Sunday, February 20, 2022

If you Don't Choose God - Shree Krishna's Ultimate Plan for us by Swami Mukundanand

If you Don't Choose God - Shree Krishna's Ultimate Plan for us by Swami Mukundanand

Main Points:  1  Translation: Deluded by the three modes of maya People in this world are unable to know Me, the Imperishable and Eternal (BG 7.13) “Deluded by the three modes [goodness, passion and ignorance], the whole world does not know Me, who am above the modes and inexhaustible”.  2  Now somebody can say, if God is like this, then why can we not know Him ? What is the impediment ? So, Krishna is now saying that there is one energy that is creating the impediment and that energy is the Material energy, called Maya, so what is this material energy maya doing, “ma” means not, “ya” means is, so maya Means “that, which is not”. This energy is creating an Illusion which is not the reality  3  when Vedavyas writes the Srimad Bhagavatam “verse” “satyam param dheemahi”, so he is doing the Mangalacharana (beginning of the granth) Vedavyas says that Lord from Whom the whole universe have emanated and that Lord Whose Maya, consisting of the three gunas, puts everybody in illusion, to that supreme absolute truth, I offer my obeisances  4  So, if maya is putting us in illusion, then maya is a very bad thing. But we said that in Vedic philosophy, there is no Satan, but then maya seems to be a substitute for Satan becasue it is making us forget God. Actually, maya is performing two functions. Those souls, who do not wish to surrender to God, Maya is creating a playground for them, where they can continue without surrendering to God.  Those souls, who do not wish to submit, what is this Radhe Radhe Radhe, I am not interested in God, I am God, so Maya says you come in the material world and you can be God out here, everybody can take the place of God.  Taking the place of God means I am the enjoyer, I am the proprietor, this is material consciousness, I am the Lord of all that I own and I am the master of all that I see. So this material Consciousness is permitting us to play God and it is created by maya.  5  God gives us the freedom to forget Him, if we so wish. He says, alright, I am giving you a rope, you can go and hang yourself with. So maya is putting us into Illusion but at the same time it is also ensuring our corrections, so it is ensuring that vimukh (turned our back to Him, i.e., not heeding God’s instructions how to please & hence attain Him) from God We can never be happy - that guarantee maya takes  6  “verse” Tulsidas ji wrote the Ramayana & says being Vimukh from Ram with back to God, nobody can be happy. Fire may emanate from the ice, this impossible may become possible but forgetful of God, some body can be happy ? Impossible !  7  People come and ask Swami ji why people, who do so much of bad, they are happy. I say, never allow that doubt in your mind because if you start thinking bad people are happy, then you’ll say, I should also do bad so I can also be happy. Be firmly convinced that vimukh of God, nobody will be happy. Maya devi will take care.  It seems to you this person is happy although he is doing all 420 things (fraudulent activities) because you are seeing the externals - that this is the size of his car, the size of his house and this is the brand of his watch etc. but if you look inside, you will say Ram Ram Ram, I am much better than this this politician, this film star etc.  8  so Maya devi is serving God, its service is to allow the souls to live their lives in forgetfulness of God, create that illusion, the illusive playground and also keep on jiving (deceiving) & punching them, so that slowly, slowly, they mature in their realization - that I cannot find happiness here in this temporary world of miseries  9  so Maya is a shakti. In Advaita Vedanta, Shankaracharya says maya does not exist - Brahma satyam jagan mithya jeevo Brahmaiva naprah Brahma saty rahman is the only truth, Jagat mith he world is illusory, Jeevo Brahmaiva napar here is no difference between the individual self and Brahman because if he accepts that maya exists, then there will be two entities one God and one Maya and that will disprove his Advait, so he said there is no such thing as maya.  