world of suffering he only sees joy 40:40 why nacho gao bhakta sang 40:46 oh where is there suffering in an assembly where there is only srimad-bhagavatam and loud singing and 40:53 chanting and dancing of krishna 41:02 and the powers of the demigods are seems like crawling insects on the side of a room 41:09 which means we don't want those mystic siddhis 41:16 he says he has said just by one glance of mahaprabhu when prem comes in the heart 41:24 this is the feeling then sri pad prabhupada saraswati 41:29 and he writes that 41:35 [Music] 41:48 that the whole world drowned in the ocean of love of god when mahaprabhu came 41:54 viswam 42:01 the whole world drowned in joy but as far as i am concerned 42:07 forget about drowning in the ocean even one drop of bhakti didn't touch my heart 42:13 one she tolds me one cheetos there is no doubt there is no doubt 42:19 there is no doubt i have been cheated kali yuga has cheated me given the 42:24 golden avatar and still kept me in the hiding so those who are gauravadis those who 42:30 are gaudius by the blessing of mahaprabhu they will be touched with the pangs of separation 42:37 then kaviraj goswami describes how much separation does mahaprabhu have from krishna 42:43 look at this can anybody describe mahaprabhu's separation from krishna 42:48 maybe anantashesh can describe right because he has thousands of mouths and he has so much ability 42:54 kaviraj goswami describes sahasra 43:04 that even if ananta with thousands and thousands of mouths starts to describe mahaprabhu's bangs of separation 43:14 the separation that mahaprabhu felt from krishna in one day ananta shesh cannot describe because 43:20 anantashesh cannot understand the heart of srimati radharani and experience what separation 43:26 she feels from krishna so naturally even if he has ability and lot of time he will not be able to describe the 43:33 spanx of separation why mahaprabhu is crying why mahaprabhu's laughing why he is jumping 43:41 oh maybe ganesha can right because he has written shastra and we just celebrated 43:47 she and ganesh chaturthi to start with so maybe lord ganesha can kaviraj go swam and describes 44:01 even if millions and millions of yuga's of time are given to 44:06 lord ganesh still he will not be able to describe the pangs of separation the pangs of separation that a devotee feels 44:14 even attracts krishna what to speak of the ability of ananta sheshan ganesh so the next verse says bhakthira 44:25 himself gets astonished when a devotee cries think about it krishna is on the altar 44:31 playing his flute he always receives dandavat pranam but he doesn't experience 44:38 the joy that a devotee feels in offering that dandavat pranam krishna 44:43 is sitting on the altar and eating bhoga but with what mood the devotee is cooking and feeding putting a tulsi on 44:50 the top krishna doesn't know and when pangs of separation increase in the heart 44:56 it attracts krishna to no extent there is absolutely no extent to what a 45:02 devotee can go in separation from krishna actually it is described in the 45:07 life of shilla raghunath das goswami how much separation he felt 45:13 it's beautiful bengali tripadi poetry i hope all of you will enjoy and relish it's very simple to 45:20 understand describing srila raghunath das goswami a very great gaudi version of poet by the 45:26 name radhaval prabhu in the past many many centuries ago he has written radha 45:34 krishna 45:44 again 45:59 broken pieces of rice spoiled rice old rice uncooked rice 46:05 unpolished rice is what he would eat but that is because mahaprabhu was still 46:10 on the planet he could still at least eat that but gauranga be okay when mahaprabhu left anna chadi 46:17 he even left eating rice and palak he only started drinking some milk and 46:25 eating some fruits but that is because sanatana goes for me and rook goes from here on the planet 46:42 he even gave up eating fruits and only accepted drinking water but that is because roop goes mommy was 46:49 still on the planet 46:54 radha 47:00 even gave up drinking water and only loudly called out radha krishna radha krishna radha 47:07 krishna and that sustained his life 47:27 left and his associates also left the only thing raghunathas goswami could do is cry he couldn't even say ragha 47:35 krishna which he was saying before and even when krishna katha was spoken to him his ears shut which means he could 47:42 not see he could not speak he could not hear and uh 47:48 he could only utter half half syllables and cry out instead of saying 47:54 krishna he could only say this was the separation that he was 47:59 feeling on the banks of radha kund and when he would 48:07 have darshan of them again and again lose them he would cry out 49:10 [Music] 49:27 oh [Music] 49:39 [Music] foreign oh karuna my oh most merciful 49:46 manifest manifestation of mercy oh radharani please where are you please give me 49:53 darshan so radharani is asking that 49:58 who is calling me [Music] 50:08 to 50:50 [Music] 51:19 so much separation that kandee goshay raghunathas goswami would cry day and 51:24 night and podi money and he would roll on the floor chana angad 51:30 all the dust of radha kund would be on his body and chakshu and 51:36 because of crying and not eating he became blind and apanara dehobhar he he could feel 51:44 the weight of his own body and veeraha and he was burning every moment in the 51:51 fire of separation 52:01 [Music] 52:12 taking breath even breathing was difficult for him and mukeva now is 52:18 puran he could not speak a word manda mantha jibana day the tongue moved 52:23 very slowly um having darshan having smaran remembrance of krishna in the heart and 52:30 prama ashram nitra per day from his eyes he was constantly crying just like srila prabhupada explains 52:38 that chanting is actually the cry of the jiva for krsna's shelter like a baby cries 52:44 for the mother's milk or the mother's embrace that should have that is the process of 52:50 um spiritual upliftment it is described that the more we cry in separation from 52:56 krishna those tears will wash off our anarthas therefore srila gorgovinda maharaja used to say that bilba mangala 53:03 cried he got krishna dhruva cried he got krishna pralad cried he got krishna 53:08 srila govinda maharaja would say that without crying you cannot get krishna 53:14 and when he opened up the isk on bhubaneshwar temple he said i have actually opened not a temple but a crying school 53:22 bhakti yoga bhakti yoga bhakti yoga dan chaitanya describes the only wealth in this world 53:30 is bhakti yoga and what is bhakti yoga 53:35 smaranakrandan to remember krishna chant his names and cry in separation shayi 53:44 [Music] 53:55 go swami you please fulfill my heart's desire please accept me at your lotus feet and 54:02 give me also some bangs of separation 54:13 that my lord that without tears in separation from you a person is poverty stricken 54:21 what do we have to call ourselves rich only wealth only home only health only 54:26 gadgets what is the value of all this the true wealth anybody can possess 54:32 is shedding tears in separation from krishna not in public for sure but in private 54:40 era going in public and crying and shedding 54:45 some tears in front of the deity and showing everyone oh i'm wiping my tears i'm so great 54:51 those tears will not wipe the anarthas they will increase the unearthers they will increase their earth 54:58 rupa goswami path in one work he writes or radharani just like if someone lifts up 55:04 a bucket of boiling water and if that water spills on the skin then there is a third degree burn 55:10 on the skin so radharani i have hidden my chest 55:16 from everyone with upper cloth why now i will reveal that he says he says the hot 55:22 bucket of tears have fallen on the chest skin 55:28 and there are burn marks on my chest by the hot