Thursday, September 2, 2021

भरोसो दृढ़ इन चरणन केरो, One should have (केरो) full faith (भरोसो दृढ़) in shelter of Lord’s feet (चरणन) by Indresh ji

भरोसो दृढ़ इन चरणन केरो 

One should have (केरो ) full faith (भरोसो दृढ़) in shelter of Lord’s feet (चरणन) श्री वल्लभ नख चंद्र छठा बिन सब जग अंधेरों Without the full effulgence (छठा) provided by Lord’s (श्री वल्लभ) feet (नख (nails of feet)),  there can be no light but only darkness (सब जग अंधेरों) सूरदास जी बिना नेत्रों के कैसे देखते थे श्याम को साधन नहीं और कली काल में, जासों होत निबेड़ो There is no other means (साधन नहीं) in Kaliyuga (कली काल) which has the final authority (जासों होत निबेड़ो) to grant liberation (निबेड़ो, i.e., मुक्त करना) from the worldly birth death cycle  सूरदास कहा कहे दुविध आंधरो, बिना मोल को चेरो Soordas says that “I am blind (आंधरो) both (दुविध) from eyes as well as inside (i.e., without wisdom)” but I am the eternal servant (चेरो) of Lord even without any remuneration (बिना मोल)  गुरु से कुछ प्राप्त तो यह भी इच्छा ना रखें Even from your guru, you should not have any expectation ; merely his company is enough and his guidance ought to be followed