Thursday, March 9, 2023

Law of Karma | Past Life | Destiny | Why Bad Things Happen To Good People | Part 5 by Swami Mukundanand

Law of Karma | Past Life | Destiny | Why Bad Things Happen To Good People | Part 5 by Swami Mukundanand Full Text  1  Let's take a look at the other side of this proposition, Are we really good people ? If we were good, we would have been in the kingdom of God & we would have been God realized. The fact that we are in the material realm means that we are not so good as yet, I don't want to say bad, otherwise somebody will be hurt.  So you have to now change the statement, “why do good things happen to not-so-good people”. Isn't the answer obvious ? To make us truly good, in other words, the goal of human life is so that we should truly become godlike, truly become like God, become perfect as He is perfect  2  you have to have this understanding and while we are in the material realm there is the law of karma that is applicable. The law of karma states “कर्म प्रधान विश्व करी राखा, जो जस करहि सो तस फल चाखा”. The Bible says exactly the same thing, “As you sow, that shall you also reap”  but again why Kushner stumbled was that he's got one lifetime's perspective and in one lifetime then the law of karma becomes inexplicable “Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and adviser, has criticized the idea that suffering is punishment for sin”. (BUT this is not the correct understanding spiritually)  3  if a child is born blind and the child questions what did I do to be born blind ? What answer will you give to the poor blind child. If you say, it was the wish of God, then God is very unfair This person is born with 6x5 vision and I'm born blind and we as children are just beginning our existence, this is gross partiality on part of God. The only logical & sensible answer is that this is effect of the karmas carried forward from past lives  4  you see all the Karmas that we have done, not in one life but in endless past life times, God keeps an account. God alone can keep that account, in fact the Nyaya darshan gives it as proof of God, without Him, there can be no law of karma - it's the all-knowing who can keep such an amazing account, that is called the Sanchita (means “Accumulated”), Sanchita karma is the accumulated Karmas of our past lifetimes minus what we've already burned out.  So every time when God sends us into the world to continue our journey, He takes one portion from the Sanchit karmas and gives the soul this portion you have to bear in this lifetime, so the portion of the accumulated Sanchit karmas, which is tied to us in this lifetime, that becomes our Prarabdha.  Prarabdha is the destiny with which we are born, there is an element of destiny in everybody's life, nobody can deny it, you did not choose the place where you would be born, God chose it, you did not choose your intellect etc., God chose it and sent you down with it  5  though the destiny is pre-determined, at every moment we have a free will, with which we can make choices. Understand it this way, when you play cards, the hand that you're dealt with is pre-determined, you cannot say no, no, I don't want these cards, I want those cards, you have to play with these cards  but how you play is not pre-determined, a bad player can lose with a good hand while a good player can win with a bad hand, this allows for bridge tournaments to take place, otherwise it could well merely be a throw of dice, Similarly, we all have this free will and the Karma that we do with our free will is called Kriyamana karma, "quotes from scriptures". Your Prarabdha and Sanchita is fixed but Kriyamana is not fixed, so you can slowly slowly change the course of your life. If it is written in your destiny that you will get that one million dollar lottery, you will get it, that's destiny but further having won it, you could blow it up in a year's time or you could multiply it to 1 billion that would be your independent effort, stemming from your free will.  So we are under the bond of this karma and how can you get rid of this whole account of Sanchit Karma? Only then you could be liberated when all Sanchit karmas are burnt away  6  how do you burn away (your Sanchit karmas) something that is infinite in extent, it's very difficult to deplete (to reduce the amount of something so that there is not much left) it, because from infinity if you minus 100, you are still left with infinity  and if you minus a million, it is still infinity, you minus a trillion it is still infinity - how to exhaust our Sanchita Karma - who knows how much is there at the stockpile and alongside with that we are making more karmas, so on one side, we are doing minus but on the other side we are doing plus, will it (accumulation of our Sanchit karmas) ever get exhausted ?  Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita he explains, He says, look Arjun, there is both justice & injustice, Nyaya & Anyaya but you need the third thing and that is Kripa (grace) - if I bestow My grace, I will burn that whole pot of your Sanchit Karmas by My grace  7  even in this world, there is the rule of grace in law, you know, this is the law in India and I have checked up it's also the law in USA, if the Supreme Court declares the death verdict sentences to death by Hanging, the Supreme Court is the ultimate, now there is no other recourse (solution, way out)  but the law says that there is one chance that convict can still appeal to the President for mercy. If the President so chooses by mercy, he can forgive. But President also is not allowed to be whimsical, in that mercy, there is a law there if this, this, this condition is met then President can bestow mercy.  Similarly God says by the law of karma you will never get out of it, you will need My mercy or grace or Kripa but the grace of God is not a whimsical act, oh I like this guy's nose let me grace him, I don't like her eyes, forget it  8  God says, My mercy also has rules and the rule for bestowing mercy is that you need to fulfil My condition. What is the condition, you have to surrender to Me, so He concludes the Bhagavad-Gita by Gita Shloka 18.66 vide that "Sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam sharanam vraja",  Arjun give up all varieties of religiosity and just surrender to the Lord, quotes from "Bhagwad Gita" I shall burn away all your past deeds and liberate you from Maya have no fear  9  so what we need to do is not to blame God & not to blame circumstances & not to find fault - why are bad things happening to me ? There is something different that we need to Do, every time we have to look inside and think how do I need to improve that will change everything.  You have to believe it, if you can understand it by your intellect, only then will you believe it and then your focus will be to improve yourself. As somebody said, when I was a teenager, I dreamt of changing the world but as I grew into my early 20s, I thought if I can change my country, it will be enough and  then after marriage I realized, if I can change my family, I will be a hero but in my old age, I think if I had tried to change myself that would have been the best. That change has to begin from within, so have faith in God and His world that good things are happening but first of all you need to change is your attitude  Transcript