tears that i have shed in separation from you oh radharani please 55:35 accept me proof goes on for the rights so therefore 55:45 when krishna sees a devotee feeling pangs of separation even krishna gets astonished what to speak of anantha 55:51 shesh and ganesh and others so therefore to experience this separation that the 55:58 devotees feel that radharani feels the final concluding point that kaviraj goswami writes 56:05 please hear this very attentively this is so sweet 56:24 [Laughter] 56:31 the feeling of crying for krishna and jay gati prakar 56:36 at different levels of separation how are they krishna does not understand 56:42 because the devotee jata duke sometimes feels sorrow and cries 56:47 and jatasuka and sometimes feels joy and cries and jatek of vikar and his hair stands 56:53 on end and sometimes he's not even able to say krishna like 57:06 describes even saying jagannath was difficult because a lump of emotions was choking his throat 57:13 so bhakta premiere dosha what dasha of tears the devotee weeps in 57:20 separation from krishna and jay gati prakar and at what level of devotion 57:26 sometimes he feels sorrow jatasuka sometimes he feels joy and jateka vikar 57:31 and his body is going through transformations 57:37 krishna cannot understand this being the supreme lord therefore 57:44 to taste this mood of separation krishna became [Music] 57:52 krishna would 58:09 so krishna knows how it feels but he doesn't know govinda doesn't know how radhika feels 58:17 as govinda virahiname therefore govinda go took the bhava of radhika ra 58:24 and appeared in one anga body and became govindas go and radhika's ra in one anga 58:30 became goranga and then now krishna himself 58:35 in the mood of radha started saying 58:44 so can we display the purport again if possible 6 2 23 prabhupada very beautifully in the end 58:52 of this purport maybe i'll pull it up here yeah i have it so srila prabhupada in the end of the 58:58 poor port i will read the line again which we tried to elaborate in this discussion srila prabhupada says to 59:05 increase his eagerness to glorify the lord that is ajamil's eagerness 59:10 the vishnudutas disappeared so that he would feel separation in their absence in the mode of separation prabhupada 59:17 writes glorification of the lord is very intense gauru priman 59:24 thank you so much for this opportunity if there are any questions or comments 59:30 or corrections or suggestions or improvements of any input 59:36 i would be very happy to to hear from all of you thank you srila prabhupada 59:45 thank you for coming on the call such an ectarian class thank you so much thank you so much from uh 59:51 one ocean of gems you bring us to another version of chance which is chattanooga so beautiful 59:58 uh and you explained that in this short class such a beautiful class 1:00:04 everybody was so enlightening uh just uh one verse in your glorification prabhu 1:00:11 ramayana says 1:00:21 it enlightens you from inside and from outside and your guru maharaj has put that money permanently on your in your 1:00:27 thanks all glories to your guru maharaja to you prabhu thank you so much because 1:00:33 has just taken the metaphor ahead srila prabhupada crossed the ocean on 1:00:41 we know that but at the same time instead of crossing the ocean he jumped into the ocean 1:00:47 of compassion and he went straight down to the bed and opened up the oyster of our hearts 1:00:54 and placed the pearl of krishna bhakti so that money what is placed on the tongue goes into 1:01:01 the stomach into the heart so in the heart oyster raupa has placed the pearl 1:01:06 of bhakti in all of our hearts so all of us 1:01:12 thank you so much thank you so much thank you 1:01:17 with your permission we'll go ahead with the question session our senior his grace 1:01:30 can you hear me now yes yes please thank you very much 1:01:35 and i have the first opportunity of the offering my denver programs to amarendra 1:01:41 who i have heard of so much about him but this is the first time in my life i'm meeting a pure devotee of 1:01:48 propaganda 1:01:57 no that's why i'm hiding you i'm i'm the ajamil really there if you see like that 1:02:04 i am hiding behind you 1:02:09 it was such an exalted experience today i had you know i read bhagavad-gita bhagavatam every day 1:02:15 every day from 1984 i'm initiated like that but it is really a thrill when you experience 1:02:23 bhakti from one heart to another heart that's that's what i felt today and i'm so fortunate for that 1:02:29 i just wanted to quote one slope which comes to my mind 1:02:41 so i have no hope of obtaining love for lord krishna this is beyond my scope but i have 1:02:48 developed little love for superpower all right this is my great fortune 1:02:54 and i feel that if i don't get any any love for higher authorities love for lord krishna 1:03:01 will up for prabhas will suffice and that's my great success of my life and 1:03:06 that's what i wanted to share with all of you thank you madame to all vaishnava vice navis and everyone who has 1:03:13 developed love for surprises 1:03:28 english now 1:03:36 [Music] 1:04:24 i just 1:04:34 you know the name of the lord so in the respawn temple there was some 1:04:39 argument somebody said you cannot say the holy name of krishna is bigger than krishna 1:04:45 prabhupada has never told that it is same if it is more than krishna that means you are undermining krishna but from 1:05:06 if this is okay 1:05:20 so happy 1:05:34 you can see the sixth verse where he speaks about watching and vachacam 1:05:40 two things he talks about the name and the 1:05:45 personality that is krishna and his name and he says 1:05:55 that between the two i proclaim that the holy name is more karuna more merciful 1:06:03 and i can read the translation here you can see this is straight from rupa goswami oh holy name you are manifest in 1:06:10 two forms the supreme person described by the holy name and the sound vibration of the holy name that is krishna and nam 1:06:16 and nami basically we know that the second form is even more merciful than the first 1:06:22 the name is more merciful than the person because although a person may commit many offenses to your first form 1:06:28 that is your person he will still plunge in an ocean of bliss by serving your second with his voice 1:06:37 this is from rupa gosvami if anybody has a problem with it then this verse could be used 1:06:44 we 1:06:57 please 1:07:09 we should always have devotees association but as 1:07:40 foreign 1:08:08 english english please okay so should i translate the question also mataji because the question was asked in hindi 1:08:14 yes okay so the question asked here is uh and 1:08:19 priyanka mataji you can correct me if i didn't understand the question properly um the question 1:08:25 to what i understood was it's not always possible to associate with senior version of us um so whomever we 1:08:31 associate with uh we become friendly with them so what are some things that we should be careful about right in that 1:08:38 association so that we make maximum advancement yes right correct so first and foremost we 1:08:45 may not be able to associate with senior version of us all the time we agree to that as far as in person is concerned 1:08:51 whenever it's possible we should associate but if not possible at least the classes are always 1:08:56 available through social media through you know through bhakti-sanga and java conference 1:09:03 every morning every mid morning every evening all day actually it's available and many senior vaishnavas are 1:09:11 serving classes so it's always available recordings are there not just here but even iscond desire 1:09:17 tree and so many other forums youtube is filled with so many classes from so many temples so that is point number one as 1:09:24 far as senior association is concerned