Saturday, July 10, 2021

Chapter 6 ध्यान योग, कौन सा ध्यान सही है Gita Course by HG Amogh Lila Prabhu


Chapter 6 ध्यान योग || कौन सा ध्यान सही है || EP - 8 || Gita Course || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu

video 1 < click to listen

Gita 6.1 to 6.4 Test of good spiritual progress is that desire for I.T. should wane (reduce), finally to nil (I.T. ,i.e., इंद्रिय तृप्ति ,i.e., to find pleasure in senses)
  • video 2 < click to listen

4.38: Gita 6.5,6.6,6.7 Mind is your best friend or worst foe (time 7.20: M-Memories, I-deas, N-Notions, D- Desires), Also M-Magnifies the problem, I -Imagines pleasures, N- Negates responsibility, D-Denies reality - whoever has won over His / Her mind - has achieved God

video 3 < click to listen

10.14: Gita 6.8, 6.9: Everything is to be utilized in service of Lord as the devotee sees all beings & belongings only to Lord & thus devotee has developed a higher taste transcending petty worldly pleasures

20.07:  Gita 6.16: Sleeping & Eating have to be moderate (not too less, not too much) ; जैसा भोजन वैसा भजन, food has a direct connection with mind - so those wanting to control the mind have to eat vegetarian (सात्विक) food, if non veg food is eaten, mind cannot be controlled & without mind control, spiritual progress is out of reach & without spiritual progress, human life is simply wasted

  • video 5 < click to listen

23.20:  Gita 6.18: अष्टांग योग (8 steps / stages) what is "ashtang" yoga ?

  • video 6 < click to listen

26.34:  Gita 6.20-23 : complete attachment to Lord means liberation, i.e., freedom from all worldly miseries

  • video 7 < click to listen

27.48:  Gita 6.24 : भुक्ति और मुक्ति की इच्छा करना ही पिशाची वृत्ती है (भुक्ति = worldly enjoyment, मुक्ति = liberation, पिशाची = a blood thirsty witch, वृत्ती = tendency). Implication is that one should love Lord only for love's sake, not to satisfy desire of this world nor for desire for liberation (because we are constitutionally eternal servant of Lord & "desire for liberation" means we do not want to serve the Lord anymore)     

  • video 8 < click to listen

29.36 :  Gita 6.25 :  Knowledge of "self" & "Self"

  • video 9 < click to listen

31.53 :  Gita 6.27 : similarity & difference between us individual souls & God (we are same qualitatively but not quantitatively, also He is Independent reality but we  are dependent reality

  • video 10 < click to listen

37.40 :  Gita 6.30 : a devotee sees Lord everywhere ,i.e., he sees Spirit even in matter BUT a materialist sees matter even in Spirit

  • video 11 < click to listen

38.55: Krishna is परमात्मा (God)

  • video 12 < click to listen

40.23: Mind is चंचल (fickle), अस्थिर (unstable), उतशृंखल (disorderly/crazy), हठी (obstinate) & very बलवान (powerful)

  • video 13 < click to listen

42.14 Gita 6.36: How to control the mind - by Dos & Don'ts - which - listen to this   (Dos : Hare Krishna chanting, Read spiritual, listen bhakti bhajans, satsang, keep company of holy devotees, temple visit,  eating prasad (remnant of food offered to Krishna) & Do'nts: 4 regulative principles: no intoxicants, no meat eating, no gambling, no illicit sex (g i s m)

  • video 14 < click to listen

6.38:  What happens if one is not able to complete his bhakti, i.e., he is not able to achieve perfection / Lord's love in one life time

  • video 15 < click to listen

6.41, 6.42  : if he was able to develop a little bit devotion (say less than 30%) , he would take birth in a rich family to enjoy his unfulfilled sensual desires & if he was an advanced devotee (say upto 70-90%) , he would take birth in a devotee family

  • video 16 < click to listen

6.43, 6.44: Devotion is carry forwarded to next birth, such a person follows spirituality from a very young age

6.45 Finally one gets success in getting Lord's love

  • video 18 < click to listen

6.46, 6.47  a bhakti yoga person (devotee in loving devotion) is better than a wise person & also better than a karma yogi

