Monday, May 31, 2021

मरने के बाद किसको मनुष्य शरीर अवश्य मिलेगा और किसको नहीं - Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj Pravachan - who will get the human birth again or not ?

 मरने के बाद किसको मनुष्य शरीर अवश्य मिलेगा और किसको नहीं - who will get the human birth again or not ?

Standby link (in case you-tube link does not work):

उसको मरने के बाद मनुष्य शरीर अवश्य मिलेगा - Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj Pravachan.mp4

0 कर्म कोई भी हो बुरा (पाप) या अच्छा (पुण्य), दोनों ही बंधन में डालते हैं


1.53 वेदों में 80000 रिचाएं (श्लोक) वर्णाश्रम धर्म का निरूपण (detail) करती हैं 16000 रिचाएं उपासना का वर्णन करती है, 4000 रिचाएं ग्यान का

3.56 पुण्य कर्म करने से स्वर्ग मिलता है

4 17 लेकिन स्वर्ग भी माया जैसा ही लोक है जैसे दुख यहां पर है वैसे वहां भी हैं

4 32 सिर्फ standard ऊपर है जैसे संसार का भिखारी और खरबपति - उन दोनों में अंतर दिखाई पड़ता है, fact में नहीं है

4 52 जो आनंद गाय को हरी घास में मिलता है वही आनंद हम लोगों को रसगुल्ला में मिलता है आनंद में अंतर नहीं है - देखने में केवल अंतर है

5 19 जैसे आप बच्चे से लाड करते हैं चुम्मा करते हैं, वैसे ही गाय भी करती है कोई अंतर नहीं है, केवल अंतर दिखाई पड़ता है

5.48 ऐसे ही स्वर्ग और संसार में केवल दिखने का अंतर है,  उनका (स्वर्ग में) शरीर बहुत चमकदार होता है, खुशबू निकलती है उसमें पसीना नहीं आता, मल मूत्र नहीं होता, उस शरीर में - लेकिन मन जैसे आपका वैसे ही उनका

6.18 जैसे आपकी वासनाएं घटती बढ़ती रहती हैं, वैसे ही वहां भी

6.25 वहां भी 1 से 1 ऊपर स्तर है और अपने से ऊपर वाले को देखकर जलन होती है

6 52 जो स्वर्ग का राजा है इंद्र, वह भी उसी बीमारी से बीमार है - काम क्रोध लोभ मोह ; हमारे संसार की एक स्त्री (गौतम ऋषि की पत्नी अहिल्या) पर मोहित हो गया स्वर्ग का राजा इंद्र जहां पहले से ही उर्वशी और मेनका है


7.35 ध्रुव भक्ति कर रहे हैं भगवान की और इंद्र को जलन हो रही है, यह मेरा सिंहासन छीन लेगा, अप्सरा भेजो ध्रुव के पास उसका ध्यान भंग करने के लिए

7.59 वेद कहते हैं वह घोर मूर्ख हैं जो स्वर्ग के लिए इतनी मेहनत करते हैं, शुभ कर्म पुण्य कर्म करते हैं

8.15 बहुत परिश्रम है पुण्य करने में, यज्ञ करने में थोड़ा बहुत भी नियम में गलत हुआ तो दंड मिलेगा

8.40 जैसे नौकर ने एक दो बार चाय में चीनी नहीं डाली तो नौकर को दंड मिलता है निकाल दिया जाता है

9.12 ऐसे ही देवता लोग हैं जो मनुष्य की गलती पर सजा देते हैं पुण्य का फल तो दूर रह गया 

9. 29 इसलिए वेद कहते हैं पुण्य से स्वर्ग मिलेगा कुछ समय के लिए

10.10 पाप अधिक होगा तो नर्क भेजे जाओगे कुछ समय के बाद फिर मृत्यु लोक में कुत्ते बिल्ली वगैरा की योनि में डाल दिया जाएगा 

10.34 इसलिए जो मन को गुरु और हरी में लगा देगा वही कर्म बंधन को पार कर पाएगा 

12.0 यदि कर्म भगवान की तरफ झुकाव वाले हुए तो मनुष्य शरीर इसी मृत्यु लोक में दोबारा मिलेगा अपनी साधना भगवान के प्रति पूरा करने के लिए - वरना 84,00,000 योनियों में किसी भी जाति में

12.30 भगवान सबके कर्मों का हिसाब (मन से किए हुए कर्म) रखते हैं और सबका अलग-अलग परिणाम होता है यानी किस योनी में कौन जाएगा

12 54 उसके कर्मों के हिसाब से भगवान किसी को नर्क, किसी को स्वर्ग, किसी को मनुष्य किसी को 8400000 योनियों में भेजते हैं

13.55 हम सब लोग सब योनियों भोग चुके हैं, बहुत दुर्लभ है और भगवत कृपा है कि मनुष्य का शरीर वापिस मिला है

14. 18 ऐसे ही नहीं मिल जाता मनुष्य का शरीर लापरवाही करने से काम नहीं चलेगा

14.26 हरि और गुरु में कितना मन लगा, आपका यदि लगा है तो मानव देह मिलना पक्का है और किसी महापुरुष के घर में जन्म होगा मगर यदि पाप कर्म भी साथ में है तो किसी नास्तिक, शराबी, कबाबी के घर में मनुष्य जन्म मिलेगा ऐसी संगत में आप फिर से पाप कर्म करेंगे और फिर 84,00,000 योनियों में जाना पड़ेगा

15.15 लाखों करोरों कर्मों का बड़ा लंबा चौड़ा बही खाता है कोई महापुरुष भी किसी व्यक्ति के बारे में कह नहीं सकता