0:22 let's take a look at the other side of this proposition good people are we 0:29 really good people if we were we would have been in the kingdom of God we would 0:37 have been God realized the fact that we are in the material realm means that we 0:46 are not so good as yet I don't want to say bad otherwise somebody will be hurt 0:53 so you have to now change the statement why do good things happen to not-so-good 1:01 people isn't the answer obvious to make us truly good in other words the goal of 1:09 it is so that we should truly become godlike truly become like God become 1:19 perfect as he is perfect you have to have this understanding and while we are 1:29 in the material realm there is the law of karma that is applicable the law of 1:36 karma states "karma pradhana vishwa kari rakha jo jas kari so tass phal chakha" 1:47 the Bible says exactly the same thing as you sow that shall you 1:54 also reap but again why Kushner stumbled was that he's got one lifetime's 2:02 perspective and in one lifetime then the law of karma becomes inexplicable if a 2:10 child is born blind and the child questions what did I do to be born blind 2:20 what answer will you give to the poor blind child if you say it was the wish 2:29 of God then God is very unfair this person is born with 6x5 vision and 2:36 I'm born blind and we are just beginning our existence this is gross partiality 2:43 the only logical sensible answer is that this is karmas carried forward from 2:53 past lives  you see all the Karmas that we have done not in one life in endless 3:03 past life times God keeps an account God alone can keep that account in fact then 3:15 the Nyaya darshan gives it as proof of God without him there can be no law of karma 3:21 it's the all-knowing you can keep such an amazing account that is called the 3:28 Sanchita, Sanchita karma is the accumulated Karmas of our past 3:35 lifetimes minus what we've already burned out so every 3:43 time when God sends us into the world to continue our journey he takes one 3:51 portion from the sanchita and gives it this portion you have to bear in this 3:59 lifetime so the portion of the accumulated which is tied to us in this 4:09 lifetime that becomes our prarabdha prarabdha is the destiny with which we are 4:18 born there is an element of destiny in everybody's life nobody can deny it you 4:25 did not choose the place where you would be born God chose it you did not choose 4:31 that intellect etc God chose it and sent you down with it  though the destiny is 4:39 determined at every moment we have a free will with which we can make choices 4:50 understand it that way when you play cards the hand that you're dealt with is 4:58 determined you cannot say no no I don't want these cards I want those cards you 5:02 have to play with these cards but how you play is not determined a bad player 5:11 can lose with a good hand a good player can win with a bad hand this allows for 5:19 bridge tournaments to take place otherwise it could be a throw of dice 5:26 similarly we all have this free will and the Karma that we do with our free will 5:33 is called Kriyamana karma, "quotes for scriptures" 5:42 your Prarabdha and Sanchita is fixed but 5:50 Kriyamana is not fixed so you can slowly slowly change the course of your life if 6:01 it is written in your destiny that you will get that one million dollar lottery 6:06 you will get it that's destiny but further having won it you could blow it 6:14 up in a year's time or you could multiply it to 1 billion that would be 6:21 your independent effort stemming from your free will so we are under the bond 6:32 of this karma and how do you get rid of this whole account only then you could 6:42 be liberated when it's all burnt away  how do you burn it away something that 6:51 is infinite in extent it's very difficult 6:56 to deplete it because from infinity if you minus 100 you are still left with 7:04 infinity and if you minus a million it is still infinity you minus a trillion it is 7:12 still infinity how to exhaust our sanchita Karma who knows how much is there 7:19 at the stockpile and alongside with that we are making more Karmas so in one 7:28 side we are doing minus on the other side we are doing plus will it ever get exhausted 7:35 Lord Krishna in the bhagavad-gita he explains he says look Arjun there is 7:45 justice there is injustice Nyaya Anyaya you need the third thing and 7:54 that is Kripa grace if I bestow my grace I will burn that whole pot of 8:04 your Karmas by My grace so that grace even in the world there is the rule of grace 8:15 in law you know this is the law in India and I have checked up it's also the law 8:21 in USA if the Supreme Court declares the death verdict sentences to death by 8:29 hanging the Supreme Court is the ultimate now there is no recourse but 8:36 the law says there is one chance that convict can still appeal to the 8:43 President for mercy. If the President so chooses by mercy he can forgive. 8:56 But President also is not allowed to be whimsical in that mercy there is a law there 9:02 if this, this, this condition is met then we shall 9:08 bestow mercy similarly God says by the law of karma you will never get out of 9:17 it you will need mercy or grace or Kripa 9:23 but the grace of God is not a whimsical act oh I like this guy's nose let me 9:30 grace him I don't like her eyes forget it  9:34 God says my mercy also has rules and the rule for bestowing mercy is you need to 9:44 fulfil my condition what is the condition you have to surrender to me so 9:52 he concludes the bhagavad-gita "Sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam 9:58 sharanam vraja" Arjun give up all varieties of religiosity and just 10:04 surrendered to the Lord, quotes from "Bhagwad Gita" I shall 10:12 burn away all your past deeds and liberate you from Maya have no fear  10:22 so what we need to do is not blame God not blame circumstances not find fault 10:33 why are bad things happening to me there is something different that we need to 10:41 do every time we have to look inside and think how do I need to improve that will 10:50 change everything you have to believe it if you can understand you will believe 10:59 it and then your focus will be to improve yourself as somebody said when I 11:09 was a teenager I dreamt of changing the world 11:15 but as I grew into my early 20s I thought if I can change my country it will be 11:22 enough and then after marriage I realized if I can change my family I 11:28 will be a hero but in my old age I think if I had tried to change myself that would 11:35 have been the best you know that change has to begin from within so have faith 11:43 in God and his world good things are happening first of all you need to change is your attitude

Monday, March 6, 2023

This decision could take you to HELL or HEAVEN | Importance of human body | Story of Garuda - Part 2 by Swami Mukundanand

This decision could take you to HELL or HEAVEN | Importance of human body | Story of Garuda - Part 2 by Swami Mukundanand