also when we read the books of the senior vaishnavas written by them 1:09:30 we are actually associating with their thought process so this is very important now the second point is when we 1:09:37 associate with devotees first thing that we should be careful about is to stop speaking other subject matters 1:09:44 as much as possible we should hear and speak about krishna by which we will make more advancement this is uh very 1:09:50 important many times what happens is when we although a senior may befriend us and 1:09:56 call us their friend we should never consider them to be just a friend yes a friend also but we should 1:10:02 always be aware that they are advanced you know in age or in experience or in 1:10:08 initiation or realization and therefore as much as possible we should try to hear from them and not advise them the 1:10:16 main pitfall in association is fault-finding and that happens due to over-familiarity 1:10:23 when some association is easily when some association is available in the first place 1:10:29 initial few days we are in awe oh i am so fortunate but then we get used to it 1:10:37 and then instead of hearing from them we hear but we also speak 1:10:42 and then comes a point when we try advising them also because of over familiarity 1:10:48 and we find faults with them srila radhanath explains before 1:10:53 finding faults with anyone comes a stage where we are convinced we are better than them 1:10:58 therefore we are able to see faults so familiarity committing offenses 1:11:05 talking mundane subject matter and criticizing other vaishnavas these things should be avoided even if very senior advanced version of 1:11:12 us um in age or in realization are speaking other topics 1:11:17 uh we may hear them no problem we should not think that oh look they're talking things of this world no we should think 1:11:24 what lessons i can learn out of it but however if some vaisnava is being 1:11:30 criticized even if it comes from the lips of a very advanced vaishnava we should make some excuse and try to leave 1:11:35 that place we should say that mataji this is this is wonderful let's 1:11:41 continue this actually i have a urgent call i'll just quickly finish this call and then i'll continue like that and 1:11:47 then don't come don't get back again so these are some things to be taken care about and one there's only one do and 1:11:54 that is in a respectful manner associate and here enchant about krishna 1:12:06 i have no worries about crossing this world because my mind is always absorbed in the ocean 1:12:13 of your nectarian qualities so these are some things now next few questions we'll keep it 1:12:18 rapid fire property because i have only five minutes and we see about eight hands there 1:12:24 or seven heads sure thank you hari krishna 1:12:30 my question is like in the class today i heard that rather 1:12:38 with yoga we are trying to learn separation but you are teaching us to love krishna so i couldn't get this 1:12:45 point project yeah exact opposite of what you said 1:12:50 that you are teaching us yoga to remember krishna 1:12:56 now our situation is such that we should learn yoga to forget him because this krishna is already there in 1:13:02 our heart the problem is not forgetting krishna for us remembering krishna is the big problem 1:13:08 so don't teach us yoga to remember him if you know some yogic tips by which we can 1:13:14 forget him that you can teach us 1:13:34 actually we sometimes try to avoid the activities which are not according to the 1:13:39 achievement of the deportees right but but due to the uncontrolled mind we 1:13:45 commit those but after committing who is that which is making us feel bad 1:13:52 again and that oh what you have done now uh you have committed an 1:13:58 offense so who is that which is make us feel like this 1:14:06 is 1:14:11 that it is [Music] not the demigods 1:14:18 not the time factor it is not our karma it is not the astrological jyotish graha 1:14:24 nakshatra it is not our neighbor 1:14:31 the one who forces us the same question even arjuna is asking in the bhagavad-gita that 1:14:38 although we know that something is sinful what is that power balad by force 1:14:43 which pushes us and krishna says that it is these are the anarthas 1:14:50 and the mind is the resting place where all of this happens so it is the mind alone who pushes us 1:14:57 and then makes us feel guilty 1:15:06 thank you uh please go 1:15:23 [Music] actually it is a very big thing for me that i am in your zoom it is like a 1:15:30 dream come true as your uh your speeches are like jaladuta which carries shilla prabhupada to hippies 1:15:37 like me and our damn souls what i was i what i wanted to ask that 1:15:42 whenever i uh hear your speeches i understand that krishna prem but it is very higher thing 1:15:50 for beginners like me even the desire of krishna are not available for me 1:15:55 when i chant i sometimes i feel that i don't even have the what 1:16:01 how needed yes i don't remember shri krishna or anything i'm just chanting and sometimes even the words i think i 1:16:08 have not heard them or something so does uh the offenses can help me advance or 1:16:15 what should i do for that 1:16:38 sorry it is supposed to be srimad-bhagavatam class but shashi nandang hari i think has 1:16:43 kidnapped my tongue for the session so 1:17:00 the past pastimes of mahaprabhu gornita deities navdeep dham the names of 1:17:05 mahaprabhu the forms of mahaprabhu aparadha nahimani they don't consider offenses and tariq nippon 1:17:12 they are expert deliverers if one uh chance krishnam then 1:17:18 we have to remember satam ninda all the ten offenses but for gournam it is described 1:17:25 chaitanya nityananda nahi isabechar don't have any of these considerations 1:17:35 even with anarthas in the heart prime will come and pray will come and clean up everything by calling out to gauran 1:17:42 and it is a fact what you said that feeling separation from krishna is a very high 1:17:48 topic but however till the time we don't know of the goal we will never achieve it 1:17:54 if one never discusses about india you will never have a desire to take a flight and go there 1:18:00 or if you never hear about brindavan you will never feel like visiting so even if we are far away from the goal 1:18:06 it is important to at least hear about it so that we can say that oh when will that day come when i 1:18:13 will also experience this prabhupada would say cry for krishna and then if somebody said i don't know how 1:18:18 to cry for krishna then prabhupada would say cry to krishna that i'm not able to cry for you 1:18:25 when we can cry for mundane things think about a father 1:18:30 who has a daughter he himself took care of the daughter 25 years in his life the daughter played on 1:18:37 his lap and he worked so hard for it he himself will find a boy for her 1:18:43 make all the arrangements of the hall take all the expenditure and in olden times even worse he would 1:18:51 even give dowry to the boy and send the girl to the boy's house and then he will 1:18:56 sit and cry we are making so much endeavor and then crying 1:19:01 but that krishna who is there in our heart a super soul lifetime after lifetime tears don't come for him this 1:19:07 is really a very sad state the heart is very steel framed and hard 1:19:12 like a rock that we are ready to cry for people whom we have met 20 years ago 1:19:18 but we are not able to cry for krishna who is there in our heart feeding us 1:19:23 even when we are upside down in our mother's womb tell me who saved us at that time 1:19:29 previous mother gone new mother no relation yet between two mothers also krsna's 1:19:34 embracing just thinking about this will make us tear eyed and moist eyed that 1:19:40 krishna if you start deciding that depending on the quality of your chanting i will send you