Monday, November 29, 2021

The Secret About Shri Krishna’s Relationship With Radha Rani | Yogmaya, The Supreme Power of Krishna by Swami Mukundanand

The Secret About Shri Krishna’s Relationship With Radha Rani | Yogmaya, The Supreme Power of Krishna by Swami Mukundanand 0:00 *Top Spiritual Secret* 3:15 *Who is Radha Rani*? 4:55 *How do we understand us souls*? 6:57 *Secret of Yogmaya* 10:23 *Durga, Sita, Radha, Lakshmi, Kali* 11:30 *What Shree Krishna Says about Radha*? 15:21 *Why do you say Radhey Radhey*? ---------- Full Transcript Text: Top Spiritual Secret 0:01 now this is a deep philosophy 0:05 and this 0:07 gives us a little inkling into Radharani 0:12 so who is Radha 0:16 there's so much of confusion 0:22 was she married to Krishna was it an 0:24 extra marital Affair what in the world 0:27 was going on and 5000 years ago also 0:30 they had this kind of extramarital 0:32 affairs 0:34 oh no 0:36 well tell me one thing does God need to 0:40 marry 0:42 we people are such misers that we force 0:46 God to follow our rules 0:50 it's like a child telling the parents 0:53 the parents say beta it's your exam you 0:55 sit and study child says Papa you are 0:58 sitting and watching the TV series 1:01 and you are making me study why don't 1:04 you also study 1:07 when you come in my category you sit and 1:10 watch TV but for you have to go by your 1:13 category 1:14 somebody who has graduated from the 1:16 University, the laws of the University 1:18 don't apply on that person so the laws 1:22 of dharma are for us souls who are under 1:26 Maya 1:28 they are not for Maya Pati who is 1:31 Bhagavan Himself because whatever God 1:34 does is for 1:36 the welfare of the souls otherwise 1:39 you will question 1:41 Shri Krishna says don't steal  1:45 and He goes to the house of the gopis 1:47 and steals butter 1:49 He's not following the rules himself 1:53 because there's a difference 1:56 whatever we do we are motivated by 2:00 self-interest 2:03 hence these rules 2:05 God has no self-interest whatever He 2:09 does is for human welfare 2:14 does not apply on Him 2:17 Krishna knows that these gopis are 24 2:19 hours a day thinking Krishna Krishna 2:22 Krishna when they are milking the cow 2:25 they are thinking Krishna Krishna when 2:27 they are making the yogurt they are 2:28 thinking Krishna Krishna when they are 2:30 churning and extracting butter I wish 2:33 Krishna comes to my house and I can give 2:35 Him my butter, Krishna says I am sitting 2:38 in your heart noting I am going to come 2:41 so because everything He does is for the 2:44 welfare of the souls our dharma does not 2:47 apply on him 2:49 so for God it doesn't matter you don't 2:51 ask him did you marry or did you not but 2:55 His relationship with Radha is way 2:58 beyond that. it's a Divine relationship 3:02 and what is that let's understand with 3:06 Depth, not lightly, her spirituality 3:10 should be taken with depth 3:14 who is Radha Who is Radha Rani? 3:17 she is the yogamaya that Krishna is 3:20 mentioning in this verse 3:23 yogamaya the Divine energy 3:27 so the relationship between Krishna and 3:30 Radha is of the energetic and the energy 3:35 such a beautiful understanding 3:39 the Narada pancharatra says understand 3:42 this whole world 3:45 as different energies and the one 3:48 energetic 4:01 like one sun 4:04 is in one place and Illuminating the 4:07 whole solar system 4:09 similarly there is one source of all 4:12 energies the Supreme Divine Personality 4:16 and His innumerable energies by which He 4:21 is manifesting this world 4:24 and one of those Energies 4:27 is Maya 4:29 the material energy 4:32 this material energy Maya 4:35 is the one 4:37 from which everything is made this is 4:40 easy to understand this is what science 4:42 is delving with 4:45 it's looking into external matter 4:53 How do we understand us souls? 