Full Text  1  so Garud (carrier vehicle of Lord Vishnu) was astonished why should the devatas desire this nasty human body ? Their body is ethereal (extremely delicate and light, in a way that seems unreal; of heaven), it has got so much of aroma (fragrant smell) in it, if a Devta were to come here and we were to smell, we would get so much of bliss that we would faint unconscious - that is the Devta's body and our human form ?  A little temperature rises sweat, sweat sweat, a little decrease another problem, God has filled it so that you have to keep scratching yourself etc, every time it's hungry, thirsty and so on so forth, even our eyes they have to keep on blinking  2  A human has got the nine gates, animals after their death, even their hide (skin) is usable etc. but in the human form, nothing is usable, so why should the Devtas desire this kind of a human body - this was the curiosity in Garud's mind - so what is special about the human body  3  Look at one speciality, “verse”, see eating, sleeping, mating & defending, even animals can do as we discussed in this human form.But knowledge is very special, we have been blessed with this faculty nowadays that scientists have realized that the plants don't have a brain but they can still feel emotions, so when the gardener comes there's some positive electric reaction going through the plant  but when the hunter comes again some negative electric reaction. So the plants also have emotions, that even without brain they also take care of themselves but in the human form you can sit and ponder, what is Swami ji trying to explain to me ?  I say Swami wants jeev kalyan, welfare of the souls, there is a cow shed there, why don't you go and lecture the cows also ? it will be of no use as cows don't have the ability that you and I have so gyan is very special for humans  4  But this answer is insufficient because when it comes to gyan, we are more knowledgeable than the the creatures, no doubt, but not more knowledgeable than the Devatas - these Devatas, they have got far superior drone Technology - your drone technology on this planet is limited while Devtas have got Agni Ban, Vayu Ban, those Agni Ban and Vayu Ban will go through a million people without touching anyone,  directly attack the target and come and fall back into the quiver (where the arrows for the bow are kept), so who can compare with Saraswati and with Brahaspati, there's no question of it. Why then do the devatas seek the human form, what do we have that Devtas don't have  5 so the answer was also given by Kag Bushundi when he said “verse”, the next chaupahi he explained, “verse”, he says Garud ji from the human form you will get “narak” (hell), nether (lower) regions, but arey you just praised the human form and now you say you'll get the nether region (hell), what kind of logic is this ?  The logic is that the Gyan shakti is there in the human form, we have the faculty of the intellect, so we can do a lot of good but we can also do a lot of bad  6  if a dog chooses to steal, what will it do maximum, it will pick a roti and run away but if a human being chooses to steal, then there'll be a crowdstrike (cyberattacks by computer software hacking), so many kinds of scams and this and that, so we do have the intellect but what use are we putting it to ? so the more the ability the more is the scope for misutilization  7  if while walking you have an accident, there will be a little wound, just rub it and gone ; if while cycling you have an accident, then fracture is also possible and with a motorcycle you have an accident then death is possible and from airplane death is almost certain  8  what he says is that after getting the human form, so many will go to hell, because they don't even know what is the purpose of life, and some will say no, no, I will do the punya, I will do the karm kand of the vedas and I'll go to Swarg, celestial abodes, BUT the scriptures say those who wish to go to swarg are also not Intelligent. Why ?  Because the Devtas (already in Swarg, heaven) want to become human beings - now we people say we wish to go to Swarg and the Devtas say, O my God, they have got the human form, hey Bhagwan, make me a human being - so that is why our scriptures say that it is foolish to seek Swarg, “verse”, only the grossly foolish seek to go to Swarg after getting the human form  9  now we people what do we do, if somebody's father passes away, they release a newspaper ad. “my respected father attained his celestial abode (Swarg-vasi), so you are declaring in the newspaper that my dear father was such a fool, he had to go to Swarg,  Swami ji we were releasing it because we thought that it is a nice thing to go to Swarg (heaven), but that is due to our unawareness of the scriptural principles, “verse”, Shri Krishna says that those who want to go to Swarg are not grossly foolish but not intelligent while those who go for Narak (hell) of course they are grossly foolish & are rejected from Swarg  10  some people say I don't want Swarg, because I've already been there so many times, all of us have been there in Swarg in our past lives, this is not our first life that we have been rotating in birth death disease & old age cycle of maya, “verse” so numerous times we have gone to Swarg as well.  And in Swarg, it's possible we ourselves became the Devraj Indra which now we have forgotten. We see, if I get one more million, my problems will be solved and that time in Swarg as Devraj Indra, Kuber was our servant, so some people said I don't want Swarg, I kick it out, I want अपवर्ग or Moksh (Liberation)  and some very select few people come who say, I'll kick Liberation also and they got the higher thing, i.e., Nishkam Prem, so all these fruits we get after attaining the human form, “verse”, whatever you do, we get the corresponding results  11  Our options are:  1 .Do paap (sins) go to the nether regions (hell) or  2 .do punyas (pious deeds) go to Swarg  3. do mixture of both sins & pious deeds, come here (to this material world, rotating in birth death disease & old age cycle of maya in any of 84 lakh yonis) or  4. reject / transcend all three & get liberated or  5. reject / transcend liberation as well, get Bhakti, so all this is available only to human beings but not to the devatas, why not ?  Does anybody know why can't the devatas get all of these 5 options ? 