roti then we 1:19:46 will all die out of hunger but krishna is saying even if you don't 1:19:51 chant properly i will continue to give you your roti even for those who are atheistic krsna's giving breath and 1:19:57 they're using that breath to show that he doesn't exist and he still continues to be their heartbeat and give their 1:20:04 breath in the lungs how much love if we can 1:20:10 feel love and express love to people around us imagine the underlining reality who's 1:20:16 keeping everything going if all the karma of all the sins of all 1:20:23 the bad activities of all our lives if they attack us all together 1:20:28 we will not even be able to survive it is krsna who's already holding all those reactions so that we can perform 1:20:34 bhakti because if all those reactions come bodily mentally emotionally we will be 1:20:40 finished over lifetime jitney karma whatever karma is there if it all attacks us like a thunderbolt in one 1:20:45 minute we are finished but our supreme well-wishing friend krishna is holding all those reactions and telling 1:20:52 the living entity don't worry i am there you chant i will protect you how much we are trying to forget him and 1:21:00 be in this world krishna is trying a million times harder to get us out 1:21:07 it is unfortunate that tears are not coming in the eyes 1:21:15 so at least we can start by hearing about it and then aspire someday our heart will melt 1:21:51 how can i fix it no problem the mind is like a horse right the horse in the in the class we 1:21:57 were mentioning the mind is like a horse and the horse cannot be kept like a cow it loves to run so let it run but just 1:22:03 put the fencing that it must be krishna conscious think of different deities no problem think of spiritual master no 1:22:10 problem different paintings pictures no problem places in brindavan no problem shlokas no problem stories in shastra no problem 1:22:17 not that you're making an endeavor but if the mind is trying to go somewhere try to try to think of krishna no 1:22:23 problem but don't fix it that it must be only at radharan or must be at the feet of only like you know this story or 1:22:29 whatever let the horse of the mind run but put the fencing that it must be krishna conscious that's all 1:22:58 me and my husband both from pune we have been listening to your lectures and you people like you have been our source of 1:23:03 inspiration uh probably my question is not related to the topic but something different uh we have a five-year-old 1:23:08 daughter and i just wanted to understand from you was it ever overwhelming for you to you know uh go to the temple uh 1:23:16 you you know you stayed in thani and going to going all the way almost every weekend and then 1:23:22 obviously your parents would have seva uh in the temple was it ever overwhelming for you and your 1:23:28 brother uh and how did uh and what what some practical tips that you would like to 1:23:33 give how how to make her understand the balance between her spiritual life and you know material life 1:23:39 thank you professor very great hi krishna first of all by saying that you're from pune 1:23:45 i i was smiling because his grace radhesham prabhu is going to be here today 1:23:50 so so it's like you being in pune you're thinking of 1:23:57 atlanta but in atlanta you're thinking of pune because coming here and we are all very excited to hear krishna katha 1:24:03 from a very advanced vaishnava of his calibur so now regarding 1:24:08 inspiring children to come to the temple anything that is fun kids will do 1:24:14 so find something fun in the temple for her maybe mangalarti is not fun for her 1:24:21 maybe class is not fun for her uh maybe some coloring books are fun 1:24:26 like my mother used to get me lot of coloring books and i used to sit in color even in the middle of a bhagavatam 1:24:31 class i remember and many times i used to like those books so 1:24:36 so much that after coloring them once i would tell my mother get that same book again so because i wanted to color them 1:24:42 color it again i remember those books so my ears would be listening the class and 1:24:47 i would be coloring and sometimes i would drop and listen if it's an exciting story but if it's something 1:24:52 that i don't understand then i continue to color another attraction for me was the prasadam 1:24:58 you know so and i'm pretty sure many devotees are 1:25:04 there with me even now positively vouching yes prasadam 1:25:09 so making the visits fun is what i would say another thing is i 1:25:15 loved to play the murdanga in my childhood so what my parents would do is many times during the bhagavatam class 1:25:21 they put me to a muradanga teacher so i would go to the temple because i 1:25:27 would learn newer mantras mantras so that would be a motivation 1:25:32 meeting senior devotees who in fact i remember there used to be a brahmacharya called preem kishore prabhu many years 1:25:38 before in my childhood i think now he's in calcutta if i'm not wrong so what he or she should prove i 1:25:45 take that back he what he would do is i would go into his office he would take 1:25:51 care of the sankirtana office in juhu and i would say prabhuji i have come to collect tax 1:25:57 i would say that i would joke with him and he would say so what is the tax and i would say you have to give me a 1:26:02 krishna picture every time i meet you that's the tax so he being in the sankirtana office he would have a lot of 1:26:07 calendars and table calendars wall calendars so he would get all those pictures 1:26:13 and he was kind to me and he would give me one sandesh mahaprasad sweet and one picture of 1:26:20 krishna which i would you know keep to myself and have a collection so we have to find what attracts the child and it 1:26:27 would be different things for male female and depending on their age so we have to find what attracts them and make 1:26:34 that fun if we put anushas in that hey you have to sit in a class you have to 1:26:39 do this get up for mangalati look that girl is getting up for mangalathi she's also five years old what is that that 1:26:45 the mother there is giving that i don't give you many times parents speak like that and it's not very motivating 1:26:52 so we want to inspire the child and make krishna conscious fun so these are some things of course 1:27:00 there are others who can give parenting seminars but on the basis of whatever i have 1:27:05 experienced and i've seen my parents give me is what i try to share 1:27:10 thank you beautiful thank you very beautiful so raj prabhu maybe we can 1:27:16 conclude at this point because i have some commitments afterwards as as you say hundred percent as as you as you 1:27:21 wish people thank you so much yeah 1:27:27 i just wanted to thank you for taking time and coming on the call and giving such a wonderful nectarian class 1:27:35 i i i feeling like breaking the clock now is like you know why the time is 1:27:40 there gophers were blaming to grandma why he made the islands 1:27:58 foreign i wanted to come in person but somehow that uh trip got truncated so please 1:28:06 forgive me and i i today's service i am offering it as uh 1:28:11 priced that i could not make it please forgive me yeah we were you know we 1:28:19 we were ready so much i know to welcome you everybody was so excited but 1:28:27 maybe krishna's plans are some different so please come some other time you know take some time for us 1:28:33 thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much prabhu thank you so 1:28:39 much for the beautiful beautiful class again thank you for your services prabhupada to the mission of srila prabhupada thank you dear devotees let 1:28:45 us pay our obeisances to prabhuji prabhu has to leave class after class 1:29:00 [Music] 1:29:12 [Music] 1:29:23 for joining we'll end the call here see you all again to