15 26 भगवान स्वयं ही कर्मों का फल निर्धारित करते हैं

15.35 हमारा प्रयत्न यह होना चाहिए कि जितना ज्यादा से ज्यादा हो सके उतनी देर गुरु और हरी में मन लगाएं

15.48 जीवन का तो अगले क्षण का भी भरोसा नहीं है

16.16 आजकल के बच्चे पहले 6 महीने समय व्यर्थ करेंगे इधर उधर, जब परीक्षा का समय आएगा तो रातभर जागेंगे

16.40 लेकिन हमें तो पता ही नहीं है कि हमें कब ये शरीर छोड़ना पड़े, इसलिए हर क्षण का लाभ उठाएं, हरि गुण गाएं, मन हरि में लगाएं 1700 यह मन आपका दुश्मन है इसकी नहीं सुनना, जिद कर लो कि जो मन कह रहा है वह नहीं करेंगे, बहुत कर लिया मनमाना अब मन को वेद और गुरु के अनुसार नियंत्रण करना है 17:30 और यह बहाना नहीं चलेगा कि मन नहीं मानता

18.22 केवल दृढ़ संकल्प से मन को नियंत्रण करता है

18.32 शादी ब्याह में सारी रात जागतें हैं और और कीर्तन में एकदम से नींद आने लगती है यह लापरवाही है

19.05 किसी को फिक्र नहीं है कि कल हम रहेंगे कि नहीं

19.44 इसीलिए वेद कहते हैं कि कल कल कल, आगे आगे आगे मत करो, तुरंत करो - कौन जाने की अगला क्षण मिले ना मिले

20 30 और 23.01: यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर से पूछा कि सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य क्या है उन्होंने  जवाब दिया कि सब देखते हैं कि उनके रिश्ते में, उनके संबंधों में या दूसरे लोग रोज मर रहे हैं मगर कोई यह नहीं समझता कि हमें भी मरना है यह सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य है

24.40 यह मूर्ख मनुष्य की अंतिम सीमा है जो तुरंत सावधान नहीं होते

24.48 इसलिए अच्छे और बुरे कर्म दोनों छोड़कर गुरु और हरी में मन लगाएं यही एकमात्र तत्वज्ञान है, यही साधना है, यही बुद्धिमत्ता है

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Miracles of Having Complete Faith in God | Swami Mukundananda - full transcript


Miracles of Having Complete Faith in God | Swami Mukundananda

Miracles of Having Complete Faith in God

0:02 single-minded devotion means all your faith is reposed in God you

0:11 don't have faith in your other crutches; see people think I am well protected

0:17 because I've got a million dollars in my bank balance my old age is taken care of

0:25 somebody thinks I'm well protected because my husband is the governor or

0:30 whatever; because I'm so intelligent; my health is all right I've got the life insurance

0:38 etc etc so this is taking the support of other

0:43 things and in the spiritual realm also

0:48 we take the support of these sadhanas that I will attain God because I have chanted

0:56 so much and because I have made focused my mind

1:02 etc etc but Jagadguru Ramnujacharya put it very well

1:09 when he said there are three kinds of people who

1:14 approach God; the first kind consider God to be the means

1:23 and the world to be the end, in other words

1:29 please give me the world so God is the means

1:35 the world is the end this is the first kind of people who go

1:40 to God is the sadhan (means) & the world is the "sadhya"  (aim) their goal is

1:50 the world;

The second kind of people who consider

1:55 the world to be the means and God to be the end

2:02 in other words the sadhan (means) is a worldly thing; so much dhyan, so

2:08 much sadhana and the goal is God so through my

2:14 sadhana I will attain Him , my support & my faith, my sadhana is

2:24 good enough to take me there. These first two categories of people

2:31 don't attain God; the third category: for

2:38 them God is the means and God is the end

2:44 in other words their faith is not in their sadhana, their faith is in the grace of God by

2:54 His grace, I will attain him, I will do my sadhana to attract His

3:01 grace but it is not sadhana because he is not "sadhan sadhya" but He is kripa sadhya

3:09 He is attained by His grace alone & to attract His grace, I am doing Hare Rama Hare Krishna..

3:17 and doing so many things but ultimately it is His grace which will lead to His

3:23 realization; so those who depend upon His

3:29 grace, they will attain Him; now if we wish to engage in bhakti

3:35 Narad ji says remember this definition of ananyata' (none else) repose all your faith in the grace of

3:44 God alone; so we have to take out from the mind

3:51 ashray (dependence / faith) in your wealth

3:58 your faith in your relatives,

4:05 faith in your post, in your sadhana, so it's not that you stop

4:14 doing these things but internally you decide what is the value of these; you

4:20 have money today gone tomorrow; easy come easy go that is

4:25 the nature of Lakshmi; Lakshmi is called chanchala

4:31 she is very chanchal today; she is here today, tomorrow she's there

4:51 it doesn't take much; all of a sudden everything changes

4:56 health can change today you are alright and tomorrow one little germ

5:02 & everything changed; so if your faith is upon these material

5:09 cutches then you will be in tension because they may help you or they may not

5:15 and the other thing is these material crutches will lead to pride

5:22 the pride of post

5:35 when Daksh became proud,  he was the Prajapati, progenitor

5:42 the mental child of Brahma when he became proud

5:47 I am the progenitor - everybody should respect me, the yagya was going on, he

5:55 deliberately entered late to see how people respond; everybody

6:01 stood up when Daksh came but Brahma, his father and Shiv Mahadev

6:09 kept sitting, Daksh felt insulted he did not see that hundreds have got up

6:16 he saw the two have not gotten up; such is the nature of the ego, the pride

6:22 it's like a beggar's vessel which never gets full; the more you get the more you

