Saturday, December 4, 2021

Unheard SECRETS of SHIV PARVATI and RADHA KRISHNA | Every Devotee of Shiva and Krishna

Unheard SECRETS of SHIV PARVATI and RADHA KRISHNA | Every Devotee of Shiva and Krishna - by Swami Mukundanand Main Points:  1 God is One & so Krishna and Shiva are One, they are two different forms of One God 2 There's a story in the puranas that Shiv came as Radha & Parvati came as krishna to mrityu lok 3 Parvati understands the reason why her husband Lord Shiv wears this mundamaal this garland of heads of beautiful women 4 Shiv tells Parvati that he is immortal, Parvati also wanted to become immortal, so Shiv said alright, you have to hear this Amar Katha from me 5 Lord Rama came to visit Shiva and requested him to marry Parvati 6 Nine Rishis, the nine yogeshwars, they went to test Parvati as to how determined she was to marry Shiv 7 Brahma said if there is a child born to Shiv and Parvati, that child can kill Tarakasur, the demon rakshas & how Kamdev, the cupid was killed by Shiv 8 The wedding barat of Shiv Transcript 0:00 Bhagawan is one 0:05 and say there is one 0:11 Brahama so there is one Rudra that means 0:15 that Krishna and Shiva are 0:17 one okay there are no two Gods there is 0:21 one God they are two different forms of 0:24 one God there's a story in the puranas 0:27 that Shiv once told Parvati that Parvati 0:31 let's go to mrityu lok for a walk to do some 0:34 leelas and Parvati said my Lord why do 0:37 you want to go there we've been there 0:39 before Shiv said this time we will go 0:42 differently so I will go as Radha 0:46 and you go as 0:47 Krishna so Shiv came down as Radha and 0:50 Parvati came down as Krishna how will 0:53 you understand this, well Bhagawan is one 0:57 they are all His different forms 1:01 there is a story in the 1:04 puranas 1:07 that Vamdev  1:10 Maharaj the guru of mother 1:14 Parvati he asked her 1:18 Parvati your husband Lord 1:22 shiv wears this mundamaal this garland of 1:27 heads of beautiful women 1:31 have you never asked him whose heads are 1:36 these he invoked jealousy in Parvati the 1:41 beautiful women's heads that your 1:43 husband is wearing as a 1:46 Garland so Parvati became very curious 1:50 she went and ask Lord 1:53 Shiv my dear husband who are these heads 1:57 that you wear so close to your 2:01 heart Lord Shiv avoided the 2:05 question so Parvati’s curiosity 2:09 increased she said please tell 2:13 Me, Shiv kept avoiding for 3 days until 2:17 Parvati was so 2:20 agitated so Lord Shiv said Parvati why 2:23 does it concern you so much she said why 2:27 should it not concern me you are my 2:29 husband and you're wearing the heads of 2:31 these beautiful women as 2:34 garlands so please you have to clarify 2:38 whose heads are 2:41 these Lord Shiv said 2:44 Parvati these are your 2:49 heads what do you mean each time you 2:52 reject your 2:54 body each time you give up your body I 2:58 am so attached to you I preserved that 3:01 head and I have made a garland out of 3:05 it Parvati was 3:08 pacified but she said my 3:11 Lord I keep giving up my body you never 3:15 give up your body what is the 3:19 matter Lord Shiv said Parvati the reason 3:23 is I have got the 3:26 amarata this Immortal story 3:30 by virtue of that I'm Immortal I don't 3:33 need to give up my 3:34 body Parvati said my Lord if you have 3:38 this Amar Katha please give it to me as 3:42 well so when she requested him he said 3:46 all right but this is very special 3:49 because if somebody receives it that 3:51 person also will become Amar or 3:55 Immortal so I will tell it to you in 3:58 Kailash and ensure that nobody else is 4:03 hearing so Lord Shiv 4:06 clapped all the living entities cleared 4:09 off on his 4:12 instruction there was a little egg of a 4:18 parrot now the egg was there Lord Shiv 4:21 said let me go and check up as everybody 4:24 left he went and saw there was nobody 4:28 around so he came back he said all 4:31 right 4:32 Parvati when I start speaking this amar katha 4:37 I will go into samadhi divine 4:41 trance so at that time I must have a 4:45 confirmation that I'm being listened 4:50 to so please keep filling the 4:56 humkar so I will get my affirmation and I 4:59 will 5:00 continue bestowing this Katha Parvati 5:04 said all right my 5:05 Lord now Lord Shiva 5:08 began with the Katha of the Pandvas and of 5:14 the various passTimes of this Amar Kata 5:19 and Parvati kept hearing and filled the 5:25 Humkar now this little parrot egg had 5:30 hatched and the parrot bird baby was 5:35 also listening to the 5:37 Katha so Parvati was listening in Divine 5:42 ecstasy till the 10th 5:45 Canto and then in the 11th 5:48 Canto the Lord shiv started 5:52 relating the deep 5:55 knowledge the 5:57 philosophy and Parvati got bored by 6:00 it so she fell 6:03 asleep now the parrot was so enticed by 6:07 the Katha it was hearing it said I don't 6:10 want to miss this