Monday, June 14, 2021

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Pravachan Part 15 - Full Transcript Text



Standby link (in case youtube link does not work)

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Pravachan Part 15.mp4


0.0 ब्रह्मसूत्र, वेद, उपनिषद सबका सार केवल "श्रीमद भागवत" में है

1.01 जैसे सब नदियों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ और पूज्य नदी गंगा है

1.11 जैसे सब देवताओं में, श्रीकृष्ण ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ और पूज्य हैं

1.19 जैसे सब वैष्णव भक्तों व संतों में श्री शंकर सबसे बड़े हैं

1.26 ऐसे ही सब ग्रंथों में, पुराणों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ और पूज्य और सर्व

और वेदांतों का भी सार है "श्रीमद भागवत", इसके जान लेने के 

बाद कुछ भी और जानना आवश्यक नहीं रह जाता  

2.36 और इस भागवत को सुना रहे हैं सुखदेव परमहंस

2.57 सुखदेव श्री वेद व्यास जी के लड़के है - ये माँ के पेट में 12 साल तक पड़े रहे, बाहर निकले ही नहीं, क्यों नहीं निकले - क्योंकि माया लग जाएगी

3.20 जब आप पेट में होते हैं तो भगवान आपको ज्ञान देते हैं, आप भगवान से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि हे भगवान: मुझे इस नर्क से निकालो, अब आप ही का भजन करेंगे और कुछ नहीं करेंगे

3.39 और जब बाहर निकले, पैदा हुए, तो उस कष्ट के दौरान सब ज्ञान भूल गया                                                             

4.10 वेद व्यास ने सुखदेव से पूछा कि तुम कौन हो, 12 साल से अपनी माँ पिंजला के पेट में पड़े हो (The child remained in the womb of his mother for twelve years, and when the father asked the son to come out, the son replied that he would not come out unless he were completely liberated from the influence of māyā. Vyāsadeva then assured the child that he would not be influenced by māyā)

4.19 सुख देव जी ने कहा कि मैं 84,00,000 योनियों में अनन्त बार घूमा हूँ, वेद व्यास जी को सुखदेव के ज्ञान ने अचम्भित कर दिया और उन्होंने सुखदेव को वर दिया कि बाहर आ जाओ आपको माया नहीं लगेगी

4.46 सुखदेव जी निकले माँ के पेट से और चल दिए जंगल की तरफ पूर्ण समाधि की अवस्था में क्योंकि माया तो उनको लगनी नहीं थी

5.49 आगे जा रहे हैं सुखदेव परमहंस और पीछे आ रहे हैं उनके पिता श्री वेद व्यास: पुत्र, रुको, रुको

6.25 मगर सुखदेव रुके नहीं वो परमहंस अवस्था में थे,  परमहंस यानी इन्द्रियां पूरी तरह से नियंत्रण में हो

7.02 रास्ते में देवांगनाएं (अप्सराएं, fairies) बिना कपड़ों के स्नान कर रही थी सरोवर में, सुखदेव तो आगे चले गए मगर वेदव्यास पीछे आ रहे थे उन्होंने अपसराओं को देखा और धिक्कारने लगे कि ये बिना वस्त्र के क्यों नहा रहीं हैं पाप लगेगा क्योंकि ये वरुण देवता का अपमान है

7.34 और वेदव्यास को देखते ही उन अपसराओं ने कपड़े पहन

लिए, तो वेद व्यास ने कहा मेरा लड़का आगे गया तब तो आप ने 

कपड़े नहीं पहने और मुझ बूढ़े के सामने पहन लिये

8.27  अपसराओं ने उत्तर दिया की आप हंस हैं और आपका बेटा परमहंस है, हंस माने जो ये तो जाने कि क्या अच्छा है क्या बुरा है और अच्छे को ही पकड़े, बुरे को नहीं पकड़े, सभी महापुरुष हंस अवस्था में तो रहते ही हैं मगर परमहंस की अवस्था में कभी कभी जाते हैं, और परमहंस केवल सब जगह भगवान को ही देखते हैं  

10.05 ऐसे ही सुखदेव है भागवत के वक्ता और श्रोता कौन है परीक्षित

10.22 परीक्षित जब माँ के पेट में थे अब अश्वत्थामा ने इन पर ब्रह्मास्त्र चला दिया था और गर्भ में ही मार दिया था मगर श्री कृष्ण ने इन्हें पुन: जीवित कर दिया था गर्भ में ही, 

