Giving up the Pride of Surrender | Being Humble | Part 6 - 6 Conditions For Surrender by Swami Mukundanand *Full Text* 1 To surrender and also surrender the pride of having surrendered. In other words not allow this thought to be harbored, “Oh, I am surrendered, I am so great” , rather to keep this sentiment that if I was able to surrender, it was his Grace that enabled it. Otherwise a fallen soul like me of the age of Kali, how would it have been possible that I got this good intellect, in other words to give all the credit to God. त्वदीयं वस्तु गोविन्द तुभ्यमेव समर्पये। (भावार्थ: सब तेरा दिया हुआ गोविंद, तुझे ही समर्पित करता हूँ) 2 Whatever good we do, O Lord, it is it is all Your grace. If we get this pride, “O, I am surrendered but this person is not surrendered”, that means you are not surrendered 3 Once I was living in an ashram, there is a town called Jagat Singh Pur in Odisha, that is where I was giving lecture in the town hall (lecture series), so I was living in the ashram. Now there was one ashram resident who would everyday come Swami ji I'm दीन हीन fallen, I am दरिद्र akinchan, destitute. I would say, O my God, he is so humble, then one day the humbleness cracked. He said “I am humble दीन हीन but the others are so proud”, now I said, he has become proud about being humble. As some Western writer said "vanity of vanity is all in vanity" ,i.e., "if you are proud, then all your achievements are a worthless" 4 so to always think - if I have done any good, it is His grace, there is a story which I tell to illustrate this point 5 there was one Sadhu (asectic) who practiced tapasya (austerities) in the Himalayas and he did severe austerities for 12 years including a whole lot of devotion, as a result which God was pleased. And one day he found the grace descending, he had a thrill as the bliss went through his body, his intellect seemed to be getting illuminated with Divine light, His heart was filling with love and God spoke up to him, God said Sadhu I am very pleased with your tapasya (austerity), what do you want ask and I shall bestow it 6 The sadhu said, my Lord, of course I will ask, I am entitled to, I worked so hard, what is the big deal if You are giving. You have to give, I have worked so hard for it, now God did not expect that kind of a response. He is habituated, we have spoiled his habit, “oh God thank you so much”, just joking, so He is habituated to that kind of talk & this sadhu is saying that “You have to grace me. I am entitled to it, why should I not get it ? I have worked so hard”, God was quiet for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes, again He spoke up He said, sadhu are you asking for the results of your efforts or are you asking for My causeless grace ? The sadhu said, “my Lord, who cares about Your causeless grace, give me the results of the efforts I have put in legitimately”. God was again silent for 5 minutes. 7 Then the boulder on which sadhu was sitting, that started speaking, the boulder said, “my Lord, this sadhu has started settling accounts with you, please settle My accounts with him also, he has been sitting on my head for 12 years, for the next 12 years make me sit on his head”. The sadhu realised that you can never settle accounts with God, you can never say, “I have done this, now give me this”, whenever He gives, it is always His causeless grace 8 so that is why surrender means that you surrender the pride of having done good and keep a humble attitude. This is the sixth point of surrender 9 God says you fulfil these six conditions and I will bestow my grace upon you, that is My vow, it is My resolve as proclaimed in all the religious texts of the world through all the saints Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): Giving up the Pride of Surrender Being Humble Part 6 - 6 Conditions For Surrender.mp4