Transcript 0:01 so garud was 0:03 astonished why should the devatas desire 0:07 this nasty 0:09 body their body is 0:14 ethereal it has got so much of Aroma in 0:18 it if a devta were to come 0:22 here and we were to 0:24 smell we get so much of bliss we would 0:27 faint unconscious 0:30 that is the Devta's body and our human form 0:34 A little temperature rises sweat sweat 0:38 sweat a little decrease another 0:42 problem God has filled it so that you 0:44 have to keep scratching yourself etc etc 0:47 every time it's hungry thirsty and so on 0:50 so forth even our eyes they have to keep 0:52 on 0:53 blinking Devtahe’s got the nine 0:55 Gates the human 0:58 form animals you know after their death 1:01 their hide is usable Etc the human form 1:04 nothing is 1:05 usable why should the devtas desire this 1:08 kind of a 1:10 body this was the Curiosity in 1:15 Garud's mind. so what is special about the human 1:19 Body Devta look at one speciality “verse”  1:35 see eating sleeping mating defending 1:37 even animals can do we 1:40 discussed in this human form knowledge 1:44 is very 1:45 special we have been blessed with this 1:50 faculty nowadays scientists have 1:53 realized that the plants don't have a 1:56 brain no brain but they can still  2:00 feel emotions so when the gardener comes 2:03 there's some electric reaction going 2:05 through the plant when the hunter comes 2:08 again some electric reaction negative 2:10 One going so the plants also have emotions 2:13 even without brain they also take care 2:17 of themselves but in the human form you 2:21 can sit and Ponder what is Swami ji trying 2:25 to explain to 2:27 me I say Swami you want jeev 2:30 Kalyan welfare of the 2:33 souls there is a Cow Shed there why 2:36 don't you go and lecture the cows 2:38 also it will be no use they don't have 2:42 the ability that you and I 2:46 have so Gyan is very 2:49 specialDevta but this answer is 2:54 insufficient because when it comes to 2:57 Gyan we are more knowledgeable than the 2:59 the creatures no doubt but not more 3:02 knowledgeable than the 3:06 devatas these 3:09 devatas they have got far superior drone 3:14 technology your drone technology on this 3:17 planet is limited they have got Agni 3:21 Ban 3:23 Vayu Ban those Agni ban and Vayu Ban will go 3:28 through a million people without 3:30 touching anyone straight attack the 3:33 Target and come and fall back into the 3:37 quiver so who can compare with saraswati 3:42 and with 3:45 brahaspati there's no question of 3:48 it why then do the devatas seek the human 3:53 form what do we have that they don't 3:58 HaveDevta so the answer was also given by 4:03 Kag Bushundi when he 4:12 said “verse”, the next chaupahi he 4:25 explained he “verse”, he says Garud ji from the human 4:29 form you will get 4:31 narak nether 4:34 regions arey you just praised the human form and 4:38 now you say you'll get the nether 4:41 region what kind of logic is 4:44 this the logic is that the Gyan shakti is 4:49 there in the human form we have the 4:52 faculty of the intellect so we can do a 4:55 lot of good but we can also do a lot of 4:59 Bad Devta 5:01 if 5:03 a dog chooses to 5:06 steal what will it do maximum it will pick a 5:10 roti and run 5:12 away if a human being chooses to 5:15 steal then there'll be a crowd strike 5:19 you know so 5:23 many kinds of scams and this and that so 5:28 we do have the intellect but what use are we 5:31 putting it 5:33 to so the more the ability the more 5:37 scope for misutilization Devta 5:40 if while walking you have an accident 5:43 there will be a little wound just rub it 5:45 and gone if while cycling you have an 5:48 accident then fracture is also 5:51 possible and with a motorcycle you have 5:53 an accident then death is possible and 5:56 from airplane death is almost certain Devta 6:00 what he says is after the human form so 6:04 many will go to hell because they don't 6:08 even know what is the purpose of life, so he says 6:11 narak and some will say no no no no I 6:15 will do the punya I will do the karm kand of 6:20 the vedas and Swarg I'll go to 6:24 Swarg Celestial 6:26 abodes so the scriptures say those who 6:30 wish to go to 6:31 Swarg are also not 6:36 intelligent why because the devatas want 6:39 to become human 6:42 beings now we people say we wish to go 6:46 to Swarg and the devatas say O my God they have got 6:50 the human form hey bhagwan make me a 6:52 human 6:54 being so that is why our scriptures say 6:58 that it is foolish to seek 7:15 Swarg “verse”  7:31 only the grossly foolish seek to go to 7:34 Swarg after getting the human form Devtanow we 7:37 people what do we do if somebody's 7:40 father passes away they release a 7:43 newspaper 7:49 ad my respected father attained his 7:53 Celestial Abode 7:54 so you are declaring in the newspaper 7:57 that my dear father was such a fool, he had 7:59 to go 8:02 to Swarg , swami ji we were releasing it because we 8:05 thought is a nice 8:07 thing that is our unawareness of the 8:11 scriptural 8:18 principles “verse” Shri Krishna 8:25 says so those 8:29 who want to go to Swarg 8:32 are not grossly foolish but not 8:36 intelligent those who go for of course 8:39 they are 8:43 Rejected, some people say I don't 8:48 want Swarg because I've already been there so 8:51 many 8:53 times all of us have been 8:56 there in our past lives 8:59 this is not our first life we have been 9:07 rotating “verse” so numerous times we have gone 9:10 to Swarg as 9:12 well out there it's possible we became 9:15 the 9:17 Devraj Indra now we forgotten we see if I get 9:20 one more million my problems will be 9:22 solved and that time Kuber was our 9:25 servant so some people said I don't want 9:28 Swarg I kick it out I want 9:31 अपवर्ग or Moksh 9:35 Liberation and some very select few 9:38 people came who said I'll kick 9:42 Liberation also and they got the higher 9:44 thing 9:46 Nishkam prem,  so all these fruits after the human 9:50 Form “verse”  9:57  whatever you do 10:00 get the 10:08 Results,! do paap (sins) go to the nether regions (hell),  do punyas (pious deeds) go to 10:14 Swarg, do mixture of both sins & pious deeds, come 10:17 here (to this material world), reject all three get liberated, reject 10:21 liberation as well 10:23 get Bhakti so all this is available only  10:29 to human beings not to the 10:35 devatas why not does anybody know why 10:40 can't the devatas get all of these options ?

Sunday, January 1, 2023

First Step to a GOLDEN LIFE 3 STORIES For Good Beliefs Part 2 by Swami Mukundananda

First Step to a GOLDEN LIFE   3 STORIES For Good Beliefs   Part 2   by Swami Mukundananda

Main Points:

