Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Story of Sita mata (सीता माता) & Valmiki ji (वाल्मिकी जी) #blog0094

SITA mata (सीता माता): 

The daughter of King Janaka who became Rāma’s wife. How she was born on earth is described in a Vedic literature known as the Devi Bhagavata as follows:

There was once a great ṛṣi called Kushadvaja who had a daughter named Vedavati, who was said to be an incarnation of the goddess Lakṣmī. Kushadvaja was petitioned by various celestials and demons for his daughter’s hand, but she had set her mind on getting Viṣṇu as her husband.

One day a demon named Shambhu asked for Vedavati’s hand in marriage, but he was refused. Becoming furious, he attacked and killed Kushadvaja. When Vedavati saw this she looked in anger at the demon and he was immediately burnt to ashes. She then went to the forest and began to meditate in order to propitiate Viṣṇu and get Him as her husband. It was at that time that Rāvaṇa came there and insulted her, as described in the prologue of this book.

After she immolated her body, it is said that Rāvaṇa took her ashes with him back to Lanka. He kept them in a gold box in his palace. However, soon after this he saw many inauspicious omens in Lanka. The Ṛṣi Nārada, on a visit to Lanka, informed Rāvaṇa that the cause of the ill omens was the presence of Vedavati’s ashes. The demon then had them thrown into the ocean.

The box containing the ashes was carried by the ocean and deposited on the seashore near Mithila. It went into the earth and it was at that place that Janaka performed a sacrifice for getting a child. A part of his sacrifice was the furrowing of the earth and he thus found the box. Lakṣmī had entered the ashes, and when Janaka unearthed the box he found a golden child inside. This child was named Sītā.

VALMIKI JI (वाल्मिकी जी)

The Rāmayana’s original author. The story of how he first came to compose the work is told in the Rāmayana itself as follows:

One day Vālmīki was visited in his ashrama by the celestial seer Nārada. Vālmīki asked him who was the most virtuous person in the world. Wanting to know if there was a perfect person anywhere, he asked, “Who is possessed of all power and knows what is right? Who is always truthful, firm of resolve and conscious of all services rendered? Who has subdued his self, conquered anger, is above fault-finding and, although being friendly to all beings, is nevertheless feared by even the gods when angry? O eminent sage, I have a great curiosity to know this and you are surely capable of telling me.”

Actually, by his own spiritual practices and meditations Vālmīki had been able to realise that the Supreme Lord, Viṣṇu, had appeared on the earth in a human form. He wanted Nārada, whom he saw as a spiritual master, to tell him about the Lord’s incarnation.

Nārada replied, “There is one descended in the line of Ikṣvāku and known by men as Rāma. He is powerful, radiant, resolute and has brought His senses under control. Intelligent, sagacious, eloquent, glorious and an exterminator of foes, He knows the secret of virtue, is true to His promise and is intent on the good of the people.”

Nārada went on at length describing Rāma’s many qualities. He then narrated in brief the whole story of Rāma’s pastimes. When he had finished he said, “This Rāma is now ruling in Ayodhya. Indeed, you have already met Him when He came to your ashrama. The remaining part of His pastimes are yet to be manifested. O sage, all this will soon be described by yourself. This sacred story of Rāma, known as the Rāmayana, should be heard by all men. It is on a par with the Vedas and capable of destroying all sins. Hearing or reading this narrative a man will, on departing from this world, be honored in heaven along with his sons, grandsons, followers and attendants.”

Nārada rose to leave and was worshipped by Vālmīki. As the celestial seer rose into the sky by his mystic power, Vālmīki stood thinking about Rāma. He had already sensed His divinity when he met Him some years back. Nārada had confirmed his intuition. Feeling thrilled with transcendental ecstasy, Vālmīki made his way toward the nearby river to take his midday bath, followed by his disciples.

As he went toward the riverbank, the ṛṣi surveyed the beautiful forest scenery. He saw playing among the reeds by the river a pair of cranes. Those two birds were engaged in mating and they sported together making a delightful sound.

Suddenly, as Vālmīki looked on, a niṣāda huntsman fired an arrow and struck one of the birds. Mortally wounded and covered in blood, it thrashed about on the ground screaming in pain. Its mate also cried piteously and fell about in sorrow.

Seeing this, the soft-hearted Vālmīki felt compassion. He saw the niṣāda approaching with bow in hand. In grief, he said to that hunter, “As you have slain this poor bird while it was absorbed in pleasure, may you have no peace of mind for the rest of your life.”

The curse came out in perfectly metered poetry. Astonished by this, Vālmīki said, “What have I uttered? Tormented by grief I have composed a stanza filled with that emotion.”