now with Parvati 6:13 sleeping who's going to fill the humkar 6:16 so the parrot started 6:21 saying the humkar, Lord shiv continued he went 6:25 through the 11th Canto 12th Canto and he 6:28 was winding 6:31 up Parvati woke 6:34 up she said Maharaj you said that there 6:37 was this divine 6:40 discussion what happened about it you 6:42 did not tell 6:44 me Lord Shiv said Parvati what are you 6:47 saying I've already crossed it did you 6:49 fall 6:50 asleep she said my Lord actually I did 6:53 the subject was so difficult I could not 6:56 resist 6:58 sleeping , then who was filling 7:01 this 7:03 humkar this is serious matter somebody 7:06 has received this amar katha and become 7:09 immortal he went out to search and he 7:13 found this little baby parrot now as a 7:17 Leela as a pastime he got annoyed and 7:20 gave chase to the 7:22 parrot so the parrot 7:26 fled and Ved Vyas's wife 7:30 through her mouth he entered her womb 7:33 and sat down 7:34 inside this was the great 7:37 “Shuk” the future speaker of the 7:48 Srimad Bhagavatam,  7:48 On Shiv's instructions the nine 7:51 Rishis the nine yogeshwar they went to test Parvati 7:59 so they saw Parvati performing 8:02 austerities a young lady they said that 8:06 you know for a young lady to be in this 8:09 isolated place so cold so austere what 8:13 are you 8:14 doing Parvati said I'm embarrassed to say 8:17 you people will laugh no tell us she 8:22 said I am performing austerities to get 8:25 Shiv as my husband 8:30 so the nine 8:31 yogeshwars they tried to test 8:34 her they said but don't you know that 8:36 Shiv he's a baba he applies Bhasma (ash) on his 8:40 body and he wears a mrig charms (deer skin) he doesn't 8:43 have any property any wealth those bhoot 8:46 Pret, ghosts and spirits are his 8:48 associates why don't you try and get 8:51 Vishnu as your husband Vishnu is the 8:54 abode of all good 8:58 qualities when they tempted Parvati like 9:02 this Parvati made an amazing 9:15 statement when Sati had rejected her 9:20 body Shiv in complete detachment was 9:24 roaming around as a 9:25 baba and finally he came back to kailash 9:28 and sat down 9:30 when Lord Ram 9:32 came so Shiv was of course pleased to 9:36 see have darshan of his Ishta deva 9:39 Ram 9:42 said everybody asks you for a 9:47 boon I am also going to ask you for a 9:52 boon and hearing this Lord Shiv was 9:56 delighted because Lord Shiv although 9:59 he is God 10:01 himself in his Divine leelas he looks on 10:05 Ram as his 10:08 Isht deva Shiv said prabhu your wish is my 10:12 command what do you 10:14 want Ram said Sati used her intellect in 10:20 my 10:21 leelas as a result of which you rejected 10:25 her she burned her body in the Yagya 10:29 of Daksh and she has come back as the 10:33 daughter of Himalaya she is performing 10:36 tapasya to attain 10:40 you when the proposal is given to you 10:44 please accept and marry 10:46 her Shiv said if that is your wish I 10:49 will fulfill 10:51 it so now on shiv's instructions the 10:55 nine rishis the nine yogeshwar 10:59 they went to test 11:02 Parvati so they saw Parvati performing 11:06 austerities they said that you know for 11:08 a young lady to be in this isolated 11:12 place so cold so austere what are you 11:16 doing parti said I'm embarrassed to say 11:20 you people will laugh no, tell us she 11:24 said I am performing austerities to get 11:28 Shiv as is my 11:31 husband so the nine 11:33 yogeshwars they tried to test 11:36 her they said but don't you know that 11:39 Shiv he's a baba he applies bhasma (ash) on his 11:42 body and he wears a mrig charms (deer skin) he doesn't 11:45 have any property any wealth those bhoot 11:48 Pret ghosts and spirits are his 11:51 associates why don't you try and get 11:53 Vishnu as your husband Vishnu is the 11:57 Abode of all good qualities 12:01 when they tempted Parvati like this 12:06 Parvati made an amazing statement she 12:09 said 12:11 look Shiv may be the of all defects 12:17 and Vishnu may be the treasure chest of 12:20 all good 12:22 qualities if I have loved on the basis 12:25 of qualities then I am still selfish 12:29 that is worldly love my love is 12:33 selfless I will either marry Shiv or I 12:38 will remain kumari for ages and ages 12:42 that is my final 12:44 verdict so the nine yogeshwars were very 12:47 pleased they went and told this to Lord 12:51 shiv now Lord shiv when he heard this he 12:55 was delighted he again closed his eyes 12:58 and went off into 13:00 samadhi at that time there was a rakshas 13:05 called 13:06 Tarakasur who was oppressing the devatas 13:10 a 13:11 lot and they were unable to kill this 13:14 powerful 13:16 Tarakasur so Brahma said if there is a child 13:20 born to Shiv and Parvati that child 13:23 alone can kill this 13:25 Tarakasur so Shiv and Parvati need to 13:28 get married but Shiv is in 13:31 samadhi what to do so they commissioned 13:35 Kamdev the