4:57 so one understanding is we are the 5:00 children of God 5:02 right 5:03 The Vedas also say  5:07 you are the child of the Supreme Lord 5:12 but here the question arises that if I 5:15 am the child of God 5:16 then I should have some resemblance to 5:19 Him 5:21 he is Anand Sindhu 5:23 and I am devoid of bliss out here  5:28 from an elephant an elephant child is 5:30 born 5:31 from bear a bear child is born 5:34 you don't have humans giving birth to 5:37 elephants and elephants giving birth to 5:39 bears and bears giving birth to humans 5:42 We are God's children we should be 5:44 like God but He is beyond Maya (मायातीत, माया + आतीत (beyond)) and we are 5:47 माया आधीन (under the control of Maya), He is omniscient and we are in 5:51 ignorance what kind of children are we 5:54 Shri Krishna says 5:58 the soul is my little part 6:04 because it's a fragment of me it is 6:07 called 6:08 my child 6:11 so it's a deeper understanding we are 6:13 fragments of God 6:16 but then 6:18 the Deep thinkers will say you know how 6:22 come we are fragments of God 6:24 is God like a piece of stone you smashed 6:27 Him with a sledgehammer and He broke 6:30 into all these fragments 6:32 so the answer is given with Chaitanya 6:36 Mahaprabhu 6:37 we are the energy of God 6:41 there's this Maya energy 6:43 and there is the soul energy 6:47 the Superior Energy 6:49 but there is a third energy 6:52 and that is the one He has referred to 6:54 in this verse 6:56 which is Yoga Maya Secret of Yoga Maya 6:59 yogamaya is God's personal power all 7:03 powerful 7:05 It Is by virtue of that Yoga Maya 7:09 that He takes Avatar 7:12 He says in the fourth chapter 7:16 I am unborn I am Eternal but with the 7:20 help of my yogamaya I take an avatar 7:24 so by that yogamaya He says Arjun I am 7:28 sitting inside you 7:31 but you have no perception of Me 7:35 the doctor takes the stethoscope 7:38 take a deep breath 7:40 breathe more deeply 7:43 so the doctor also cannot hear God although He is 7:45 Sitting inside all beings’ hearts 7:48 He's covering Himself by Yoga Maya nobody 7:51 has a perception of Him 7:54 this yogamaya is such a power 7:58 everything inconceivable that God does 8:01 is by this 8:03 when the first computer revolution was 8:06 starting somebody asked me in India one 8:08 student 8:10 swamiji which computer does God use to 8:14 keep track of all our karmas 8:17 first of all note them keep account 8:20 dispense the results 8:23 the computers are created from the 8:26 material energy 8:28 they are products of Maya for this kind 8:31 of work God uses Yoga Maya 8:34 so He keeps note of all the karmas 8:40 and He is keeping track of all the souls 8:45 in creation 8:48 and doing all of this He is not getting 8:51 any tension 8:54 now you people 8:56 you have two three children in the world 8:58 right 9:07 and God has got so many children 9:11 and one is a good child one is saying 9:14 God is an opiate of the masses third 9:16 says my God died young and so many, this 9:19 one somebody has written a book He's 9:22 written a book my God died young etc etc 9:24 and God is taking care of all these 9:27 children 9:28 and yet He has got no tension He is in 9:31 full Bliss 9:32 that power which enables this is Yoga Maya 9:37 and by that Yoga Maya God manifests his 9:42 Divine abode 9:44 his Divine pastimes 9:47 so this power 9:50 is both formless and having a personal 9:53 form 9:55 that's the amazing thing then God's 9:58 powers can also take on a personal form 10:00 like you know Ganga Devi is a river  10:02 right but Ganga Devi also has the 10:04 personal form, these Ved mantras are Gyan 10:08 Shaktis, knowledge energies, but they also 10:11 have personal forms, they meditated to 10:15 participate in Krishna Leela so yoga 10:19 Maya takes on the forms of Durga Sita