The sage, brooding over the incident, entered the river and took his bath. After coming out he went back to his hermitage still thinking on the rhyming couplet he had spoken to the hunter. When he reached his ashrama he took his seat and was about to commence his lessons to his disciples when Brahmā suddenly appeared there. Seeing the great creator of the universe approaching on his swan carrier, Vālmīki hastily rose and joined his palms in humility. He offered his prostrate obeisances and worshipped the deity with many prayers. Brahmā then sat down on an exalted seat quickly brought for him by Vālmīki’s students.

Even though Brahmā was present before him, Vālmīki could not stop thinking about the incident with the hunter. He again recited the verse he had composed. Feeling sorry that he had lost control of himself, he appeared dejected and sighed.

Brahmā laughed and said, “Let this poetic utterance of yours become the source of your glory. Do not brood any more, O sage. It was by my arrangement that this speech flowed from your lips. In that same meter you should now describe the pastimes on earth of the all-wise Rāma. Tell the story of that hero as you have heard it from Nārada. By my mercy you will be able to see every detail of that story, as clearly as a fruit held in the palm of your hand. Therefore, render this sacred and soul-ravishing tale into verse for the good of the world.”

Brahmā blessed the sage that his narrative would remain extant for as long as the mountains stood on the face of the earth. He also told him that he would be able to continue living anywhere he chose within the universe for the same length of time.

Having finished speaking, Brahmā disappeared. Vālmīki was filled with wonder. He and his disciples gazed in amazement at Brahmā’s seat for some time. Gradually regaining their presence of mind, the sage’s students began reciting the verse he had uttered to the hunter. They were overjoyed at the honor bestowed upon Vālmīki by Brahmā. The sage then began to meditate on Rāma’s pastimes, gradually composing the Rāmayana over the coming days.



Monday, July 26, 2021

भक्ति में रस क्यों नहीं मिल रहा है, भक्ति में उत्साह कैसे बनाए रखें HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu


भक्ति में रस क्यों नहीं मिल रहा है, भक्ति में उत्साह कैसे बनाए रखें HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu



Standby link (in case youtube link does not work): 

भक्ति में रस क्यों नहीं मिल रहा है भक्ति में उत्साह कैसे बनाए रखें HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu.mp4


0 45 व्यक्ति इन बातों पर रोता है कि मैंने अपना जीवन व्यर्थ कर दिया भगवान का नाम नहीं लिया भगवान के ग्रंथ नहीं पढ़े

1.02 एक व्यक्ति को पढ़ना नहीं आता था मगर गीता सामने रखकर रो रहा था, चैतन्य महाप्रभु ने उनसे पूछा कि क्यों रो रहे हो, कहा कि श्री कृष्ण कितने दयालु हैं किसी के लिए भी सारथी बन जाते हैं, चैतन्य महाप्रभु ने उनसे बताया की तुम शास्त्रों का सार अच्छी तरह समझ गए हो - ये थी एक उदाहरण सच्ची भक्ति की


3.38 नोत्पादयेद्यदि रतिं श्रम एव हि केवलम् 


अभी तक इतना करने के बाद भी श्री कृष्ण के चरणो में रती (attraction) नहीं हुई तो सब केवल श्रम ही है (without getting attracted to Lord Krishna, rest everything is nothing but only wasteful hard labour) 

4.14 गधा भी केवल मेहनत करता है और उस मेहनत के बदले थोड़ी सी घास मिलती है उसको मालिक से घास वैसे भी free में उपलब्ध है उसको पर गधे की बुद्धि नहीं है ऐसे ही हम भी अपनी बुद्धि का इस्तेमाल नहीं करते

5 51 इस संसार में शुरू शुरू में सब चीजें बहुत मीठी लगती है अच्छी लगती हैं मगर धीरे-धीरे रस जाता रहता है कम होता रहता है मगर श्री कृष्णा की मिठास हमेशा बढ़ती रहती है

6.24 शादी में लोग कहते हैं You are my true soul mate मगर शादी के 2 महीने बाद एक दूसरे का मुंह नहीं देखना चाहते

7 34  और हम ऐसे घोंचू लल्लू लाल हैं कि ऐसे संसार के संबंधों में invest करते जा रहे हैं

9.44  संसार से कुछ भी उम्मीद नहीं रखो कि आप को समझ पाएंगे क्योंकि वे सार ग्रहीय नहीं है जो केवल एक भक्त होता है