  • video 19 < click to listen

6.47 let us see what is YOGA LADDER : at bottom is animal life, sakam karm yog (attached to action as well as some fruit), then after gaining some wisdom,  nishkam karm yog - he does what he wants but dedicates fruits to Lord, then after more purification of his intellect, Gyan yog (theoretical understanding becomes clear by reading spiritual books ,i.e., affinity to निराकार ब्रह्म), then he starts practicing ,i.e., application of his theoretical understanding  by Ashtang yoga , i.e., he tries to discipline his mind physically & in his intellect (& could achieve some sidhi & realise परमात्मा in his heart), then Bhakti yoga (Loving Devotion to Lord ,i.e., realization in his heart) -THESE ARE NOT DIFFERENT WAYS TO REACH LORD BUT IS A YOGA LADDER

video 20 < click to listen

It is in bhakti yoga that he now understands that Krishna is Supreme Lord (i.e., the Source from which Brahma light प्रकाश is effusing).  (progressively becomes more & more self less ,i.e., less & lesser selfish)

6.47 : Gyan yog (theoretical understanding becomes clear by reading spiritual books ,i.e., affinity to निराकार ब्रह्म में लीन हो जाना का आनंद) but when asked who enjoys the anand once having merged in निराकार ब्रह्म (अद्वैत also called spiritual suicide) , then he feels that he never thought about that, so he tries to go up the yoga ladder
  • video 21 < click to listen

1.07.29: why all spiritual explanations are always tilted in favour of bhakti (because bhakti yoga is the goal)

video 22 < click to listen

1.09.13 Gita Chapters:  1-6 : Karma yoga, 7-12 - Bhakti yoga 13-18 - gyan yoga (Bhakti nourishes both karma & gyan - like a mother for her children), the king is always in middle, bhakti yoga is the Mount Everest, the highest in Himalayas

video 23 < click to listen

Friday, July 9, 2021

Chapter 5 निष्काम कर्मयोग Gita Course by HG Amogh Lila Prabhu


Chapter 5 निष्काम कर्मयोग || EP - 7 || Gita Course || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu

video 1 < click to listen

1.45: Gita 5.2 Explained कर्म योग, ज्ञान योग & निष्काम कर्म योग
  • video 2 < click to listen

7.22: Gita 5.5 Sankhya yog : This differentiates matter from spirit. All investment in matter (कंगाल bank of India) will go to waste BUT in spirit (भक्ति योग), it will give infinite returns

  • video 3 < click to listen

11.36 Gita 5.7:जिसकी इन्द्रियाँ उसके वश (senses under control) में होती है वो ही सब को प्रिय होता है और सब उसको प्रिय होते हैं। और इन्द्रियाँ किसके वश में रह सकती है, जो शुद्ध आत्मा हो, और आत्मा शुद्ध कैसे हो जब सब कार्य भगवान की भक्ति भाव से किये जाएं

  • video 4 < click to listen

13.56: Gita 5.7: I am a soul, I am not a body nor its parts nor senses nor mind nor ego - so one should not identify oneself with anything else other than his/her soul

  • video 5 < click to listen

16.08 : Gita 5.10 Like a lotus flower does not get wet even in mud water, due to its waxlike coating, similarly a devotee, even though remains in this world but is not effected by its maya, courtesy coating of Krishna consciousness.

  • video 6 < click to listen

18.14: Gita 5.11 One should use all one's senses for purifying oneself so that one can become eligible to provide service to Lord

  • video 7 < click to listen

20.09: Gita 5.12 One should dedicate all one's actions & fruits of action to Lord & thereby gets eternal bliss BUT one who does not do so, gets bound in his actions & its reactions

  • video 8 < click to listen

25.42: Gita 5.16: with Transcendental Knowledge, which destroys the covering of illusion causing ignorance, everything can be seen in reality

  • video 9 < click to listen

30.33: Gita 5.18: with transcendental knowledge, one sees all as same ,i.e., basically a soul with same common Father (God) - unless every one develops this vision, rivalry cannot be eradicated

  • video 10 < click to listen

34.55: Gita 5.20: with transcendental knowledge, one sees all as same ,i.e., basically a soul - unless every one develops this vision, rivalry cannot be eradicated