6:27 want - no satiation; that greed of respect

6:34 so Daksh felt insulted and he cursed Lord Shiva that this son-in-law of mine, he doesn't

6:42 know how to behave; I have given my daughter to him and he is not even

6:47 respecting me; what kind of behavior will he have because he resides in graveyards

6:52 and he puts ashes on his body I curse him that there will be no

6:58 worship of Lord Shiva in any yagya henceforth & at that time Brahma ji

7:05 contemplated

7:17 he said there is nobody born in this world in the material realm maya

7:25 who receives a post and doesn't become proud of it, so the "post vala ashray" or "dhan vala ashray"

7:40 it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a

7:46 rich man to enter into the kingdom of God

7:52 the Bible makes this very powerful statement where does the eye of the needle come

7:58 actually you know Jerusalem had this fortress around it and they would have gates

8:05 those gates were so small that when the camel came back

8:11 it had to be stripped of all the luggage so it could go through that was called the eye of the needle

8:19 that is why they said it is easier for the camel to pass through the needle

8:24 than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God and why

8:31 the pride will come I have got so much; Sugriv became proud he was the friend

8:39 of Rama who killed Bali and handed the kingdom to Sugriv

8:46 and said all right now find out where Sita is with the help of all your monkeys and bears

8:54 Sugriv having received this opulence; thought now I can drink at ease and I can sleep

9:01 in comfort and I've got all the luxuries

9:07 he forgot all about God, the wealth the maya separated him from

9:16 God and Rama said to Lakshman, Sugriv was supposed to find out

9:23 about Sita what is he doing go and inquire

9:28 Lakshman went to Kishkindha and he asked Sugriv "you were supposed

9:35 to find out about Sita" but Sugriv asked what Sita & what Rama

10:00 Lakshman can tolerate anything except an insult to Rama, so he put the arrow on his bow I'll show

10:07 Sugriv said it's all coming back to me now

10:13 I remember it all; pride of wealth

10:20 the pride of beauty

10:34 all these things create pride;

10:44 it is said that at the age of 16 even a female ass

10:51 donkey, the gadhi, even she thinks I'm an apsara ; the age is such and the gadha will think

10:58 he is Kamdev;  ladies will always carry the comb in their hand

11:04  and they keep doing this to their hair so I asked one lady why do you keep

11:10 doing this all the time this is a hairstyle called flick so I

11:16 have to keep flicking it; unnecessary labor

11:22 once when Gandharva (divine musician) gave darshan to a lady she was below 30 in USA everybody is

11:30 below 30 in USA ; so Gandharva said ask for a boon

11:37 the lady started thinking what should I ask for the Gandharva said should I make you

11:43 beautiful, the lady said what I'm not beautiful she gave him a slap

11:51 so all these different kinds of pride ; they all come in the way and the

11:59 Lord is the master of the destitutes (पतित)

12:15 one devotee prays

12:31 my Lord I don't have humility

12:37 what to do that's why Your grace is not upon me so

12:43 first I pray to You to make me humble and once I am humbled and You will

12:49 definitely restore Your grace that is why in this spiritual realm the

12:56 cherished virtue is humbleness, the inner adornment

13:03 the external ornaments they are good if you purchase them it will help build the

13:09 Bay Area Center well that's about it ; the inner ornaments

13:16 the virtues are the lasting ones

13:25 and among those inner ornaments, the crowning virtue on the path of bhakti is

13:32 humbleness ; so if we hold the clutch of our external

13:39 attainments and external supports - firstly we block out the grace of God

13:46 and secondly we become proud so the example of Draupady was all

13:54 arranged by Shri Krishna to show to us what is the nature of surrender

14:01 so what Narad ji says here

14:07 renounce, restrict from your mind of these external

14:15 crutches - that was ably demonstrated in the surrender the famous surrender of

14:24  Draupady so katha vachaks are never tired of relating her example

14:30 with such an ideal example when Yudhishther lost in the game of

14:39 dice he had put at stake his wife Draupadi

14:44  now Duryodhna got the chance to humiliate her and he asked his brother Dushasna to bring her to the

14:52 assembly, dragged her to the assembly

14:58 nevertheless reaching there, Draupady saw big Dharma acharyas present

15:05 and she thought what will he do of me ; my five husbands are here

15:13 the five husbands or five mahaprush

15:53 Draupady's faith in her 5 husbands was finished

16:02 The truth is out ; nobody is mine in this world

16:14 So Draupadi took her cloth in her mouth

16:49 and started remembering Shri Krishna,O Shri Krishna I am in trouble here

16:56 at that time Shri Krishna was in Dwarka with Rukmini having His food

18:37 Draupady cried to Krishna "please come and save me";  now her surrender was complete

18:44 that was the moment that God was waiting for ; His condition of the Bhagavad-Gita

18:52 had been reached & surrendered to Me alone - that condition was fulfilled

19:00 immediately Draupady's cloth kept on increasing

19:26 Dushasan started sweating and fainted out there but he could not humiliate Draupadi that

19:35 was the kind of surrender that God requires to attain Him

19:42 Now what kind of surrender you can do ; if you complete the surrender in this life you will get His

19:47 grace in this life, if you say you know Swamiji in this life I've got some other ideas I'll do it in

19:55 my next life all right you will attain Him in your next life

20:01 and if you say my swamiji um right now a few lifetimes my decision

20:07 is that actually it is the jalebis and rasgullas which are the real blessed God