10.21  संसार को तो यह भी नहीं पता क्या सही है क्या गलत है मल त्यागने के बाद अपने आप को कैसे शुद्ध किया जाता है यह भी नहीं पता

10.57  worldly minded people का संग नहीं करना क्योंकि संसारी व्यक्ति देगा केवल संसार मगर जिसकी बुद्धि में श्री कृष्ण हैं वह आपको देगा श्री कृष्ण

Sunday, July 25, 2021

भक्ति तो बुढ़ापे का काम है ? HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu | ISKCON Dwarka


भक्ति तो बुढ़ापे का काम है ? HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu | ISKCON Dwarka


Standby link (in case youtube link does not work):

भक्ति तो बुढ़ापे का काम है HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu ISKCON Dwarka.mp4

0.0 इस आज समाज में wrong conception बन गया है कि young age is for enjoyment, ऐश करना 

0.17  जब मैंने Krishna consciousness join किया तो दोस्तों ने समझा कि ये तो पागल हो गया है

1.04 असल में हम young नहीं है old हैं, जैसे कहते हैं "I am 20 years old"  

1.17 life में कुछ भी हो सकता है, "सावधानी हटी दुर्घटना घटी"

1.30 और सबसे बड़ी दुर्घटना यही है की हम अपना पूरा समय और energy बर्बाद कर रहे हैं, young age में  कीर्तन में नाचना अच्छा लगता है, क्या बूढ़े होकर नाच सकते हैं ?

1.57 आज young को नहीं सोचना पड़ता गोवर्धन पर्वत की परिक्रमा लगाना - this means this is the right age for bhakti 

2.13 बुढ़ापे में हम exhaust (tire) हो जाएंगे हमारी desires exhaust नहीं होंगी

2.39 अंगम गलितम ….IN OLD AGE...


अङ्गं गलितं पलितं मुण्डं दशनविहीनं जातं तुण्डम् ।

वृद्धो याति गृहीत्वा दण्डं तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशापिण्डम् ॥

angam galitam palitam mundam, dashanavihīnam jātam tundam

vriddhō yāti gruhītvā dandam, tadapi na munchatyāshāpindam

The limbs (अङ्गं angam) are weakened (गलितम् galitam); the head (मुण्डम् mundam) has turned grey (पलितम् palitam); the mouth (तुण्डम् tundam) has become (जातम् jātam) toothless (दशनविहीनम् dashanavihīnam). The old man (व्रूद्ध: vrddha:) walks (याति yāti) holding (गृहीत्वा gruhītvā) a stick (दण्डम् dandam). Even then (तदपि tadapi) [he] does not give up (न मुञ्चति na munchati) his bundle of hopes and desires (आशापिण्डम् āshāpindam).

The imagery presented of an old, decrypt man unable to carry his own weight but still carrying the burden of his desires and ambition is indeed graphic. If with age, the maturity to let go does not come, then old age becomes an even greater burden after all. Recall the line “वृद्धस्तावच्चिन्तासक्त: vrddhastāvat chintāsakta:” of Verse 7 in Part 2 whereby only worries and despair become the only capacity left to the old who fit the description of that verse “परमे ब्रह्मणि कोपि न सक्त: paramē brahmani kōpi na sakta:” (incapable of setting one’s mind on Brahman).Age does not automatically engender maturity. Emotional and spiritual age should indeed accompany physical age, and that is the primary import of this verse.

In the following verse, the āchārya notes that the above plight does not befall just the wealthy, who are endowed with various means for pleasure, but can befall even the homeless destitute, or for that matter even an ascetic. The poverty of desire and inadequacy is the greatest equalizer on this earth sparing none in any segment of the social scale except those who have gained an inner sense of adequacy and dispassion.

3.34 आशाओं का पिंड (box) है ये कभी खत्म नहीं होता है बुढ़ापे में भी, इस young age में हम सोच रहे हैं की बुढ़ापे में सब मेरी आशाएं खत्म हो जाएंगीं तब मैं चैन से भक्ति करूँगा - ऐसा नहीं होगा

4.19 it is very very important कि इस youth age को हम properly utilize करें, हमारा समय हमारी energy भगवान में लगाएं, क्योंकि ये समय चला गया तो फिर हमारे पास repentance के सिवाय कुछ नहीं बचेगा 


Saturday, July 24, 2021

हरि नाम नहीं तो जीना क्या HARI NAAM NAHI TO JEENA KYA - BHAJAN #blog0093


हरि नाम नहीं तो जीना क्या HARI NAAM NAHI TO JEENA KYA


Standby link (in case youtube link does not work)