और श्रीकृष्ण ने दर्शन दिया परीक्षित को गर्भ में ही (Parikshit was born to Uttara and Abhimanyu (son of Arjuna). He was the grandson of Arjuna and he was saved by Lord Krishna in the womb of his mother, when Ashwaththama directed Brahmastra on him)

10.54 जब परीक्षित पैदा हुए तो सब में ढूंढ रहे थे वो इतना सुन्दर बालक जो गर्भ में देखा था - इसलिए उनका नाम परीक्षित पड़ा

11.23 वो परीक्षित जिनके बारे में बहुत बड़े बड़े ऋषियों ने युधिष्ठिर को बताया था की परीक्षित की शक्तियां और योग्यताएं अद्भुत होंगीं, श्री ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर के सामान, वो परीक्षित भागवत सुन रहे हैं, वो अधिकारी है श्रीमद भागवत सुनने के

12.0 बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ सनकादिक परमहंसों को कि सुखदेव ने

भागवत सुनाया कैसे, उन्होंने सूत जी से कहा कि हमारी बुद्धि ये 

नहीं मानती, सुखदेव तो सुन भी नहीं सकते, पढ़ भी नहीं सकते, तो सुनाएंगे कैसे

13.45  18,000 श्लोक वाली श्रीमद भागवत कैसे सुना दी सुखदेव ने

14.11 सूत जी ने उत्तर दिया: माया से परे और आत्मा में रमण करने वाले परमहंस भी श्रीकृष्ण की लीला, श्रीकृष्ण के दर्शन पाकर भूल जाते हैं अपनी समाधि को और श्रीकृष्ण के दास बन जाते हैं

14.40 श्रीकृष्ण में ऐसे गुण हैं, ऐसा आकर्षण है, तभी तो इनका नाम पड़ा श्री कृष्ण,  कृष्ण बना आकर्षण से, अपनी तरफ खींचने वाला

14.49 श्रीकृष्ण अपनी सुंदरता पर स्वयं मोहित हो जाते हैं

15.33 एक कारण और है कि सुखदेव जी को पूर्व जन्म में व्यसन था, संस्कार था, श्रीकृष्ण की कथा सुनने का

15.09 सुखदेवजी परमहंस जब जंगल गए थे तो एक काष्ठ (लकड़ी की तरह posture) समाधि में लीन हो गए, तो श्री वेद व्यास के कहने पर उनके शिष्यों ने श्रीकृष्ण केशृंगार का वर्णन किया सुख देव जी के कान में तो सुखदेव समाधि से बाहर आ गए हौ और पूछा शिष्यों से कि भगवान इतने सुंदर वो हैं तो कैसे मिलेंगें, और फिर समाधि में चले गए

19.06 श्री वेद व्यास के कहने पर उनके शिष्यों ने श्रीकृष्ण की परम दयालुता का वर्णन किया,  पूतना का किस्सा बताया कि वो अपने स्तनों पर जहर लगाकर, उनको मारने की मंशा से गई थी, मगर उसे भी अपना लोक दे दिया क्योंकि पूतना ने अपना स्तन श्रीकृष्ण के मुँह में डाला, इसलिए श्रीकृष्ण ने उन्हें अपनी माँ का दर्जा दिया







Sunday, June 13, 2021

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Pravachan | Part 14 - Full Transcript Text


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Pravachan | Part 14


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Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Pravachan Part 14.mp4

0.0 दो ही मार्ग हैं, 1. DIVINE GODLY  श्रेय / पर धर्म / स्वाभाविक धर्म / दिव्य धर्म / गुणातीत धर्म    और    2. WORLDLY: एक प्रेय / अपर धर्म / परिवर्तनीय धर्म / मायिक धर्म / त्रिगुण धर्म  - These are all different names for 2 types of धर्म (our duty / responsibility to be followed by human beings) 

0.49 भावार्थ क्या: धर्म यानी जो धारण करने योग्य है, आत्मा का धर्म है भगवान की प्राप्ति करना, ये "श्रेय" (Best) धर्म है

1.09 शरीर का धर्म, प्रेय धर्म है - शरीर के धारण करने योग्य भोजन, वायू, जल, आकाश, अग्नि - शरीर को सवस्थ रखने के लिए - इसमें वर्तमान में सुख मिलता है मगर भविष्य में दुख ही दुख  

1.39 श्रेय धर्म में पहले कष्ट है, साधना करनी पड़ती है, और बाद में परमानंद सदा के लिए

1.50 जो बुद्धिमान (wise) है वो श्रेय धर्म को अपनाता है

1.55 और जो भोला भाला अल्पज्ञ (poor intellect) प्रेय धर्म को अपनाता है कि केवल वर्तमान में सुख मिले, भविष्य में जो होगा, देखा जाएगा - बस 84,00,000 योनियों में घूमेंगे, ऐसे लोग मानव देह की महत्त्व (importance) समझते ही नहीं

2.56 मानव देह तो देवताओं को भी दुर्लभ है और फिर महापुरुष (guru) भी मिल जाए, सोने में सुहागा

3.27: "मनु" और आगे उनके वंशज बताएं हैं 

3.45 उनमें से एक थे भरत जिन पर भारतवर्ष का नाम पड़ा

4.35  प्रश्न:  दुख निवृत्ति (removal) और सदा के लिए आलौकिक (divine, out of this world) सुख मिलना कैसे होगा

5.50  लोग पूछते हैं कि हम को "माया" क्यों लगी

5.58 इसका उत्तर है कि भगवान से विमुख (ignoring Lord) होने पर माया लगती है

6.07 हम भगवान से विमुख क्यों हुए, जीव आदि काल से भगवान से विमुख है इसलिए माया ने जीव को मोहित कर लिया है, जकड़ लिया है, जीव का असली स्वरूप भुला दिया है

6.44 मैं आत्मा हूँ, मैं भगवान का नित्य दास हूँ, ये हमारा वास्तविक असली स्वरूप है, हम अपने को देह मानने लगे, हम पुरुष हैं, स्त्री हैं, पंजाबी हैं, बंगाली हैं, ब्राह्मण हैं, क्षत्रिय हैं, अनेक बीमारियां पाल ली हमने