20:13 I don't know ; okay you surrendered him after a hundred lifetimes but when you affect such a

20:21 surrender that is when you will draw the grace of God

 22:15  As we surrender, He shall reciprocate accordingly if you say my Lord you alone are my support you say of

22:22 course if you say you are also my support, okay ; no I don't you need you, I've got my

22:29 wealth and my this and that ; you see it's like a little child when

22:35 the child is little she depends fully on the mother

22:41 and the mother fully cares for the child so the mother was saying, oh the month of

22:47 November has come I have to make a sweater for my child; oh the child has done excreta;

22:55 let me clean it up the child doesn't care just lying there

23:01 and laughing and crying and eating that's all child does ;  but now the child becomes a

23:07 five-year-old now he starts doing a few things so the mother stops doing a few things

23:15 in equal proportion;

23:20 On child becoming bigger, mother is

23:25 doing that much less; same child has now become an 18-year-old teenager

23:34 he is doing everything & mother has stopped doing everything; coming from office the father asks where

23:41 is Pappu today, the mother says he is gone somewhere where his friends

23:48 must have gone to see a movie he's become loafer now ; the mother has distanced herself now

23:56 earlier she was doing everything for the same Pappu while coming from school

24:01 if he was 20 minutes late the mother and father would start sweating what

24:07 happened he's a little child I hope nothing has happened let's phone up the school and find out

24:13 so when Pappu was doing nothing mother and father were taking full care when he

24:20 started doing a little bit they started doing little less when he started doing everything they stop doing everything

24:27 like a true copy in God's laws; He says if you are not surrendered to Me

24:36 I am the law of karma I will note your karmas and give the

24:44 result; as you start surrendering, I know the

24:50 extent of surrender and bestow My grace accordingly

24:55 and when you reach the state of complete surrender then your whole burden is upon Me

25:22 as long as Gajraj had faith on his own strength, he was the king elephant

25:30 so he was having this duel with the crocodile, the Gajaraj had been dragged to the edge

25:39 of the stream and the crocodile was in its natural habitat; so slowly it started gaining strength

25:48 Gajraj realized that it's not in my capacity and that is when he surrendered

25:55 and the moment he surrendered he did not even take the name he just said O My God he lifted a flower and offered it at that time, Vishnu was with Lakshmi

26:10 on Kshirsagar when Gajraj did his surrender

26:18 so Vishnu immediately started off, Lakshmi said what is happening to Vishnu

26:46 and the Lord had already killed the crocodile

26:59 Lord got attracted by that kind of surrender

27:05 so God does protect to the extent of our surrender no matter what our प्रारब्ध is when we surrender, He does extend his protection

27:18 that is the story of an army that was invading

27:27 and defeated army was running helter skelter

27:34 one of the soldiers from the losing army was running for his life

27:40 and he came to a cave, so he thought let him hide inside the

27:46 cave he went and hid there and when he said O Lord you alone are

27:52 my protection today; Thy will be done if you wish please

27:58 protect me; the moment he prayed like that, in a few minutes

28:04 a spider came and started making a web on the entrance of the cave

28:11 he said what kind of a joke is this I prayed for the Lord, and I have got a

28:18 spider and the spider is making this kind of web

28:23 is this God's sense of humor

28:33 but in a few minutes the web had completely blocked the

28:41 entrance and half an hour later the army men came

28:46 so they said do you think anybody is hiding in that cave, one of the soldiers said impossible

28:52 there's a spider's web how could he have slipped under the web they cannot be anyone here

28:58 so the soldiers went off and that is when he realized: wow if God

29:06 is on your side then a spider's web can be like an iron rod

29:12 and if God is not on your side and iron rod will be like a spider's web

29:18 as they say

29:25 if Krishna decides to protect you then who can kill you & if Krishna decides to kill you then who can protect you

29:56 you will not get wood to light a fire in the forest you may be in

30:03 & even though at side of the ocean you will not have water and you may reside in Kuber's house but

30:09 you will have to fast for lack of food in other words God's grace will make all

30:15 the difference and if you have Grace, who can do anything to you

Saturday, May 29, 2021

UNTOLD Power of Visualizing God in your Mind during Meditation | Swami Mukundananda - full transcript


UNTOLD Power of Visualizing God in your Mind during Meditation | Swami Mukundananda

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UNTOLD Power of Visualizing God in your Mind during Meditation

00:17 to remember to engage the mind and

0:20 remembrance of the Lord

0:23 along with that you do any kind of

0:26 bhakti or no other bhakti if you like

0:29 keep your mouth shut and just remember

0:32 that is also enough


0:34 Kabir ji says

0:50 keep the mouth closed and open

0:54 the door from the inside

0:58 so smarn, remembrance of Lord (स्मरण) is compulsory ; along with that you keep anything

1:02 how to do that स्मरण or that meditation

1:08 Kripalu ji maharaj says bring the image of the Lord

1:12 before you

1:15 that is The "Roopdhyan"