  • video 11 < click to listen

36.57: Gita 5.21: when one is situated in a higher taste of bhakti which is an infinite pleasure (devotional love of Lord), he finds little pleasure in worldly things (I.T. ,i.e., इंद्रिय तृप्ति ,i.e., to find pleasure in senses). Above material pleasure is bliss of realisation of impersonal Brahman & much above (top most) is bliss of Bhakti

  • video 12 < click to listen

40.55: Gita 5.22: I.T. ,i.e., इंद्रिय तृप्ति ,i.e., to find pleasure in senses, is lowest type of pleasure having a beginning & end & only persons of low intellect indulge in it

  • video 13 < click to listen

45.13: Gita 5.25: One who has raised himself above duality ,i.e., beyond I.T.(i.e., इंद्रिय तृप्ति ,i.e., to find pleasure in senses), he finds pleasure only in loving devotion to Lord,  & thereby wants to not only taste himself the supreme bliss but also wants to distribute it to all others (कल्याण कार्य) - actually distributing bhakti amongst all is the highest service to Lord

  • video 14 < click to listen

47.26: : Gita 5.29: PEACE FORMULA: one who knows and is convinced that Lord Krishna is the Enjoyer of all actions & austerities, the Proprietor and Top Most Well-Wisher, finds peace

video 15 < click to listen

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Chapter 4 ज्ञानयोग Gita Course by HG Amogh Lila Prabhu


Chapter 4 ज्ञानयोग || LIFE का GPS || EP - 6 || Gita Course || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu

video 1< click to listen

1.10 how many years in Kaliyuga (x), Dwapar (2x), Treta (3x), Satyuga (4x) etc

4.50 श्री कृष्ण ने अर्जुन को ही क्यों कहीं गीता सुनाई क्योंकि वह भक्त और मित्र दोनों हैं हमें भी ऐसे ही होना चाहिए

6.50 भगवान और हम में समानता और भेद (similarities & difference)

11.30 भगवान के अवतरित होने के तीन उद्देश्य हैं

15.0 PM or President कोई आए जेल में और सजा कम कर दे किसी की उसकी भी जो सुधार दिखा रहा है,  ऐसे ही भगवान भी करते हैं सजा कम जो सुधार दिखा रहा है

17.30 महामाया (materialistic entanglement) और योगमाया (spiritual progress)

21.29 Gita 4.10 we live in Present tense (caused by attachment), past tense (causes anger), furture tense (causes fear)

30.33 Gita 4.11 ब्रह्म परमात्मा भगवान

38.01 Gita 4.13 वर्ण आश्रम (varna ashram)

40.54 Gita 4.17 कर्म विकर्म अकर्म

46.51 Gita 4.22 -happy, free from duality, jealousy, success failure - such a person is not entangled in fruits of action
Gita 4.26 First one Grahstha (ग्रहस्थ) starts with experience, donating possessions > hearing & then completely surrenders himself > becomes perfect. ब्रह्मचारी directly listens , without experience & becomes perfect

55.50 एक यज्ञ अग्नि में आहुति देने वाला, उससे श्रेष्ठ है हरिनाम संकीर्तन का यज्ञ, कान का जो छेद है, वो हवनकुंड है जिसमें हरिनाम कान के अंदर जाता है और यज्ञ के बाद ही शुद्धि होती है मन , कर्म और बुद्धि की, तभी मन लगता है भगवान में

57.34 गुरु से ही ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है और इसको पाने की विधि

1.04.15 : Gita 4.36 + 4.37 + 4.38: Transcendental knowledge (दिव्य ज्ञान), which connects you to God, can destroy all your sins like (i) fire consumes all fuel (ii) a big boat can take you across an ocean

1.07.18: Gita 4.40 + 4.42 A person who doubts in existence of God finds no happiness, neither in this life nor beyond death (God is All Merciful, All Knowing & All Powerful). One should cut enemy (doubt) with sword of Transcendental knowledge (दिव्य ज्ञान).

1.11.20: Transcendental knowledge (दिव्य ज्ञान) is like Fire, Boat, Weapon