god of cupid 13:39 and said you go and you break Shiv's 13:43 Samadhi, cupid Kamdev came with all his 13:47 associates and he started creating an 13:49 environment out there increasing the 13:53 desire of the 13:56 atmosphere as a result of which the 13:58 stream started running towards the ocean 14:01 the creepers started clinging to each 14:03 other clouds started merging in each 14:06 other but Shiv is still sitting 14:09 unmoved so Kamdev was totally annoyed 14:13 finally he took an arrow and he shot it 14:17 at Lord Shiv when that arrow hit Lord 14:21 shiv he opened his eyes and he said, “बड़ा रंगीला माहोल है”  14:30 what is the matter my samadhi has been 14:33 disturbed so he saw Cupid he became annoyed 14:37 he opened his third eye and he burned Cupid Kamdev 14:40 to ashes right 14:42 there all the yogis became happy now Cupid Kamdev 14:46 is finished we will be very very happy 14:49 the bhogies became very sad how will we 14:53 enjoy everything became niras (नीरस) 14:56 dry the wife of Cupid Kamdev Rati she started 15:01 crying Shiv felt pity at Rati so he 15:06 said all right your husband Cupid Kamdev will now 15:09 be ananga he will be without a 15:11 body but he will 15:14 exist so the devatas they came along 15:17 with Brahma to Shiv, they requested 15:20 Shiv, they did not give the real 15:22 reason why they need the marriage (of Shiv & Parvati) they 15:24 said nobody is interested in marriage 15:26 any longer please you have to create 15:29 some Rus in this world you have to get 15:32 married to Parvati Shiv agreed so the 15:37 consent was given the news was 15:40 sent Narad ji he went and he informed 15:44 Parvati that you can now go home Parvati 15:48 went home the preparation started 15:51 getting made Himvan and Menavati (parents of Parvati) they were 15:55 delighted that our daughter is going to 15:58 get married 16:00 so here the Barat was being 16:03 prepared all the devatas came when shiv 16:07 is going to get married it's a big big 16:10 event so Indra Varun Kuber Agni all of them 16:15 came but they were all decorating 16:18 themselves nobody is concerned in 16:20 decorating the 16:22 dulha so Shringi Rishi he said all right 16:26 never mind he called all the shiv dutas 16:29 the rudra gans so all the bhoot prets from 16:33 the various shamshans he called them over 16:35 come on decorate your 16:37 master so somebody is hanging scorpions 16:40 from the ears and somebody is putting 16:43 the snake around the neck such 16:46 decorations as have never been done in 16:48 the 16:49 world now Shiv is starting 16:53 off on 16:55 Nandi the devtas said that you know it is 16:59 below our dignity to walk with such a 17:01 dulha let us do one thing let us walk in 17:04 front 17:06 ahead so the devtas started walking ahead 17:09 Shiv is walking behind he's beyond maan 17:12 and samman he doesn't care the whole 17:15 barat it reached 17:18 Himachal so now the residents of Himachal 17:24 they saw the baratis so attractive so 17:27 well-dressed Vishnu ji was right in front 17:30 they said are you the dulha 17:32 He said no I am the barati, they 17:36 said look if the barati is so handsome 17:39 how will the dulha be we are very eager 17:42 to see him Vishnu said after seeing him 17:45 whether you will live or not that is a 17:49 question so finally when Shiv entered 17:54 now in barat 18:13 somebody has a mouth out here somebody 18:16 has got one eye somebody is very fat 18:18 somebody is very thin these kinds of the 18:22 the rudra gan they are all walking so 18:25 the moment the barat entered all the 18:28 Himachal they ran out of the 18:31 town so Shiv said that nobody is here 18:34 to welcome me what is the 18:36 matter so Shringi said maharaj this is the 18:41 mahima of your lotus feet nevertheless 18:44 let's go to the mandap now they went to 18:46 the vivah mandap that had been readied and 18:50 of course Himvan welcomed Shiv , Menavati!! 18:54 was called please come and do the arti 18:57 and Parvati was also called so 18:59 Menavati devi took the arti plate to do arti 19:03 of the damat and when she saw Shiv the 19:06 arti thali fell out of her plate and she 19:09 fainted what is this so she started 19:13 cursing Narad that what kind of marriage 19:16 have you arranged they all tried to 19:19 convince her that come on don't you know 19:22 him she said under no conditions will I 19:25 marry my daughter to such a dulha so 19:29 Narad had to be called Narad  19:32 convinced that what are you doing don't 19:35 you recognize he's 19:37 Jagadish and your daughter is his 19:40 eternal ardhangini she has been born 19:44 again as your daughter she is his 19:47 eternal associate so finally Menavati devi 19:50 was convinced and the marriage took 19:57 place  Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Unheard SECRETS of SHIV PARVATI and RADHA KRISHNA Every Devotee of Shiva and Krishna Must Watch.mp4