1:18 it is so easy

1:21 you try and remember your father

1:24 you will never be able to make the exact

1:28 image and if it's not the exact image

1:31 it's not your father it's something else

1:33 but in the spiritual realm Krishna says

1:37 you visualize me as you wish

1:40 I only see your sentiments you create

1:44 the sentiments that He is my Divine father

1:47 and I will give you the fruit

1:51 so to do Roopdhyan of Krishna of God is

1:56 the easiest thing

1:59 but here some people question

2:02 that look you are making an image with

2:05 your mind

2:07 and the mind is material

2:11 so the image you are making is also

2:14 material

2:16 we don't believe in all this we just do

2:19 nirakar ;  we worship the form less

2:23 you may have heard this argument in the

2:26 world

2:27 so you question them

2:29 okay

2:30 worshiper of the formless Mr Nirakarwadi

2:34 what do you meditate upon

2:37 I meditate upon light

2:40 how do you make that light with my mind

2:44 but if the mind is material the light it

2:48 is creating to meditate is also material

2:53 only thing is you have created light

2:56 with the mind we have created the form

2:58 with the mind; both of these are materials

3:11 wherever this mind goes is only the material

3:15 realm

3:17 so how will you cross it

3:20 Krishna says look don't you worry

3:24 right now

3:26 no matter what you try

3:29 you can never bring the Divine form of

3:33 the Lord to your mind

3:38 but with the help of your materially

3:41 visualized form, keep increasing your

3:45 love

3:46 that is your homework

3:50 that your job right now is to increase

3:53 your love and to increase your love, why

3:57 meditate on light why not meditate on

4:00 the Form that captivates you

4:03 and when we reach higher

4:06 God will add his divine power to 

4:10 our meditation

4:11 that is called the "shudh satwa"

4:15 when that gets added you will start

4:18 perceiving that Krishna is there

4:22 you see in the state of bhav bhakti even

4:24 before God realization the perception

4:28 will start coming oh there He is

4:31 in other words the meditation will

4:33 become enlivened

4:36 so that is the beauty of this Rupadhyan

4:40 that you can do

4:43 and alongside with that

4:46 you can visualize his pastimes

4:51 and in the case of pastimes as well you

4:55 don't need to restrict yourself

4:58 to the pastimes from the Bhagavatam or

5:01 the Ramayan

5:03 what the Bhagavatam says is a tiny speck

5:08 of the infinite pastimes of God

5:13 avatara.

5:18 Rama

5:23 Tulsidas ji says innumerable ways God

5:27 took the Avatar and he every time he did

5:31 different pastimes

5:35 talks about five different Ram avatars

5:38 now suppose God was to take Avatar today

5:46 there's nothing stopping him

5:51 would he repeat the pastimes that he did

5:54 5000 years ago

5:57 supposing he put a peacock crown

6:00 and he started running around

6:02 people would have said he's a mdman

6:06 so what the children of today play

6:09 He would be obliged to play the same

6:12 games

6:13 He would be obliged to dress in similar

6:16 manners and because His leelas have

6:20 been infinite

6:25 can anybody count the waves in the ocean

6:28 in all the Seven Seas of the world

6:32 similarly who can count the avatars Shri

6:36 Krishna went to the extent of telling

I have had so many avatars that it

6:58 becomes difficult to count from the

beginning of eternity

7:03 so you visualize Him as you wish you

7:05 visualize His pastimes as you wish

7:09 He is coming to my house I am welcoming

7:12 Him in this way increase your love for

7:16 Him

7:18 so what is the benefit of Roopdhyan

7:23 the mind will get absorbed

7:27 and supposing you don't do Roopdhyan

7:30 the mind will start running here & there

7:34 that is exactly what happens people do

7:36 People read scriptures

7:37 and the mind is going here and there and

7:42 why; the mind says look I will not remain

7:46 empty

7:48 give me some work to do otherwise then

7:51 I'll find it myself

7:54 so you have to give your mind some work

7:58 to do ; otherwise kripaluji Maharaj says

8:01 your sadhana

8:04 will be like a body without the prana

8:11 when the prana depart from the body

8:14 the body is worthy of being eaten by the

8:18 jackals and the Eagles

8:22 you throw a dead body outside and within

8:25 20 minutes you know an eagle comes to

8:27 pick it up

8:29 the eagle comes to know right up there

8:32 all the squirrels are moving and this

8:34 one is not moving it is dead it comes

8:37 down to pick it up

8:39 similarly in your sadhana you may be

8:42 doing kirtan you may be doing anything

8:46 but if you don't engage the mind in Roopdhyan

8:49 it will start running

8:53 there was once a

8:56 man he got a new house and he opened up

8:59 the attic and he found a kettle there

9:03 so he started rubbing the kettle

9:06 and the spirit of the kettle you know

9:09 the gin (जिन), they call in Hindi the जिन

9:11 manifested

9:13 so he said look I will fulfill your wish

9:16 whatever you want

9:18 but don't

9:20 keep me unoccupied otherwise I will kill

9:23 you

9:24 so this man said all right then now I've

9:27 got somebody to fulfill my wishes all

9:30 right Mr Jin I am feeling very hungry

9:33 please arrange for food

9:35 so the Jin went in a jiffy he came here

9:39 it is

9:40 so what next command please tell me

9:43 look don't keep me unoccupied otherwise

9:47 I'll kill you ; yes okay give food

9:50 for all my neighbors as well

9:51get me a new set of clothes okay here it

9:58 is; next come on, now slowly he started

10:01 running out of wishes to get fulfilled

10:03 the Jin said be quick don't let me be

10:07 empty for a moment finally he was not

10:10 able to think of anything; Jin went

10:13 after his throat I am going to kill you

10:16 give me some work to do in one hour

10:18 otherwise you'll be dead

10:20 this man went to a guru he said you know

10:24 it was like opening the Pandora's Box

10:28 I got this jin out of the kettle and now

10:31 he doesn't let me live

10:33 he says give me some work to do

10:37 right; the same is our mind says give me

10:39 some work to do

10:41 the guru said very simple ask the jin to

10:44 put a rod into the earth

10:46 tell him to climb up till the top and

10:49 when he comes to the top let him come

10:51 down and when he comes down let him go

10:53 up and when he goes up let him come down

10:54 when you have some work to do ask him to

10:57 do the work and then again go up and

10:59 down up and down

11:00 now the Jinn got tamed in the same way

11:06 you are doing your kirtan

11:14 and the mind is thinking about tea

11:19 and samosa

11:22 so, mere speaking doesn't engage the mind

11:28 to engage the mind you need Roopdhyan ;

after that you say Govinda, Gopal anything that appeals to you and then when the

11:42 image is there you start cultivating the

11:45 sentiments whether it is a "milan ka dhyan" (meditating on union with Lord) I am