1  This was how Hitler's Minister Goen worked, he openly said his philosophy was to tell a lie 100 times and it will become the truth but the Vedas say this is not the way to make your beliefs, there should be a better way to do it and what is that better way of doing it ? 2  they say, create beliefs based on reliable knowledge, when belief is based on infallible knowledge, the belief will be a sound one 3  like for example, 700 years ago in the Western  world the belief was that the Earth is flat, if you go too far away you will fall off, that was not the belief in India because in India even geography the subject is called भूगोल, study of the “round” earth, so 5,000 years ago they had that and  in the Western World it was that the earth is flat but then all of a sudden everybody's belief changed and they all started believing that the earth is round that was when Christoper Columbus he started sailing off to India and discovered America but how come the belief changed suddenly  4   so how did this belief of the Western World change all of a sudden that the Earth is around. It was based on solid knowledge when the knowledge became available, when the facts got revealed, people's beliefs changed  5  likewise, the Vedas say your beliefs should not be based on emotions, I feel, he feels – these emotions are all roller coasters, you should first of all try and get good knowledge, then create beliefs - so we are not realizing that we are the creators of our own beliefs and those beliefs could be limiting us  6  in one organization, a message went out through the intra organization channels that the biggest obstruction to your growth in the company has passed away, come and have final darshan. Everybody was so excited that the biggest obstacle has passed away.  So they all arrived into the CEO's office as per the communication. In a single file, they would enter and they would see a coffin lying there they would look into the coffin and find a mirror and see the face of their own self then realize, oh my God I am the biggest obstacle to my progress, nobody else and what is that obstacle - our own beliefs  7  one lady used to get a dream every week, in the dream, her monster would appear and the monster would start chasing the lady up the hills & down The valleys until she could almost feel its hot breath and then she would panic and the panic would wake her up to realize that it was just a dream, there was no monster and this dream would come week after week after week but on this one particular night the dream prolonged,  so the monster kept chasing her around the lake and up the mountains and then further down the valleys, in the cities, in the forest, it just continued until she finally arrived at a cliff's edge and now there was no where to go. She turned around and looked at the monster and said what are you going to do to me ? Now, the monster said lady, you decide it's your dream, it's your dream you have created it  8  so we don't realize our own subconscious, that's where the dream is coming from, we have programmed our subconscious, likewise we have created our beliefs , now if you created it wrongly, you are responsible for it, say this is one of the first things you need to do in your  life, get proper knowledge, how will you get proper knowledge, infallible knowledge is that which has come from above, like the Sacred Scriptures  9  50 centuries have gone by and the Bhagavad-Gita's knowledge is still valid, all the theories of science 400 years ago got outdated, they got overthrown, they were replaced even in fields of sociology, psychology, economics & everything, the earlier theories got replaced by new ones but here the knowledge of the Gita has withstood the test of time,  even today, every year, hundreds of books are published on Bhagavad-Gita for managers’ life lessons from Bhagavad-Gita leadership lessons from Bhagavad-Gita, why because it's knowledge coming from above and then we have the Saints,  who actually studied this knowledge, who imbibed it, who implemented it in their lives and realized it and who explain it to us  10  just like, if you wish to learn a material subject, the textbooks are there and the teachers are there, likewise for divine wisdom, we have the sacred books and then the Saints from them receive the wisdom, then on the basis of the wisdom, how will we create the belief ?  11  It is a Three step process to create the belief - 1. Shravan 2. Manan & 3. Nidhi-Dhyasan. And what is Shravan, hearing like you are hearing this knowledge or reading, now just hearing once will not suffice because the knowledge will be forgotten, because what you heard is all evaporated. So the scriptures advise us to hear again and again and again, this is the first step, if you are serious about creating good beliefs  12  and the second step is “Manan”, contemplate over it, revise it, revision will bring it in your conscious awareness, then the knowledge will become useful, otherwise it is like the knowledge in the books. You know that anger is a bad thing but when the attack of Maya makes you boil up, then later on you see oh my God what did I do, I shouted at this gentleman who is 30  years my senior.  How come I became such an animal, what happened to me ? The thing that happened was that anger is  bad thing, slipped out in the moment and  the scriptures  say the moment a human being forgets the  knowledge - that human sinks to the level  of an  animal  13   our humanness is unique in being aware of what is right  what is wrong, so the need to keep the  knowledge in our awareness and that will  come by contemplating over the  knowledge. Like a cow grazes grass for 2  hours and then sits and masticates it  for 6 hours, it takes it out, chews, puts  in the next stomach, takes it out, chews,   puts in the next stomach - likewise you  listen for 1 and a half hours and think  about it for 4 and half hours this is  “Manan”  14   and the third step will create the  belief that  is Nidhi-Dhyasan, is  that with your intellect, make a decision that I am the  soul, not the body, the decision that my  happiness is not in this (worldly attachments) but in this (Godly path), so  once the intellect decides, then the  faith will get created and your work  will be done  15   The Kathopnishad has gone to the extent  of  saying that the  day you believe in the definition of  God, you will become God  realized, there's nothing further to  do  16   see the definition of God we all  know, if you got an Indian body  then everybody can give everybody else  a lecture that God is  sitting inside, वो तो घट घट वासी है & without His desire, not even a leaf will move that He is Ananda sindhu. The question is, who believes  that ?  The Kathopnishad says the very definition which  you yourself are saying, if you truly believe it, you  will achieve God  realization - that is the decision of the  intellect, the Nidhi-Dhyasan.  So the first golden rule for living  your best life is  to install good beliefs based on Higher knowledge of our Scriptures like Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam etc.   