Durga, Sita, Radha, Lakshmi, Kali 10:27 they are all the personal manifestations 10:31 of the Divine energy 10:35 and hence 10:37 as the different forms of God are one 10:41 likewise the different energies these 10:45 Yoga Maya shaktis they are also one 10:50 but the point is that they are all 10:52 different forms of the one God , God 10:55 is all powerful He can take as many 10:56 forms as He likes 10:58 and likewise the Yoga Maya Shakti can 11:01 also take as many forms so Durga Sita 11:05 Lakshmi Kali are all different forms of 11:07 the one God 11:09 of the one Yoga Maya 11:11 that is why in the Brahma vaivartak 11:15 purana 11:16 Shri Krishnas is telling Radha 11:19 SHALOKA What Shree Krishna Says about Radha? 11:52 O Sita, O Radha, these are all Your different forms 11:56 so 11:57 what is the relationship between Radha 12:00 and Krishna it's the relationship 12:02 between the energetic and the energy the 12:06 Shaktiman and the Shakti 12:08 they are eternally one 12:12 can you separate the whiteness from the 12:15 milk 12:16 impossible 12:18 likewise Radha and Krishna are one 12:23 so 12:25 this is the simultaneous Oneness and 12:29 Distinction, Bheda (difference) Abheda (no difference) 12:40 now 12:43 Radha form has got some Specialties 12:47 in the Rus 12:49 she is the loving form of Yoga Maya 12:53 see the mother has got her different 12:56 forms 12:57 every child knows the angry form of the 13:01 mother 13:02 you know nowadays it's not allowed to 13:05 beat children but the seniors amongst us 13:08 have all been nicely beaten up as little 13:11 children 13:14 one child was going home 13:18 and He was thinking my mother will be 13:20 there and she will take me in her lap 13:23 and she will shower her affection on me 13:27 but when she reached home the mother was 13:30 in a different mood 13:32 she had a stick in her hand and she was 13:34 beating his brother 13:36 this child thought oh my God 13:41 Tinku is really getting it I better slip 13:45 into my bedroom and when mummy's mood is all 13:47 right I'll come and speak to her 13:50 so likewise there is one form of the 13:54 mother where she is killing the 13:55 rakshasas etc 13:57 you know this is her Kali form she's 14:00 also the Divine mother 14:02 but the form that really attracts the 14:05 child is the loving form 14:08 in her Radha Farm she is not concerned 14:11 with killing of demons let Kali and 14:14 Durga take care of that 14:17 I will only participate in the loving 14:20 pastimes and share that love with all 14:24 the devotees 14:26 so 14:28 in bhakti 14:30 the position of the Divine mother 14:32 becomes very important 14:42 even in the world it's because of the 14:45 mother's love and the sacrifice that the 14:49 mother's position is more important than 14:52 the father that's why you see the 14:54 Mother's Day is more celebrated than the 14:57 Father's Day, within the Divine realm 15:00 also the knowers of bhakti say that the 15:04 grace we are going to get it from the 15:06 mother 15:07 she is more compassionate 15:10 she is more kind-hearted and more 15:13 generous and hence this bhakti I'll get 15:17 by the grace of Radharani 15:20 people say why do you say Radhe Radhe 15:23 well the whole thing is Radhe Radhe Shyam milade 15:30 Divine mother 15:32 please bless me and help me meet the 15:36 Divine father 15:38 when they are worshiped together 15:41 understand them as one yes 16:01 She who is Radha is also Krishna He who 16:04 is Krishna is also Radha 16:07 so don't think they are different 16:18 so seeing them as one you either worship 16:21 both of them 16:23 are you say you know my mind is 16:24 attracted to Krishna okay my mind is 16:27 attracted to Radha okay but never say 16:30 you know one is good and the other is 16:32 bad that kind of Distinction becomes 16:35 odious (extremely unpleasant; repulsive)