11:49 with my beloved

11:52 I am longing for him all these

11:56 sentiments will come after Roopdhyan

11:59 Kripaluji Maharaj says the moment the

12:03 Roopdhyan  disappears what you are doing is like a body with

12:09 the life air gone out of it ;  he has emphasized Roopdhyan so strongly here


Friday, May 28, 2021

Who am I? Why am I here? मैं कौन हूँ? मैं यहाँ क्यों आया हूँ Swami Mukundananda - full transcript


Who am I? Why am I here? Swami Mukundananda
मैं कौन हूँ? मैं यहाँ क्यों आया हूँ

0:15 so far we have seen Kripalu Ji Maharaj said there is one divine entity , our vedas are very clear, there is one entity however the vedas also say that there are two entities

1:11 there is a tree - on the tree are two birds one bird is eating the fruit of the tree the other bird is watching not interfering the first bird sometimes when it tastes a bitter fruit it becomes unhappy when it tastes a sweet fruit it becomes joyous the other bird is a friend of the first bird but does not interfere only notes the karmas 1:54 this verse has come in the Munduk upanishad it is there in the Shvetashvatara upanishad as well it states the bird & the tree is this body in this body the first word is the atma the soul the second word is the Paramatma the supreme soul the atma is tasting fruit in the body these are the fruits of past karmas 2:29 if a good fruit comes the atma becomes happy if a bitter fruit comes the atma becomes miserable the Paramatma the second bird is a friend of the first bird but he doesn't interfere he just keeps watching and noting again 2:54 the same upanishad the next mantra says what is the solution to this problem It says if the first bird just turns around towards its friend all its problems will be solved. In other words the soul has its back to God and what it needs to do is to turn around towards him 3:41 so the veda mantra is very clear that there are two entities the atma and the Paramatma but there are other veda mantras that are stating that there are three entities 4:14. there is one kshar tattwa (perishable) so what is perishable the material energy everything in the world perishes and there is one akshar imperishable -  the soul and there is one ish lord of both kshar and akshar 4:44 by knowing these three entities one can cross over the material energy so here in this mantra of the Shvetashvatara upanishad three entities are being talked about. 5:20 one is Aj, the second is Aj, and the third is Aja ? 5:27 what does aj mean ajanma (without birth) in other words eternal 5:34 so God is eternal the jeev (soul) is also eternal 5:41 and maya is aja also called the material energy 5:48 has existed ever since God has existed. So these three entities 5:54 are eternal and will always remain the vedas are talking about three entities 6:19 again the upanishads are saying there is one bhogya brahm,  one bhokta brahm & one one prerak brahm 6:35 bhogya brahm is what you enjoy the material energy let me squeeze some more pleasure out of 6:43 it that is the mistaken goal of the soul how to do bhog of the material energy maya. 6:55 jeev (soul) is bhokta brahma 7:02 and their lord the prerak brahma is bhagawan 7:07  By knowing all three  you can reach your goal again the vedas are saying there are three entities 7:22 so how come in some places the vedas said there is one entity then they said no there are two entities then they said no there are three entities 7:35 Kripaluji Maharaj is explaining in this verse he says these two entities 7:43 jeev and maya they are the shaktis 7:48 of God they are the energies 7:54 of God just like the Sun 8:00 is the energetic and it possesses energies 8:06 what are the energies of the Sun the heat and the light 8:15 so these energies are one with the Sun 8:20 that is why people say swamiji the Sun has come through the 8:27 window you sit down there sit in the drawing room the Sun has come 8:33 the Sun has come into your drawing room if the Sun comes in the drawing room 8:39 will we remain the temperature on the surface of the Sun is 1 million degrees centigrade 8:47 so we are going to evaporate very soon if we are going to be there 8:52 but the point is that the Sun light is considered 8:57 non-different from the Sun and that is why when the Sunlight has 9:03 entered through the windows into the drawing room in speech we say the Sun has come 9:12 so similarly this maya and jeev 9:18 are shaktis of Bhagavan. Narada ji Maharaj is the guru of the 9:26 celestial devatas that's why he's called devarushi 9:32 Naradji in his Pancharatra says 9:46 he says just like the Sun is in one place 9:51 in the solar system but by its light 9:57 it illuminates the entire eight planets 10:03 although it's in one place similarly there is one supreme divine 10:08 entity by his innumerable energies 10:13 He is pervading and inhabiting 10:18 all of creation. the Kripalu Ji Maharaj 10:24 is talking about jeev as a shakti and maya as a shakti 10:31 and then he's saying there's a third shakti of God as well 10:38 what is that yoga maya 10:44 yoga maya is the divine shakti Shri Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita 10:55 that due to yoga maya, Arjun although I am seated within you 11:03 I am not perceptible by anyone, even the doctor who puts the stethoscope 11:09 to the chest cannot perceive Me sitting inside 11:14 because I keep myself hidden with the help of My yoga maya 11:21 the yoga maya is His divine all-powerful energy 11:26 Kripaluji Maharaj says look the shaktis or energies of God are 11:33 infinite everything about God is infinite 11:40 His forms are anant, His names are anand 11:47 His abodes are anant, His devotees are 12:06 in the second verse of the fourth chapter of the 11th canto 12:12 that one who thinks he can count 12:17 the infinite divine attributes of God 12:22 has got a childish intellect 12:34 one may succeed in counting the specks of dust on the 12:39 crust of the earth ; that impossible may become possible but 12:46 the innumerable qualities of God nobody can count that is why one name 12:53 for Bhagavan in our vedas