Transcript 0:00 this was how Hitler's Minister Goen 0:05 worked he openly said his philosophy was to 0:09 tell a lie 100 times and it will become 0:12 the 0:14 truth but the vedas say this is not the 0:20 way to make your 0:23 beliefs there should be a better way to 0:27 do 0:28 it and what is that better way of 0:31 doing it they say create beliefs based 0:37 on 0:41 reliable knowledge when belief is based on 0:45 infallible 0:47 knowledge the belief will be a sound 0:52 one like for 0:56 example 700 years ago in the Western  1:00 world the belief was that the Earth is 1:05 flat if you go too far away you will 1:08 fall 1:10 off that was not the belief in India 1:13 because in India even geography 1:16 the subject is 1:18 called भूगोल study of the round earth so 5,000 1:23 years ago they had that and in the 1:25 Western World it was that the Earth is 1:27 Flat but then all of a sudden everybody's 1:30 belief changed and they all started 1:33 believing that the Earth is round that 1:36 was when Christoper Columbus he started 1:39 sailing off to India and discovered 1:42 America but how come the belief changed 1:49 suddenly supposing I tell 1:52 you 1:55 that if in 5 minutes you can develop the 1:58 belief that you will fly 5 feet in the air 2:02 just not actually fly just believe that 2:05 you can fly I'll give you a million 2:09 dollar easiest way to earn a million 2:12 dollars just develop the 2:14 belief that you fly 5 feet in the 2:17 air say Swami how will I develop the 2:20 belief so how did this belief of the 2:24 Western World change all of a sudden 2:26 that the Earth is around it was based 2:30 on solid knowledge when the knowledge 2:34 became available when the facts got 2:37 revealed people's beliefs 2:40 changed likewise the vedas say your 2:44 beliefs should not be based on emotions 2:47 I feel he feels emotions are all roller 2:53 coasters you should first of all try and 2:56 get good knowledge then create 3:01 beliefs so we are not realizing that we 3:04 are the creators of our own 3:07 beliefs and those beliefs could be 3:10 limiting 3:12 us in one 3:16 organization a message went out through 3:19 the intra organization 3:22 channels that the biggest obstruction to 3:26 your growth in the company has passed 3:29 away 3:30 come and have final 3:33 darshan everybody was so excited the biggest 3:37 obstacle has passed 3:40 away so they all 3:43 arrived into the CEO's office as per the 3:47 communication in a single file they 3:50 would enter and they would see a coffin 3:53 lying 3:54 there they would look into the coffin 3:56 and find a mirror and see the face of 3:59 their own self then realize oh my 4:02 God I am the biggest obstacle to my 4:06 progress nobody 4:08 else and what is that obstacle our own 4:14 beliefs one lady used to get a dream 4:18 every week in the 4:22 dream her monster would 4:25 appear and the monster would start 4:27 chasing the lady up the hills down The 4:32 valleys until she could almost feel its 4:35 hot breath and then she would panic and 4:40 the panic would wake her 4:42 up to realize that it was just a dream 4:45 there was no monster and this dream 4:48 would come week after week after 4:51 week but on this one particular night 4:54 the dream 4:56 prolonged so the monster kept chasing 4:59 her around the lake and up the mountains 5:03 and then Further Down The Valleys in the 5:05 cities in the forest it just 5:09 continued until she finally arrived at a 5:12 Cliff's Edge and now there was no where 5:16 to go she turned around and looked at 5:19 the 5:20 monster and said what are you going to 5:23 do to me 5:25 now the monster said lady you decide 5:29 it's your 5:33 dream it's your dream you have created 5:36 it you 5:37 desire so we don't realize our own 5:41 subconscious that's where the dream is 5:43 coming from we have programmed our 5:46 subconscious likewise we have created 5:48 our beliefs now if you created it 5:51 wrongly you are responsible for 5:54 it say this is one of the first things 5:58 you need to do in your  6:00 life get proper 6:04 knowledge how will you get proper 6:07 knowledge infallible knowledge is that 6:10 which has come from 6:12 above like the Sacred 6:14 Scriptures 50 centuries have gone by and 6:19 the Bhagavad-Gita's knowledge is still 6:21 valid all the theories of science 400 6:26 years ago got outdated they got 6:28 overthrown 6:30 they were replaced even in fields of 6:33 Sociology psychology economics 6:36 everything the earlier theories got 6:38 replaced by new ones but here the 6:42 knowledge of the Gita has withstood the test of 6:46 time even today every year hundreds of 6:50 books are published Bhagavad-Gita for 6:53 managers life lessons from Bhagavad-Gita 6:56 Leadership Lessons From Bhagavad-Gita why 7:00 because it's knowledge coming from 7:03 above and then we have the Saints the 7:06 Saints who actually studied this 7:10 knowledge who imbibed it who implemented it 7:13 in their lives and realized it and who 7:16 explain it to us so just like if you 7:20 wish to learn a material subject the 7:22 textbooks are there and the teachers are 7:24 there likewise for divine wisdom we have 7:28 the sacred books and then the Saints 7:32 from them receive the 7:38 wisdom okay then on the base of the 7:41 wisdom how will we create the 7:44 belief three step process to create the 7:50 belief Shravan, Manan & Nidhi-Dhyasan 7:54 and what is 7:56 Shravan hearing 7:59 like you are hearing this 8:02 knowledge so this is step 8:05 one or 8:08 reading now hear 8:11 it just hearing once will not 8:15 suffice because the knowledge will be 8:17 forgotten 8:19 some simple people say swami ji I I heard 8:22 you last 8:24 year so I say you know you think so but 8:27 I don't think so 8:30 because what you heard is all evaporated 8:33 tell me what was the title of last 8:35 year's talk that I don't remember 8:38 Question. Why you said I’m remembering what Swami ji 8:40 spoke so the 8:46 scriptures say to hear again and again and 8:50 again this is the first step if you are 8:53 serious about creating good beliefs and 8:57 the second step is 9:01 “Manan”, contemplate over 9:05 it revise 9:07 it revision will bring it in your 9:11 conscious 9:13 awareness then the knowledge will become 9:17 useful otherwise it is like the 9:20 knowledge in the books 9:30 you know that anger is a bad 9:33 thing but when the attack of Maya 9:38 takes you 9:41 boil up then later on you see oh my God 9:44 what did 9:45 I do, I shouted at this 9:48 Gentleman who is 30  9:50 Years my senior. How come I became such an animal. what happened to me the 9:55 thing that happened was that anger is a 9:58 bad things slipped out in the moment and 10:02 the scriptures 10:06 say the moment a human being forgets the 10:10 knowledge that human sinks to the level 10:14 of an 10:16 animal our humaness is in the 10:20 unique in being aware of what is right 10:25 what is wrong so the need to keep the 10:29 knowledge in our awareness and that will 10:33 come by contemplating over the 10:36 knowledge like a cow grazes grass for 2 10:41 hours and then sits and masticates it 10:46 for 6 hours it takes it out choose puts 10:50 in the next stomach takes it out chews 10:52 puts in the next stomach likewise you 10:55 listen for 1 and a half hours and think 10:58 about it for 4 and half hours this is 11:03 “Manan” and the third step will create the 11:07 belief that 11:12 is Nidhi-Dhyasan which is  that with your intellect make a decision this 11:17 is 11:20 it that 11:23 decision the decision I am the 11:27 soul not the body the decision my 11:31 happiness is not in this but in this so 11:36 once the intellect decides then the 11:40 faith will get created and your work 11:43 will be done the Kathopnishad has gone to the extent 11:48 of 11:54 saying the 11:56 day you believe the definition of 12:01 God you will become God 12:04 realized there's nothing further to 12:08 do see the definition of God we all 12:11 know you know if you got an Indian body 12:15 then everybody can give everybody else 12:17 lecture God is 12:22 sitting inside, वो तो घट घट वासी है, Without His desire, not even a leaf will move. He is Ananda sindhu.  the question is who believes 12:32 That. The Kathopnishad says the very definition which 12:36 you are saying if you truly believe you 12:40 will achieve God 12:42 realization that is the decision of the 12:45 intellect, the Nidhi-Dhyasan  12:48 so the first golden rule for living 12:52 your best life is 12:55 install good beliefs Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): First Step to a GOLDEN LIFE 3 STORIES For Good Beliefs Part 2 Swami Mukundananda.mp4

