Thursday, January 7, 2021

Why Guru is given more importance than even Lord #Blog0065

Why Guru is given more importance than even Lord

राम तजूँ पै गुरु न विसारूं गुरु के सम हरि कूँ न निहारूँ

I would prefer to leave Lord rather than my Guru

हरि ने जन्म दियो जग माहीं गुरु ने आवागमन छुटाहीं

Lord of course gave me birth but my Guru made me overcome cycle of birth and death

हरि ने पाँच चोर दिये साथा गुरु ने लई छुडाय अनाथा

Lord equipped me with 5 enemies (Lust, anger, greed, attachment, envy) but my Guru made me get rid of all these vices

हरि ने कुटुम्ब जाल में घेरी गुरु ने काटी ममता बेरी

Lord encircled & attached me in my family circles but my Guru cut the threads of attachment

हरि ने रोग भोग उरझायो गुरु जोगी करि सबै छुटायौ

Lord trapped me in disease and luxury whereas my Guru made me free of all these

हरि ने कर्म मर्म भरमायो गुरु ने आतम रूप लखायौ

Lord bound me in my karma cycle but my Guru gave me self-realisation

हरि ने मो सूँ आप छिपायो गुरु दीपक दै ताहि दिखायो

Lord hid himself from me whereas my guru revealed Him to me by his light

फिर हरि बंध मुक्ति गति लाए गुरु ने सबही भरम मिटाये

God provisioned my binding to the world as well as liberation but my guru actually removed my illusion

'चरनदास' पर तन मन वारूँ गुरु न तजूं हरि कूँ तजि डारूँ

So, Sahjo Bai sacrifices everything for her guru Charan Das

(This is Sahjo Bai, a pure devotee’s, vani)