is ananth 13:06 so God's shaktis are also infinite 13:12 but the problem is that the human brain is finite and the human brain can only understand 13:19 so much ; that is why to explain things to us 13:26 these archaryas have simplified that immense knowledge 13:32 and presented it to us in such a way that we can grasp it 13:40 I'm reminded of a story of Narada ji 13:46 he came to our earth planet and he went to a village in india 13:53 he found a vedic scholar now the vedic scholar was reciting 14:00 mantras and Narad ji came, the scholar was delighted he said   14:07 please come and be seated he washed the feet of dev rishi, did his 14:13 Narad ji said do you want anything 14:19 the scholar said Maharaj you go and meet Narayan in Vaikunt 14:26 next time you go please ask him when will I get liberated from the material energy 14:34 Narad ji said it's a small thing I'll do it ;  after that Narada went to a cobbler 14:41 the cobbler was stitching somebody's shoes when he saw Narada he also was over joyed 14:48 Narada of course was saying Narayan Narayan. So narut came along 14:59 and this mochi also welcomed him and washed his feet he said I am blessed my 15:05 whole heart has been sanctified today with your presence. Narada said do you want a boon 15:12 Maharaj you have the ability to go to Vaikunth 15:18 and meet Narayan next time you meet him please ask him 15:23 when will I attain God realization 15:29 Narada from there he went to Vaikunt and Narayan said Narad ji how are you 15:35 doing. Narada said Maharaj, I am in great bliss in your devotion 15:42 so Naradji where did you go today ; Maharaj I went to a little village in 15:47 भारत वर्ष ;  whom all did you meet maharaja;  I met a vedic scholar 15:55 and a cobbler ; they both were curious to know when they will attain you 16:01 Narayan said tell the scholar that it will take him 16:08 as many lifetimes as there are leaves in the tree in his courtyard 16:15 and tell the cobbler that this is his last life. Narada said Maharaj, this doesn't make 16:23 any sense the cobbler is stitching shoes and the scholar is reciting ved mantras 16:32 Narayan said when you meet them again they are going to ask you 16:39 what was narayan doing tell them that narayan was 16:45 stringing an elephant through the eye of a needle 16:51 he was taking the elephant through the eye of the needle you will understand the answer I have 16:57 given. When Narada with that message first went to meet the vedic scholar 17:05 the scholar said Maharaj, did you have darshan of Narayan. Narad ji said yes I did 17:12 what was he doing when you met Him ; Narad said he was taking an elephant 17:18 through the eye of a needle ; the scholar started laughing about 17:24 you think, I am such a fool that I'll believe something like this I have also got some sense up here how can anybody 17:31even a string to be passed you have to put on your glasses and try five times before it goes in ; how can an elephant go 17:38 through ; what did He say about my liberation;  Narad said now he understood why 17:45 Narayan said it's going to take you as many lifetimes as there are leaves in 17:53 on the tree in your courtyard ' from there he went to meet the cobbler 18:00 the cobbler again welcomed him ; Maharaj did you go to Vaikunth; Narada said yes I did 18:07 what was Narayan doing when you met him ; Narada said he was taking an elephant 18:13 through the eye of an needle ;  the moment the cobbler heard he started dancing 18:27 Narada said "you believed? " Can God take an elephant through the eye of a needle 18:34 that illiterate cobbler he said maharaj 18:39 my God is such that from a little seed 18:44 He manifests this huge banyan tree when God can do so much 18:52 what is the difficulty for Him to take an elephant through the eye of a needle 18:57  the fact is that God is "kartum akartum, anyathakartum samartha" 19:04 He can do the proper things, the contradictory things and both of them simultaneously 19:12 so to limit God to the level of our intellect ; I can understand him to be only so much little 19:19 which is not a very complete definition of God 19:25 hence Kripaluji Maharaja is writing here that the shaktimaan has got infinite shaktis 19:34 but in order to grasp it ;  just divide them into these three 19:41 one is maya one is jeev and one is para shakti 19:49 the Vishnu Puran says the same thing so after explaining that there are these three main shaktis yoga maya, jeev and 20:29 maya ; now let's see what he talks about in regard to the jiva now he's explaining the relationship of the jeev (the soul) 21:46 with the Paramatma ' what is our relationship 21:53 with the world it's a temporary relationship 21:59 one day we will leave everybody and go away by ourselves 22:06 today we heard in maharaji's lecture in the morning that when we leave 22:12 we will have to make this last journey by ourselves 22:19 so all these temporary relationships will come to an end 22:25 and with God we have a permanent relationship 22:31 what is our relationship with him he is our eternal father 22:36 some people look on him as the eternal mother 22:41 and the vedas also say o soul you are the child of God 22:52 Shri Krishna says I am the seed giving father 22:59 so He is our father we are his little children 23:04 agreed yes but there's a problem here if we are the children of God 23:11 then we should be like God ; from a human being a human being is born 23:18 from an elephant an elephant is born from a horse a horse is born ; you don't find horses taking birth from 23:25 elephants and humans taking birth from horses and elephants taking birth from humans 23:32 like father like son if we are God's children we should be like him 23:38 He is sarva-shakti 23:44 and we souls are alpagya (with little knowledge) ; we have this little knowledge we are under maya 23:51 we are being afflicted by tri-gun 23:57 all the melodies of the material energy then how 24:03 come we are his children 24:09 actually Shri Krishna has said in the Gita "all being are my children" 24:18 this soul is not a child