 हरि नाम नहीं तो जीना क्या HARI NAAM NAHI TOH JEENA KYA.mp4

0.0 अमृत है हरि नाम है जगत में और इसे छोड़ विषय विष पीना क्या, हरि नाम नहीं तो जीना क्या

1.01 भगवान का नाम बुढ़ापे में जपेंगे, मगर क्या पता की बुढ़ापे तक जीवित रहेंगे हम

1.12 कॉल सदा अपने रस डोले, ना जाने कब सिर चढ़ बोले

1.35 हरी का नाम जपो निस-वासर (हर एक पल या हर समय), इसमें अब बरस महीना क्या, हरि नाम नहीं तो जीना क्या

2.03 हाँ आप देखे होंगे सोमवार को किसकी पूजा करनी चाहिए : शंकर जी, मंगलवार को :हनुमान जी की, बुधवार को हनुमान जी नहीं मिलेंगे? बृहस्पतिवार को शंकरजी भाग जाएंगे मंदिर से, हम तो बटही हैहम लोगों ने भगवान को भी बांट दिया है

2.32 सोमवार को शंकर जी, मंगलवार को :हनुमान जी, बृहस्पतिवार को : नारायणजी,  शुक्रवार को संतोषी मैय्या, शनिवार को हनुमानजी और शनिदेव,

यह दिन इसलिए बांटे गए थे कि कम से कम हफ्ते में एक बार तो हनुमान जी के पास जाएगा

मगर एक सच्चे भक्त के लिए एक भगवान प्रति दिन प्रति पल बैठे हैं   

3.54 तीरथ है हरि नाम हमारा, फिर क्यों फिरते मारा मारा, अंत समय हरि नाम ना आवे, तो काशी और मदीना क्या

5.34 भूषन से सब अंग सजावे, रसना (tongue) पर हरि नाम ना आवे  

6.08 साधक कहता है सब सजा लो, जाने के बाद कुछ बचेगा नहीं सब उतर जाएगा, पूरा गहना लाद लो अब प्राण निकल गया, क्रिया क्रम बाद में होगा, घर वाले ही बंटवारा करेंगे, नाक का हम लेंगे, कान का हम लेंगे, हाथ का हम लेंगे, सब लड़ मरेंगे आपस में, गले में पड़ी माला को कोई नहीं पूछेगा ये आपके साथ जाएगी

6.56  भूषन से सब अंग सजावे, रसना (tongue) पर हरि नाम ना आवे, देह पड़ी रह जाए यहीं  पर, फिर कुंडल और नगीना क्या, हरि नाम नहीं तो जीना क्या  

Friday, July 23, 2021

कब तक दुखी रहोगे Change your Lifestyle | SMILE HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu


कब तक दुखी रहोगे Change your Lifestyle | SMILE HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu

Standby link (in case youtube link does not work)

0.0 SMILE , S = self care - हम सदैव यही सोचते रहते हैं कि वो मेरे बारे में क्या सोच रहा है दुनिया क्या कहेगी मगर अपने आप को पहचानना हम भूल जाते हैं, ये सोचिये की कृष्ण हमारे  बारे में क्या सोच रहे हैं, गुरु हमारे  बारे में क्या सोच रहे हैं

1.40 माथे पर तिलक लगाना चाहिए नहीं तो माथा शमशान लगता है,

3.40 तिलक में श्रीकृष्ण के दो चरण हैं और नीचे तुलसी, शर्म मत करिए ये तो गर्व की बात है

6.10 M for MIND & BODY CARE, चिंता में व्यक्ति बहुत बार मरता है और चिता में केवल एक बार

7.05 जैसे कोई TV में चैनल मन पसंद नहीं आ रहा तो channel change करते हैं ऐसे ही skip करिए negative thoughts को

9.50 यह हम जो दुख सुख भोग रहे हैं यह सब temporary है dream है reality नहीं है श्री कृष्ण के साथ संबंध ही reality है


12.43 हमारी life में smile ना आने का मुख्य कारण है हमें identity अपनी पता नहीं होती

12.49 जीव नित्य कृष्ण दास

13.0 अगर आपने मैथ्स Maths में assumptions गलत कर ली तो उत्तर गलत ही आएगा दुख मई आएगा

13.17 हम कब कहते हैं कि व्यक्ति पागल हो गया वह अपने आप को भूल गया है

13.38 भक्ति करने का मतलब यह नहीं कि सब कुछ छोड़ना है मगर कृष्ण से जोड़ना है


14.56 road पर लिखा था धीरे धीरे चलोगे तो मिलेंगे बार-बार,  तेज तेज चलोगे तो मिलेंगे हरिद्वार