He said, you just do “aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman (God)), “aham Brahmasmi, and maya will disappear but it is the shakti of God, it is not going to go by “aham Brahmasmi” “so dasi raghubir ki” because it is God’s Shakti - it has got the power of God.  If somebody has got TB, he punches you, nothing will happen but if some Dara Singh comes along and punches you, you will not live to tell the story. It is the power behind the punch that counts and the power behind maya is God himself  10  Shri Krishna is telling Brahma that this maya is only perceived in absence of Me, but without My presence, it cannot be Perceived. it means that maya’s energy is coming from God but you will only perceive it, when your consciousness is devoid of God (& hence maya will trouble you & give you punches), so this Maya is a servant of God  11  God has got 2 kinds of servants, one is the saints, who are explaining His personality, this is how He is and they are trying to attract the souls towards Lord & explaining how you will benefit, come on. So the saints are serving Lord this way. We are His marketing agents but hardly few listen to these saints.  Most ignorant souls say, what Swamiji, I know everything ! But he is going to tell you the science of happiness. What science of happiness, I know everything, so (in their ignorance, foolishness & due to false ego) hardly few listen to any Swamiji  12  But then the material energy, Maya does its work and it troubles the soul, so when we experience misery, whether it is through relationships, through business, through health or through the mind itself, then we say, you know, this world is all bogus & that's what swami ji was saying,  that there is a God that must be the truth so without Vairagya / renunciation / detachment you cannot develop faith and that detachment is created by maya, when it gives us miseries. So maya is also serving us. Shri Krishna says here in this verse (BG 7.14) that look, this maya is putting everybody in illusion. “This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it”.  Transcript: 1:39 Translation : deluded by the three modes of maya 1:44 People in this world are unable to know Me the 1:48 Imperishable and Eternal (BG 7.13) 1:52 Now somebody can say if God is like 1:57 This then why can we not know Him ?  2:01 What is the impediment ? 2:03 So, He (Krishna) is now saying that there is one energy that is  2:08 Creating the impediment and that energy is the 2:13 Material energy called 2:16 Maya so what is this material energy maya 2:20 Doing ma means not ya means is so maya 2:27 Means that which is not 2:31 This energy is creating an 2:34 Illusion which is not the reality so that kind of 2:39 Illusion when Vedavyas writes the bhagwat “verse”  satyam param dheemahi 3:03 so he is doing the mangalacharana 3:06 vedavyas that Lord from Whom the whole universe 3:11 Has emanated and that Lord Whose   3:15 maya consisting of the three gunas puts everybody 3:19 in 3:21 Illusion that supreme absolute truth I offer my obeisances  3:27 so if maya is putting us in illusion then maya is a very bad thing 3:34 we said that in vedic philosophy there is no 3:37 satan but then maya is a substitute for 3:41 satan it is making us forget God 3:53 actually maya is performing two Functions 3:59 Those 4:01 Souls who do not wish to surrender to 4:05 God Maya is creating a playground for 4:09 Them where they can continue without surrendering to 4:15 God those souls who do not wish to submit what is this 4:19 Radhe Radhe Radhe, I am not interested in God 4:22 I am 4:24 God so Maya says come you come in the material 4:28 World and you can be God out here  4:31 everybody can take the place of God taking 4:35 The place of God means I am the enjoyer I am the 4:38 Proprietor this is material consciousness I am the 4:42 Lord of all that I own and I am the master of 4:45 All that I see so this material Consciousness is 4:50 Permitting us to play God and it is 4:53 Created by maya. God gives us the freedom to forget Him, if we so wish  4:59 he says Alright I am giving you a rope 5:03 You can go and hang yourself with 5:05 So maya is putting us into 5:10 Illusion but at the same time it is also ensuring 5:15 Our 5:17 Corrections so it is ensuring that vimukh from God 5:21 We Can never be 5:23 Happy that guarantee maya takes  5:27 “verse”  5:32 Tulsidas ji wrote the Ramayana & says vimukh Ram 5:38 with back to God nobody can be happy, fire may emanate from the 5:44 Ice this impossible may become possible but 5:49 Forgetful of god some body can be happy ? 