of God in the manner 24:27 as in the world from a father and mother a child is born 24:33 the soul is a fragment of God 24:39 ansh because the soul is a fragment of God 24:45 it is considered child of God ; like you can say the earth is a child of 24:53 the Sun it's a little fragment or you can say a little rock is a child 24:59 of the mountain so in the same way the soul is a 25:05 fragment of God 25:11 the brahma says 25:19 the soul is a tiny bit a little drop of the ocean 25:36 so now our relationship with God has become more clear 25:42 what is our relationship with him we are his tiny little fragments 25:51 so far so good does it make sense but there's still a problem 25:57 if we are little fragments of God then is God like some boulder who was 26:03 hit with a hammer and he got fragmented ; you know Microsoft has this 26:10 defragmentation feature possibly you could defragment the souls back into God 26:16 and if God got fragmented in this manner then he became less than before 26:23 in what way is the soul a fragment of God the Paramatma 26:38 the soul is not a fragment in the way a boulder is fragmented 26:46 the soul is the shakti of God the soul 26:53 is an energy of God because it is an energy in manner of 27:00 speaking you can say it as a fragment of God like the material energies and energy 27:08 of the Supreme ; yoga maya is also a shakti of that Shaktiman 27:14 and the soul is also shakti 27:25 so what is the nature of this shakti Kripaluji Maharaj says 27:32 it is "tatastha" now we are going to get a little philosophic be prepared 27:43 "tatastha" means it is a borderline energy 27:49 there is one bahiranga shakti, external energy that is maya 27:55 because God is Chaitanya (sentient),  maya is jada so it's a bahiranga 28:02 external energy of God and then there is the internal energy of 28:08 God which is yoga maya ; yoga maya is serva samarth all powerful 28:15 just like God is all powerful 28:22 so the soul - is it a part of maya shakti ?  it cannot be if the soul was a fragment 28:29 of the maya shakti the soul would have been jad (insentient) like maya 28:36 now supposing I say that Shaniel, you're sitting just like the dholak 28:43  what kind of simile have you given here 28:48 don't compare me with the dholak, the dholak is insentient and I am sentient 28:54 so the soul is sentient, it is not a part of maya shakti 29:02 is the soul a part of yoga maya if we had been a part of yogmaya we 29:09 would have been sarva-samartha (all capable) like Durga Sita Kali Lakshmi we would also have been 29:17 sarva-samartha so we are not a part of yoga maya either. 29:23 then we are in between - we are sentient we have consciousness but we are tiny 29:33 just like there is the Sun and a little spark 29:40 the Sun will not get extinguished but the spark can get extinguished 29:45 so because we are tiny the material energy has overpowered us 30:06 jeev is the borderline energy and bheda- abheda means simultaneously one and different 30:15 so we are tiny and hence because we are 30:21 the material energy maya has overpowered us ; 30:28 consider this analogy it is night outside 30:34 now put light lamps all over ; 30:40 yesterday there was a lot of fireworks going on when we were going back we saw the fireworks right 30:46 but did the night disappear despite the fireworks it did not disappear 30:52 and suppose the stars are also there in the sky it's a cloudless night 30:58 now will the night go away it will still not go away 31:04 and suppose it's a full moon night 31:11 all these together don't have the ability to remove the 31:19 darkness of the night 31:38  the moment the Sun rises the night has disappeared 31:44 you may not be able to see it it's a cloudy morning even without being able to see it 31:51 the Sun has still made the night vanish 31:56 so like the Sun is God and 32:02 like the little star is the soul hence Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said 32:09 Krishna surya sama, maya hoye andhkar, Jahan Krishna, maya nahin adhikar  ,i.e., Krishna like Sun but maya is like darkness & wherever Krishna is there, maya cannot exist there.   32:18 and moment krishna is gone then the material energy maya overpowers us 32:30 so originally we are supposed to be as the shakti of God ; what is the 32:38 the work of the shakti what is the shakti supposed to do 32:48 the shakti is supposed to serve the shaktimaan, the shakti has got only one purpose to 32:55 serve the shaktimaan and hence our original nature is servant 33:01 of God ; not only our nature the nature of everything in creation 33:31 every living entity and non-living item they are all servants of God 33:39 some of them know it and some of them don't know it so originally we are 33:44 supposed to be a servant of God because we are his shakti 33:49 but the problem is that we are under the material energy maya 33:55 and in this illusion the attitude of serving has not gone 34:02 BUT the only problem is now we are serving maya 34:08 somebody is joru ka gulam there is that story about Akbar 34:15 Akbar said that Birbal it be announced in his court 34:20 that all of my ministers whichever of them is not joruka gulam 34:26 not a servant of his wife,  tomorrow they will stand on this side and all the others will stand on this 34:32 side so the next day everybody came and stood on this side they are all servants of 34:38 their wife ; she is the high command and one person came and stood on this side 34:44 so Akbar said you are not a servant of your wife he said actually I am but she asked me 34:49 to stand on this side 34:55 the wife is serving the husband ; you are serving your children ; you are serving your boss 35:01 the boss says your job is in danger and you need to work harder ; so morning & night you're serving your boss you are 35:08 serving Ericsson and Samsung and all these people ;so we are all doing 35:14 service of the material energy maya 35:20 but originally we are all servants of God

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Who am I Why am I here Swami Mukundananda.mp4