7.10 जबकि वास्तव में हम ये सब कुछ नहीं है क्योंकि अनन्त जनम हमारे ऐसे ही बीत चुके, हम अनन्त बार कुत्ते, बिल्ली, गधे बन चुके हैं

7.28 ये तो हमारा शरीर है क्षण भंगुर,  4 दिन के बाद समाप्त हो जाएगा, फिर दूसरा शरीर मिलेगा

7.39 श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन से कहा जैसे कपड़ा पुराना हो जाता है उसे बदल देते हैं लोग, ऐसे ही मरने के बाद आत्मा शरीर बदलती है

8.11 तो "पर" (श्रेय (Best) धर्म क्या है - श्रीकृष्ण की भक्ति

8.38 हमने सदा से अपने को देह माना, इसलिए देह के नातेदारों को अपना नातेदार माना - भगवान को अपना नातेदार नहीं माना

8.48 केवल मुँह से भगवान को बोलते हैं "त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव", त्वमेव माने "तुम ही" हमारी माता हो, पिता हो, बंधु हो, सखा हो

9.01 भगवान से सफेद झूठ बोलते हैं हम, क्या तुम्हारे घर में माँ बैठी है उसको भी तुम माँ बोलते हो, तो फिर भगवान "ही" केवल माता कैसे हुए, तो ये भगवान से झूठ  बोलना ही हुआ

9.45 इसका इलाज क्या है, भगवत विमुख होने से माया लगी हुई है, भगवत विमुखता (ignoring Lord) का इलाज, भगवत सनमुखता (surrender to Lord) है 

10.22 जीव और परमात्मा दोनों इकट्ठे रहते हैं, हृदय में रहते हैं, जीव कर्म करता है और परमात्मा नोट करते हैं (as a witness)

10.42 परमात्मा कह रहे हैं जीव से कि तुम मेरी तरफ मुड़ जाओ हो संसार से हटकर, तो बस सब झंझट खत्म, माया भागी, त्रिगुण (सतो, रजो, तमो), त्रिकर्म, त्रिदोष, पंच क्लेश सब गए, और सदा को प्रेमानंद मिल जाएगा  

11.10 : भगवत विमुखता (ignoring Lord) का इलाज, भगवत सनमुखता (surrender to Lord) - जिस कारण से रोग हुआ है उस कारण का निवारण (cure) होना चाहिए, तब रोग चला जायेगा

11.48: केवल एक श्रीकृष्ण और गुरु की भक्ति हो, उसमें ज्ञान, कर्म, तपस्या, वर्णाश्रम धर्म वगैरह का mixture ना हो,

12.23 गुरु को आत्मा से भी अधिक प्रिय मानो, गुरु की शरण में रहकर कृष्ण भक्ति करो

12.37 भक्ति यानी भगवान का श्रोतव्य (सुनना), कीर्तन (singing glories of Lord), स्मरण (remembrance of Lord)

13.07 संसार में जब गुंडे लोग कुछ लूटतें हैं दुकानों को, तो कितना जल्दी करते हैं कि police नहीं आ जाए, ऐसे ही ये मानव देह मिला है यह जीवन में हमें भागवत नाम की कमाई करनी चाहिए जल्दी जल्दी - क्योंकि हमारे पास भी मानव देह का समय बहुत सीमित है

13.27 मगर हम लापरवाही कर देते हैं, कीर्तन कर रहे हैं मगर स्मरण नहीं कर रहे भगवान का और स्मरण ही मुख्य भक्ति है, केवल नाम लेना भगवान का, बिना उनके स्मरण के, काफी नहीं है, क्योंकि भगवान के नाम तो आपने बहुत लोगों के भी रखे हूएं हैं  

14.49 और भगवान के स्मरण में कोई शर्त भी नहीं है कि हमें पहले से मालूम होना चाहिए की भगवान कैसे दिखते हैं

14.59 श्रीकृष्ण के अनन्त नाम हैं, अनन्त रूप हैं - यानी आपको जो भी मन को भाए जैसा अच्छा लगे, रख लो, बना लो

15.15 यशोदा ने या ग्वाल बालों ने कभी कृष्ण नहीं कहा / बोला, ए "कनुआ", इधर आ,  मैय्या कह रही है "लाला" इधर आना  

16.04 भगवान तो मन का भाव देखते हैं किस भाव से उन्हें पुकारा जा रहा है, कितना surrender है, भगवान हमारी बाहर की क्रिया नहीं देखते अंतःकरण की निर्मलता (purified status) देखते हैं    

16.25 तो हमें केवल तीन तरह की भक्ति करनी है यानी भगवान का श्रोतव्य (सुनना), कीर्तन (singing glories of Lord), स्मरण (remembrance of Lord), लेकिन लापरवाही नहीं करनी

16.32 ये शरीर बड़ा क्षण भंगुर है, क्या पता अगला ही पल जीवन का लिखा है या नहीं

16.51 एक बार युधिष्ठिर महाराज से एक ब्राह्मण सोना मांगने आया कि लड़की की शादी है, युधिष्ठिर ने कहा कल आना, अभी तो मैं व्यस्त हूँ, भीम साथ में खड़े थे उन्हें बहुत बुरा लगा, भीम ने युधिष्ठिर से पूछा क्या आपने "काल" (समय) को जीत लिया है ? यानी आप अमर हैं ?, तो युधिष्ठिर को अपनी गलती realise हुई इस और उन्होंने ब्राह्मण को तुरंत बुला कर सोना दिया

18.40 भगवान के कार्य में 1. "उधार" नहीं करना चाहिए कल करेंगे, परसों करेंगे, बुढ़ापे में करेंगे  2. लापरवाही नहीं करना

18.53 लोग अक्सर कहते हैं भक्ति कर लेंगे, अभी क्या है अभी तो हम केवल 50 साल के हैं, जब 60 वर्ष के हो जाएंगे तब कर लेंगे, 60 वर्ष के होने पर बोलते हैं 70 के होंगे तो कर लेंगे