Friday, March 4, 2022

Heart touching Story - Shri Krishna's Most Eye Opening Message - Mahabharat - by Swami Mukundanand


Heart touching Story - Shri Krishna's Most Eye Opening Message - Mahabharat - by Swami Mukundanand Full Text 1  There have been so many instances because of the wrong understanding of the scriptures. In history, there was a time when people started differentiating on the basis of caste  2  in Pandharpur, there has been a bhakt called Chokhamela - he had tremendous love in his heart and outside Vitthal Bhagavan's Temple, he used to dance and sing and chant everybody loved it, you sing so well you are such a great devotee but when he wanted to enter the temple, they would not allow him, you are from a lower caste you cannot go in  3  so he used to try and convince them that what is this caste you are talking about ? Does the Sun differentiate where it falls ? Doesn't it fall equally everywhere ? Does the air differentiate whom it nourishes. Doesn't it nourish everybody, so what is this bhed bhav that you are talking about ? However his pleas would fall on deaf ears  4  and then as is the nature of people, they would apply salt to his wounds, God doesn't like you at all, that is why you are not able to have His darshan, that means you don't have His grace upon you and you will never have it upon you.  Now when the people of Pandarpur said this to him again and again, Chokhamela became extremely disturbed and at night he was crying, oh Lord, am I not your devotee, don't I have the right also to have your darshan like everybody else ?  You have said in the Bhagwad Gita, “I am equal to all”, then why is it that I am disqualified from entering Your temple ? Chokhamela was crying in this manner and Pandarpur Bhagavan, He accepts anybody's devotion  5  God's rule is very simple, He says in bhakti, if there is any distinction, it is on the basis of your bhakti, on the level of your devotion. So for example a little Gopi gets entry into Maha-Ras and Shankar ji is stopped - but I am Mahadev - that's all right, you have to love like the gopis do ! So the more your bhakti the higher your seat, that is the Lord's criteria. Everything else, He Himself is giving, the only thing the soul can give is its bhakti to Lord  6  Chokhamela was full of love, but the people were not understanding. Vithal Bhagwan manifested in his house, he started speaking to him and Chokhamela said, Maharaj you are so kind. Vithal ji said come over to My temple so He took him to the temple, now they were at the altar,  He said come in, no, no but I am not qualified to go in, Vitthal Bhagavan said who said you are not Qualified, I am telling you are, He took him into the altar and then started speaking to him, explaining to him on how to do bhakti, you chant the names and glories of God, detach your mind from the world, lead a simple life  7  so this talking was going on in the Morning, the head priest used to come atam because the Mangal aarti was at Four in the morning, he had to clean up and he found all this talking going on. So who is inside and he found that Chokhamela is there - he said that look what in the world did you do ?  you have desecrated (impurified) our whole temple, Chokhamela said what could I do, God got me inside, no no, don’t give all these excuses, Henceforth, outside the city there is a wall, you have to live on that side of the wall & they made him live on that side  8  but the Lord is captured by love “अहम भक्त परा so every evening Vitthal bhagwan used to come and visit him there at his home, the moment the darshan would close in the temple, He would go and visit him there  9  once Chokhamela’s wife, whose name was Saira, she was offering food to the Lord and some yogurt fell on him, Chokhamela scolded her that you have dropped the yogurt on Vithal Bhagavan. by chance the head priest was going from there, he said “I” have dropped yogurt ? what do you say ?  and he slapped Chokhamela. When he entered the temple, he found that the cheek of Vitthal Bhagwan was all red and there were tears coming from His eyes, now he had a realization, he said he was actually a great devotee, he discussed it amongst the pundits of the temple and they went and apologized and said please you can come.  Since then Chokhamela got entry into the temple, he started coming so even today you will find the grave of Chokhamela outside the temple of Vithal Bhagwan in Pandharpur proving and establishing that in this bhakti, there is no distinction based on any of these things like caste etc  10  Mahabharat has the tale of Utang Rishi, he was wandering on his own, he did not even come to know that the Mahabharata has happened, so subsequently when Shri Krishna was going from Hastinapur to Darka, he met Utang Rishi.  Utang Rishi said how are your relatives doing ? your cousins, the Pandavas and the Kaurvas. Shri Krishna said the Kaurvas have died in the Battle of Mahabharata, Utang Rishi said, what ? You were present here on the planet and you allowed them to die ? why did you permit such a thing ? I will curse You  11  Shri Krishna said, what is the use ? you try and understand for yourself, you are cursing me that means your intellect is incomplete. Lord Krishna showed him His Cosmic form. Seeing that, Utang Rishi realized He is Bhagavan, it is all His Leela, so he apologized and surrendered.  Shri Krishna said Utang ask for a boon. Utang Rishi said, I am a renunciant, if you want to give me anything give me this boon – since I live in the desert of Rajasthan, whenever I feel thirsty, you should make arrangement for water, Shri Krishna said “Tathastu” (it will be done)  12  some time went by and Utang was extremely thirsty, it was a summer month so when his tongue was all parched (dry) and throat was dry he prayed for Shri Krishna, please arrange for water. Then one came with four dogs, he had a bag, and he said, here, take some water this person (Utang rishi) said oh how can I take his water and he went off  13  so later on, Shri Krishna came, he said Shri Krishna, You had promised when I feel thirsty, You'll arrange for Water, why did You not fulfill Your word ? Shri Krishna said, I did fulfill, I sent devaraj Indra in the form of that and I instructed him to give you Amrit (nectar) to this Sage, Indra said, how will I give this nectar to ordinary mortal ?  I will go in the form of a mortal, let us see whether he has God's spiritual wisdom or not and you failed in the test seeing the external body etc. you refused  14  Utang Rishi realized his mistake and the Mahabharata taught us the message that these external things, whether it is wealth or beauty or knowledge etc. have importance in the material realm BUT in the spiritual Realm whether it is a servant or Indra, on God's door, they are all equal.  So even the mantras whether you say “Vishnay namah” or “Vishnave namah” in bhakti, it doesn't matter. One who doesn't know Sanskrit says “Vishnay namah” one who knows Sanskrit says “Vishnave namah”.  God says, I don't care whether you say Ram Ram or whether you say mara mara, I see the love in your heart, you can say gadha gadha, but if you say it with great love you will attain Me  Transcript