5:52 Impossible 6:02 People come and ask Swami ji  6:07 Why People who do so much of bad they are 6:11 Happy I say never allow that doubt in your 6:16 Mind because if you start thinking bad 6:19 People are happy then you’ll say I should also do 6:22 Bad so I can also be 6:24 Happy be firmly convinced  6:27 That Vimukh of God nobody will be happy Maya 6:32 Devi will take care it seems to you this 6:36 Person is happy although he is doing all 420 things (fraudulent activities) 6:39 because you are seeing the externals this 6:43 Is the size of the car the size of the house and 6:47 this is the brand of the watch etc and if 6:50 you look inside you will say ram ram ram  6:53 i am much better than this this politician this 6:56 film star etc 6:59 so maya devi is serving 7:04 god its service is to allow the souls to 7:10 live their lives in forgetfulness 7:13 create that illusion the playground and 7:17 also keep on jiving (deceiving)  them so that slowly 7:23 slowly they mature in their 7:26 Realization, I cannot find happiness here  7:31 so maya is 7:34 A shakti.  in advaita vedanta Shankaracharya  7:38 says maya does not 7:41 exist brahma satyam jagan mithya Jeevo 7:44 Brahmaiva naprah  Brahma satyam: Brahman is the only truth, Jagat mithya: The world is illusory, Jivo brahmaiva naparah: There is no difference between the individual self and Brahman    because if he accepts that maya 7:47 Exists then there will be two entities one god and 7:51 One 7:52 Maya and that will disprove his Advait so he said  7:55 there is no such thing as maya 8:00 He said you just do aham brahmasmi  8:02 aham Brahmasmi and maya will 8:05 Disappear but it is the shakti of god it is not going 8:12 to go by aham Brahmasmi 8:23 “so dasi raghubir ki” because it is God’s 8:28 Shakti it has got the power of 8:33 God if somebody has got TB, he 8:38 Punches you nothing will happen punch 8:42 again and if some Dara Singh comes along and 8:46 punches you, you will not live to tell the story 8:49 It is the power behind the punch that counts and the 8:53 power behind maya is God himself  8:57 so that is why the Chatushloki Bhagwat, I am telling you second “verse” 9:19 again shri Krishna is telling Brahma this 9:23 maya is only 9:25 perceived in absence of me 9:31 but without my presence it cannot be 9:35 perceived now use your head this maya is only perceived 9:40 in absence of me 9:43 But without my presence it cannot be 9:46 Perceived the energy is coming from God but you will 9:52 Only perceive it when your consciousness is devoid of 9:57 God so this Maya is a servant of God, God 10:03 Has got 2 kinds Of servants one is the 10:06 Saints who are explaining 10:09 His personality this is how he is 10:13 and they are trying to attract the souls 10:17 Towards 10:18 Lord so the saints are serving this is how 10:22 10:18 Lord so the saints are serving this is how 10:22 Lord so this is how you will benefit come on.  10:25 We are His marketing 10:28 Agents but nobody will listen to these 10:32 Saints one Swamiji has come to Irvine (City in USA) 10:37 What Swamiji I know everything arey he is going to 10:40 Tell you the science of happiness. What science of happiness,  I know 10:44 Everything nobody is going to listen to any 10:47 Swamiji 10:49 but then the material energy Maya does 10:53 Its work and it troubles 10:56 The Soul so when we experience misery whether it is through 11:02 Relationships through business through health or 11:05 Through the mind itself then we say you know 11:09 this world is all bogus that's what swami ji 11:11 Was saying there is a god that must be the 11:15 truth so 11:18 without 11:19 vairaagya renunciation detachment you cannot develop 11:24 faith and that detachment is 11:29 Created by maya when it gives us 11:31 miseries so maya is also serving us shri 11:36 Krishna says here in this verse look this 11:41 maya is putting everybody in illusion

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): If you Don't Choose God - Shree Krishna's Ultimate Plan for us Swami Mukundananda.mp4