19.21 कुछ लोग कहते हैं अरे भाई बैठते तो है भक्ति के लिए रोज़, भाई बैठते तो हो मगर लापरवाही करते हैं रूप ध्यान नहीं करते, अपने को अधम (sinful), पतित (downtrodden), गुनहगार (violator of Lord's laws) नहीं मानते, आँसू नहीं आते, ये लापरवाही है, धिक्कारो अपने आप को, किस बात का अभिमान है तुमको, ना बुद्धि में बृहस्पति (guru of devtas), न एषवर्ग (splendor / grandeur) में इंद्र (Lord Indra) हो, ना सम्मान (honor) में गणेश हो, आखिर तुमको किस बात का अहंकार है, क्या है तुम्हारे पास  

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Pravachan Part 13 - Full Transcript Text


Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Pravachan | Part 13


Standby link (in case youtube link does not work):

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj Pravachan Part 13.mp4

0.15 जिस पूतना ने अपने स्तन पर जहर लगाकर कृष्णा को मार डालने की कोशिश की, उसको भी ठाकुरजी ने अपना लोक दे दिया, ऐसा दयालु कौन होगा

1.16 सभी आत्माराम, परिपूर्ण, तृप्त परमहंस, सर्वत्र मैं को realise करने वाले भी बर्बस (as if under control of someone) भगवान कृष्ण का सौंदर्य (beauty), सौशिल्य (good natured), सौकुमार (forever young) से आकर्षित होकर ऊनकी आराधना करते हैं

3.07 चाहे कोई अकाम हो (निष्काम, who leaves fruits of action in Lord's hands), सकाम हो (who wants fruits of action) या मोक्ष की इच्छा रखता हो - सबके लिए तीन प्रकार की साधना श्रोतव्यं (listening to Lord's glories viz., of His form (रूप), name (नाम), qualities (गुण), activities (लीला) & abode (धाम)), कीर्तनम (singing of Lord's glories), स्मरणं (remembrance of Lord's glories) अनुशंसित (सिफारिश / recommended) बताई जाती हैं

6.12 जीवन मुक्त (liberated while living), मुक्त (liberated after death), साधक(aspirant) , सिद्ध (perfect) योगी, सब के लिए वही तीन साधना श्रोतव्यं, कीर्तनम, स्मरणं  बताई जाती हैं

6.58  इन तीन मार्गों - श्रोतव्यं, कीर्तनम, स्मरणं - के अलावा कोई और दूसरा मार्ग नहीं,  भगवान को पाने के लिए

7.24 ब्रह्मा जी ने तीन बार समस्त वेदों को मथा और निष्कर्ष निकालकर बताया कि केवल यही तीन मार्ग - श्रोतव्यं, कीर्तनम, स्मरणं -  मनुष्य के कल्याण का मार्ग है

8.29 ये तीन प्रकार की साधना - श्रोतव्यं, कीर्तनम, स्मरणं -  सर्वत्र (everywhere) और सर्वदा (all the time) करनी चाहिए, बहुत से लोग ये तीन साधना करते तो हैं मगर कुछ समय के लिए ; सर्वत्र सर्वदा नहीं करते , और बाकी समय संसार का श्रोतव्यं, कीर्तनम, स्मरणं ही करते रहते हैं

9.11 दो ही प्रकार के श्रोतव्यं हैं, दो ही प्रकार के कीर्तनम हैं, दो ही प्रकार के स्मरणं हैं - या तो संसार का या भगवान का

9.32 मान लीजिए एक घंटा भक्ति करी, कमाई करी और बाकी 23 घंटे लुटा दिए उस कमाई को, तो परिणाम में क्या मिलेगा

9.45 हमारा एक मन है उसे शुद्ध करना है, उसे आधा घंटा तो आपने धोया (यानी पवित्र किया भक्ति से) मगर बाकी के 23 1/2 घंटे गंदे पानी (संसार) से धोया, तो मन की गंदगी तो बढ़ेगी, अंतःकरण शुद्ध नहीं होगा और गंदा होता जाएगा

11.08 सदा और सर्वत्र तीनों साधना करनी है और कोई गंदी जगह नहीं होती जहाँ पर ये साधनाएं न कर सकते हों

11.24 जैसे आप अपने नजदीकी रिश्तेदारो से प्यार करते हो, हर समय हर जगह - ऐसे ही भगवान से प्यार करना है

11.45 तो इस प्रकार ये 3 साधना हैं और इनके लिए कोई नियम नहीं है कि कब करना है, कहाँ करना है, कैसे करना है, ओर इतनी सरल है और कोई परिश्रम नहीं

12.24 एक शुद्ध वस्तु, शुद्ध वस्तु को शुद्ध कर देती है मगर एक अशुद्ध वस्तु, शुद्ध वस्तु को अशुद्ध नहीं कर सकती, गंगा जी में हजारों गंदे नाले मिलते हैं मगर सब गंगा बन जाते हैं, गंगा जी गंदा नाला नहीं बन जाती

13.03 इसलिए घबराना नहीं की हम अशुद्ध है तो भगवान का स्मरण कैसे करें, अरे भगवान से ही तो हम शुद्ध होंगें

14.33 ये कलयुग है, इसमें सब मंदबुद्धि लोग हैं, छोटी सी उम्र है और घोर कुसंग का साम्राज्य है, ऐसे में मनुष्य के कल्याण का कोई सरल मार्ग क्या है

16.03 छ: (six) शास्त्र छ: अलग अलग तरह की बात करते हैं,  चार वेद अलग अलग ढंग की बात करते हैं, 18 पुराण अलग अलग बात करते हैं, अब कोई व्यक्ति किसको सही माने, और कोई यदि करोड़ वर्ष की उम्र पाकर भी, इन सब को याद भी कर लें तब भी पागल होने के अलावा कोई चारा नहीं

16.49 तो इस स्थिति में क्या करें ; उत्तर यह है कि महापुरुष के पास जाओ और उनसे समझो और बस केवल तीन साधना करते रहो - श्रोतव्यं, कीर्तनम, स्मरणं

17.55 सब का सार : श्री कृष्ण की भक्ति ही मनुष्य का "पर" धर्म है

18.34 दो ही मार्ग हैं, 1. DIVINE GODLY  श्रेय / पर धर्म / स्वाभाविक धर्म / दिव्य धर्म / गुणातीत धर्म    और    2. WORLDLY: एक प्रेय / अपर धर्म / परिवर्तनीय धर्म / मायिक (माया) धर्म / त्रिगुण धर्म  - These are all different names for same धर्म (our duty / responsibility to be followed by human beings) -