1:05 there have been 1:08 so many instances 1:11 because you know the wrong understanding 1:14 of the scriptures 1:16 in history there was a time when people 1:19 started differentiating on the basis of 1:22 caste 1:23 in pandharpur 1:25 there has been a bhakt called Chokhamela 1:30 he had tremendous love in his heart 1:35 and outside vitthal bhagavan's Temple he 1:39 used to dance and sing and chant 1:43 everybody loved it 1:47 you sing so well you are such a great 1:52 devotee 1:53 but when he wanted to enter the temple 1:56 they would not allow him 1:58 you are from a lower caste you cannot go 2:02 In 2:04 so he used to try and convince them that 2:06 what is this caste you are talking about 2:09 does the sun differentiate where it 2:12 falls 2:12 doesn't it fall equally everywhere 2:15 does the air differentiate whom it 2:18 nourishes doesn't it nourish everybody, so what is this bhed bhav 2:23 that you are talking about 2:26 however his pleas would fall on deaf 2:29 Ears 2:31 and then 2:32 as is the nature of people they would 2:35 apply salt to his wounds God doesn't 2:39 like you at all 2:42 why that is why you are not able to have 2:45 his darshan 2:47 that means you don't have his grace upon 2:50 you 2:51 and you will never have it upon you 2:55 now when the people of pandarpur said 2:59 this to him again and again, Chokhamela 3:01 became extremely Disturbed 3:04 and at night he was crying oh Lord am I 3:08 not your devotee 3:11 don't I have the right also to have your 3:14 darshan like everybody else 3:17 you have said in the bhagwad Gita 3:20 I am equal to all 3:23 then why is it that I am disqualified 3:28 Chokhamela was crying in this manner 3:31 and pandarpur bhagavan 3:34 he accepts anybody's devotion  3:44 God's rule is very simple he says in 3:49 bhakti 3:50 if there is any distinction 3:53 it is on the basis of your bhakti 3:57 on the level of your devotion 4:02 so for example a little Gopi gets entry 4:05 into maharas and shankar ji is stopped 4:10 but I am Mahadev that's all right you 4:13 have to love like the gopis do 4:16 so the more your bhakti the higher your 4:19 seat 4:20 that is the Lord's criteria 4:23 everything else he himself is giving 4:27 the only thing the soul can give is 4:29 Bhakti  4:31 Chokhamela was full of love but the people were not 4:35 understanding 4:39 Vithal Bhagwan manifested in his house 4:42 he started speaking to him and Chokhamela said 4:46 Maharaj you are so kind 4:49 Vithal ji said come over to my temple 4:54 so He took him to the temple now they 4:58 were at the altar he said come in no no 5:00 but I am not qualified to go in Vithal 5:04 bhagavan said who said you are not 5:06 qualified I am Telling You Are he took 5:09 him into the altar 5:11 and then started speaking to him 5:13 explaining to him 5:15 that how to do bhakti you chant the 5:18 names and glories of God detach your 5:22 mind lead a simple life  5:25 so this talking was going on in the 5:28 morning the head priest used to come at 5:30 3:30am. because the Mangal aarti was at 5:34 four in the morning he had to clean up 5:36 and he found all this talking going on 5:39 so who is inside 5:41 and he found that Chokhamela is there he said that 5:46 look what in the world did you do you 5:48 have desecrated our whole Temple, Chokhamela said what could I do, God got me inside, no no, don’t give all these excuses,   5:58 henceforth outside the city there is a 6:01 wall you have to live on that side of 6:03 the wall 6:05 they made him live on that side  6:08 but the Lord is captured by love “अहम भक्त पराधीन:” 6:14 so every evening Vitthal bhagwan used to come and 6:16 visit him there 6:20 moment that darshan would close he would 6:22 go and visit him there  6:24 once 6:26 Chokhamela’s wife whose name was Saira 6:29 she was offering food to the Lord and 6:32 some yogurt fell on him 6:35 Chokhamela  scolded that you have dropped the yogurt 6:38 on Vithal Bhagavan 6:42 by Chance the head priest was going from 6:45 there he said I have dropped yogurt what 6:48 do you say and he slapped Chokhamela 6:53 when he entered the temple he found that 6:56 the cheek of Vithal Bhagwan was all red 7:01 and there were tears coming from his 7:03 eyes 7:04 now he had a realization 7:07 he said he was actually a great devotee 7:12 he discussed it amongst the pundits of 7:16 the temple and they went and apologized 7:19 and said please you can come 7:23 since then Chokhamela got entry into 7:26 the temple he started coming 7:29 so even today you will find the grave of 7:33 chokhamela outside the temple of Vithal 7:36 bhagwan in pandharpur 7:39 proving and establishing that in this bhakti 7:42 there is no distinction based on any of 7:47 these things 7:56 Mahabharat has the tale of Utang Rishi 7:58 he was wandering on his own 8:03 he did not even come to know that the 8:05 Mahabharata has happened 8:08 so subsequently when Shri Krishna was 8:11 going from hastinapur to dwarka he met 8:14 utang Maharaja 8:17 though Utang Rishi said how are your 8:19 relatives doing your cousins the 8:22 pandavas and the kaurvas 8:25 Shri Krishna said the kaurvas have died 8:28 in the Battle of Mahabharata 8:30 Utang Rishi said what 8:33 you were present here 8:36 on the planet 8:37 and you allowed them to die 8:40 why did you permit such a thing I will 8:44 curse you  8:47 Shri Krishna said 8:49 what is the use 8:51 you try and understand for yourself 8:54 you are cursing me that means your 8:57 intellect is incomplete the Lord Krishna 9:01 showed him his Cosmic form 9:05 seeing that Utang Rishi realized He is 9:09 bhagavan it is all his Leela 9:12 so he apologized and surrendered 9:16 Shri Krishna said Utang ask for a boon 9:21 who Utang Rishi said I am a renunciant 9:25 if you want to give me anything 9:28 give me this Boon I live in the desert 9:32 he was in the desert of Rajasthan 9:34 whenever I feel thirsty 9:37 you should make arrangement for water 9:41 Shri Krishna said “Tathastu” (it will be done)  9:44 some time went by and 9:47 utang was extremely thirsty it was a 9:50 summer month 9:51 so when his tongue was all parched and 9:54 throat was dry he prayed for Shri 9:57 Krishna please arrange for water 10:01 Then one came with four dogs 10:05 he had a bag and he said here take some 10:09 water 10:10 this person said oh 10:12 how can I take his water 10:15 and he went off  10:17 so later on Shri Krishna came 10:21 he said Shri Krishna you had promised 10:24 when I feel thirsty you'll arrange for 10:26 water 10:27 why did you not fulfill your word 10:32 Shri Krishna said I did fulfill 10:36 I sent devaraj Indra 10:40 in the form of that and I instructed him 10:43 you give Amrit or nectar to this 10:48 Sage 10:50 Indra said how will I give this nectar 10:54 to ordinary mortal I will go in the form 10:58 of a mortal let us see whether he has 11:01 God's spiritual wisdom or not and you 11:04 failed in the test 11:06 seeing the external body etc you refused 11:12 Utang Rishi realized his mistake and the Mahabharata 11:15 taught us the message 11:18 that these external things whether it is 11:24 wealth or beauty or knowledge etc 11:28 have importance in the material Realm 11:33 in the spiritual Realm 11:38 whether it is a servant or Indra on 11:43 God's door they are all equal 11:46 so now even the mantras whether you say “Vishnay namah” or “Vishnave namah” 11:52 in bhakti it doesn't matter one who 11:56 doesn't know Sanskrit says “Vishnay namah”   11:59 one who knows Sanskrit says “Vishnave namah”   12:03 God says I don't care 12:07 whether you say ram ram or whether you 12:10 say mara mara 12:11 I see the love in your heart you can say gadha gadha 12:16 but if you say it with great love you 12:20 will attain me